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 Freshwater Aquaria
 General Freshwater
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20 Gallon
how many fish canf it into a 20 gallon maximum? i want a lot of fish! (i dont like the 1 gallon per inch rule)...
HorseGal807-Jul-2007 01:24
Lost! (With Pics)
hi guys This is how my tank look at the moment
juwel-180606-Jul-2007 20:23
The Right Fish In The Right Tank
Hey guys, I have one freshwater fish tank and planning to add another one to separate the agressive ones from the peaceful ones. I just want to know i...
rnd222306-Jul-2007 16:15
Boil or Bake - how would you sterilise sand?
Pages: 1, 2
I have a pot on the stove, and two trays in the oven, and they all stink. I am trying to kill black algae spores and anything else that happens to be...
Callatya2406-Jul-2007 02:52
Extra Heat From The Lights?
Wow, my 20 gallon shot up to close to 85 degrees today. It's the only tank in the room that is that hot. Usually it is around 80 when I turn the lig...
Gilraen Took705-Jul-2007 19:20
Freighting fish
I was wondering once the fish get caught and are freighted to a customer, how long will they last before dead fish only arrive?...
Brengun105-Jul-2007 10:45
Temperature Q?
Hi guys I know people normaly ask am i over stocked, but for a change am i over heatted? In the tank i have: neon tetras, Lamb Chop Rasbra, A false...
juwel-180305-Jul-2007 08:05
Helping a Friend...
Hey guys, a friend called me the other day, she had a "killer plec" she said.... I went to her house and found a 10 gallon tank with poor filtering a...
El Tiburon Tailandes304-Jul-2007 22:42
Surprise in Canister Filter
I just opened my canister filter and found a surprise. 6 Celestial Pearl Danio fry alive and doing well. Not sure how they got there because I put a s...
djrichie504-Jul-2007 06:03
New tank! What kind of fish should i get?
i just got a new tank, its a 20 gallon. i would like some fish suggestions. just reply and tell me what kind of fish i should get. thanks!...
HorseGal304-Jul-2007 02:51
Hair Algea help ?
Hi guys looking at getting some Florida Flag Fish to eat the hair algea in my tank. Just some Q's will they eat hair algea? What do you feed them wh...
juwel-180704-Jul-2007 02:00
Frustation in picking and choosing fish
Pages: 1, 2
In my tank I have M & F German Blue Ram, M & F Gold Ram, Tetras, cories and a pleco. I have changed the different fish multiple times before in my t...
General Hague3303-Jul-2007 23:18
ID this one for me.
Its probably so obvious to someone, i'll be completely embarrassed when I do find out what it is, but im stumped. Thinking its maybe one of the ind...
longhairedgit1403-Jul-2007 17:57
Stocking on a budget.
I will be moving soon so I plan on giving my current fish away. Since I'm moving to become a student, my budget is going to become very tight. I have...
Cowch303-Jul-2007 16:00
Will I need another tank?
I can feel MTS coming on. I have a 3ft, 27.74 gallon tank (that is the exact amount of water in it). It is filtrated with a 360 Ltr cannister and has...
Brengun803-Jul-2007 15:57
Warm Water Fish Needed!
I've got a 20 gallon tank in my room that I am turning into a planted tank. The only problem is that the water is a constant 80 degrees due to a lack...
Gilraen Took1502-Jul-2007 23:01
Bumped up the QT
Yesterday I changed the 10 gallon QT to a 17 gallon QT Inhabitants are: Platies and fry Female Betta Here is before and after pics:...
RNJ_Punk302-Jul-2007 16:17
Live feeding for Tiger Barbs
Ok, I was reading in the profile for Tiger Barbs that it's good to feed them live foods from time to time. What type of live foods are we talking, an...
ScottF430-Jun-2007 07:58
Native Fish
I've turned the 40g long into a native fish tank with native limestone rocks and sand. I went collecting today and got 2 baby green sunfish that are...
sham627-Jun-2007 23:26
Filter media changes/cleaning
I've got a great little AquaClear HOB Filter on my 20g, been working great! They suggest changing out media (including carbon, already had that discu...
ScottF327-Jun-2007 06:32
What are the measurements for a 55 gallon long?...
shadowtheblacklab526-Jun-2007 16:13
"Painted" fish
I have seen this term around on various sites... I am wondering, what is meant by "painted" fish? Is this some sort of means that fish are artificia...
ScottF726-Jun-2007 02:59
The 60 Today
Hm, I joined a while back asking for stocking advice. I think I finally "got it" When we moved a few weeks ago a lot of stuff died on me, so I am le...
Gilraen Took825-Jun-2007 03:10
The hydra is a tiny pest that has tentacles with a venom. Very small fish that come in contact with the hydra are paralyzed by the venom and then held...
antman08015225-Jun-2007 01:48
Making Plans, MTS in action!!!
Pages: 1, 2
I have definitely been bitten by the fishkeeping bug! I'm brand new to fishkeeping and I currently have a 3+ week old 20gal with 6 tiger barbs. My n...
ScottF2324-Jun-2007 22:48
Badis badis
Has anyone had experience with Badis badis? I have two in my planted 10-gallon tank (they're the only current residents). They really like to hide all...
superlion424-Jun-2007 07:15
Need stocking Ideas..please!!!!!
I've moved my 4 large angels to my new 110 tank along with a bunch of swords and platys. The tank looks awsome and it's done. Now my old 120 looks so...
Bar-B 624-Jun-2007 05:09
Moving to France
Hello all I'm moving out to France in several weeks, i've sold all my fish, but decided to keep my tank i had made and all equipment. i'm wondering...
SheKoi223-Jun-2007 22:48
My 60 gal. aquarium
Hello people, First time poster, long time lurker So, anyway, I've recently upgraded to a 60 gal tank (recent being ~1 month ago) and my fish have...
MrKipper922-Jun-2007 17:22
Does anyone recognise these puffers?
These are being sold as FW puffers, but I'm not convinced. They seem to have similar problems in FW as the bumblebee gobies, clouding up and losing th...
Callatya921-Jun-2007 14:00
Room for More??
I have a 55 gallon long tank. In it I now have 5 Danios (small) 6 Glo-lites (small) 2 Upside down cats (6" 2 Albino Choc Plecos (small) Do you thi...
zookeper721-Jun-2007 01:54
What type of fish is this? I want to buy him a buddy :)
Trying to figure out what type of fish this is, I'd like to buy him a friend but can't find one at a pet store. Searched online and can't find a simi...
IllusoryPerception1520-Jun-2007 21:10
Mormyrid Courtship Involves Electrical Signalling Between Male & Female
Just been handed to me ... courtesy of researchers at [link=Cornell University]
Calilasseia020-Jun-2007 21:06
Golden Gourami and Neon Dwarf Gourami
Hi this is my problem I just started a new 30 gallon tank and I'm pretty new to aquariums so I went out and bought 2 Golden Gourami's and one Neon Dwa...
antman080151620-Jun-2007 18:10
Am I Overstocked
Hello all, this is my first post and hope I can get an answer. I have a 29g freshwater tank and have 12 fish: 3 black skirt tetras, 3 serpae tetras,...
BreathingRock816-Jun-2007 19:46
Starting over...again
When my 2 rainbows finally die off, I'm restarting my 33 gallon. I need stocking suggestions. I was thinking of a livebearer tank,a tetra tank or somt...
shadowtheblacklab1116-Jun-2007 10:55
Algae Growers Anonymous (AGA) Meeting
Welcome everyone! Word around the forum is that there is an unnofficial support group for algae growers. I just wanted to provide a space for those...
REDPHANTOM1815-Jun-2007 09:24
Water bringing in bacteria concerns
I recently lost only one Cardinal Tetra the possibility was TB but there was a greater concern it was a water born bacteria because of the low water l...
keithgh315-Jun-2007 03:48
Goldfish Rescue :(
*READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED* This is a legitimate rescue story. not like all those people out there who say "I rescued a betta" when in reality t...
Little Caesar714-Jun-2007 22:27
YEY! I'm aloud a new tank :)
Pages: 1, 2
So my mum finaly dropped the news that I was aloud to get a new small tank ^^ which is just what I've wanted for a while. Im hoping for a 12-15 UK gal...
im-trying2014-Jun-2007 01:08
Vitamins and fish color
When I first set my tank up a couple weeks ago, I put a vitamin "pyramid" in the tank and it dissolved... but as the second week went on, I noticed th...
ScottF313-Jun-2007 17:18
Brown "stuff" on slate rocks and fish dying
Hi. I recently setup a 35 gallon fresh water aquarium and I've been having problems with my fish. I have a few slate rocks in the aquarium and within...
sonjamo713-Jun-2007 06:12
Beard and staghorn algae
I just upgraded the lighting on my 38 gallon tank and have since noticed a nice little outbreak of beard and staghorn algae on my java fern. Other pl...
ImRandy85213-Jun-2007 05:27
Does CO2 Deficincy can cause a Ph drop from 7.0 to 5.5
Hi there I'm having some trouble with my aquaria.. I have a 130 cm long Bowfrot Aquarium and I've been experiencing trouble with my PH. Tap water i...
seventh_son_of_ed313-Jun-2007 04:46
Ok, Somebody Tell Me About Crayfish
Are there such crayfish critters that can be kept along with freshwater fish? I am basically just curious at this point. I read a post where someone...
ScottF212-Jun-2007 03:01
Can someone ID these critters?
Hi, I have seen a few critters in my shrimp tank and I'm wondering if anyone can firstly identify them and secondly let me know if there is any harm...
Gone_Troppo711-Jun-2007 13:18
Lowering pH using RO water
I'm trying to breed my cories in a 10 gallon tank. I'm fairly sure that my high pH of about 8.2-8.4 is not going to allow this to happen so I want to...
ImRandy85111-Jun-2007 06:43
How would a small angelfish, do alone in a 20 gallon tank, until it grows big to put in another tank....
boil511-Jun-2007 04:05
Upgrading to a 75!
I've been mostly out of freshwater for the last 2 years, and my parents have been caring for my two remaining freshwater tanks while I'm away at colle...
chipz109-Jun-2007 13:48
Pleco Compatable?
Hi all i have an ew 30 gal tank with 2 bristlenose pl*co's i need to add fish and wanted to add "jewel Cichlids as i had them before and they were...
pennykate1109-Jun-2007 09:29
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