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20 Long Or 29 Gallon
Does a 29 gallon tank have the same footprint as a 20 long? Right now I have a 20 long with some leaking issues. How much can I expect a full 29 gallo...
Cowch425-Sep-2006 19:19
What to do...
Currently I have a 72 gallon, 29 gallon, and a 10 gallon. The 29 and 10 is what I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do with. The 29 gallon has...
agent_orange524-Sep-2006 00:54
55 Gallon
Hi. I am addicted to fish and since my mother told me that I could not buy any more tanks I am setting up my old 55 gallon tank. I've already checked...
SaveTheVowels223-Sep-2006 16:55
New tank
We found a bargin tank! It's 90l - that's about 24 US gallons. I don't know the dimensions yet. As some of you may know i have a 15 US gallon tank w...
BlackNeonFerret220-Sep-2006 17:29
Small 1 Gallon Query
Hello all, I received a small desktop 1 gallon tank with under gravel filter, cover and light but no heating. Aside from goldfish and bettas, what fi...
daphnis518-Sep-2006 05:30
New Fishes... .Even Some Hard To Find
yeeaa. I got my hands on a few hard to find fishes ... first one i got. well not hard to find, but adds to the tank, and i'm going to get 3 more i...
monkeyboy217-Sep-2006 00:34
How do I start-over in a 15 gallon tank after something killed my angelfish?
Pages: 1, 2
Hi All, This is my first post on this site, and I'm not too much of an expert on aquariums and fish care, so any info anyone could give would be much...
JakTheFish2116-Sep-2006 01:23
# Of Fish To Cycle A 55G Tank With??
I have a new 55gal tank that I am cycling with some guppies. What is the optimum number of fish to cycle with? I realize that less fish will make th...
dbenn511-Sep-2006 14:27
Hi all, Im fairly new to fishkeeping and wondered if anyone could help with this:-) I have notice recently that my tank is developing small green sp...
fishfan06510-Sep-2006 05:51
Stone Prep For New Tank
I'm setting up a new 55gal tank and have some stone that I want to build caves out of. It's a thin sliced rock with mica and quartz in it. Does anyo...
dbenn409-Sep-2006 19:33
New Tank ! Interesting fish combinations question
Hello! I am currently in the process of cycling my brand new 16 gallon aquarium (see pic below). Equipment: Eheim 2213 filter (so quite strong for 16...
twinturbo111709-Sep-2006 18:35
New tank quick start?
Hello everyone! I want to start a 20g and was wondering if I could use water and gravel from my 55 gallon to kick start the cycle. Would that work? W...
daphnis609-Sep-2006 18:21
My 10 gallon, problems and confusions.
Hello all, thanks for the help. My 10 gallon- 2.3 inch molly*,.5 inch fry of molly*, 4 ottos, black skirt tetra*,threadfin rainbowfish*. and citizen...
captain_dork905-Sep-2006 05:19
Hatchetfish Tankmates?
i'm thinking of setting up a new tank and really like silver hatchetfish, plus their cool anyway i was also going to get a school of corys for the bo...
hev77505-Sep-2006 00:39
Setting up HUGE tank!
I have a 2.5 unfiltered,,unheated tank..what else is there besides bettas? Or girl bettas? CAn 2 bettas fit?OR, I have pacman frog(dont worry he ha...
captain_dork602-Sep-2006 22:31
20G Apisto Tank
I'm planning a new apisto breeding tank which will be planted and I'm trying to think of other fish I can put in there that won't prey too heavily on...
Ethan14102-Sep-2006 20:20
Looking for small tank link
Hi, I haven't been on the forums for a while. Last time I was on a thread was being compiled about suitable stocking suggestions for small (10gal) tan...
Ferox101-Sep-2006 16:29
Eggs in my tank!!
I have two large Severums in my 55 gallon along with 7 tiger barbs and a few other community fish. The pair were exhibiting strange behaviour (digging...
daphnis330-Aug-2006 04:36
Anyone use those "plasma tv" aquariums
They look cool, but are they cruel? I have 4 peppered cories, 2 dwarf guarimas (sp), and thinking about getting some tetras. here's an ebay link....
jproc1029-Aug-2006 04:24
Single angel in 20g high?
Hi all, Just wanna redo a 20g (US) high tank. I dont know if its even a standard tank as I made it myself with some spare glass... But i still love...
mughal113925-Aug-2006 05:35
Moving fish halfway across the country
My Dad has an 80 gal tank and he is moving from Colorado to Iowa. He and I were just looking for tips on transporting his fish. 9 inch bala shark 5 i...
dogmai333524-Aug-2006 16:01
Stocking ideas for 29 gallon tank re-do
First off, I'd like to say HI to everyone who's been here all the while I've been "gone" from FP ... life's been quite full. So here's the thing. I h...
techjak423-Aug-2006 15:34
CAE with Rainbo sharks?
basicly, i'm still in the process of relocating fish to the best possible home in my tanks. but right now my CAE's (1 is 1inch, other is almost 3inche...
monkeyboy322-Aug-2006 18:24
New Tank what can go wrong?
I am very paranoid, when I leave my apartment in the morning I check everything at least 3 times, making sure I didn't leave anything on. However now...
Dholden0071022-Aug-2006 03:55
how long should I keep the light on?
i have a 40 gallon tank i've had it for a few months now, but my question is how long should I keep the light on? its a flaurecent light, i usually tu...
rocker23921-Aug-2006 05:58
Helpful Links
I thought maybe we could collect some helpful get started links here? I am have a big sort out of my tanks so am looking at stuff like set ups and co...
goldfishgeek021-Aug-2006 01:40
Substrate in quarantine tank?
I am setting up my 20 gallon long as a quarantine/hospital tank. I was wondering what substrate, if any, I should put in there. My feelings on the s...
sunspotkat1018-Aug-2006 02:54
Pages: 1, 2
I'm starting a new tank. It'll be 10 gallons, and I plan to have 2 or 3 ottos, a pair of guppies, a pair of bettas, and possibly some gourami. I also...
Wfish2717-Aug-2006 02:20
Baby Turtle
Can i keep a baby turtle in my fish tank...
dcnhawk917-Aug-2006 01:57
Baracuda Or Gar?
Well i've always wanted to have either a baracuda or gar tank, and it seems there are some species of both of them that would fit in either a 100 or 1...
X241514-Aug-2006 17:16
High nitrite and nitrate at once??
Hi all. I have a new 55g tank and have about 25 inches of fish in it (Danios, Barbs and rainbow sharks). The amonia has peaked and has now gone down t...
daphnis914-Aug-2006 15:43
How do I feed the bigger fish?
Hello all. Thanks to all of you for all your help so far. My new tank has finished cycling, my LFS has tested the water and proclaimed that all is we...
daphnis314-Aug-2006 12:28
African Dwarf Frogs
Hello all... I'm new here so I hope I'm posting this in the right place. My husband & I just bought my son a 7-gallon tank and a few fish for his...
MtbGirl1812-Aug-2006 21:07
PLANTS/30 gallon angel tank
hi i havent been on in awhile since we just bought a house and have been moving.Now that we are situated a question has arised.... my 30 G tank had pl...
Cichlid Kid410-Aug-2006 21:00
MTS!!! 7G Minibow on the way! Stocking Q's!
So, I am now getting a 7G Mini Bow from Petco via I'd like to heavy plant it with low maintenance plants. I plan on dosing with Excel, and...
edwardorino309-Aug-2006 17:22
New 46 Gallon Bow
Hello all, I recently bought a 46 bow aquarium, stand, hood, and magnum 220 filter. I have 5 pieces of drift wood I want to use. I plan on putting tw...
psuklinger1609-Aug-2006 16:35
Starting Over :)
Well, everything that was living in the 10g. in the ba sement has passed on (the tank was under my dad's control, and a lot of fish that didn't belong...
Firenze707-Aug-2006 23:36
New tank with no clue?!
i have been cycling a 20g tank for a while now but i have no clue what fish to put in it. I have 1 rainbow shark in my 5 gallon teporarily until i get...
lilmama147406-Aug-2006 06:59
It's me again! Final 10g stocking question!
Okay, after much deliberation, advice, and many trips to my LFS, I think I have what I want. Here's my setup: standard 10g 20-40 Whisper HOB Hagen CO...
edwardorino1201-Aug-2006 20:04
5 Gallon Tank
hi everyone, im new to the boards and had a few questions. I got a 5 gallon tank(you know one of those mini bowl 5 starter kits) and was wondering wh...
fishy123501-Aug-2006 03:49
Complete start over
Hey guys, I've got a 50x16x16 tank lying in the garage. Some of you might know from the other post, I stocked up all the equipments on my birthday (y...
JQW431-Jul-2006 01:38
Back again
Well i used to be on here quite a bit and i havent for a while.... i have the urge to set up a new tank using my two angel and 7 catfish.... right now...
chizunk1230-Jul-2006 17:13
New 55 gallon want advice
I just got a new 55 gallon 48"x13"x20" tank. So far I have live plants and mosquito fish in it that I have collected from the local rivers. It has bee...
Budzilla1527-Jul-2006 10:46
Newbie! Help Me!!
i am thinking about getting a fish or several for my dorm room, and i was wondering if the 12 gallon nano cube is a good aquarium or not? i have been...
heatherfeather626-Jul-2006 23:30
2 Gallon Stocking
Pages: 1, 2
Hey peeps ^_^ I'm planning on buying either a two or 2.5 gallon hex tank, and I was wondering, what kinds of fish can you put in there? I was thinkin...
Betta_Fantasy2225-Jul-2006 20:28
New Tanks
Ok, i'm recieving 3 new tanks. one 29 gallon, one 20 gallon and one 5 1/2 gallon. i need ideas on how to decorate them and stock them. for the 29 i w...
X241925-Jul-2006 06:04
New Tank - Bargain!
I can't believe my luck. I was browsing through the local newspaper and came across an add for a 6 foot tank (100gls). To cut a long story short, I...
crusha923-Jul-2006 23:41
Algae Problems
Hi there, I just set up my aquarium maybe a month-2 months ago, and I'm noticing a good deal of algae now forming on the bottom of my tank in the roc...
reneeandpauly11423-Jul-2006 16:17
Ideas for 20 gallon long...
Last Sunday afternoon, I took the dog for her usual after church ride in the Jeep, and we went out to the country fish store - just across the county...
Two Tanks821-Jul-2006 17:05
Is this feasible?
Hello! Here's what I have: 10 gallon Medium planted 20-40 HOB Whisper DIY CO2 Fish: 1 male betta pair of m/f Golden Wonder Killies (A. Lineatus) 2...
edwardorino420-Jul-2006 01:47
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