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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Planted Aquaria
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Java Fern Plantlets-Removal Date?
Hi guys! I have so many plantlets growing on my Java Fern and i have found ones topping 1.5 inches. I was wondering when or if i should remove these s...
GobyFan2007911-Nov-2007 21:15
Java Fern
i have also come across some very large java ferns is this a different species ? i bought one its large 14 cm in height which is alot larger then the...
Jerrard1010-Nov-2007 06:51
Can any one ID this crypt for me please
Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info Look here for my...
keithgh608-Nov-2007 06:48
Mixing Substrates - ADA Aquasoil & Eco Complete
I'd been planning a 3ft tank and bought enough ADA Aquasoil to do the job. It may now be a 6ft tank instead. I also have enough Eco Complete for a 3...
TW501-Nov-2007 04:43
Anubias flower
My Anubias has flowered and inside is a fruit not unlike the Monstera Deliciosa or fruit salad plant. I wonder if the anubias fruit is edible? [...
Brengun401-Nov-2007 01:52
Plants in new aquarium turning brown
I setup my new aquarium about 5 days ago, and put three live plants in. Unfortunately, I didn't get the names of the plants, but something's not right...
ca416295331-Oct-2007 02:24
Planting Sugestions
suggestions on how to plant this aquarium?...
CucumberSlices728-Oct-2007 19:51
Tieing Java Fern.....
Which method do you use to tie Jave Fern with Drift wood?....
jasonpisani1526-Oct-2007 22:42
does UV sterlizer work in planted?
I was just wondering if UV sterilers are ok to use in a planted aquarium, or more importantly is it safe to use fertilzers with it?...
brodieman526-Oct-2007 01:44
How much light?
I just picked up some plants at my LFS the other day. I got Java Fern, Hornwort, and Anacharis. I knew that I had a bad light fixture, but it turns...
truestar425-Oct-2007 02:41
Amazon Sword sick?
Hi all, Two of my Amazon Swords are getting brown markings on some of the leaves. It started as small spots, but has developed into more like smudges...
dancin_hippo524-Oct-2007 15:49
Name that Plant II
O.K. Plant Geeks. Name the thin tall plant in front of the rock. [link=What plant is this]
tetratech1722-Oct-2007 19:36
120G restarting tank
Ok i am currently restocking a 120g tank, it used to house a silver arrowana, but i had to return him to the fish store due to having to move on short...
brodieman321-Oct-2007 20:15
Azola and my first try on super lowtech aquarium
is azola a good floating plant for the planted aquarium? i am having a mix information about these, all along i thought azolas are good for sucking up...
mujacko2002716-Oct-2007 17:35
Name That Plant
This is a little plant I picked up from another aquarist. It's native to Australia so maybe TW or Country know more about it. [link]http://home-and-...
tetratech1415-Oct-2007 23:04
Would this be a suffiecient/correct light for a 10g planted?
Hey guys =] I've been doing some research on smaller size planted aquariums. I've read that the wpg rule doesnt neccesarily apply in smaller tanks and...
Zero3803714-Oct-2007 18:12
An Experiment
Pages: 1, 2
I went to the local chain pet store this afternoon and bought a couple of the unusually-packaged aquarium plants. Mostly just to see if they grow as w...
superlion2014-Oct-2007 06:15
Aponogeton Question
I have one Aponogeton in my 55 tank it was Growing good, putting out flowers 2 to 3 a week then it stopped everything, then the leaves started to fall...
FishKeeperJim110-Oct-2007 19:58
Java Fern and Silver Dollars.
Anyone had the two spend time together successfully? And has anyone in Oz got some baby java fernlets they might like to relocate to the babelfish...
Babelfish1009-Oct-2007 00:23
Dwarf anubias cuting ?
Ok...I have a Dwarf anubias in a 10 gallon tank, and its getting to big for the shaded corner its in. The back older leaves have shorter stems, and th...
oldpro308-Oct-2007 05:42
4G nano II
Pages: 1, 2
Posted most of this elsewhere and got some helpful responses but I wanted to float this out in these forums to see what fellow FPers think About...
NowherMan62207-Oct-2007 21:40
Dying Grass
Hey guys ,new to this forum, been reeding for a couple of weeks.we have a 25g and a 35 g we started in jan this year .our tanks are filled with cheap...
KLE306-Oct-2007 23:57
I have some Anubias & Ferns, in my low light tank & i would like to add some Sea Salt, as i have some Mollies in there. Do i harm the plants if i do t...
jasonpisani305-Oct-2007 15:22
Java Fern roots
In my 29g tank, among other plants, I have two java ferns. One is rather small and anchored to the tip of some Driftwood, while the other, larger one,...
cdnAndrew205-Oct-2007 08:56
PLants for 20 Gallon
Ok, i dont know if this is in the right forum, but what would be a good set of plants to get from my LFS to put in my 20 Gallon Tall which will accomm...
boil205-Oct-2007 04:45
Dividing a Crypt undulata Wendt Photo included
I had intentions of doing this before I saw the other posting re Crypt and I did not want to hijack it all. My concern is slightly different. The h...
keithgh305-Oct-2007 02:47
Plants In My 20
Hi everyone. I was just wondering if all these plants would go together and be capable in my 20 gallon. 23" long x 12" wide x 15" high Aqu...
Zix Stix905-Oct-2007 00:41
Plant Test
Found this test on aquatic plants online. I thought it would be fun to see how many of you are plant gurus!! [link]
tigermom1804-Oct-2007 06:06
Very Productive Cryptocorynes
hello just curious, how often does everyone here have to thin out their crypts. I seems like i am starting to do it every 3 months now. So that means...
clownloachfan204-Oct-2007 00:56
Authentic Amazon Carpet Options
I currently have a 20 gallon tall amazon tank. It has a sand bed and two larger pieces of driftwood. I currently have 3 Amazon Swords planted and t...
ipsomatic9502-Oct-2007 19:26
Blyxa japonica care
Hello. I want to get this plant. From what i read of, it would do good in my 29 gallon tank (see profile). Just one question though. Is Blyxa japonica...
clownloachfan002-Oct-2007 16:25
Hemianthus callitrichoides
the picture doesn't show much, sorry, but I couldn't get the shot any clearer & I don't want to open the plastic bag until I'm ready to plant it, so t...
TW1128-Sep-2007 15:03
Anyone Buy From Aquabotanic?
Hello all. This december, when i come home from college, i want to revamp my 29 and 30 gallon. And by revamp, i mean buy some new plants . Has anyone...
clownloachfan128-Sep-2007 03:05
What type of plants shoudl i get???
Hey all, I have a 20 gal. tank with 10 neon tetras, 5 ghost shrimp, 1 beta, and probably 3-4 ottos. I want to heavily plant my tank and poissbly let...
Zix Stix427-Sep-2007 22:39
Help Me Please!
i just installed one hood of lights from AH supply for my 55g consisting of one 55watt and one 36watt both of which are supposadly 6700k. my problem i...
resle526-Sep-2007 23:06
South American Plants
Does anyone know of some South American plants that could do well in a low light tank with a sand substrate? I'm setting up a 55 gallon and am not go...
truestar222-Sep-2007 21:50
CO2 for tall 47gal tank
I had a couple of co2 system questions. I recently decided to try live plants again. I was debating wether or not to get a co2 system. Any opinions...
FinFancier07319-Sep-2007 08:15
Can Java fern float?
i bought some Java fern for my 16 gal community tank today. The first bunch was put into part of the driftwood, while the other bunch is just floati...
desiredusername517-Sep-2007 13:41
Java Moss Never Again! Suggestions Needed
Pages: 1, 2
I just got done cleaning all the Java Moss out of my tank. Never again will I add that stuff! What a nightmare! It clogged up my filter intakes and ma...
zookeper2816-Sep-2007 05:39
46 Gallon Bowfront - Setup list
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Here's my official list for my new setup. Any comments, questions, concerns? It will sort of be a poor man's version of an ADA setup. Hardware 46...
tetratech8814-Sep-2007 13:51
Dwarf Hairgrass
I just bought a patch of this from my LFS... its been about 3 weeks adn the old leaves have all but died off right now... new ones are growing in thie...
Krunchy414-Sep-2007 04:00
Advantitious Plantlets
What is the safest way to remove these from the main plant?. Also, what is the best way to prepare them for planting as separate plants? I've got an...
plankton412-Sep-2007 04:43
Caterpillar ?
Hey, the other day I found what looks like a little caterpillar in my tank I picked it out and flushed it. last night my GF came home and found that a...
xiaan004-Sep-2007 16:16
Transplanting Crypt. Wendtii
I've read that these are very difficult to move to a new tank. Mine is potted and has grown very large in a 29 gallon (about the size of a soccer bal...
fishfool35303-Sep-2007 05:09
Just would like some advice on taking care of crypts.friend brought them to me the other day before she went off to college and just need some ge...
Maddeningdream1331-Aug-2007 16:12
This is fun!
If you haven't seen this you will have some fun playing with it!
Wingsdlc929-Aug-2007 01:07
Noobie Question
If you have a really heavily planted, and with fish, including bottom feeders such as cories in there too and also do water changes. Would you need to...
General Hague624-Aug-2007 09:09
Tall Plant Suggestions
Hey everyone, I was wondering if ya'll can help me with my plants? I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions for some tall plants, that can...
tigermom723-Aug-2007 13:23
40G Long Log
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
I am now starting a new log for my 40 gallon planted tank. Tank: 40 Gallon Long Sub: Flourite Light: 130W Coralife 6700K CO2: Azoo, Glass Diffuser...
Wingsdlc47222-Aug-2007 12:54
Punk's 55 Gallon Planted tank: What do you think?
This is my tank I have had set up for about 8 months. It has taken a while to get to where it is now, with trials such as huge algae outbreaks, and...
RNJ_Punk1822-Aug-2007 12:29
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