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Do crustaceans tolerate erythromycyn?
Do crustaceans tolerate erythomycyn treatment?...
phietamu205-Dec-2006 19:59
Freind with sick cories
Hello all, I was talking with my freind who is also a fellow fishkeeper. He says his cories are becoming ill one by one. He says they begin to become...
RNJ_Punk305-Dec-2006 13:17
Need Help With A GoldFish Sickness
Hello everyone I have this goldfish that seems to be sick or diseased. He is very sluggish, using one fin, his tail is curved inward, sinking and not...
Barb-Fan1105-Dec-2006 12:59
Sideways Cory Agazzi
2 weeks ago I got 7 corys from an online supplier. 4 were dead in the bag, 2 were fine and 1 little guy was and still is not right. He lays on his s...
Doedogg702-Dec-2006 22:40
My Sick Oscar
I have a 6 year old oscar, who is very people friendly to both children(gives kisses)and adults. He plays with a ball re-arranges his so-called furnit...
mazystar51102-Dec-2006 01:03
ohhh far out stubborn white spot,pls help,AGAIN
Pages: 1, 2
hi guys,about 4 days ago i noticed my daughters green severum had a very mild case of white spot only like 2 or 3 spots on her pectoral fin,so i put...
HOKESE2401-Dec-2006 07:35
HELP ME PLEASE,whats ........
Pages: 1, 2
hi guys,what is popeye,i ask because i think my blue acara has got it,in 1 eye, her left,i havent done any tests yet,cause im on my way 2 work,ill do...
HOKESE3130-Nov-2006 14:31
Bala has what looks to be blood at each base of his fins
What is it? Could it be he is being beat up? It kinda of looks like blood. He appears to be healthy and is eating. Am a little unsure....
tarahardt630-Nov-2006 06:31
New Curviceps
Well, I went to Petsmart today, and they had some Laetacara curviceps in stock. I have been looking for these guys ever since i started the fishkeepin...
zachf92330-Nov-2006 04:48
White spot with a uv sterilizer
hey guys, got a 6ft predatory marine tank, and recently had an outbreak of white spot on my harlequin tuskfish and coronation cod, i since then took t...
benni030-Nov-2006 00:51
I recently had several deaths in my fish family. I lost 1 Angelfish, 1 copperfire Gouramis & my Pleco. Thinking there was problems in the water, I ha...
Jasmine's Angels1727-Nov-2006 20:05
Dwarf gourami staying at the bottom!! help!!
I've had a neon dwarf gourami for about two months now and everything has been perfect. he was very active and was always swimming left to right, top...
richmp227-Nov-2006 12:05
White Fins Turring Red-Brown
My girl friends comet Goldfish is acting lathargic, spends most of the time headup at a 45 degre angle. Its fins are turning a redish brown color. Her...
jake7727324-Nov-2006 23:20
jake7727023-Nov-2006 20:40
female Mandarin dissapeared after mating dance???????
I have 2 mandarins that have been getting along like a house on fire, they have just recently been performing the mating dance together for about a we...
Terry UK121-Nov-2006 04:42
Little Bugs On Tank Wall
Hi I just found out I have little white look like worms in my tank. I have seen them in some of the pictures that have been showing on here. Can you...
Edith519-Nov-2006 10:11
Pregnant otto?
muy ott o is growing very fat ist has bulges on tthe sides does it have eggs or wat?...
Wfish218-Nov-2006 14:49
Ghost shrimp...
Do ghost shrimp often carry diseases? I would like to buy some to try to get some fish of mine to start eating but I am worried about disease. Do I ha...
Ethan14116-Nov-2006 05:32
Fish staying at the top.. what's going on?
Hi, I've had my 20gal aquarium for over 3 months now. It has completely finishing cycling.. i have some danios, 1 platy, 1 swordtail and 1 molly in m...
richmp515-Nov-2006 01:07
Guppies in Danger HELP!
started out with 3 guppies male and female died think they fins sucked in filter moved last female to 5 gallon both dead male and female had fins torn...
Wfish314-Nov-2006 03:34
Cory puzzle
I had my 4 corys for 4 months. It used to be fun to watch them in my 30G. But in the past few weeks, they've been listless. They spent most of the...
RickyM314-Nov-2006 02:48
Sick Tetra....please inside!
Hey everyone, I have a sick Serpea tetra, 2 have passed away recently, here some pictures I have no clue what it is...
xlinkinparkx513-Nov-2006 05:57
Guppy With Arched Back
I have a guppy with a arched back, i tried finding what it is but i cant find nothing can someone please tell me what it is and and how to treat it. T...
DwarfGourami1012-Nov-2006 00:18
I believe that I have a tank that has a disease in it but I don't know what it is. The problem is that my fish develop a swollen anal area that will...
mrwizerd511-Nov-2006 23:55
My fish won't eat.......
I have introduced a black stripe sea bass into a tank with a cunner, a pipe fish and a black fish the only problem is my sea bass won't eat. I have gi...
eastcoastkid36409-Nov-2006 20:37
sick Parrot Cichlid
my Parrot C. is sick, please help.... 200 galons tank water parameters amonia - 0,1 nitrites - 0,0 nitrates - 5,0 ph - 7,0 temp. 26ÂșC he was the be...
peninha807-Nov-2006 17:59
All new fish are dying
I keep having the same problem over and over. First off I have a 10gal. tank with a pelco and red zebra. I have had them for over a year now. I...
smills2004@sbcglobal.net1503-Nov-2006 02:13
Dead Molly
one of my mollys died it was 7 months old.. thats not the only prob one of my adult mollys igot 12 months ago doesnt look well at all it rests on the...
martinh502-Nov-2006 22:23
Cichlid with bacterial infection??
Hi one of my female peacock i think has a bacterial infection im sorry but dont have water parameters at the moment but will get them! i have quar...
carpe_diem731-Oct-2006 23:07
Sebae Clown Sick.
Clown fish is sick Has cloudy eye (Bubbled). What should I do? It just appeared. I want to save him....
Gilligan331-Oct-2006 04:45
"Hole in the Head" in Oscar
Hi All my adult male Tiger Oscar has hole in the head, just starting. I know why. We went on holiday and the water change was a little late. What con...
rachels524-Oct-2006 19:28
Pleco sickness
Hey all, unfortuantley I dont have any pictures, but I did notice too pretty glaring signs of illness in one of my common plecos (I think he's old and...
Bullshark323-Oct-2006 03:25
Help - Sick Fish - Pics attached
Please help! I have lost a lot of fish in the last month and I don't know why. 35G 80deg pH-8.3 GH-3 KH-2 NO2-0.3mg/l NH3/NH4-0mg/l CO2-0.4 Weekly wat...
klinker623-Oct-2006 00:31
Columnaris *Need Help Quick*
i have a dwarf gourami with columnaris on his upper left side, i was reading around and read that it can be cured with salts (can i use rock salt?)...
gaMMa523-Oct-2006 00:08
Fuzzy Fungus on Cory? What do I do?
We purchased 3 Panda Cories a week ago. All three have white fuzz on their head right before their doral fin. They are also lethargic. What is this...
D-Diddy322-Oct-2006 23:46
Wierd... Finrot?
hello! i have a discus with a type of fungal or bacteria infection (i think) unlike any i've seen before: it seems to only be affecting where his pect...
niggit621-Oct-2006 21:27
Use by dates on Medications
I had to use some Melafix today and just checking the directions I discovered a "Use By Date", yes it was just out of date. When buying it as well as...
keithgh021-Oct-2006 06:38
Befuddled Fish Owner- 2 deaths In 2 Days
Approximately 2 months ago I set up my first livebearer tank and stocked it, after cycling, with 2 baloon mollies and 5 platy fry. A few weeks ago I...
Caviar1318-Oct-2006 18:59
Is there an illness that affects everything but loaches
Is there an illness that affects everything but loaches because i have lost all my fish except my loaches and they look to be doing well. I have test...
mAd515-Oct-2006 06:17
Molly has hairy stuff on his..
For a few days, I have noticed that one of my male sailfin molly has some hair like stuff (red in color, 1-2 mm long, no movement) hanging from his an...
RickyM613-Oct-2006 00:56
Neon Tetra losing color
Hello there! Its been awhile since I've been on, but my tank has cycled and my fish have been doing fine for a few months now.. however, I have notice...
reneeandpauly1512-Oct-2006 21:51
Dead fish
Over the last 3 nights i have lost 4 fish, 2 topedo barbs,1 hatchet and 1 corydoras,the hatchet had 1 eye missing the corydoras had signs of bruising...
terrier912-Oct-2006 10:59
Can Septicemia be IN your water?
Is Septicemia transfered from fish to fish or from water to fish? In other words can Septicemia be stopped by taking the infected fish(s) out...
Soidfuf912-Oct-2006 06:10
Marine tank wiped out over night!
If anyone can shed some light that would be great, I lost 12 fish in one evening, my PH has never been higher that 7.9 and everything else was ok, [b...
Terry UK612-Oct-2006 05:42
Capillaria worms
Think my goldie has these worms,well fits the signs ,long silver stringy faeces with sort of beads on it.Says I need Paracide D.Anyone know which drug...
goldie's ma111-Oct-2006 19:45
Geophagus With Dislocated Jaw
anyone know how to snap it back. fish not eating and aquarium guy i used told me to try it....
bubba339011-Oct-2006 02:12
Gill Flukes??????
well all my rams died. i think from gill flukes or the meds i used, does anyone know how to treat it properly i am losing fish every day now. about to...
bud110-Oct-2006 03:07
Tetra with potential swim bladder problems
Hello, I have a sick Black Phantom tetra and I'm not sure how to help her. She's having difficulty keeping herself upright when she swims. She tend...
cmerrell409-Oct-2006 09:41
Strange Illness
I have a strange illness attacking my school of glowlight tetras. I have lost two so far and one is sick. There are no obvious external problems. T...
sunspotkat309-Oct-2006 03:31
Fragile tiger barbs?
Hi On Saturday, I added 8 albino tiger barbs and 2 cherry barbs to my 8 red eye tetras and since Monday, I've lost 4 of my albinos. My water paramet...
Mitchee508-Oct-2006 14:05
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