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 Freshwater Species
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Goodnight Smithy
I put Smith down this morning. He has been moping more and more for a few weeks and I had been putting it off, but today I saw the beginnings of an...
Callatya214-Dec-2006 23:44
Dwarf Gourami swimming funny ?
i dont know what it is, my femal dwarf is swimming around the bottom with her mouth touching the the floor. She is vertical in the water why could thi...
juwel-180211-Dec-2006 21:47
Dwarf Gourami nest/fry
hi guys My male gourami has made a big nest in the corner of my tank but i have some Q's how do i know if there are fry in there or more to the p...
juwel-1801110-Dec-2006 01:50
When to seperate Betta fry
I have one month old fry in a five gallon tank. There are 10 Betta and 5 Guppy fry. At what age do the Betta's need to be seperated....
Dyson Rich101-Dec-2006 16:18
Angry betta
I haven't posted here in ages! Anyway: This holiday season someone asked me to take care of their betta, and since I have always had a softspot for b...
TurboTurtle230-Nov-2006 19:52
Dwarf Gourami nest material ?
Hi guys i have a problem, as my tank is a low light tank i dont have any floating plants as that would be to low in light. MY Q is what can i put in...
juwel-180627-Nov-2006 12:41
Shocking Betta info from LFS
This LFS is selling those small wall hanging plastic containers (for a better word). It holds about 1&1/4 -1&1/2 Lt of water that does not include the...
keithgh712-Nov-2006 06:32
Bettas and gouramis
I want to know if they will be good togther i mean not bitting each other. Would my betta be happy. I have a 10 gal so i am thinking of restocking it...
paul_219711-Nov-2006 03:33
What can be done about a betta that won't eat?... I changed water - I move him to more light, then to less light. . . It's like he's depressd or some...
rjmcbean802-Nov-2006 18:54
Wild Bettas
Are wild bettas highly agressive or more comparable to other small labyrinth species like the sparkling gourami? The store near me has had several wi...
sham823-Oct-2006 09:55
Betta needs help!!!!!
I have a crisis that needs resolve... My neighbors daughter, who is now away at college. She buys a Betta fish. Mom did not know. Well cleaning ou...
Jasmine's Angels619-Oct-2006 09:16
Dwarf Gourami Q
hi i have a male blood red/flame gourami and on this bottom fin at the back is a black round dot about 2 mm round. it has been there for about 4 month...
juwel-180212-Oct-2006 23:56
Breeding Tank Pays Off !!
about 2 weeks ago I set up a breeding tank for my dwarf gourami's. 10 gallons, planted, 26 watt flourescent light, rocks and sand for substrate....
Budzilla626-Sep-2006 05:09
New To Bettas
hi all i have a question about a betta i just bought.i have him in a 2.5 gallon starter tank is that to small for him and also i have no air or filter...
saceone925-Sep-2006 03:32
5G Betta Tank
what kind of bottom feeder would you put in a 5g tank together with a betta. I was thinking of a couple of corys but I know they prefer larger school...
hokori621-Sep-2006 10:38
New M Betta & behaviour of Cardinal Tetras
After loosing the last M Betta to some illness the wife wanted another M Betta. After the Betta was removed the Cardinals became very spooky and staye...
keithgh320-Sep-2006 04:46
Snakeskin gourami
Hi all, Just wanted to share some personal experience about the snakeskin gouramis. Almost all the profiles and the info I've read on internet about...
mughal113018-Sep-2006 18:06
What fish go well with Gouramis?
I was thinking about getting a couple of Dwarf Neon Gouramis for my 30 and I was wondering what fish go well with them, any ideas? -Soidfuf...
Soidfuf1414-Sep-2006 22:50
Problem with Betta
I have posted two photos in the Hospital forum and would appreciate any help please. Thanking you in advance. Have a look in [link=My Profile]...
keithgh005-Sep-2006 09:42
Betta Diet
I got a betta two weeks ago. I purchased Omega One Betta Buffet Pellets. He ate one the first day and hasn't ate since. How often do they eat? Is t...
jmara624-Aug-2006 07:33
copper X red
what will i be looking at if i breed a red delta-ish female to a copper delta-ish male. guess anyway....
bettachris1124-Aug-2006 03:02
My newst to be guy!!!!!
I am sooo happy I won him I also bought a girl to go with him..and the guy mentioned .."extras" [link= HORRAY!!]
fishyhelper2881418-Aug-2006 18:24
Yay Breeding Gourami's
I have breeding gourai's . All week the male has been making bubble nests and today I saw them breeding. I wanted to know if anyone has any informa...
Budzilla817-Aug-2006 09:27
Got my first betta
hi all, so finally i got my first crimson male betta i have one giant gourami, a pair of blue opaline gourami, albino apaline gourami, iridescent s...
mughal1131315-Aug-2006 20:15
Dwarf gourami variety
Pages: 1, 2
Today I got a pair of dwarf gouramies. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what color variety they are. Their face is a light powder blue and t...
Budzilla2614-Aug-2006 13:55
Dwarf Gourami just hide
Hello, I went 2 days agao and got two Dwarf Gouramis and added them to my tank. I turned the lights off gor the rest of the day to allow for adjustmen...
Needeles1411-Aug-2006 22:07
4 New Gouramies
took me awhile to finally find these but: 2 chocolate gouramies. 1 pair of croaking gourmaies....
bettachris210-Aug-2006 21:09
meet Razz my oddball betta
you see, he has 2 anal fins, and his tail also is slightly connected to both, so somehting like a goldfish I have many pics of him, so heres the albu...
fishyhelper288210-Aug-2006 06:43
Gourami Tank...Overstocked??
SO my 50g gourami tank goes like one giant gourami (5" ), one blue opaline, a pair each of platinum, snakeskin and red flame dwarf gouramis. Plus one...
mughal113609-Aug-2006 18:53
pics of my new fish..WARNING RANT!
well, when I walked int othe post office to pick up my fish, I was discouraged by the size of the way could it fit 50-60 baby bettas in it, no...
fishyhelper288703-Aug-2006 20:27
Are Bettas Really Good Fish To Keep In A Dorm?
hi i was wondering if bettas are really good fish to keep in a dorm room or not?? and if soo what kind of tank and other things would i need? thanks...
heatherfeather503-Aug-2006 17:05
Small internal growth M Betta
It looks like my young M Betta is developing a small internal growth on the lower middle part of his body one side only. Normal behaviour and eatin...
keithgh301-Aug-2006 07:32
Sparkling gouramis
I have a two gallon hex, and I want to put a sparkling gourami in it. First off, is this enough room, and would the gourami be happy? Secondly, I chan...
Betta_Fantasy501-Aug-2006 06:29
New female bettas
I updated the photobucket and put my females in it. I have hardy any pics, b...
bettachris1101-Aug-2006 05:07
Quality Dwarf Gourami's Hard to Find?
I used to find some really nice colorful Dwarf Gourami (Neon variety I belive it was) in my area, now everytime I go to the LFS I see alot of them wit...
Phloyd456228-Jul-2006 08:14
Flame Gouramis Breeding!
in the space of a half hour i have just watched my alpha male flame gourami breed with two different females! how cool!! i have 2 trios of Colisa la...
jase101026-Jul-2006 13:52
Are Bettas True Killers?
maybe i missed this, but i been seeing that alot of new fishkeepers have it in there minds that bettas are true killers. they will kill anything in...
bettachris526-Jul-2006 06:00
Where to buy. . .
Hi all, ^_^ I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to buy sparkling gouramis or paradise fish online? On they don't carry the...
Indigo_Bird225-Jul-2006 16:40
Parosphromenus deissneri
I've just returned from a trip to my local (ish) branch of Maidenhead Aquatics (see the account in [link=this thread]http://www.fishba
Calilasseia223-Jul-2006 04:19
Strange or "Normal" behaviour M Betta
Lately I have noticed my Betta presses himself agains the main large DW about 50mm - 2ins from the top of the tank and just stares at the surface of...
keithgh422-Jul-2006 01:37
What Else Do I Need? *Betta Breeding Log Question*
ok, I realy want to record every little bit about breedign bettas, so if I ever find a pair I cant spawn, I can se what I had done in the past and suc...
fishyhelper288520-Jul-2006 00:29
Isnt He Cute?..EGGS!
for a red lol Newst VT male!...
fishyhelper2881817-Jul-2006 16:56
Dragons :)
I bought a pair of dragons today From this breeder. I'm not sure of exactly wha...
Callatya215-Jul-2006 19:01
Betta Imbellis In Australia?
hello gentle folk - does anyone know if you can buy betta imbellis in australia? i'm in sydney. thanks, justin...
jase101214-Jul-2006 08:58
Betta Scenery
I'm trying to decide what kind of ornaments and plants to put in my betta tanks, but I'm not sure what is "fin-safe" or what the bettas will like the...
Tiamet2B1011-Jul-2006 15:38
21 Bettas Comming Soon!
I cant wait! The father is a royal blue HMPK *yum!* And the mother is a platnum CTPK The fry are...beautifull! and all it costed me was 40 bu...
fishyhelper288508-Jul-2006 05:31
Bettas and the community tank
I've looked at several articles and spoken with several people at the lfs and I've always gotten different answers as to whether a betta (male or fema...
qcode1970508-Jul-2006 04:44
Two Gallon Stocking
Hey, I have a beautiful pearly white betta fish (with somewhat random red, purple, and blue spots named Osakapi) in a two gallon hex tank, and I was w...
Betta_Fantasy504-Jul-2006 19:08
6 New Betta Species Described
Just thought that you might like to know that there are now 6 newly described betta species. These fish had been known for some time, but had not been...
Callatya802-Jul-2006 15:50
Paradise Fish
I read on some website that they (paradise fish) don't need a heater or a tank, just treat them like a bowl betta. I think this info is misleading, bu...
Thursday530-Jun-2006 00:20
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