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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Random panda baby turns up!!!
While checking the fish after turning the lights back on a few hours after I turned them off, I found a 1 cm baby panda swimming along the front glass...
Budzilla608-Apr-2007 05:22
Proper ID/Sexing Plecos
I'm wanted to make a trip down to San Jose, CA to to pick up some plecos, but was wondering on how to sex some of the species I wan...
inkodinkomalinko307-Apr-2007 03:11
Saw some cories....
I've never been much of a fan of cories but I saw some really cute ones at the LFS store the other day. Some were good sized ones, some were real smal...
fishyfishy26606-Apr-2007 13:28
Pseudogastromyzon chenni info needed
Hello everyone. Its been a while. Does anyone here keep the chinese butterfly loach, Pseudogastromyzon chenni? I got two of them about 2 weeks ago and...
clownloachfan106-Apr-2007 02:48
Whiptail or Twig catfish??
Hi all It was suggested in another thread that both the whiptail and the twig catfish have been known to actively chow down on BBA. Has anyone el...
Gone_Troppo1005-Apr-2007 16:09
How Come They Are Allowed In?
hey guys,why is it,that when my blue acara and gt spawn,they will shoo off all other fish that even remotely come near there cave,but the bns just com...
HOKESE503-Apr-2007 05:15
Clown with torn fins
I have this clown loach who is around 4 inches in size. His fins have ragged edges that I doubt are from another fish nipping it. He also has slightly...
ClownyGirl002-Apr-2007 11:35
How many cories in a . . .
How many Fales Julii cories can I have in a 10 gallon with a Whisper filter and not have to do more water changes than the standard 10% weekly? After...
MoFish928-Mar-2007 03:14
New Loach Species Described From Turkey
Practical fishkeeping magazine has just alerted me to [link=this new development]
Calilasseia227-Mar-2007 01:37
Four New Species Of Kuhlii Loach Discovered In India
Yes, I've been busy tonight. First the new Turkish Balitorines, now this. [link=New Species Of Pangio Kuhlii Loaches Described]http://www...
Calilasseia026-Mar-2007 01:20
New Synodontis Catfish Species!
A new Synodontis species has been described. Synodontis acanthoperca is notable for several reasons: [1] It could be the smalles t...
Calilasseia926-Mar-2007 00:44
My Syno
Pages: 1, 2
hey all need some help on the id of this fish.
leachim2424-Mar-2007 11:37
Corydoras Arcuatus
Does anyone know of a good website to purchase Corydoras arcuatus? I couldn't find them on aquabid, liveaquaria or corysrus. Out of the 5 LFS that I...
ImRandy85523-Mar-2007 15:14
Botton Feeder Suggestions
can anyone suggest a bottom feeder other than cories and BNs that will live with 6 threadfin rainbows in a 15g tank?...
hembo666621-Mar-2007 08:58
Laid Back SAE - Shouldn't It Be More Active?
As reported in the thread on my latest trip to Maidenhead Aquatics, I bought a Siamese Algae Eater to deal with the blanket weed problem in the breed...
Calilasseia1119-Mar-2007 23:56
Ok Guys,Ideas On Adding A Bottom Feeder
hey guys,after reading about heaps of cool bottom feeders,ive decided to get 1,to put into my mixed cichlid tank for now,and then when its get bigger...
HOKESE1018-Mar-2007 07:05
O. vittatus?
I just bought a couple of otocinclus and I'm not sure they're O. vittatus. The big spot near the tail seems bigger than O. vittatus. Anyone have any...
ImRandy85617-Mar-2007 23:35
Peppered Cory
was wondering if these get bigger than bronze cory? i went to the lfs today and was hoping to get some pandas but they only had peppered and bronze. i...
haRg0wbOi217-Mar-2007 10:04
Bottom Feders Or not?
Should i put a bottom feeder in my 10gal or not. My plec just died, and is not here, so i was wondering if i need a bottom feeder to supply my tank w...
GobyFan2007817-Mar-2007 05:10
Syno nigriventris feeding?
Hey guys, anyone know wats the best way to feed the UPside down catfish? Firstly, do these guys eat during the day or night? I have these freeze-dri...
Fish_lover517-Mar-2007 05:03
C.paleatus hatched today.
My C.paleatus spawned on Sunday & i removed the parents to another tank. I added some anti fungus drops & changed the box filter i was using, with an...
jasonpisani016-Mar-2007 13:30
Albino and Bronze cories spawning.
Hi All, My 4 year old female albino cory was on her own, species wise, until a few weeks ago, when I bought 3 bronze hi-fins to go in the same tank....
livebearer freak516-Mar-2007 13:26
Tank mates for breeding Albino Bushy Nose Plecos
I'm looking for tank mates that will not pester the male pleco while he guards the eggs or eat the babies once they are free swimming. The tank is a...
Dolf313-Mar-2007 19:41
Pictus Possible?
i would really like to add pim. pictus to one of my tanks and have 3 main quesions. 1. can thet live with cories or loaches? 2. are they best alone...
hembo666313-Mar-2007 07:18
Yay for cory variety!
Just a general YAY for how many diverse species I've found at two of the stores around here. One is the new Aquarium Adventure and one an independent...
kitten1411-Mar-2007 22:11
Clown Loaches breeding
Pages: 1, 2
I don't know what i've done right but my loaches (about 3years old now) are laying eggs like no tomorrow -- i know there not the most common fish to b...
Hirsty3310-Mar-2007 02:44
My sad Purple Spotted Goby:(
SO, my boyfriend bought me a beautiful purple spotted goby which is about 2 inches long for my birthday! But he is in a 20 gallon tank alone! The only...
Karma_Bug1710-Mar-2007 00:01
Bottom Feeder For Baby Tank
what bottom feeder will do well in a tank with new born guppies and mollies? Thanks Sean...
redthanatos307-Mar-2007 16:03
Most unusual pleco story
So this afternoon, I came in to feed my fish. I noticed that my pleco was no where to be found... this was odd, considering it is an 8" pleco in a 55...
Fishyandrew45703-Mar-2007 16:08
What algae eater to get?
I have a slight algae problem in my tank and I think an algae eater would be nice. The wood's developing a film that is no longer pleasant to watch an...
ClownyGirl803-Mar-2007 15:56
Megalodoras Uranoscopus,So Far Cant Find 1
hi guys,after getting tipped off about these armoured monsters,i decided to get 1,to try in with my flowerhorn,well i visted like 7 fish shops 2day(sa...
HOKESE1124-Feb-2007 08:23
Greying Out?
need help here i kept my clown and their relative cousin (zebra loach and blue@red fin loach) for 1 years already today! and all of them are doing we...
khai223-Feb-2007 16:03
Calling Cup Of Lifenoodles - Plec ID Needed
Unfortunately I can't provide a picture of the fishes in question because of technical problems with my camera, but, I can give the following descrip...
Calilasseia722-Feb-2007 20:15
Clown Loach Headache
We are currently having a huge problem with snails, a few people locally have recommended getting a clown loach . Having read a few articles online no...
psimon23421-Feb-2007 22:07
Loach Frenzy
I need an advice! i have 4 clown loach, 4 zebra loach, 4 blue loach in 55 gallon tank, all of them are roughly 3 inch at the moment. i do twice water...
khai321-Feb-2007 10:02
Ok, so I am getting the Sterbas!!!
Well I have had my eye on them for a long time and within the next week, I am ordering 6! I will probably order another 6 later on but they are so da...
RNJ_Punk220-Feb-2007 23:08
My First Panda's
Well, after reading all of the posts for the last 2 years on this site about Corydoras Panda, I finally purchased my first school today. When I was a...
OldTimer1320-Feb-2007 21:11
BN compatability and breeding
I've had a female BN for just over 2 years, she's probably 4" or so. There's a chance that my ex will be bringing my son's male here ([link=backgrou...
Theresa_M319-Feb-2007 04:40
He vs She, The great BN question!
Over a year ago, I posted the question of the sex of my BN, Tipsy. ([link=Original post][/link...
kitten819-Feb-2007 04:38
Kuhli loaches
could I add some kuhli loaches to my 10 gallon tank? Right now it has 5 platies in it. I have 5 fake plants but I could get a couple more if I need...
ImRandy85616-Feb-2007 19:16
info on Hara Maesotensis
does anyone know anything about these guys, I can't seem to find much online about them... can you keep more than one in a tank? are they peaceful? ho...
Sktchy816-Feb-2007 18:15
Bronze Corys - A beginner!
Hi, I have just broke into the world or corys and I am so glad I have I love these guys! I bought 3 bronze cats at the weekend. I have a 5 zebra dani...
sterobin1411-Feb-2007 10:31
My Clown Loach Isnt Looking Too Good.. Advice?
Hey guys, when i fed the fish this morning i saw that my clown loach isnt looking too good. he jumped out of the tank a few years ago, and has had a...
imverystupid408-Feb-2007 01:32
Schistura balteata--Any info??
Anyone have any care tips on these guys?? Thanks....
pookiekiller12107-Feb-2007 05:52
Clown Loach Questions.
Hi Everyone. I am looking for advice on what is best to do about the one CL that I have in my 55 gallon aquarium. A couple of years ago, when I was ju...
KariLyn23106-Feb-2007 06:49
Burmese Mini Catfish
Hello! I saw a picture of a Burmese Mini Catfish online and I am wondering what its minimum tank requirements are? Do you think one could go in a 1 ga...
Inkling205-Feb-2007 18:25
New Tanganyikan Synodontis Catfishes Described!
[i}Practical Fishkeeping magazine in the UK has just revealed that scientists have undertaken a revision of the Genus Synodontis in Lake T...
Calilasseia105-Feb-2007 07:32
New Blind Cave Loaches Discovered ...
It seems that the Loach fans are going to have some new fishes to enjoy soon ... and, wait for it, all of the new species I'm going to cover here are...
Calilasseia005-Feb-2007 07:07
Otto Cats
Has anyone else experienced a sever short of these guys. Maybe its just my area but every single pet store in my area including Petsmart and Petco ha...
aaronfry502-Feb-2007 18:49
Cory school- now 5 not 6
Unfortunately one of my albino cories passed away this morning from unknown causes (i think it had something wrong wit it when it was born) so now my...
carpe_diem401-Feb-2007 07:52
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