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 The Hospital
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Help! Two days ago, I bought 5 new fish. 3male & 2female guppies, and some livefoods, Brought them home acclimated them.. let them go.. Woke next morn...
Rookie_Boy1810-May-2006 22:43
Dead/Dying New Cardinal Tetras
Yesterday I went to the fish store to buy 4 Cardinal Tetras for my 10 gallon tank. There was nothing in the tank and the nitrite, nitrate and ammonia...
1010-May-2006 08:54
Betta fin rot
Hi, I was just given a female betta from someone going home from college. It seems to have a mild case of fin rot. What is a good way to stop the r...
Tiamet2B209-May-2006 02:31
Do Tails Grow Back?
I have a Gold Barb that had it's tail chomped down to the bone by other tankmates. It is completely gone. I finally moved it to a new tank where it...
Brian1216706-May-2006 10:57
Convicts with misty eyes?
For a week and a half now, I've been keeping a pair of convicts. Only yesterday I found out that both of them have some sort of mist in their eyes. C...
tinfoil203-May-2006 17:31
Couple Of Betta Problems
Ok. here goes... I have one betta that just died of dropsy. Poor thing looked like a pinecone. Since he was almost a transparent white, i noticed that...
jefferysgirl1003-May-2006 17:25
High Nitrate
i used tetratest 5 in 1 test strips and all but nitrate are ok(its about 150) is this dangerous and how can i get it lower....
martinh1102-May-2006 02:58
Fungus on Sterbai
Hello I'm almost in day 3 of treating my sterbai for fungus. I'm using Aqua Topia, Multi-Fix, which contains malachite green, methylene blue & acrif...
TW801-May-2006 12:54
Weird Cory Behavior
I have a 20g tank stocked with 5 cories, 2 ottos, 1 platy, and a few plants. One of my cories has been breathing at the surface a lot this evening. I...
little fish401-May-2006 06:27
Urgent!!!!! Help
i need serious help i have a 35 gallon tank and the fish have had ick since a week after i set it up and the temperature was fine and everything and i...
fishesfishes130-Apr-2006 07:38
Today is a very, very, very sad day
This morning, checking on my tanks and watching my rainbows spawn was not a happy morning. Mr. Rainbow all over Ms. Rainbow trying to get her to...
entkitty129-Apr-2006 02:56
Dead Neon Tetra
i have snails in my tank and every morning i get up i get my net and fish them out.yesterday morn my tetra looked a bit off colour and hav'nt seen it...
martinh427-Apr-2006 20:02
Mysterious Deaths
my sister and brother both had small tanks in their rooms, and their stock was as follows: sister's tank: 1 male betta, 1 bumblebee goby, 2 male gupp...
xsolitaryshellx427-Apr-2006 14:35
Disinfecting a hospital tank
What's the best stuff to use to clean out a diseased tank fish nets, plastic plants?...
Bar-B 327-Apr-2006 11:46
I have posted in The Hospital earlier about my Molies being pregnant. But I just found another and i realized, "Wait a second, this molly just gave br...
Garofoli426-Apr-2006 18:59
urgent, fish dying
Pages: 1, 2
ok these are the basics... About a month ago I added two new corydoras aeneus ( one albino, one emerald) to my 10 gallon tank. There were alread...
cory_obsessed2326-Apr-2006 03:49
Is it Fungus,Bacteria,Protozoan or Flatworm Platyhelminthes?
Since ten days one of my Oranda goldfish start scratching against tank decorations, four days later I noticed a large dark red spot on the lower ca...
Shadi225-Apr-2006 13:09
Bristlenose fungus problem! URGENT!
My bristlenose has a really bad fungus problem growing on its head and back... ive treated the tank with multicure which doesnt seem to be helping the...
carpe_diem923-Apr-2006 04:40
Betta Panic!
Ahh! I'm very worried about my poor betta. He is a beautiful scarlet red and loves just swimming around and hanging out in his bowl. Yeah I know, lots...
RockmaninovRachs522-Apr-2006 19:20
Help! Tiny worms in aquarium!
((I feel pretty stupid since I have posted about this problem a couple of times recently, but realized just this morning that I was not watching close...
KariLyn23422-Apr-2006 17:30
Do Fins On Barbs Or N E Fish Heel?
cus one of my barbs has no fin...
NinjaSeal122-Apr-2006 16:34
Should I retreat?
Pages: 1, 2
I've recently treated my tank for internal parasites with Waterlife's Sterazin. The infected fish were some tiger barbs and a chocolate gourami. All t...
Lindy2322-Apr-2006 07:13
IS my LDA25 Sick?
Hi folks: I have 2 Lda25, one of them sudently became more shy than the usual and now I've noticed that he has a "big belly" like he's pregnant or...
Smaug121-Apr-2006 04:21
Anchor Worm?
one of my black moors that i got in today, has a red spot under his belly by the butt. their is a trailer, which i am question is an "anchor worm" co...
bettachris320-Apr-2006 07:29
Pregnant Mollies
Recently in the past week I have had 2 extremely pregnant mollies die, One Balloon and one Black. The balloon died today, it was in the breeder box fo...
Garofoli420-Apr-2006 07:24
Clownfish white bump
My Ocellaris Clownfish received a white bump on it's head. It seems to be receeding, but I wish to know what it is and whether or not I should treat i...
crazyfish020-Apr-2006 03:51
Treating for ich/question
I introduced 2 cherry barbs two weeks ago into my 10 gal community tank. They came down with white spots a few days later, so I treated for ich for 3...
beetledance118-Apr-2006 08:05
Sick Goldfish
A friend has a black goldfish, the type with the puffy eyes. It is sick, but we don't know what is wrong. The skin that surrounds the puffy eye has...
TW718-Apr-2006 04:15
Death by spinach???
My 3 otos were swimming around, happily doing their thing this morning, and one just died suddenly. I know they are a bit delicate, especially after...
beetledance517-Apr-2006 21:53
PLeco needs help
My platy babies appear to have eaten the black color off an area of his side and head. There ids just white there now. HELP ME PLEASE!! -NewBreeder16...
NewBreeder16917-Apr-2006 21:51
BN Skin Problem
I just returned home from holidays and my bn appears to have a skin problem on its head. It seems like the skin there has gone white and mouldy (furry...
carpe_diem117-Apr-2006 11:53
Sick Gourami
Hello, I have a sick Gourami. He has a large red hole on the one side with white fuzz around the edges of the whole. It is only on one side. He is st...
fishlover416-Apr-2006 09:27
Alternate Fin Patterns
Several of My Fihs in my tank have alternating fin patterns. This is not suppossed to be i know. They are also acting a little weak with very little a...
Garofoli116-Apr-2006 03:54
Dead Dwarf Gourami
I thought you guys might be able to help me... I lost one of my gourami's (or rather, I put him out of his misery) this weekend. I noticed on Friday w...
FallingForNova515-Apr-2006 02:59
Red fins
on April 9, 2006 when i went into my LFS to return 2 angelfish because they are getting to big for my aquarium they wouldnt take them because one's fi...
kj fishy-finn015-Apr-2006 02:06
Unexplained Death
One of my Dwarf Gourami's died this weekend, and I can't figure out why, any suggestions would be welcome so that I can try and prevent anything happe...
waldena513-Apr-2006 14:57
Is this Hole-In-Head?
Something is wrong with my oscar. Physically speaking, he does not look too good. He has what can best be described as a large depression on his hea...
bowfinking412-Apr-2006 05:10
New Amano Shrimp Dying Off
I got 4 amano shrimp for my 10 gallon two days ago to take care of algae. The current occupancy is 6 serpae tetras and now only 2 amano shrimp. I accl...
eogle211-Apr-2006 18:14
Gourami going blind in one eye???
Hi I have a 4" tank with some Gouramis, Clown Loaches, Pakistani Loaches, Bristlenoses, Red Tailed Rasboras, Flying Foxes, Gold Panchax, Corys and a...
batman811-Apr-2006 15:30
Bleeding/Dying Otto - - Quick Help!
So, i purchased 3 Otto's yesterday and they were all doing fine, swimming great, eating algae, schooling etc. My parameters are fine - i even threw i...
FLEXJr211-Apr-2006 15:18
Ram Problem
one of our rams has gone very dark in colour and is just sitting on the bottom, it isnt clasping its fins but it is gasping slightly but seems to have...
hembo666510-Apr-2006 22:07
Needing Answers/Advice for several issues. Thanks!
Hello Everyone- I want to be as specific as possible, so this will be a long post. Thanks in advance! I am currently operating two planted aquariums...
KariLyn23209-Apr-2006 00:43
All Fry Dead
my molly had 12 fry , caught them and put in new tank with water from original tank. everything looked fine till i got up next morning and they were a...
martinh208-Apr-2006 23:28
Help!!! AngelFish Eye Popped Out
Hello to everyone, ...returning from work today I noticed that something wrong was going on with my favorite angelfish. Its left eye had popped out. :...
Cariogram508-Apr-2006 19:01
Swollen anus
i've just noticed that my dwarf cockatoo seems to have a swollen anus area, there is also 2/3 red things sticking out of it. any ideas what this coul...
SheKoi107-Apr-2006 15:01
Ram with cloudy spot on eye...
I just added a Bolivian Ram to my 29g tank this past Saturday (4/1). Yesterday I noticed it has a small cloudy spot on one of its eyes. The spot is sm...
GirlieGirl8519407-Apr-2006 14:53
Betta fin rot
Ahh! I'm very worried about my poor betta. He is a beautiful scarlet red and loves just swimming around and hanging out in his bowl. Yeah I know, lots...
RockmaninovRachs307-Apr-2006 03:41
Betta with fin rot
Hi all What a rotten day this has been! First, my beautiful dwarf gourami dies in the hospital tank overnight now my betta has fin rot He origin...
Mitchee005-Apr-2006 18:51
Possible dropsy....need quick help please!
I think some of my flame tetras have dropsy. One in particular has an extremely swollen belly. It may be constipation, but I can't exactly tell. It re...
GirlieGirl8519205-Apr-2006 18:30
Please help - Badly hurt gourami!!
Hi everyone My gourami is showing some pretty severe battle wounds from a couple of fights with another gourami and platies. To prevent infection, I...
Mitchee1005-Apr-2006 15:45
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