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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Planted Aquaria
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New set up
Pages: 1, 2
Been away for a while. Life changes. My first stint of unemployment has left me very lethargic about communicating. But wasn't totally lazy. I did do...
bensaf3021-Dec-2006 12:18
Co2 Injection
I just wanted some input...I happen to have a 30 lb co2 cylinder and regulator that I use to drive my airbrush. I have a 29 gallon planted aquarium w...
fishfool35320-Dec-2006 23:54
My 35G
well, I am back.I haven't been on the website properly for months, had stupid internet problems followed by huge amounts of stupid work. really been n...
goldfishgeek1920-Dec-2006 15:25
plant Identification
I bought this plant labeled as a java fern which I know that it isn't I have 2 of the m that I really like and are flourishing in my tank. They hav...
Budzilla1119-Dec-2006 18:03
Attack of the killer 5.5 gal tank!
I've been trying for months to set up a litle 5.5 gallon tank in my office. I want it planted and housing a few sparkling gouramis. That's all I want...
illustrae314-Dec-2006 01:27
Reaquascaping 55 Gal Log
My boss has been about the tank here at work. Not enough fish, no plants, blah blah blah. I told him to get out the checkbook and I would make him...
Doedogg1214-Dec-2006 00:13
Moss balls
Hey everyone. I bought a couple of those moss balls, I was just wondering if they would attach to a surface or would they esentially just stay in the...
WiseIves611-Dec-2006 22:16
What is the best way to grow java fern?
hello. I have been researching this the past couple nights. Every web page says that it will thrive in low light with no ferts. I came across a lot of...
clownloachfan209-Dec-2006 12:37
Ph controller?
I have been searching all over town for a place that sells big C02 tanks and have come up empty.Every store including all the sporting good stores on...
Pristellapower208-Dec-2006 15:48
What To Get For Xmas?
Pages: 1, 2
Gang, If you know my tanks (20, 29, 40, 125) then you pretty much have an idea about my equipment. If you don't then you may want to take a look at m...
LITTLE_FISH2807-Dec-2006 16:59
Stocking My New 55 Gallon Planted
Pages: 1, 2
Ok so here is what I was thinking- Please give me suggestions. Animals - 2 german blue rams - 2 gold rams r bolivian...I havent made up my mi...
RNJ_Punk3807-Dec-2006 13:13
My first planted tank
Hi, Here's my first planted tank. I'm waiting for the hairgrass to fill in the foreground. Its just a novice tank. However, the comments, suggestions...
mughal113903-Dec-2006 23:00
Going To Start A Planted Tank: Need Help With The Basics
OK guys and gals, In the next month I will be starting a new 55 gallon tank. I want it to be a planted tank but I know nothing about keeping the plan...
RNJ_Punk1802-Dec-2006 20:09
New Planted Tank
ok im coming up to the point where im about a week away from actually taking the plunge. im going to take down my 29 gal keep the fish in several rubb...
sodaaddict84701-Dec-2006 15:07
New Hood
Can I grow any plant with this bulb in my 29g... Thanks....
Garofoli430-Nov-2006 20:08
Help me get started
The 55 gal tank in the office where I work is pretty at the moment and my boss keeps complaining about it. I would really like to make it a real n...
Doedogg524-Nov-2006 18:17
Looking For A Low Lying Plant
im looking for a low lying plant... what im looking for is some thing low lying that looks similar to grass some to almost the entire bottom. i want a...
sodaaddict84924-Nov-2006 07:16
Gravel Vac?
ok i was wondering when you have plant coverage all over the tank do you still have to gravel vac?if so wouldnt that disrupt the roots?...
sodaaddict84423-Nov-2006 03:33
Cycling and plants
I am starting up my first planted tank and i have a few questions: 1. Before putting plants into the tank do you have to cycle before planting, or aft...
desiredusername421-Nov-2006 10:50
How are vals in low light?
I'm setting up another 120g (4x2x2) and am up in the air about lighting. I may purchase a Coralife 2x65w 48 fixture above the tank. Anyway, I'm lookin...
Tainted Glory521-Nov-2006 02:51
Discus and planted tanks
Hey there.. its been a while since i have posted on here.. just a quick question, i have some discus that i would like to put in my planted community...
r0b3y318-Nov-2006 16:44
Liquid Plant Fertilizer
as i have been posting for awhile now, i want to go to a planted tank. and im finally goin through the steps, but i was wondering if anyone has used t...
sodaaddict84518-Nov-2006 04:47
10Gall Planted--What Plants?
Hi everyone, this is my first post and I am in the proccess of setting up 2 tanks (crazey me , I dont know what I was thinking ) anyways lo...
reefedplant615-Nov-2006 22:37
Co2 ?
Pages: 1, 2
I was thinking of adding co2 to my 20g, however im not that great at DIY. Co2 systems are pretty pricey in Oz so i was wondering if any of these could...
carpe_diem3715-Nov-2006 11:28
Rock garden
So I was just gonna throw together a quick shrimp breeding tank out of a plastic storage container and some stuff I already had. I put in 3/4" of sil...
sham910-Nov-2006 02:42
First thread, first viv, construction journal.
Pages: 1, 2
So this is my first thread here on Fish Profiles... I've been buzzing around Matt's threads (I worked with him at the fish store this summer), and dec...
nellis2209-Nov-2006 16:45
Plant Id
Could someone tell me what plant this is? I bought it as a seed about three weeks ago and it won't stop growing..
oooodkoooo409-Nov-2006 15:45
12 Gallon Sand Bottom Planted Setup
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
I ended up with an extra tank a few days ago because my son said he didn't want his 12g in his room anymore (needs more room for his stuff was the exc...
tetratech40308-Nov-2006 00:07
Java Fern leaves turning brown
Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank in which I have been keeping a java fern for the last 4 months. It is tied to a piece of wood and was growing very well. R...
buro407-Nov-2006 23:43
Plastic to LIve, any suggestions?
I have never gone with live plants and have recently decided to go that route. My problem is that I have hard well water 35.8 ppm KH, 286.4 ppm GH....
Kunzman961407-Nov-2006 06:57
Echinodorus Propagation
ok i have some black amazon sword and some echinodorus amazonicus, how can i get new plants from these plants?...
coop206-Nov-2006 14:26
Red Hygrophila corymbosa?
Hello all. Has anyone very herd of Red Hygrophila corymbosa? I have seen this plant in a display tank at a LFS and in a few pictures in the Baench Aqu...
clownloachfan005-Nov-2006 21:27
Lotus leaves stay very short
I bought a Lotus (don't know exactly which kind) a few months ago. It has some long extended light green leaves with red spots on them, and some red...
RickyM603-Nov-2006 01:52
2 Questions About Plants..
I have live plants in 2 of my fishtanks, if im not mistaken, each tank has about 40w of bulbs, one tank about 2WPG, and the other, less than one. I h...
imverystupid103-Nov-2006 00:04
How to plant tiger lotus?
Hi, I got a small tuber of tiger lotus with three small leaves and a few roots two days back. I have no idea how to plant it. Just left it on the grav...
mughal1131002-Nov-2006 20:33
Regulator pressure guage question
So...this is the first time my CO2 has run out. It didn't run out fast, I've had it going for at least 8-10 months. About 4 days ago my high pressure...
mattyboombatty501-Nov-2006 23:19
I got my "special" plant "guidebook" .
Yes, i finnaly got the long awaited for - "How to Grow Magnificent Water Plants". I oredered it in the begining of July and the company cashed the che...
clownloachfan901-Nov-2006 22:39
Moss sporophytes
'ello strangers Anyways just thought I'd raise the question regarding a most peculiar moss behavior that is occurring rampantly in my 20G tank. I...
Megil TelZeke501-Nov-2006 05:51
Abubias growing tiny leaves...
Hi, Anubias nana in my tank is growing lots of new leaves, but they are all small..infact, tiny(0.5~1 cm). When the same plant was in a very low lit t...
mughal1131331-Oct-2006 22:24
does anyone have any dwarf chain sword, [Echinodorus tenellus] that they have a surplus of? i really love the plant and i really would like to have so...
ku5626530-Oct-2006 16:47
Advice Needed On Planting/Filtering A Tank With Overflow Boxes
I just got a wonderful deal on a 125-gallon reef-ready tank. I'm going to set it up as a freshwater tank, and am thinking about planting it. But I h...
LMuha329-Oct-2006 17:56
Check This Site!
i was just looking around on tha net and i came across this if you scroll down abo...
coop128-Oct-2006 13:26
Algae outbreak
Hey Guys and Gals! ITs been awhile since ive posted anything, fishtanks have been going really well until recently. Here is the situation. I have a 1...
shawnp2k226-Oct-2006 14:29
Plant Info...
Hi, 1st off thanks for reading this... Okay so my friend sent me a whole bunch of plants(a LOT) and I payed S&H. Anyways she was unsure of one of the...
Fishrockmysox1725-Oct-2006 20:38
Plants dying
Ive have just added some val and a crypt to my 20g tank and they both seem to be dying.. the roots are going black and the leaves are brown and shred...
carpe_diem1825-Oct-2006 00:10
Why would someone suggest?
Hi there, someone else on this site has stated that the planted tank gurus suggested to her to add Epsom salts to her aquarium with each water change?...
So_Very_Sneaky424-Oct-2006 17:12
Can I use regular plant fertilizer in my aquarium?
Hello! Does anybody know whether I can use regular plant fertilizer in my aquarium? I am not sure what the difference is between regular “plant fo...
agaius521-Oct-2006 06:04
16G/60 Liter Tank
hi, im new and need some ideas on what plants to put into my tank. i also need ideas on the type of fish that i'll be comfortable in a 16 gallon. i...
gaMMa920-Oct-2006 22:19
Plant Nutrition-Advice Please
What do you guys use to keep your plants looking healthy? I've seen a few products, but would rather go on recommendation than trial and error. Thanks...
dorycora119-Oct-2006 00:41
Plant lighting and introducing...
Hi every one! I am going to add plants to my 20g today and had a few questions: How many hours do I keep the light on? How do you introduce plants...
MoFish317-Oct-2006 02:22
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