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 Technical Tinkering
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Found a crack in my 75 gallon tank
I removed all the sand and noticed and crack on the back wall glass, it looks like it was hit with sumthing on the outside due to the surface is rough...
alfieferenzo84401-Nov-2007 23:13
How much bow out is normal on a 29 gallon?
For those of you that read my previous post about my 5 year old 29 gallon perfecto tank how much bow out is normal on a 29 gallon? I'm getting nervou...
clippers19961725-Oct-2007 15:43
Stinky Water
I have been noticing that my water stinks in the tank. It smells like lake water. My tank is crystal clear and the water quality is all in check. I ha...
zookeper524-Oct-2007 04:44
Filter Not Working
I'm gonna start by saying that this isn't one of my tanks, it's the tank at my local library. They have a Guppy tank that is way overstocked. I alwa...
truestar1423-Oct-2007 21:58
Heat Heat And More Heat!!!!!
The water in my tank was up at 100 degrees this morning. Last night I checked the temp at around 11:00. It was at 81 degrees. I cant see why my heat...
tyler99991123-Oct-2007 08:03
Sera 550 R - manual or help?
The diaphragm/s are blown and I have no idea how to get it open to find out how many and what type they are. I have the screws out of the bottom, the...
Callatya622-Oct-2007 19:52
Ehiem 2215 - Can't get it going after a media change?
I am on the verge of tossing the entire canister into the street!?!?! Ok, so I did a water change, disconnected the filter, drained the filter, chang...
Hari Seldon422-Oct-2007 15:14
Which Flourescent Bulb?
I picked up a new bulb today, a high intensity Life-Glo 2 (6700K). I had actually picked out an Aqua-Glo (18,000K), but one of the staff in the lfs c...
Twilight421-Oct-2007 19:43
No Carbon In Filter?
Hey everyone, Well today I came across a thread on a board were a few people advised another person that they didn't need carbon in there filter. I h...
tigermom1120-Oct-2007 23:40
Brine Shrimp Hatchery/Dispenser
I saw this (it was pointed out to me) at the LFS today. I didn't write down exactly what it was called, but it was like a whole kit for about $25. It'...
superlion419-Oct-2007 21:27
Fluval 304 Media...
I just got a used 55 gallon tank with a Fluval 304 filter. There is no filter media in it so i'm wondering what i should use. I will be keeping Rams,...
FishOuttaWater419-Oct-2007 04:27
Aquarium Hood Upgrade Opinion Request
Ok All! Need some opinions: 5 year old 29 gallon with perfecto hood, all back plastic with single tube flourescent (Fish Only). I want a light/hood...
clippers1996515-Oct-2007 03:31
Lighting question
I just bought a new tank approx 34cm in length and I am wondering what type of lighting to get for it. I am thinking of lightly planting it with low...
carpe_diem410-Oct-2007 05:43
Lighting Retrofit Kits
I'm looking for someway to either put a nine inch compact 50/50 bulb in an 12 gallon eclipse marine nano tank or add somesort of retrofit kit that con...
ipsomatic9809-Oct-2007 20:41
Help Sprung A Leak,Water Everywhere
hey guys,i ws cleaning around 1 of my tanks today,and my cannister filter has sprung a leak,water was evrywhere,it tripped the fuse in the power box,s...
HOKESE309-Oct-2007 20:06
Can You Have Too Much Filtration,Should I Take Something Out
hey guys,i made a large jump up in filteration the other day,so now in my 55 gal,ive got a 2000l/h,external cannister filter,a attman 881 internal fil...
HOKESE609-Oct-2007 20:02
Water In The Motor Of A Canister?
I have a love/hate relationship with my canister. It is a VA 650 Professional, old model that has been superseded by the CF1000. It has fantastic oom...
Callatya407-Oct-2007 13:52
Water change pump
I'm going to be moving soon and I'm thinking about using a pump to take the water out of my tanks into rubbermaid containers. I would then use it onc...
ImRandy85803-Oct-2007 19:48
Cracked Tank
Last night I come home to find the front of my tank has cracked and a flood in my living room. Would any of you know why this would just happen out...
CameronK203-Oct-2007 05:37
Eheim Aquaball Review Sorta
Hello All, It's been a long time since being here, I've lived in an Apartment that allowed no pets at all. I've moved and am setting up my tanks ag...
clippers1996501-Oct-2007 04:44
Fluval FX5
Does anyone have any experience with this filter? It looks pretty fancy so it gets points for that but does it actually do all the things it says i...
Springtime1028-Sep-2007 22:27
Eheim overrated?
I am an eheim user so dont say i should try before i criticize but it seems to me that these filters are abit overrated on this site. Yes i admit the...
Alex325-Sep-2007 12:35
How To Use My Powehead
Where shouldi place it in my tank how high, how low. Should i use it where bubbles come out the water flowy thing or just a water shoots out like a st...
MarvinWillis115-Sep-2007 08:00
DIY hood?
Hey all. Has anyone ever made a diy hood for their aquarium? I was thinking about making one since mine is really flimsy and is broken in parts. My a...
aspire207-Sep-2007 19:34
Heating a 1 gal glass bowl
I've been told that it is possible to use a heat mat, though they're designed for hermit crabs specifically. Would this be a safe option to use or ju...
CrimsonaX1031-Aug-2007 16:19
Filter Cleaning
For my 20g,I have an HOB Aquaclear filter. It has biological, carbon and mechanical media. I typically will rinse either the bio or the mechanical m...
ScottF529-Aug-2007 18:21
Screw-in Compact Fluorescent Lamps - What do you think?
I was wondering if anybody had any positive experience with these kind of lights. I'm planning to get two 15-watt for my 15 gallon tank. This would ad...
AlphaHydrox1129-Aug-2007 18:19
How to open a hole in a flowerpot without breaking it?
Hi, Can someone tell me how to open a 1.5" hole on the side of a flowerpot of 4" diameter? I tried and broke two of them already...
RickyM528-Aug-2007 04:24
Filter Poll
What filter would you use in a 10 gallon? I want efective and dont have a price range. I use outside box filter so i think i might lean that way, but...
platy boy1727-Aug-2007 09:50
Another Dyi Lighting Question-Now Confused Beyond Hope
This refrences my previous question I asked about Building a DIY light fixture with screw in compact fluorescent lights. My original question was post...
fishfool35523-Aug-2007 21:00
DIY Coil Denitrator, anyone made one?
Hey I was reading about coil denitrators I was wondering if anyone has made one and what was there experience. I was thinking of making one for my fre...
pla1122-Aug-2007 23:14
Just Got A Second Hand Coralife Turbo Twist Uv And...
I'm wondering if any of you peeps have one, if you would mind scanning the manual for me. I didn't get one with it. I'm having a hard time figuring...
plankton319-Aug-2007 03:25
Automatic Fish Feeder
I'm going outta town for 3 days and need to figure out whats the best way to feed my fish while im gone. I've been told the cubes are very crappy and...
spankym13618-Aug-2007 23:38
Sealing A Bulkhead Hole
I have an opportunity to buy some cheap 40 gallon tanks but all of them are drilled with a 1 1/4" hole either in the end or in the bottom. Is there...
ImRandy85717-Aug-2007 07:27
PYTHON - How to Keep Hose Clean
I don't have a python, but the principal of cleaning any long hose would be similar. I know a lot of the US users here use pythons & I wonder how you...
TW908-Aug-2007 15:46
GPH on 20g high.
I am looking to get a new filter for my 20g high and i would like to know your opinions on how many gallons per hour there should be. Most of the filt...
MoFish608-Aug-2007 00:21
How to light my 3 gal tank??
this is the tank with the worst hood ever so lighting is rather difficult but...
CrimsonaX707-Aug-2007 23:37
How Much Wheight
i was wondering how much wheight is too much for my floor. my house is a one story with a crawl space underneath. i just got a 75 gallon tank and i wa...
sodaaddict84904-Aug-2007 22:18
Building A Fish Rack
I'm looking at making a 2-3 tier system with some 5 gallon tanks setup on it with a 10 or a 20 gallon on the bottom to use as a sump. This will proba...
ImRandy85504-Aug-2007 01:24
Sucker pads,
the sucker pads on my filter does not stick to the glass anymore. They stick to the glass for a minute or two and then drop off, one of the 4 sucker...
Rookie_Boy1303-Aug-2007 02:19
How do you know if submersible heater is on?
The tank that I got used came with a submersible heater. It looked like that was the kind they were using when I came to move everything, but i've nev...
viciouschiapet301-Aug-2007 10:41
Inaccurate Heaters
ive been trying to keep my african tank at 82F and i set my heater at 82 and if the house gets really cold the heater wont work at all and if the hous...
chekboy2501-Aug-2007 06:22
This blasted filter of mine!
Seems to be, well, weaker in strength. Usually it does a grand job of moving the water and well...filtering, but on occasions it seems to seize up and...
CrimsonaX928-Jul-2007 16:08
Getting scratches out of tiny tank...
I got a free tank yesterday that probably holds about 0.75 gallons of water, and I set it up as a Taiwan Moss/possible shrimp growout tank. The only...
Natalie622-Jul-2007 06:03
Filter not working
I just finish cleaning my 10 gal fish tank and now I plug in the filter cord and the filter isn't running anymore? What happen?...
museuz422-Jul-2007 02:57
Slate And Terracotta?
now i know there are many diffrent types of breeding caves out there: slate, terracotta, coconut, etc... what about mixing two diffrent commonly used...
CucumberSlices322-Jul-2007 02:40
Heater Advice Nano Tank
What would be a good heater for a 2.5 gallon? All I have seen is a small one that only raises the temp a couple of degrees over room Temp. During th...
FishKeeperJim1120-Jul-2007 17:37
CO2 is the question
At a recent visit to a new LFS the owner was addvising to add a CO2 system to the tank, obviously for the plants. So is it worth the time and effort a...
fishinfun620-Jul-2007 15:02
Strip Or Thermometer?
I am having trouble deciding what the temperature of my tank is. The strip on the side of the tank says 76, but the floating thermometer says 74. Whic...
coltsfan1017-Jul-2007 06:13
Is my heater broken?
The tank heater I have is set to 28, for a heat increase whilst dealing with a case of Ich, but my tank temp doesn't go beyond 25 celsius according to...
CrimsonaX1115-Jul-2007 03:06
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