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Brown patches
I bought 3 fancy goldfish a few days ago. They all have been doing really well but two days ago on one of them(my veiltail) I noticed brown patches on...
aquaticia512-Aug-2006 21:10
Can fish get dysentery?
Well can they? Seems to be in my tank that i'll do a water change, the tank will look nice and clean. However within a few days there is more detritu...
bonny612-Aug-2006 14:53
Unexplained Gourami Death
My dwarf honey gourami died. I can't figure out why. It was fine the day before. Happy and swimming around, eating normally, good color Today it wa...
sunspotkat511-Aug-2006 17:57
Internal Parasite Treatment?
I have a bronze cory and a yoyo loach which I think have internal parasites. Right now they are in quarantine. I think that the parasite came from a...
Budzilla611-Aug-2006 04:45
Boesemani Rainbow in bad shape!
Ok so here is the deal. 55G Stocked with: Pair of Convicts + Fry Female Convict Rainbow shark BN Pleco Clown Pleco 3 Giant danios 2 Boesemani Rainbow...
Wingsdlc309-Aug-2006 13:58
Oranda - Signs of Distress
Firstly, I'd like to say a big "HI!" to all my old friends here. Been ages since I last posted here and it is good to see some familiar 'faces' that a...
Bleeder409-Aug-2006 07:36
Pop eyes??
Can a fish with "pop eyes" disease be cured or is it better to put it to sleep?...
mughal1131008-Aug-2006 09:21
Injured Tetra
I have 4 lemon tetra and 3 cory cats in my 10 gallon tank. This morning, I noticed one of my tetra was staying in the top corner of the tank. It loo...
Tiamet2B705-Aug-2006 19:24
Fish getting air at top for no reason...
ok... my white clouds are acting like there's no air in the tank. no idea why. i have a 55 gallon tank with a magnum 350 canister filter. i tried turn...
joenewbreed705-Aug-2006 19:17
Aquari sol
Has anyone used this medication to treat ick and body fungus? its supposed to be safe for plants and sensitive fish...its called aquari sol and its l...
redthanatos405-Aug-2006 15:21
Pre-Treating A Tank, And Salt Question
is there anything that can happen by pre-treating a tank with meds.' for example instead of useing a QT, can i add fish directly into a tank and trea...
bettachris405-Aug-2006 09:28
Still sick with meds
Hey everyone... so the fish in my tank still have ick and a little fin rot.. i've been treating with aquarisol everyday for the last 5 days but the f...
redthanatos303-Aug-2006 04:12
Sick Oscar?
Anything I can do?[link] copy and paste... site...
illest301-Aug-2006 12:04
4 In 1 Fish Disease?
one of My Oldest fish, a female blue acara has had pop eye a couple of days ago, of which I checked my water quality PH:7.0 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0p...
ghostfish001-Aug-2006 10:00
Treating Tank Or Fish
SO a couple fish of mine have ick and fin rot... is it better to remove the really sick ones and treat them separately (as well as treat the tank) or...
redthanatos631-Jul-2006 16:30
Y shapred worms stickin to fish?
hi all, yesterday i again observed white Y shaped white worms sticking to one of the fish. I had seen those creature one sticking to one of my balloon...
mughal113731-Jul-2006 00:38
Female bristlenose plec died
My female bristlenose died at the weekend. There is no obvious reason I can think of. There was no external sign of disease, but she had been off he...
wayne_rowley330-Jul-2006 22:37
Sick Oscar - Help
my oscar aged 4 has develped a large slightly asymetric swelling in his belly. the water params are fine and he shows no distress but it has grown sig...
charlieogilvie430-Jul-2006 07:37
what should I do with my sick bronze corries?
i bought 6 corries 3 from a local store 3 in walmart the ones i bought in walmart now have white spots and a little barbel erosion while the other 3...
rocker23128-Jul-2006 03:32
Help my fishy
i moved my RD into a QT on his back he has like paracites and fungus mix, i think it might be fish lice. i have a bunch of very veryu poor pics,...
bettachris527-Jul-2006 19:21
Im treating my tabnk with maracyn due to fungus looking stuff and some fin rot on certain fish... tell me is maracyn safe to use with a planted aquar...
redthanatos427-Jul-2006 18:43
Cloudy water with maracyn
So the tank treated with maracyn has cloudy water... is that cuz i took out the carbon? or am i messing up my tank? is this normal? thanks Sean...
redthanatos227-Jul-2006 07:03
Dropsy-Platy - Treating??
3 new acquisitions (all from same source), being yellow platys & have been transferred from QT to display tank in the last few days. But I may have d...
TW1324-Jul-2006 17:23
Sick Oscar
There is something wrong with my oscar. He has a bulging stomach (but not pineconed scales). His eyes seem to be sticking out really far out of hi...
cappa424-Jul-2006 12:11
Black Spots
I recently aquired a pumpkinseed sunfish that seems to have black spots em bedded in its fins and scales. Any imformation on what these dots are and ho...
Optimist224-Jul-2006 05:39
Koi sheding scales
I noticed yesterday that my koi that I took from my family is swimming on n off with his head down and is loosing scales and rubbing up against ob ject...
roisinfionne118-Jul-2006 14:23
Death in Discus Tank - Help Pls
Hey guys, During the evening feeding time I noticed my bristlenose in my 4ft Discus tank is dead. He's been in the tank for 2 weeks now. T...
JQW316-Jul-2006 15:09
Black Moor Goldfish lost an eye!
It's been about 24 hours since my poor large Black Moor Goldfish - Goddard - lost one of his eyes in the gravel vacuum. I never even conceived...
John'sWildKingdom315-Jul-2006 01:30
Rainbow fish with eroded mouth
I have a rainbow fish whose mouth appears to be eroded away on the top lip. It is a large fish who is about 3 years old.The other 4 look okay. They li...
Chanel413-Jul-2006 21:13
Cloudy Eye In Freshwater Puffer
What can i do for this????...
Johnny the Oranda 313-Jul-2006 17:19
Euthanasing A Cory?
i have a julli corys that have been so sick for so long are starting to show other symtoms besides just deteriorating far on...
reun1013-Jul-2006 05:45
Ich Question
i treated my 10 gallon with jungle buddies and salt like in my first thread, at 12 pm EST today, when should i see any results and all the ich to go...
bettachris212-Jul-2006 21:56
For people who have fish with droopsy!
I HIGHLY recomend you use Furacyn on those fish! I got this from a betta breeder who swears its an awesome antibotic! And now, i'm with her! I found a...
fishyhelper288210-Jul-2006 14:37
Sick Bronze Cory!!!
I woke up this morning anxsious to see my new fish and I find my cory on his back floping around, he has a loss of coulore but besides that he looks o...
xlinkinparkx509-Jul-2006 04:27
Female Guppies die after Birth
Hello, I have a friend who says that after her female fancy guppies give birth they just die the next day. She says that her water levels are stable a...
Needeles307-Jul-2006 05:52
Unsightly Spots
Hello, I came home today to check on my fish only to leave later today. I noticed my parrot fish is normaly plain orange. Today, he had red spots on h...
Garofoli605-Jul-2006 08:35
Black Ghost Knife acting weird
My BGK is actin' really strange. He no longer hides under rocks; he is constantly active. I've trained him to come up the top of the tank for food, an...
fishnewbie1205-Jul-2006 03:09
Sick 3 spot gourami
My male 3 spot gourami is suddenly acting ill. He is swimming (when he will) like an SAE does. head up, tail down. His tail fin seems to be missing i...
exu203-Jul-2006 02:12
Dying Platies
I have a 43.5G heavily planted tank with pressurised C02. I have tested the water parameters as follows:- Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 20 pH:...
TW703-Jul-2006 01:31
55 Gallon- Not Sure What's Happening...
My 55 gallon has been set up for several months. Completed the cycle one month ago, and planted three weeks ago. 9 Columbian Tetras and 2 Clown Lo...
KariLyn23202-Jul-2006 08:06
Fuzzy growth on "hockey stick/ penguin" tetra's eye.
Discovered a freakish cotton wool like growth on my tetras eye about 10 minutes ago, must of popped up during the day because it wasnt there last nigh...
fan fan101-Jul-2006 17:56
Discus with severe problem....Pls Help ASAP
Hello All, One of my discus has gone down. I dont understand. I got up this morning, fed the fish, everyone was healthy and happy and fine, both discu...
So_Very_Sneaky1430-Jun-2006 15:26
Honey Gourami now has black head and back???
I have had 3 honey's for about 3 wks now and yesterday I noticed their mouth, head and down the back has gone black. It almost looks like soot, or di...
Shauna372630-Jun-2006 05:12
Golden Gourami Bloody fins
My Golden Gourami has blood spots showing in his fins. His tail has a line that extents into his body. They are on all his fins though. I'll get some...
Cowch328-Jun-2006 14:06
I keep a tank of danios. My tank has live plants and a snail also. I have seen bettas with dropsy before but never any other species. 2 of my danios...
Lindsay328-Jun-2006 13:31
Sick Angel- Lymphocystis?
I've recently set up my 125 gallon tank. It's been up and running with the fish from the 55 gallon that was in that place for about a month. When I se...
Janna126-Jun-2006 14:45
Glassfish with white ball on it
Hello, I am trying to figure out what is on my painted glassfish. I did not notice the marks when I got it but they have appeared and seem to be getti...
Needeles1425-Jun-2006 04:07
Danio has lost both his eyes
Hi everyone, I didn't add the water params simply because I don't think they're relevant. If you feel they are after reading, I will be more than ha...
stampingchick525-Jun-2006 02:56
Venustus Nimbochromis missing a chunk from his cheek/gill!
I have a 40 gallon Mbuna tank with around 13 cichlids, and previously made the mistake of introducing covicts which began to lay eggs. I think the def...
DarkCichlid523-Jun-2006 21:14
Arched Backbone
I have a 15 gallon tank stocked with various tetras & danios. 12 in total. I tried searching for arched backbone in the diseases section but nothing...
katana423-Jun-2006 19:29
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