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 Freshwater Species
 Tetra Talk
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Piranha question?
I have a 29usg tank and i was wondering if a piranha by itsself would be able to grow nicely in it without being stunted ? any suggestions about what...
FinSandFeathersPwnsNoobs725-Oct-2006 22:29
Tetra behavior question
Hello, I am fairly new to fishkeeping and have a question about my tetras (I have 4 Black Phantoms, 5 Pristellas, and 6 Neons; along with 6 Panda cor...
cmerrell1213-Oct-2006 05:46
Tetras And Hatchetfish?
i am planning on settingup a new tank and am planning on putting in a school of hatchetfish and was wondering if there are any tetras that would get a...
hev771412-Oct-2006 17:22
Blind Cave Tetras
I was in a certain (nameless) chain petstore yesterday looking for a new bio-wheel, and while I was trying to find it (they didn't have it), my hu...
tankgrrrl401-Oct-2006 20:50
Quick note on Cardinal Tetras ...
Even when you've been in the fish game for 30 years, you can learn something new. Here's what I've just learned. My Cardinals seemed to be shy recen...
Calilasseia229-Sep-2006 02:52
Semaprochilodus insignis the same as Semaprochilodus taeniurus?
Just want to make sure. Thanks...
Video Poker129-Sep-2006 00:40
Keeping the savage Beckford's Pencilfish!
And, yes, this is an ironic title, ba sed on the fact that Calilasseia tried to keep some and found that, when there were only a few males in one tank...
BruceMoomaw426-Sep-2006 00:59
Odd Schooling Behavior
I have kept tetras for a few years now and have noticed something that I find odd. Whenever I watch them they will be schooling in odd numbers. If I h...
SaveTheVowels624-Sep-2006 10:46
Mixing Tetra?
Is it to mix schools of tetras? i mean, would 4 black neons and 4 glowlights all school together? or would it be better to just get 8 glolight tetra o...
Bengimon91318-Sep-2006 00:15
Hard - Alkaline Water.
Are there any Tetra that can live in Hard/Alkaline water?....
jasonpisani916-Sep-2006 18:39
Are Tetras Good Dorm Fish?
my roomie last year had three tetras in a 6 gallon tank last year, and barely ever fed them at all..sad to say they all died.. but i was wondering if...
heatherfeather314-Sep-2006 19:45
Info on Gymnocorymbus thayeri
I was wondering if anyone has kept Gymnocorymbus thayeri or has a book with information about them. I can't find much about them on the intern...
Natalie513-Sep-2006 01:32
Tetra schools
Pages: 1, 2
I have a 20 gallon tank. In this tank I have. 2 Black Skirt Tetras 2 Fancy Finned Black Skirt Tetras 2 Lemon Tetras 2 Serpae Tatras 2 Fancy Finned Re...
wackywizjr2211-Sep-2006 04:10
I find my son's little tetras adorable!! He is away in Vermont this week with my parents, so I'm fish-sitting. One interesting thing I've notice...
MtbGirl1610-Sep-2006 01:43
Can you name this fish?
We were discussing in the chat room a fish I'd read about but can't remember where. This question could best be answered by someone who keeps back iss...
mikeingeorgia807-Sep-2006 07:40
Questions about Black Skirt Tetras
I have a Black Skirt Tetra that is either with eggs or the Dom DeLuise of fish. The questions are; How Long before she lays her eggs? How can I tel...
wackywizjr1906-Sep-2006 14:18
Which Tetras?
I just set up my 27 gallon hexagon tank. Would somebody recomend which Tetras would be best for a beginner, I was thinking Cardinal Tetras, but black...
Dholden007621-Aug-2006 02:42
What Are Some Hardier Tetra Species?
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4
I bought 6 rummy nose tetras and 6 cardinal tetras for my 55 yesterday, and already I'm down to 3 rummy noses and 4 cardinals. Allright, I know that...
crazyred6514-Aug-2006 02:38
Question about Lemon Tetras
Hi there! I have a lemon tetra and I noticed the funniest thing a few days ago.. his bottom fin has a black/white/yellow strip now! I didn't know if t...
reneeandpauly1204-Aug-2006 18:49
Glowlght Tetras??
I saw these in a picture and i was wodering if they would school with my tetras from rio/flame tetras (same type of fish different names.) I was also...
Badgers0341821-Jul-2006 16:55
Red Eye Tetra tankmates
Hi everyone I'd like to know what experiences you have had with these fish. I have 8 of these darlings and would like to know what are suitable tank...
Mitchee316-Jul-2006 01:28
Rummy Nose
i want to get some rummy nosed tetras, and this will be first in dealing with these fishes. now i been looking around in books, and ran across someth...
bettachris706-Jul-2006 01:54
Congo Tetra with Glass Shrimp
Hi, This is going to be my 15G moss tank. I thought I want something as central piece, but angels get too large for 15G. So I got 1M + 1F Congo Tetra...
JQW102-Jul-2006 22:25
I bought 5 or 6 neons for my 10 gal a while ago. (Now I realse it's too cramped, and I'm trying to convince my parents to let me set up the 29 gal.) T...
Thursday430-Jun-2006 04:11
Columbian tetras bred
Hi, Just thought that I would share some good news. I have a 90g tank with a heap of male guppies, a pair of salmon rainbowfish, harlequin rasboras,...
Dangerous Dave127-Jun-2006 04:54
Preg. Flame Tetra
Ok, So I happen to have a preg (or so I belive, she is HUGE like a guppy) Flame tetra and I know NOTHING about breeding tetras, I have been looking al...
blazeybird419-Jun-2006 04:36
Aquarium Salts
Hi there, I was asked to ask on here if it would be okay to add aquarium salt for tetras to help with the stress levels with nitrite? I'm having a bi...
reneeandpauly1415-Jun-2006 23:39
Stupid Lamp Eyes!
Whats with these guys, my old serpaes from years back loved hikari micro pellets. I started these folks on them and everything went well. Then for v...
Opus213-Jun-2006 20:00
Breeding Neon Tetras
Does anyone have any experience with breeding Neon Tetras?...
Garofoli1209-Jun-2006 05:17
Painted tetra getting nippy
I'm a newbie at this and I started with 4 bloodfin tetras then last weekend I got 3 painted tetras (which by the way I didn't realize with actually pa...
Shauna372502-Jun-2006 12:41
Red Phantom Tetra?
Hi there, an acquaintance of mine just bought 3 red phantom tetra, as is wondering about them - how big do they get, are they nippy, what size group...
So_Very_Sneaky926-May-2006 21:52
Would This Stock Work For My 45 Gallon?
i have black neons tetras with neon tetras and a two black phantom on my tank. 8 black neons 7 neons 2 phantom black tetras (i'm going to get 4 more t...
rocker23526-May-2006 04:53
For my new 30gl tank, I'm thinking about getting 3 schools of tetras in addition to the 5/6 female bettas, 2 otos, 2 panda cories, 1 upsidedown catfis...
smoke20420-May-2006 00:08
Long-fin black tetra?
i have had a school of black teras(black widows) since i got my tank. i saw a long-fin black tetra all by himself so i bought him. i was just wond...
coop311-May-2006 16:36
Congo tetras
Anyone have experience with these? I think they're stunning. I've read they can be very nervous....
pirhana601-May-2006 04:25
Von Rios and Lemons?
Does anyone have any experience with having Von Rios and Lemon Tetras in the same tank? I'm planning on adding a school of one or the other (MAYBE bo...
Aqua Newbie n MS623-Apr-2006 00:33
75 for RBP's?
I have three 3" or so RBP's in my 55 gallon at the moment but I am moving next week to my 75 gallon. I was wondering will that tank size be effcient e...
Fish Guy1215-Apr-2006 05:32
Black Phantoms ^_^
Does anybody know the minimum tank size for 5 Black Phantoms and a betta? Could I do just a few black phantoms in a 10g?...
Inkling214-Apr-2006 19:09
Spotted Silver Dollars
Hi, I live in Aus and I found recently some spotted silver dollars for sale. They look very similar to juvenile piranhas and was wondering if they ar...
milkyboy414-Apr-2006 05:50
Serpae tetra help needed.
Ok so my serpae tetras are half swimming sideways sometimes.. I dont think its a swimming bladder problem but maybe.. or maybe my filter current is to...
tetraguy3808-Apr-2006 12:31
Black Piranha tankmate?
I have a 75 gallon with a walking catfish in it, about 8", I was wondering if i could put a solitary rhom in there?...
Fish Guy1529-Mar-2006 19:30
Blind Cave fish
hi, i've got bio homework due on monday about an animals niche. I picked blind cave fish . but I need some help with some questions. Do they resp...
possum928-Mar-2006 06:24
Silver Dollar
I bought four silver dollars today but I am concerned with feeding them. What is the best thing to feed them? Flaked food? The girl at the pet stor...
RowdyRoddy126-Mar-2006 08:35
HELP! Lost 4 out 8 Rummy nose!
What am I doing wrong? I picked up 8 rummy nose tetras yesterday. Got them home, put the bag in my tank, let it sit for about 20 min(to bring it up t...
BLUIDMIK924-Mar-2006 20:46
Congo Tetra
hey i just picked up a congo tetra and acclimated him slowly last night, this morning he looks fine but wouldnt eat any hikari freeze dried bloodworms...
Iceterran523-Mar-2006 22:12
Black Widows might be ready to drop
Hey Guys, I have 6 Black widows in my planted tank. I'm not sure if one of them might have eggs in them, as l can’t tell if it’s a female or male.. l...
sharkbait_whohaha122-Mar-2006 18:10
Anyone have experience with. . .
Betta fish (betta splendens) and black skirt tetras? I am thinking of adding a few to my ten gallon with a betta and four khuli loaches. Any input wou...
Betta_Fantasy522-Mar-2006 03:53
Piranha Tank Change!
I am thinking of putting my 3 RBP in my 75 from my 55. They are all about 2.5" not too big, but in the 75 there will be a walking cat and a Pink Taile...
Fish Guy522-Mar-2006 03:52
Neons chasing each other
Ive just recently added 12 neons + 1 female betta to my 12g tank. Those are the only fish in the tank atm and ive noticed that a few (2-3) of my neons...
VeeKay716-Mar-2006 13:14
Life Span of Rummy Nose
Hey folks, Does anyone know the average life span of rummy nose tetras?...
SJinNJ415-Mar-2006 18:30
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