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 The Hospital
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Necrosis ?
First off, water temp. and ALL other parameters are good and stable, with weekly PWC's @ 25-30% . Thursday morning as I was turning on the tank lig...
Ironhand74418-Dec-2007 07:05
Aquarium Salt Vs. Ick
Ok, so turns out that there was a carbon filter at the bottom of my cannister from the previous owner..... hence the non-effectiveness of the meds. I...
fishsage517-Dec-2007 11:10
What's wrong with my otto?
For almost a week he's had this...white patch. It isn't fluffy, fuzzy, or growing any larger. Looks, Kind of like powdered shugar on his scales (?), b...
CrimsonaX916-Dec-2007 08:49
ICK Tank update-advice please!!!
Ok, here is the latest.... Dead stock: 1 Pleco, 2 Pictus Unhealthy stock (Symptamatic): 5 Bosemani, 11 Neon Tetra's Healthy Stock (No Symptoms): Blue...
fishsage116-Dec-2007 08:07
Ammonia Spike
My 10 gal tank has had a crazy increase in the ammonia over the last week. No food was added to the tank all over the last week. The tank only has 6...
fishinfun715-Dec-2007 09:28
might have sick Tiger Barbs
awhile back I lost a couple tiger barbs suddenly... they looked to me like they were getting thinner and swimming weakly... I noticed that a couple...
ScottF415-Dec-2007 09:24
filter off or on with Medication
My god I have been posting a lot lately! Should I turn off my filter while using Melafix and the Ick meds? I don't have carbon in the filter....
fishsage315-Dec-2007 09:18
Had-A-Snail Dosage for Ick
Does anyone know the dosage of Had-A-Snail for ridding my tank of Ick? Help!!...
fishsage715-Dec-2007 09:14
i need a bit of help!!! most of my fish in my tank are doing some sort of flicking on the substrate of mt tank!!! what do you think this is??? some...
ashley1984915-Dec-2007 05:16
Can I use Melafix in combination with my Ick medication?
I have dosed the tank with the ick medication tablets, and my question is, can I use the melafix to calm and de-stress the fish???? They all seem to b...
fishsage615-Dec-2007 04:46
Fighting Oscar Fish - will they stop?
Hi there We have 2 Oscar fish, 1 Red Oscar and 1 Tiger Oscar. They have grown up together for the last 9 months. The Red Oscar is about 8 inches long...
elle&jamie615-Dec-2007 01:08
Bosemani Rainbowfish acting strangely
Hi there, along with an outbreak of WS our Rainbows are acting weird. They have all of a sudden started swimming straight into the discharge from the...
fishsage413-Dec-2007 15:49
Fish dieing PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey ya'll! I've got a 20 gallon tank thats been set up with fish for about 7-8 months. Here lately I've had fish just randomly die. Like one a month....
spankym13612-Dec-2007 09:37
Help, My Harlequin Rasbora Has Pop-Eye!!!
I just discovered that one of the Harleys in the tank has his eyes popping out of its socket!!! I am sick to my stomach, and i am very clueless as to...
GobyFan2007211-Dec-2007 07:44
My baby bristlenose has chicken pox
Can bristlenoses even get chicken pox? That is exactly what it looks like and he even has them on his belly. None of the others have it, nor the goura...
Brengun1510-Dec-2007 04:03
Dead Dwarf Gourami - mystery
Hi All, 4 weeks ago I bought a Dwarf Gourami. For a few days it was a bit shy and hid away alot, but after that it was happily swimming around the ta...
dancin_hippo508-Dec-2007 14:40
Sick goldfish
Hi guys, Just wondering if you can help. I have just lost a fantail goldfish, and now another one is going in a similar direction. I had the water te...
Fantail308-Dec-2007 05:40
Zabra Angelfish on hunger strike
I have two Zebra Angelfish in a 75G BB tank with 8 other Marble / Koi Angels, and 12 Panda Corys. Both Zebras stopped eating a few weeks ago, everybo...
RickyM908-Dec-2007 02:36
Molly and Frog
My 20 gallon tank currently has 2 Mollies, 6 Cories, 1 BN, some Molly/Guppy fry, and 1 ADF. I have noticed that the frog's eyes have turned bright bl...
truestar307-Dec-2007 03:26
Sick Male, Please Help
I need major help! A few days ago I went to my favorite petstore and bought a few fish. 3 of those fish were lyretail mollies. So perty! Any way the l...
art-fish503-Dec-2007 09:09
Ick Treatment
Pages: 1, 2
Ok, Ive been reading up on the site about ick, and how to treat it. Ive known with experience from before how to treat it, but now i am wondering abou...
GobyFan20072826-Nov-2007 06:25
Possible fish constipation
My male krib has been acting strange for the past few days. It had been hiding and not coming out to eat as it usually would. Today i forged it out...
steve711322-Nov-2007 04:34
Flexibacter or Ich either way
Well, as far as I can establish, all my tank parameters should be fine (I use Amquel plus with every change, ammo lock every three water changes, and...
Monlynn510121-Nov-2007 09:41
Pale fish...
Hi there! I was wondering if light will affect a fish's coloration. My kribensis always looks a little pale when i forget to open the blinds in the d...
GobyFan2007619-Nov-2007 03:43
How can you cure a fish that has Fungus?....
jasonpisani612-Nov-2007 08:25
Twisted Spine
my soninlaw has a sailfin molly (female) that has a bent/twisted spine, it seems to spend a lot of its time at the top of the tank on its own but is f...
papasan711-Nov-2007 19:06
WHat is this on my oscar and how do i treat it?
Hey guys, i have had my oscar for like 2 or 3 months now and when i bought hime he was perfectly healthy(i fact the only one in that tank that didn't...
brandeeno1511-Nov-2007 08:24
Recent Deaths caused by Nitrate levels...
Recently, i have been experiencing some problems with my tank. High nitrates are a part of the deaths, but out of curiosity, what is the life expectan...
GobyFan2007609-Nov-2007 01:23
Can Someone Expalin A Few Things About Whitespot
hey guys i just wanted to know a few things about this parasite,i understand how it multiplys,and its what makes it move around the tank,fins...
HOKESE1606-Nov-2007 10:09
Need help with a fish of mine!!
I have a fish that has been floating on his side for a few days now... I figured that he would die before I could get around to treating him... but he...
highjinx706-Nov-2007 01:29
Bloated Blue Gourami!!!Help!!!
OMG yesterday,he was normal swimming around,ect. Today he is EXTREMLY bloated and having a hard time swimming!! What can I do for him?!?!?!?!...
shadowtheblacklab306-Nov-2007 01:22
Swim bladder problem?
Hi guys, I'm a new aquarium owner, hence the name "fan-tail"!! I have had 4 fantails for just over a month. Last week I added 2 danios and 2 white cl...
Fantail405-Nov-2007 12:05
New Cories, One Has Pop Eye
My new false juli cories were doing fine, till tonite when I noticed that one has pop eye. in the 10 gal tank water params NItrate 5 nitrite 0 ammonia...
fishinfun604-Nov-2007 16:55
Listless Platy
Hi all. I have a platy in a small ~2 gal tank that's started acting listless and strange. We admittedly hadn't changed the water for about 3 weeks, b...
joeljkp204-Nov-2007 06:51
Sick Female Betta - and the news ain't good
I bought an ill betta in hopes of helping her either recover, or live her remaining time in a comfortable peace. She has dropsy. It doesn't appear to...
CrimsonaX731-Oct-2007 00:50
lost a Tiger barb
Sadly, one of my origional Tiger Barbs was found deceased yesterday. I hadn't checked my parameters in awhile so I took samples and all was well. 78...
ScottF530-Oct-2007 19:10
I just recently saved a stunning red veiltail betta from petsmart, everything looked great when I brought him home and put him in his bowl(temporary t...
coltsfan425-Oct-2007 04:15
Black Widow
i have a couple black widows and one is huge both in size and thinkness, it has been "bloated" for months the scales do not stik out the fish is in gr...
Jerrard220-Oct-2007 14:56
Can I save my Angel Fish
My Daughter got a small 2.5 gal tank and some fish for a christmas gift 3 years ago. Out of all the tiny fish, the 2 Angel Fish Lived for the next Ye...
BYTOR320-Oct-2007 14:50
just out of curiosity... I know they are reputed to be sort of difficult to keep, sort of touchy... I had 4, 2 died for sure, one I can find still l...
ScottF820-Oct-2007 14:42
Ick in the tank
How long does ich stay in a tank for without a host. And can ick stay on live plants?...
boil420-Oct-2007 05:25
Help my molly!!! PLEASE LOOK!
Pages: 1, 2, 3
My Male silver lyretail sailfin molly looks like hes going to die!!! please help him!!! he is just lying almost flat on the bottom of the tank, Is the...
HorseGal4020-Oct-2007 00:48
Help!!Sick Blue Gourami!!
OMG yesterday,he was normal swimming around,ect. Today he is EXTREMLY bloated and having a hard time swimming!! What can I do for him?!?!?!?!...
shadowtheblacklab314-Oct-2007 18:38
Feeding a sick platy
Hi everyone. I have a sick platy here with what I think is fin rot (the end of his tail is jagged with red splotches). We noticed it last night, when...
joeljkp114-Oct-2007 18:10
Cardinal Tetra concern
I have had this Cardinal for about one month now and I noticed this marking yesterday. It is practically impossible to photograph as they move so fa...
keithgh210-Oct-2007 06:39
Sick Ram
I just got 2 Blue Rams 6 days ago, one male and one that I think is a female. In the last 3 days I have noticed that the males left eye is much bigge...
truestar1209-Oct-2007 00:50
Is Paradise Fish sick?
I have a male Paradise that has a large lump around the gill area? It`s moving normal and eating as well. It looks like it might blow up at any time.....
Deep Drive1004-Oct-2007 02:55
Lump on Pond Goldfish
Haven't been around in a while, so hello again. Link below is to a picture of a lump on a goldfish my brother keeps in a small outdoor pond. Capa...
molasseslass501-Oct-2007 16:46
Clown Loach Deaths
Pages: 1, 2
hey guys ok well ive lost both of my clown loachs in the last like three days. im going to try and give as much info as possible but im lacking water...
sora2026-Sep-2007 09:45
Can anyone reccomend a treatment for ich that is safe fof invertabrates and plants? thanks!...
Krunchy526-Sep-2007 00:50
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