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 Freshwater Aquaria
 General Freshwater
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Has anyone here seen a snakehead? Was just wondering if anybody actually kept these wicked looking fish. Was watching Fishzilla: Snakehead Invasion on...
art-fish406-Jan-2008 03:38
Help with identification of some insects in my aquarium
Dear All, I hail from the tropics and have a 6 foot tank with a sump tank system with an arowana and some silver dollars. I went away for a while ov...
validator504-Jan-2008 05:42
I'm really sorry Mr.Guppy, I bought you yesterday, but I loved you like one of my own. R.I.P. Mr.Guppy. -A few moments of silence......
eat_ham222603-Jan-2008 22:46
Red Claw Shrimp or African Fan Shrimp or tiny shrimp? (involves fish too)
For about 9 months I had the same fish in a 20 gallon high tank that has lots of plants, driftwood, high lights, gravel, undergravel filter, air pump...
General Hague503-Jan-2008 06:17
20 Gallon High Stocking
I am starting to free up space in my 20 gallon so I can add the fish I really want. The only permanent residents that I have now are a BN and an ADF....
truestar802-Jan-2008 02:26
RO water
my soninlaw would like to know if you can use ro water on a water change in a freshwater tropical tank, and if so what are the benefits. thanks for a...
papasan201-Jan-2008 17:23
Tank Cleaning
Hi All! I'm new to the forum, but wanted to ask this question. How can I clean a used tank that will be used for mollies and guppies? The tank...
micah'smommy531-Dec-2007 23:15
Over Stuffed?
i'm an intermediate at fishkeeping (for a school project i take care of 3 blue gouramis and 1 pink kisser) and i got a new aquarium. it just went thr...
F1sh431-Dec-2007 18:35
How long for bacteria to decline w/o food?
How long will it take for an established tank to lose it's nitrifying bacteria if there are no fish in the tank? Weeks? Months? I'm sure there are var...
Krash7172531-Dec-2007 02:13
Fish Condo? hey guys what do you think of this? i just saw it in an add. personally id probably n...
sora1130-Dec-2007 01:37
Weird Snail
I found a couple of weird snails in a shipment of plants and took them home, but I can't figure out what they are... The only way I can describe them...
Natalie328-Dec-2007 21:20
Dwarf Puffer Tank
I have decided that I would like to make my 15 gallon tank, which is currently housing my Crowntail Betta, into a Dwarf Puffer tank. I will of course...
truestar1228-Dec-2007 08:31
Barley Straw to eliminate Algae?
Hey there, seasons greetings from Costa Rica. I was wondering if any of you have any experience ridding your pond/tank of algae with barley straw? I...
El Tiburon Tailandes126-Dec-2007 22:33
Surface Algae
Hello, its been a while, busy at work and i still didnt get internet for my house. I have this algae growing in my 30 gallon. It only grows where m...
clownloachfan525-Dec-2007 18:19
What can I feed my Koi so....
The pond in back, what can i feed my koi so they wont go after the hyacinth roots? im talking vegetables here, not really canned tetra food or the li...
El Tiburon Tailandes425-Dec-2007 02:43
It's a Sad, Sad Day
Today as I welcomed my fishies to the Eve of Christmas Eve I noticed my clown loach Ling had passed away during the night. He had been acting...
art-fish524-Dec-2007 05:25
40g Tall Stocking Help
I just got a 40g tall (pentagon shaped) tank, and I'm going to buy a test kit and start fishless cycling it tomorrow. When the cycling is done, I wou...
kayteekate524-Dec-2007 04:27
Eclipse 5 Gallon Hex
Hey everyone, just thought I'd let you know about a good deal that I've run across. You can get an eclipse 5 gallon hex kit for $30 on Th...
ImRandy85123-Dec-2007 08:20
Wanna See Your Night Fish In The Day ?
after spending a lot of time trying out some tactics with my nocturnal fish i have found that when putting them in a tank where you wih to see them th...
Jerrard123-Dec-2007 07:15
75g Tank Setup
I'm getting a 75g tank within the next few months. But I want to make sure the stock I plan on getting are all compatable. I will move my 2in clown lo...
art-fish1222-Dec-2007 08:21
Re-doing my tanks - a log / blog if bored & questions.
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Such a mess I hardly know where to begin ! I was reading some posts in FP this afternoon, which got me motivated enough to dip my hand in the tanks f...
DaMossMan5222-Dec-2007 04:46
Ran across this on another forum, this is crazy. I'll let you read the article for yourself but this is waaaaaaaay small.
ImRandy85720-Dec-2007 22:26
Feeder Fish
hey its been awhile. I recently became interseted in the feeder fish business. Does anyone know where i could find articles about feeder fish farming...
bettachris320-Dec-2007 07:50
Unknown Sunfish (no photo, just crappy drawing)
Today I found a small sunfish/perch-type fish in a shipment of small goldfish, and I can't find what it is (no access to good books right now). At fi...
Natalie1820-Dec-2007 01:07
Disappearing Fish...
I have had a couple neon tetras, and a cardinal vanish. My small pleco is also not anywhere. I have a peaceful mixed community, so I know none of the...
EvilE414-Dec-2007 02:12
Active Schooling Fish
I'd like some small schooling fish for my 38 gallon planted tank. Current occupants are 2 platies, 3 siamese algae eaters, keyhole cichlid, a curvice...
ImRandy85613-Dec-2007 16:07
Quick Plant and stocking Questions...
1. In my empty yet cycled 10g, i have many little leaves of dead anachris.. is this going to be a huge problem? They have been in there for a while....
eat_ham222613-Dec-2007 06:30
Am I overstocked?
Kinda new here, but have a stocking question. Everything is going well in our tank, but I am wondering if I am crowding it a bit. Here's a list of fi...
fishsage713-Dec-2007 03:08
Could this be the problem/cause Update Pm 12th Dec
If a Mod thinks this should be elsewhere please change it thank you. [ Today just as I finished doing the water change on the 5ft tank, I started to d...
keithgh1312-Dec-2007 04:57
What kind of fish to keep with Gaint Danios?
I have a 46 gallon tank with 5 giant danios and 6 rainbow fish, ( Melanotaenia duboulayi/Eastern Rainbowfish from Burnett River) and I want to replace...
oldpro1112-Dec-2007 04:22
Blue Gourami + Platy interaction
So a few weeks ago my Blue Gourami (and a few other fish) had a bad case of fungus/finrot/whatever. They're all recovered and fine now after treatment...
MrKipper212-Dec-2007 01:18
29 GAL Suggestions
I have a 29 gal. with 1 Gold Gourami, 6 Panda Cories, and a Pleco. Due to the death of my Rainbow Shark, I'm looking for some suggestions to fill it u...
CFIIMATT711-Dec-2007 16:53
How to stop hair algae?
There was a few strands of hair algae there and there in my tank, I've tried removing the affected leaves, but it's still there. I've had hair algae...
Rookie_Boy1911-Dec-2007 02:34
Temp. Increase
During the summer we keep the house around 75-80 degrees. But now that it's getting cooler our house mostly stays 68-70 degrees which is much too cold...
art-fish311-Dec-2007 02:07
Lip Locking??????
Pages: 1, 2
hey guys,i was wondering if some of yous could clear some things up what is liplocking,i was told that it is a compatability test when 2 fish are gun...
HOKESE2110-Dec-2007 18:30
AZ Garden ordering
Pages: 1, 2
Hey there everyone , Well I'm am planning on ordering some plants from and would like some input on a few things. Was/are transactio...
tigermom2010-Dec-2007 18:29
How observant are you ?
Today Mon I just about to do the water change and filter cleaning when I noticed all the CLs at one end of the tank. This is not normal behaviour eve...
keithgh1408-Dec-2007 05:49
Transporting Fish For Winter Break
Winter Break was like 2 weeks last year. I think it might be 3? this year. Any ways at my house which is about a 10 minute drive away from college, th...
General Hague704-Dec-2007 23:54
Do fish play?
I have a lyretail molly who will find a bubble at the surface of the water and she'll catch it in her mouth. She'll swim and spit it out then swim to...
art-fish502-Dec-2007 09:18
Can I feed my fish chopped garlic?
Have heard a thing or two about them liking garlic and it being beneficial. Im talking freshwater fish here. Anyone that can back this up? Id like to...
El Tiburon Tailandes702-Dec-2007 08:20
Filter killed my fish??
Hi everyone, I am new here. My husband and I just bought one of those quite small tanks (kind of rectangle in shape, as it sits vertically) - good for...
Tom O.1030-Nov-2007 13:35
anyone here kept bichirs ? iam thinkign of adding one to a 55g with 2 10" rope/dragonfish and a 5 " fire eel from what i can see this wont be a issue...
Jerrard230-Nov-2007 01:39
Pictus Cats And Gouramis
I have a 38 gallon planted aquarium with a keyhole cichlid, a curviceps, 2 platies, 2 skunk cories, an otocinclus, 3 siamese algae eaters and some ama...
ImRandy85527-Nov-2007 09:32
Freshwater Bristle Worm, Friend or Foe
Hi, I have a 300L freshwater tank, which I cleaned out last night, and found 3 freshwater bristle worms in the gravel, picture links below, but are th...
livebearer freak627-Nov-2007 05:08
20 Gallon Long Restocking
I recycled my 20 gallon long and, so far, have three platies (all male), 11 black neons, 8 assorted cories and one misplaced red fin (will return to L...
Two Tanks426-Nov-2007 21:16
Albino Freshwater Moray
Title says it all. Saw some of these in a shop today, never seen them before, always presumed they'd be brackish. these were in total freshwater, and...
Mez1326-Nov-2007 06:31
Ideas for 90 Gallon Tank
Hi, I just won a 90 gallon fish tank for $170 on ebay. It came with the fish, stand, lights and all that. However the only thing the guy had for the 9...
General Hague522-Nov-2007 23:24
New Additions for the 10 Gallon
I currently have 2 Platies in my 10 gallon, and will be going to my LFS in a little bit. I was wondering besides another platy, which I will add later...
dvd_wightman621-Nov-2007 09:07
Non- Agressive, Large, Community, Plant- safe fish?
Lol can anyone come up with one?...
RNJ_Punk920-Nov-2007 01:45
Argh! Snails Again!
OK, I am currently using the snail bait solution, and i have been getting pretty gradual results. The only exception being that the one time i tried...
GobyFan20071518-Nov-2007 20:59
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