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SubscribeNew Tank setup!!!
Fish Addict
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I finally listend to the advice of my fellow fish and i added some gravel, so its about up to 3.5-4 inchjes of gravel. The swords now have a place to stretchout and grow. I am going to buy some jobes plant spikes and/or the fertilizer tabs.

I am still in the process of adding/removing/editing my plants and aquascape. I think i might get a nice piece of DW to replace/accent the tanks fake DW on the right. Some anubias nana, if icould find some, will surely complement the DW on the left, being that it is real!

Anyways, im open to all suggestions on fish, ferts, plants, anything! I plan to get an incandescent light strip and replace the incandescents with 6700K Compact Fluorescents! I am sure that it will work!

Heres the Tank. Contact me for details on each photo!

Enjoy, even though it isnt really good!

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Post InfoPosted 11-Nov-2007 06:38Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
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Enjoy, even though it isnt really good!

Goby I think you answered all your questions about that tank.
Other than piece of DW (is it artificial) I cannot make any out at all sorry.
Is it a tank problem or a photographic problem or both?

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 08:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
Yes, thanks keith for answering my questions. I have no idea why some people have trouble seeing it, while others it is too bright! It must be a photo-uploading/editing error. I have no clue. Anyways, i will repost new pix to it when i get it replanted and cleared up. The water too was also cloudy and dusty, because i took the pix like 2-5 mins after i added the gravel. I have already decided pretty much on my stockings. The 5 kuhli loaches, are going to be first, and then i will add the pearl gouramis. I dont think ill have too much more room after that. I dunno, what do you think?

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Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 08:31Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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I agree, the pics are hazy from the gravel replacing, but I could make out some of the stuff. Are those full tank shots?

I think the driftwood is fine as it is, but I agree that anubias would look nice on the left driftwood. Or really anything that grows on driftwood. DaMossMan on this site is supposedly going to be selling some weeping moss & guppy grass soon. You can look them up on the web & see if you might like some.

You had high nitrates awhile back, so you're going to have to be really careful from now on with the loaches & jobes plant spikes. I hear that loaches are somewhat sensitive to nitrates & I hear that jobes plant spikes are high in nitrates. The substrate can't be disturbed where you panted these spikes or it could cause an algae bloom. And if loaches (or you) root around, they could disturb these spikes.

If I were you I would forget the spikes & go with another fertilizing system. We'll be awaiting new clear pics when you're ready.
Post InfoPosted 12-Nov-2007 18:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by GobyFan2007
Alright, no clear tank yet, but i did decide to call off the Jobes spikes. Theyre so HUGE! Larger than the plant itself!!! I also read the makeup of the spikes and found that they are not within my safe zone. I wouldnt trust them completely, and i dont want to have posioned fish...

What i am going to do is get a pack of the Flourish root tabs and place them in the place of the designated spot. Now i just have to remember where i put them, so as to not disturb them while gravel vaccing.

The first two are full tank shots, with the heater in the back as the lurking shadow. The next one is the Java fern leaf with a bunch of plantlets on them. The next is a sepia version of the shot, to remove the green. The next is another full tank. The next is the fake DW with the surrounding plants. The following is a pic of the cryptocorne. The last is a JF pic. Sorry for the bad quality, and will update ASAP when the water is clear. I am adding cycle, so it shouldnt take too long!

Thanks for checking it out!

EDIT: I just found out that there is a small one, but it is for tomatoes....Im not exactly raising tomatoes, am i? ..............

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Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2007 06:17Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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I like your crypt. It looks very happy.

Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2007 07:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks superlion! I hope it dosent go into crypt-rot or whatever. It is growing nicely and its leaves are nice and big. The roots however where somewhat cramped before, and i think that it will like this setup better.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Nov-2007 01:39Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa


I have added more cycle into the tank, and bought a Colisa Lalia gourami, otherwise known as a dwarf gourami. I also found a BN pleco, FINNALLY! I was so overjoyed at this find, that i almost fainted!!!

Unfortuneatly though, the BN is being somewhat bullied by the larger regular pleco. It has now developed minor ich...Only 3 whitespots, but enough to send me into overdrive. I am now dosing 5ml every 3 days, while doing a 25% WC before treating. I also have raised the temp of the tank to 82, which is just about the max tolerable range of the fish i have. Do you think i should just raise it a little bit more? I certainly dont want stress levels to go higher than they already are. I wish they had a stress test kit!

Also, is it possible to overdose the cycle, or put too much in? Should i keep using it with meds? And what will happen if i put in the amt of doses stated, not every week, but every day?

Thanks again all! I promise i will have pix up here when the cycle and treatment ends. Probably by the end of this month, it will be done. Maybe a little sooner, like after thanksgiving.


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Post InfoPosted 15-Nov-2007 01:55Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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