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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Planted Aquaria
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CO2 for plants?
hi i was reading this web site today and they said that u need CO2 for your plants. I thought that there was allready co2 in the water and did not kno...
juwel-180516-Oct-2006 22:12
Snails Eating Amazon Sword Help !!!!!
hi i have only had this plant for about 3 days and all ready they starting to eat it How can i stop they I thought about buy a yoyo loach or s...
juwel-1801212-Oct-2006 12:21
An "acceptable" impulse buy.
I know its been a while, but i am back. About 2 weeks ago, i was at my favorite fish store and a sale sign caught my eye. It was for a 30 inch Coralif...
clownloachfan410-Oct-2006 20:32
Eclipse System 6
hello everyone. it's been a while... i used to be in the hobby a few years back and i liked keeping fish very much. I can't remember though why i...
aquafreek610-Oct-2006 07:50
Algae treatment with Cu based med..
Hi all, Im fed up with algea. Ive tried to control it using natural methods but noo avail. I've got rid of red beard algae finally but now the leaves...
mughal113310-Oct-2006 03:23
Low light plants
Hello everyone, just a small question: What kinds of plants would do fine in a 20g tall with 1.5wpg and no CO2. Also, these plants need to be easy...
MoFish209-Oct-2006 02:54
Cichlids & Plants
I have a 150g stocked with Africans. I have yellow labs, Ob Peacocks, and a lot more. I was wondering if there were any (low light and easy maintenanc...
crazyfish209-Oct-2006 02:45
Beard/Brush algae on mopani cave
Hi folks ! Trying to get back in the swing of things after 7 months or so. Some tank maintenance is needed. What's the best way to clear the cave o...
DaMossMan308-Oct-2006 16:06
Transparent Leaves Problem
Hi, The plants are growing well in my tank. But the new leaves appearing on vallesneria are not full in texture. They look like semi transparent. I us...
mughal113104-Oct-2006 15:47
Water Analysis?
I was able to find the local information for my water source...and of course it is the water I use for water changes in my aquariums. I was wondering...
dmarkham0117203-Oct-2006 16:32
Getting Rid Of Leaves As They Drop
what animal can i get to help with the cleanup of leaves? i remove most but sometimes i miss one or two when they drop from the plants.... heavily pla...
redthanatos203-Oct-2006 09:37
Low Light Plants
hi wat plants can u suggest that like low light and that are easy. i all ready have java fern and some ambius. can any one suggest any thing or a web...
juwel-180401-Oct-2006 13:16
Filling an empty-looking 10-gallon
I posted a question about my 10-gallon dorm tank a bit ago about fish ( Now I'm taking a step...
oooodkoooo129-Sep-2006 06:50
Ammonia, nitrite and live plants
Hi: A few types of turtle need very shallow water as hatchlings (an inch deep). Most don't, but there are a few (spotted turtles and some 3-striped m...
drrich2328-Sep-2006 19:25
New hood for planted tank
Pages: 1, 2
I couldn't find a hood for my 42 Hex so I built this one last weekend. What do you guys think? Also I was curious if you thought it would help with...
dmarkham01172027-Sep-2006 16:51
Algea on plants
Hi all, Well, this time its like dark brown mud accumulating just at the starting point of anubius leaves. By that i mean the portion of the leaf wher...
mughal1131124-Sep-2006 20:43
Bolbitus Fern
hello folks - thinking of adding bolbitus fern to my tank - any hints, tips, warnings? thanks, justin...
jase101223-Sep-2006 10:36
CO2 Question...
Pages: 1, 2
Does anyone know the maximum GH/KH of water so that CO2 can disolve? Planted 42g Hex. 132W PC 6700K. NH3 = 0 NO2 = 0 PH = 6.8 Running compressed CO2...
dmarkham01172722-Sep-2006 14:46
Blacklight- Okay?
I love blacklights. Will they work in an aquarium that also contains live plants?...
Wfish621-Sep-2006 03:26
Corkscrew Val its thin stems
I recently aquired some "Corkscrew Val" for a backing to my Betta tank and to all Do's and Dont's I trim it like a lawn at the water level weekly some...
keithgh321-Sep-2006 03:19
Anubia indentification
Can someone please identify this anubia for me. The guy at the LFS just gave it to me because it had no leaves on it..only the rhizome. After about...
dmarkham0117218-Sep-2006 06:41
Asian Biotype/River 29 Gallon
I was wondering what kind of plants and fish i should put into a fully planted 29 gallon asian biotype aquarium. i want it to be more of a river, so...
X24417-Sep-2006 04:02
I have some Anubias attached to Driftwood & they are quite healthy. I just want to know if they bury their roots in the substrate. I know that the rhi...
jasonpisani1316-Sep-2006 18:43
Banana Plant Size
Im looking at submitting a profile for the banana plant. my problem however is that the book i have (Aquarium plants manual, Ines Scheurmann) seens to...
lifeofcrimeguy116-Sep-2006 04:44
Anyone have experience with these plants?
Anyone have any experience with the following plants? Bolbitus (Bolbitus heudelotii) Gigantea (Anubias gigantea) Hastifolia (Anubias hastifolia)...
egtrixie915-Sep-2006 16:35
Watersprite Propagation
So I am setting up a new 20 gal long Dwarf Puffer Tank and I bought one pot of Watersprite. I hear it grow rappidly and I would like to use its off s...
smapty314-Sep-2006 01:30
Native plant
Today I got some Potamogetons and Chara from a pond I was doing a project on for my aquatic botany class. I don't know if they'll live w...
superlion012-Sep-2006 20:22
Planted Tank Question
Is pool filter sand a good substrate for plants? Also, what are the advantages of flourite....
Ethan14211-Sep-2006 21:14
Pages: 1, 2
I havea 5.5 gal. with dwarf anubias and java fern. I have a beard algae problem on both species and a brown film algae on the glass. I'm looking into...
eogle2310-Sep-2006 04:41
Scratch the 40g, 20g is where its at!
Pages: 1, 2
Alright so I was tally'ing the costs of a 40g planted tank and its way more than I'm willing to spend right now. I've got a 20g lying around. I will s...
Tainted Glory2108-Sep-2006 14:24
Growing my own
Hi Every time i put new plants in my tank the loaches dig em out Thought about "growing" my own, get a good root system and then transpose them...
davetherave107-Sep-2006 16:21
Can't bury swordplant roots
Hey everyone! I had to get rid of my 40 gallon tank at home and give all my fish to a friend because the seal was leaking on one side It wasn...
plasmax000306-Sep-2006 10:40
Canadian Pond Weed Pics
hi guys has any one got any pics of this stuff as i need some for a project. Thanks...
juwel-180204-Sep-2006 19:16
Newbie, Using Plants
Ok, this is a stupid newbie question. I decided to get some live plants for my 27 gallon hexagon tank. I went to an LFS and picked up Amazon Sword and...
Dholden007804-Sep-2006 03:06
Starting up a 40g Breeder
Alright so I just sold my 120g and am going to add a tank to my bedroom. The appeal and pizzaz of monster fish doesn't do it for me. So, inspired by I...
Tainted Glory503-Sep-2006 12:01
Bought some hard to find plants.
I decided to go to this pet store down in Maryland yesterday as a good way to end the summer before school starts. They have tons of different species...
clownloachfan330-Aug-2006 02:09
Hagen C02 In 5.5G?
Hello, very soon i will be settiing up a very heavily planted 5.5g and i was wondering if my old hagen c02 system would give off to much c02 in a 5.5g...
stephane1630-Aug-2006 00:51
Shipping Plants
Hey everyone, I'm considering buying a plant package from and I had a question on how well plants ship. I can choose between next day sh...
reel big mark427-Aug-2006 06:30
Amano Products
Amano does some wonderful aquascapes. His column in Tropical Fish Hobbyist is one of my "must read" items after "The Skeptical Fishkeeper". The Octobe...
Bob Wesolowski426-Aug-2006 01:03
Anubius shedding leaves
Hi, I have an anubius nana attached to a piece of driftwood and it was doing very well till last week. The oldest three leaves turned yellow overnight...
mughal113724-Aug-2006 03:17
Seachem Fert tabs
Has any one had any success using them? Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my t...
keithgh422-Aug-2006 17:51
Debris stuck on plants
Hey FPers! I need some help again with my plants. After I added laterite to my plain gravel substrate, it did that normal cloudy orange thing, but aft...
inkodinkomalinko020-Aug-2006 20:36
Planted 10 Gallon Log
Hello. I'm new to this site. Recently I got a 10 gallon tank for breeding bettas, along with a filter, heater and air pump. The plants I got were two...
betta_fish620-Aug-2006 02:46
Fertilizer for gravel tank?
i have a tank where the bottom is only gravel i want to put some fertilizer on the plats but i dont know what to get as it is only gravel. i like the...
juwel-180418-Aug-2006 17:55
Wisteria, crypt. questions.
1-What is the secret to growing wisteria(Hygrophila difformis) to the top without bending over. I have tried this plant 2 times and it always bends ov...
clownloachfan818-Aug-2006 15:50
20G Ram Breeding Tank---need suggestions
Alright so my 120g has been a huge hit for me. I've got a ray, a few dats, and a few more fish coming in the next few weeks. Now, I'm dying to keep so...
Tainted Glory218-Aug-2006 10:01
Using Seachem. How much & how often?
I am using Seachem,s Flourish,nitrogen,and potassium for my Betta tank plants Info in "My Profile" I can not use Co2 too much water movement My quest...
keithgh215-Aug-2006 16:24
Any Godd Plants
I am just wondering if any of u could tell me what is the best plant to keep in an tropical aquarium and must not cost a fortune. by the way my tank i...
ffchoasx914-Aug-2006 16:19
Plans for a Discus Tank
I'm working at doing a 125 gal discus tank with a good bit of plant life in it. The tank measures 48x24x24, I'm running 390 watts worth of compact flu...
Veteric1114-Aug-2006 02:27
BGA Treatments
Cyanobacteria or blue green algae is a creature that is feared by almost all hobbyists. It comes from nowhere to foul substrate, plants and hardscape....
Bob Wesolowski413-Aug-2006 17:33
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