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Black ghostknife fish
Anyone got any advice/storys on these ????...
john1331402-May-2007 00:26
What is this fish
Hey Guys What is this fish? Im thinking its a red phantom tetr...
fishmonster901-May-2007 21:51
Missing Fish
Hi all, I have searched the forums and unfortunately not been able to answer the question myself. Basically on and off some of our fish just keep...
mmogenius230-Apr-2007 21:34
Cycle Your Tank.
i konw that it is good to cycle your tank. i thinking about stsrting a new tank. not sure what size yet. the question i have is "can anyone tell me wh...
$ilver dollar930-Apr-2007 21:04
All Glass Tube Light/K-Rating?
does anyone know what k rating comes from the factory in a all glass strip light? i was look for an 18" strip light, and i found one at petco at it sa...
sodaaddict84229-Apr-2007 08:45
New 10Gal And Betta
well i posted about a new 10 gal tank, so i got it setup. today i went and got a betta, he's got the tank to him self. i was wondering what else i cou...
sodaaddict841428-Apr-2007 23:17
I went to a freind's house today and saw his tank, it was about 30cm x 40cm x 35cm. It contained one 8cm orange/black goldfish and 1 9cm angel. "It us...
desiredusername627-Apr-2007 23:12
Disappearing Fish
Hey guys hopefully one or more of you will be able to help with a little problem I have. I am experiencing a case of disapperaing fish, to date, one o...
Jayyyy1227-Apr-2007 22:09
Urgent help needed!!! Home Rennovation, fish in danger.
Pages: 1, 2
Hi everyone, I'm redoing the family room floor (sanding and re-applying crystal coating). The contractor ask everybody to leave the house for 36 hou...
RickyM2027-Apr-2007 06:25
55G + Double Stand
how much would a new black 55 all glass aquarium normally cost. with only a double stand, no hood etc.... i bought mines about 7 months ago for 88us...
bettachris627-Apr-2007 00:03
Brush Algae?
ok... I have a planted tank with 2 filters (Aquaclear 300 and a Ehiem external filter) in my 60gal tank. The plants have all these hairy algae growing...
BGK126-Apr-2007 15:58
A cool way to catch hard to catch fish! (and a nice website too!)
I was surfing around the net, and found this nice little web site about moss .....yes, I am in love with Java moss, because it is just so cool!!!...
oldpro825-Apr-2007 20:30
Im breaking out the old 29g again
Yup, if anyone does remember about 3 or 4 years ago I would go on these forums all the time, but then I lost interest, fish died, and now I am ready t...
sir_psycho1125-Apr-2007 15:25
New Stocking
im thinking about december i will cange up my tank a little or alot its a 33 gallon all glass 3 feet by 1 foot and 1.6 feet high ba se it around angels...
platy boy925-Apr-2007 14:52
thinking about getting me some puffers so a few questions about them Dwarf puffers: how many per 10 gallon tank? any tankmates? Fig 8's: how many...
ImRandy851524-Apr-2007 15:51
Betta Feeding in a Tetra Tank
I have no idea how to feed my Betta, Lucky he eats flake food. But When i feed the betta the tetras get the food far faster then the betta. Then if th...
judz222-Apr-2007 06:27
Amano Shrimps & Corydoras eggs.....
Do you think that the Amano Shrimps (or other Shrimps) will eat or damage the Corydoras eggs that they might find?. Thanks alot in advance....
jasonpisani221-Apr-2007 15:25
Buying Killi eggs
Hello. I was browsing around aquabid (always dangorus ) and noticed many kinds of killi eggs for sale. Has anyone had any experience with these? Wh...
Inkling321-Apr-2007 06:26
'Pretty' Fish
I need a little stocking advice on my tank. It is a 55gal moderately planted. Temp about 76 F, pH 8.0. Currently I have 6 Pepper Cories, 1 female Neon...
lioness621-Apr-2007 06:24
New tank: Number 5
Finally I've got a bigger tank for TINY (my giant gourami). It is a 125G. Tiny, four blue loaches and 7 new yoyo loaches have been transferred to the...
mughal113320-Apr-2007 05:54
Fish Club
I have a fish club at school about everything and anything fish and can keep my 9 members interested for a while,but need some suggestions to get thei...
shadowtheblacklab1819-Apr-2007 23:02
Feeding Fish
Okay, even though I've been doing this for about 2 to 3 years I have a stupid question. Well, I recently(about 2 months ago) fell into the spell of O...
Fishrockmysox619-Apr-2007 13:25
Should I tamper with water chemistry?
This should maybe be posted in the Water Quality forum, but I've got a few issues linked in to this that I would appreciate help and advice on. I've...
waldena818-Apr-2007 23:47
What would YOU put in a 20g tall?
Pages: 1, 2
If you got a free 20g tall, what fish would you stock it with? No plants, just a reg. filter and heater. ~Mo (I am looking for cool ideas to try mys...
MoFish2318-Apr-2007 22:30
Shipping Fish
I would like to know how you go about shipping fish, because in the near future i am most likely going to be selling of giving away a few Neolamprolog...
Budzilla1818-Apr-2007 19:11
Unexplained missing tail.
Tank size: 10 gallon Tank inhabitants: 2 female betta (one noticably larger than the other), 1 salt&pepper cory (most likely female), 2 male mickey mo...
shanz518-Apr-2007 09:25
Need some Stocking help
Hi guys i need some help with my tanks. I am about to get a 55 gallon, and I currently have a ten Gallon. Here is what I am doing with my current st...
FishKeeperJim118-Apr-2007 03:33
Cloudy water & bubbling filter
Ok guys, I have some interesting things going on with my breeder tank. First, the water is very, very cloudy, and I can't figure out why. See: http:...
lysaer618-Apr-2007 01:59
Center Piece fish
i have a 10 gal non planted tank with faux plants. There is a 6month old albino bn pleco and 6 blood fins. The tank has a larger filter so there is me...
judz817-Apr-2007 14:45
Need some advice
I've tried both apistogramma and blue rams in my 38 gallon tank and neither have faired well. I lost my pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides because they...
ImRandy85617-Apr-2007 05:23
Uh I overstocked?
I am right at the inch per gallon rule of thumb now...I just took some measurements of my tank because I wanted the exact dimensions when people would...
reun1216-Apr-2007 22:28
55 Gallon Community + Plant Lighting
Ok, so I've seen scattered talk of lighting in various other threads, but no "official" lighting topic, and while I don't think this one will become o...
lysaer816-Apr-2007 18:19
Additions to a 29 gallon tall?
this is my 29 gallon tank, it is a VERY tall tank, 20" tall to be exact. The tank is currently hom...
reun1116-Apr-2007 17:19
New 60Gal
it looks like im getting a new 60 gal. which will be much needed fihs space. the only thing is i need space (room)but anyway, i will be moving most my...
sodaaddict84215-Apr-2007 21:32
Maintenance Software
Does anybody know a good software program for Freshwater Aquarium Maintenance? I found a program I like but I cant get the developers to email me bac...
FishKeeperJim215-Apr-2007 01:14
Florida Flag Fish - New Arrivals!
Earlier today I bought a pair of Florida Flag Fish, Jordanella floridae , for the algae ridden second aquarium. And, the purchase has had quite...
Calilasseia214-Apr-2007 23:47
Actininic Lights
i asked a question before about actinic lights. the responses were helpful, but i asked about wether or not actinic is harmful for freshwater tanks. i...
sodaaddict84214-Apr-2007 02:34
Stocking list.
(please read it i need some advice) Righty well my fluval filter failed and broke so ive now cycled a rena xp3....with most of my fish in the tank...
im-trying513-Apr-2007 00:52
Your thoughts on purchasing...
I have a 29G, currently lightly planted. The tank is only inhabited by two Bolivian Rams. Would a Discus and a school of 6 Bosemani Rainbows be push...
FLEXJr612-Apr-2007 22:19
Tank with No filter
We are moving offices on 16th Apr & I'd like a little tank on my desk, but I don't think I will be allowed anything that needs to plug into a power po...
TW1312-Apr-2007 11:23
Lower Temp Fish For Small Tank?
Just looking for fish ideas for a 5g tank, temp ~70F....
Theresa_M1311-Apr-2007 02:55
Petting Fish!?!?!
Is it true that you can pet a fish? Is this harmful? What will it do? Occasionally, a let my fish nibble my finger, or let the gourami feel me with i...
GobyFan20071110-Apr-2007 00:09
Probably a stupid question but....
Is it okay for a heater to touch up against plastic plants in a tank?...
fishyfishy26609-Apr-2007 23:43
Stock list for a 10 gallon
I have a fully cycled 10 gallon tank(been running for one year) with one filter that doubles as a powerjet running 55GPH and a over the back filter ru...
reun1209-Apr-2007 22:30
Filter cycled = new fish African Butterfly Fish poss?
Hi my new filter has cycled really fast started adding back the my fish from friends tanks last night dirty gravel and dirty water just about cycle...
im-trying209-Apr-2007 17:02
Sea Shells in a Fresh water Aquarium
Hi guys, Can you put collected Sea Shells in a freshwater Tank? I have been considering this, but am concerned over the effects it might have on wate...
FishKeeperJim1009-Apr-2007 17:02
What is this stuff on the glass
At first I thought it was some sort of algae, but I don't think so anymore. It is more a light brown colour, instread of green. It clings to the gla...
TW409-Apr-2007 09:01
How do you get a Dojo loach out of a 46 bowfront tank?
He's been in there for about 4 weeks, and has chosen his hiding places well... There were 2 in the tank at first, but i caught one with the bottle and...
oldpro909-Apr-2007 06:10
Houston I have a PROBLEM!
Over the last week I have noticed Green Algae in my tank. It is growing on the inside of the glass (you and I know it's a pain to get off) I have not...
R0B908-Apr-2007 05:35
The Snails Just Wont Die!!
i HAVE GOT 2 angel fish 10 cories and a few tetras. I have treated my tank with "had a snail" countless times and I have still got snails! THey wo...
ufgradufish1807-Apr-2007 18:57
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