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mews Hobbyist Posts: 75 Kudos: 33 Votes: 1 Registered: 25-Apr-2007 | Ok its done, for better or worse till water do us part. For a very long while now I have played with little tanks, getting my feet wet so to speak and I have either been lucky or I have just gotten things right. After some house renovation I finaly cleared a central spot for a large tank. Then I had some luck at the LFS. I have picked up (delivered in a week or so) a curved glass 60x23x18. I have to now rethink everything I have learnt or was that gotten away with? The tank comes with a large canister filter and 3 4ft tube fluros (sorry babelfish I still dont know the wattage but this I can change anyway) It also has a 4ft UGF which is my first question. Do I install the UGF? the canister is more than suffecient. Is the UGF good/bad for plants etc but first some background on what I hope to achieve. I have had great success making comunity tanks. I know a few friends and we "move" fish around until everyones happy and thus have ended up with fish that may not theoreticaly get along but do now because we have "matched them" Anyway. Im not a big fish person, I prefer schools of "lesser" fish, Im not interested in boasting about how my suchnsuach fish is worth $400 or something exotic. I like a simple heavy planted natural looking tank.Lots of java moss, anubias nanus, rocks and driftwood. So we want plants and note I have some height to play with. I dont mind starting small and waiting years for it to develop. Such fish as Cichlids,(I have a breeding pair of kribs for eg), rummynose, and tetras, gourami, kuhli loachs, yoyos, siamese algae eaters, . even Clowns all though they can get big But I can always shift non fitters to my mates or other tanks. So for starters that might fill you in on my preference but Im open to suggestions. I have plenty of time to think and ponder. I have lots to read(especially plants) so links are welcome. I also have a kayak I want to put in there..just joking,,it dosent quite fit My 5footer |
Posted 06-Jan-2008 10:20 | |
keithgh *Ultimate Fish Guru* Posts: 6371 Kudos: 6918 Votes: 1542 Registered: 26-Apr-2003 | Well done with the new tank. with the filters you will get as many saying use UGF as it is a waste of time and are nothing but garbage collectors. Now saying that I run in the 5ft an Eheim Pro11 plus a UGF with two risers each having its own air pump. To all those doubters just have a look at my tank and see the results two filtration's working does work. Also I am sure I am not the only member running the two systems Your plants and aquascape will depend on the fish you have in the tank. The lighting all so the same. With that large tank I would prefer the large Eheim if yours is not see if you can upgrade it will be worth it in the long run. Substrate go for a good 1-3mm natural get it as soon as possible as you are going to require a lot and wash it and wash it and wash it until all the fines are gone and the water runs clear. Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info Look here for my Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos Keith Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do. I VOTE DO YOU if not WHY NOT? VOTE NOW VOTE NOW |
Posted 06-Jan-2008 10:52 | |
GobyFan2007 Fish Addict Posts: 615 Kudos: 363 Votes: 65 Registered: 03-Feb-2007 | Good buy on the tank!!! Ive never seen a curved glass tank before, and i am assuming you mean a bowfront, or Euro tank? I would love too see some pix! The Filter What brand, Model, And GPH is the canister? I would suggest thinking about getting a second one, or a bigger one if it isnt enough, as we know that some LFSs do under filter package tanks. It might be better to get another filter, be it an HOB or a canister. About the UGF; Ive heard that plants can be planted in a UGF system, and then ive heard that they cant. I really dont know, so i would say wait and see. HardScapes THis is really up to you. I would put in a lot of driftwood and rocks to tie all that moss, anubias, and java fern to. All those pretty much like life on an ob Plants: I dunno what wattage the 4ft tubes are, and what kind of tubes they are. I would also suggest you replace all of the Actinic or 50/50 lights with Daylight bulbs, as they are best for planted tanks. Most of the time, the fixtures included are meant for growing coral, so a simple switch will solve that. As for the plants themselves, i would reccomend some swordplants (Amazon, Ozelot, etc.) for the tank, simply because it is tall. The swords dont need bursting bright light (some do though) for them to grow. I have less than a watt per gallon, and my swordplant is growing nicely! Be cautioned though, as teh tallness of the tank will work against you in the lighting area, as more light is absorbed through the water. There are stem plants that you can utilize, like water wisteria, anacharis, ludwigia, and many more. Some are beautiful red colorations, and look very nice! Cryptocornes are great too! You could also try some sort of theme to your tank, so a lot of the plants will look more natural with their right fish. There are a lot of ways you can do this, and you should just go with what you like and what you think looks good. Stocking YOu can do pretty much whatever you want with the stocking, except for the larger fish and some cichlids. I would go with some sort of algae eater, so that some algaes wont ever pop up in your tank. SAEs are fantastic at this! Kuhli and the smaller loaches are excellent scavengers, although you need to feed them some kind of food of their own, be it shrimp pellets or algae wafers. Also live and frozen foods for a variety are excellent beyond compare. Veggies for Veggitarians is necessary also! (Tip: Remember the la Here are some good sites ive used before. Im sure that other members will have something to contribute to your link collection: Tropica. A Plant Databa; A neat site describing many ways to setup a planted tank (Natural and Dutch, Iwagumi, Etc.) Nutrient deficeny in plants; What to look for when plants seem to be dying Good Luck, and you probably know most of this, so just use bits and pieces to your advantage! ~Goby ><> ~=!Vote Today!=~ <>< -----> View My Dragons <----- |
Posted 06-Jan-2008 11:23 | |
mews Hobbyist Posts: 75 Kudos: 33 Votes: 1 Registered: 25-Apr-2007 | This is good as I find myself nodding in approval and saying "yes thats why I like these fish or these plants" because i have had success in balancing my smalller tanks with such things. As for the UGF. I think I will put it in.I can always control the amount of "flow" in the filter and experiment (i tend to do a lot of that Im convinced I wont get it right first time so im not too woried about ripping it down if required. Canister wise I got the biggest they had hope that works, the site was hard to find. JBL 500 and I will certainly get some photos and real data for you all once the tank lands at my door. My 5footer |
Posted 06-Jan-2008 12:11 | |
FRANK Moderator Posts: 5108 Kudos: 5263 Votes: 1690 Registered: 28-Dec-2002 | Hi, In addition to what has been mentioned, keep in mind that as light passes through the water it is scattered and absorbed. Different wavelengths penetrate deeper and others are absorbed within the first few inches. When you look at the bulbs, and read the desc they should say SUN or DAYLIGHT somewhere on them. If they say glow, or warm, or cool, then they are not what you want for that tank. With a tank that "tall" you might want to give some thought to using bulbs in the 8800 to 10,000K range as that is shifting toward the blue end of the light spectrum and that light will penetrate the water to the substrate with more energy. If you have prior experience with a UGF and do regular tank maintenance, including vacuuming the gravel, then I would not hesitate to use one. At one time, when the UGF came out, "plant folks" were concerned about the water flow past the roots of the plants. The thinking was that in nature there is not that large a volume of water flowing through the soil. Then it was recommended that one place a small disk of plastic or plate a few inches in diameter, on the filter plates and then the gravel and then center the plant in the gravel atop the plate. This was especially true for swords and the Madagascar Lace plant. Another way was to set the plates together, and silicone every third slot shut. As time went by and we used them (UGFs) it was found that the concerns were not valid. In the end, it boils down to your preference. As Keith has said, they work, and work well, and never need replacement cartridges, or media. Here is mine with a UGF, as you can see the plants are flourishing: Frank -->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<-- |
Posted 06-Jan-2008 19:01 | |
mews Hobbyist Posts: 75 Kudos: 33 Votes: 1 Registered: 25-Apr-2007 | thanks Frank, Nice tank indeed. Do you have any more info on your setup ( a link to a previous post?) ie substrate type etc. Yeah i am aware of the extra height subduing the light it was my only "gotcha"/ I thought I might "A' put in more gravel than normal. Giving me a nice rise from front to back and right to left. Giving the back left a fairly decent hillock. I am not sure if the UGF have a max gravel thickness atop them but its only a 4ft UGF. I can either shift it to one side or centre it in the tank. also any thoughts on vacume or not to vacume. I have two setups in my experience one with UGF and one without and I have always vac'd both. But my plants have generaly been of the non rooted (in gravel anyway) type. So this, substrates etc is new to me. I dont want to get too complicated however. (first time up anyway Im currently thinking,starting from right to left, mostly java moss then at the focal point a nice root of wood with anubias and a java fern then it starts to head up the hillock which i may then plant with gravel plants. Sorta as if you are looking at a slice of the left hand side of a river bank going into the middle. cheers My 5footer |
Posted 06-Jan-2008 23:08 | |
Babelfish Administrator Small Fry with Ketchup Posts: 6833 Kudos: 8324 Votes: 1570 Registered: 17-Apr-2003 | mews if the kayak won't fit you can always just mail it to me . With flouro tubes length = Wattage. So to get more watts you need a larger or additional fixture. Franks given great advice on the type of light needed. Just likes been said, you've got the understanding behind maintaining a UGF then I don't mind its use. I don't like new people using one just cause they're cheap, I've seen what happens to tanks in the hands of people like that and believe me it's not pretty (unless you like solid brown water and gray fuzz all over everything). As for the plants and scape, since you've got the height, I'd play with that with your hardscape, get a nice big piece of driftwood your fish can play around in, and plant it up. If you stick with the lower light plants you won't pull down half the powergrid just trying to light your tank . I've found that with 2wpg and DIY CO2 (on a 2'tank) java fern grows especially fast and thick. The clowns we have managed to turn most all of my plants into lunch ( ) although I've seen people with them in planted tanks before. I agree with the large schools of smaller fish, in the end I think it looks more impressive and makes a more realistic statement. I'd say a school of small bottom feeders, either corys, or loaches, a few algae eaters if you wish, small school of upper or mid level fishes, and one or two larger type fish. My tank has two remaining silver dollars that tend to liven things up among the WCMM and zebra danios at times (oh and eat the plants too . ^_^ |
Posted 07-Jan-2008 00:54 | |
FRANK Moderator Posts: 5108 Kudos: 5263 Votes: 1690 Registered: 28-Dec-2002 | Hi, No, I've not posted allot about my tank. Honestly, it is an experimental tank that I keep "playing" with. I'd rather make any mistakes in a "small" 30G tank than later in a 240G tank. The substrate is 100% Sea-Chem Flourite. It is a substrate that will provide the iron that plants need for the life of the tank. Unlike some of today's substrates this is not a "timed release" substrate that wears out after a year or so. I do think that I will use the black version of the Flourite in my next tank. When I set this one up, over a decade ago, this color was the only color marketed. UGF's are only efficient when the filter plates cover the ENTIRE bottom of the tank. By shifting it center it in the tank, you will leave the side sections without the circulation, and with the depth of gravel mentioned, you could wind up with anaerobic areas that could produce toxic Hydrogen Sulfide. I'd suggest with a substrate that thick that you also purchase some Malaysian Turret snails. They burrow through the gravel keeping it aerated. Also, by all means, vacuum the gravel, regularly, right down to the filter plates, or the bottom glass. I'd recommend that you mentally section off the non-planted parts of the tank into four sections. With each weekly water change, vacuum a different section. That way, over a month's time, you will have cleaned the entire non-planted parts of the tank and at the same time allowed each section to recover from the cleaning before doing it again. You might give some thought to using Eco-Complete as your substrate as an alternative to the Flourite. In either case I would not scrimp. Use one or the other, 100% don't mix it with, say, regular aquarium gravel to save a few $$$ the results are not worth it. Frank -->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<-- |
Posted 07-Jan-2008 20:20 |
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