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 Technical Tinkering
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Eheim or Rena
Ok when you first looked at this, I'm sure you are thinking, Eheim of course! But, let me fill you all in first on why I'm asking about these two p...
GirlieGirl85191118-Jun-2006 04:06
Tetra Second Nature Filter
it wont suck any water the motor works got any ideas about what might be wrong with it...
venustus216-Jun-2006 15:53
best quality filter/pump for a 32L tank? (and quietest)?
Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone has any filter/pump etc suggestions for me. I have a 320 tank for my betta in my lounge room. At the moment it...
Roquen515-Jun-2006 14:30
Working Around Phython Siphon
Hello, I am trying to find a way around the Phyton Gravel filter, and make my own. I was planning on putting my siphon head on a long tube that will g...
Garofoli814-Jun-2006 20:14
RO Unit question
For all you salties, and maybe a freshie or two, how often would I have to replace the membrane cartridge in a 3-stage RO unit that filters 24 gpd? N...
crazyred714-Jun-2006 15:24
External Power Filters
Hey all; I was just wondering, what (in your opinion) is going to be the best External Power Filter for a 250L (4x1.5x1.5ft) tank. For years, I've ha...
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan1013-Jun-2006 16:09
Diy Wet Dry?
has anybody made their wet dry filter for a tank yet? also, if you have or havent. what would be a good size tank to use to make a DIY sump for a 55g...
monkeyboy309-Jun-2006 14:10
Quarantine Tank
Hello, I think it is in my best interest to Think about Setting up a quarantine Tank. So what do I need to put in it? (Plants, Gravel, type of filter,...
Garofoli208-Jun-2006 15:18
How many Powerheads do I need for my UGF in my 10 and 30g? Thanks....
Garofoli407-Jun-2006 19:07
Enough filter for 4ft jardini?
Hi guys, Just wonder if I might be over doing or under doing with my filtration in my 4ft with 30cm saratoga jardini. Currently, my eheim 2215 has b...
JQW507-Jun-2006 16:18
What media for eheim 2026?
I was going to order an Eheim Pro II 2026 for my 46g tank. It's a basic unplanted community tank. I've never used a canister filter before so I wasn...
paige107-Jun-2006 14:56
Clogging Feeder
Hello, I have a double daily 4 week feeder and it will not work if there is evaporation. The Evaporation will cause the food to get caught in the tube...
Garofoli007-Jun-2006 02:27
what type of filter do use on your tanks? i use power filters since they are easy to maintain. i've used a canister, but it was too much of a hassle c...
hle_81906-Jun-2006 15:27
Lime Stain Tip
If you live in the northern US between Buffalo, NY and central Wisconsin, you live on top of the Niagara escarpment. It is one of the world's great de...
Bob Wesolowski304-Jun-2006 17:59
10G Lighting
I have screw in 10w CF bulbs in my 10g hood at the moment. In a few months I plan to upgrade the lighting to ~4wpg and heavily plant it. I bought wha...
GirlieGirl8519230-May-2006 16:37
Noisy Ehiem 2215
Hey Guys, I must be the first one to complain about a noise Eheim Anyway, I bought this Eheim 2215 2nd hand, it worked for me like a beauty for t...
JQW327-May-2006 16:16
Cooling Off Heaters
how long do i have to wait for the heaters cool off before i do a water change? and after adding water, how long do i wait before turning it back on?...
hle_81526-May-2006 15:20
RO/DI unit soften the water
will a good RO/DI unit soften very hard well water enough for discus to live in? thanks...
fishkid99422-May-2006 06:14
Proper Filtering
I hae a 10g tank with a 100 Bio-wheel, Would a 100 Bio-Wheel w/ an undergravel filter work well for a crowded 30g Cichlid Tank? Whats the basic ruling...
Garofoli222-May-2006 06:10
Water Purification and Koi
I have a 4000 gallon Pond stocked with: 10 8inch Koi 5 12inch Koi 2 18inch koi is this ok? i have recently chased a water purification unit for the...
~Mista Psycho~120-May-2006 16:28
Anyone heard of an 85g tank?
I found one for sale in the local newspaper. I haven't had a chance to call the people yet. I have never heard of an 85g tank. Does anyone know what t...
GirlieGirl8519718-May-2006 22:05
Another Lighting Question
i currently have a 110gal tank dim are 60"long x 24"tall x 18" deep. Im running 4 6700k bulbs that are overdrived by 50% this gives me approximately 2...
shawnp2k116-May-2006 16:30
Lighting question
Pages: 1, 2
Hi everyone My question is in regards to fluorescent bulbs. I have a 42G tall aquarium and am currently using one 15 watt T8 Power-Glo bulb that is...
Mitchee2414-May-2006 23:31
Advice on UV Sterilizers please!!
Hi everyone I've decided that I need a UV sterilizer. My tank is currently infected with gill flukes and I'm upset beyond all reason. I have read t...
Mitchee314-May-2006 17:56
Empty Tank
Just wondering if a tank is empty, does the silicone go hard & cause a problem. I have bought a 2nd hand ft tank, that previous owner said was empty...
TW313-May-2006 23:34
CO2 and low WPG - Advice please
I've been doing some research on the benefits of CO2 units and I read with interest the post from DaMossMan in "Planted Aquaria" entitled "CO2 and 1wp...
Mitchee1313-May-2006 01:07
What makes the pH in my tank fall. The amonia or ammonium right? Well isn't the alge supposed to take care of that?...
D-Diddy306-May-2006 20:22
Reactor question
I've been holding off on DIY CO2 because I have been looking for a reactor. Well I found one on aquabid...not sure if it would be good or not. I'm on...
GirlieGirl8519106-May-2006 00:37
Fluval Series 4 or 5?
I'm looking to replace my Emperior Filters (a 400 on a 60 tank gal and a 280 on a 40 gal tank). I'm heavily considering going to Fluval canisters. I...
qcode1970105-May-2006 03:15
Bio Wheel Pro
Marineland make a Bio Wheel Pro 60 filter that connects to the returm of a magnum 350. I am having difficulty finding one. Did this device not work...
lanjohns230-Apr-2006 17:32
False Positives with nitrite
Has any one heard of false positives for nitrite when adding plants and iron fertilizer to a stable tank? I added plants and a few days later iron fer...
lanjohns230-Apr-2006 17:19
Pythons in Australia
Pages: 1, 2
Hi everyone, I've just been researching this gadget and I really want one. I went shopping this week and found one (to my surprise coz i've never see...
crusha2230-Apr-2006 13:06
Internal or external filter?
Im about to set up a temporary tank which is about 10g while i strip my 20g tank. I was just wondering what would be the most suitable and cheapest f...
carpe_diem628-Apr-2006 08:39
Reactor/Diffuser....What's The Difference?
I have been looking into DIY CO2 for a little while. I haven't set it up yet, but have been gathering the bits and pieces I need. I was going to diff...
GirlieGirl8519528-Apr-2006 04:00
Eheim Sludge Extractor
Hello I'm wondering if anyone has used one of these & if they really work. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks,...
TW427-Apr-2006 16:53
Position of submersible heater/guard question
I finally got a decent heater for my 29 gal tank - Hagen Tronic. The tank is not fluctuating 6-10 degrees f every day now(it IS by a window). I ha...
dkelley526-Apr-2006 13:37
EHIEM Primer sluggish
I have an EHIEM PRO II canister filter which I bought brand new and has been running for 4 months. Yesterday when I turned it off to clean the canist...
Bar-B 223-Apr-2006 05:04
Can't find the right sized fluorescent fixture! Help!
Hello I am in the process of upgrading to a new 55 gallon aquarium. In the interest of getting the most for what I had to spend, I ordered as muc...
KariLyn231020-Apr-2006 16:15
HELP! how to remove the top to a 55 without damage!!
you see, i got this AWESOME piece of drift wood, and after about an hour of TLC i finally got it to a "slip in nicely" size, only one problem, the stu...
fishyhelper288818-Apr-2006 17:40
What external filter should I buy?
Hi folks: I got a 100litres tank and i want to change my internal filter for a external and more powerfull one. The most important thing is that...
Smaug418-Apr-2006 16:59
Peat At A Water Softener
Can i use peat for gardens in a fish tank if i rinse it really well and put it in a filter bag can i get away with it. i have really hard water and al...
petstoregirl80416-Apr-2006 03:57
Lighting tubes recommendation
hey.. setting up a new tank but not sure about wat tubes to put in my 4ft dual heto reflector. i havnt really had a proper planted setup, been more i...
r0b3y613-Apr-2006 18:07
How to slow down intake/outake flow on...
I was given the "ECLIPSE 29 COMBO" as a gift. However, I am thinking it was the worse gift someone could have given me. nevertheless, I am hoping I...
entkitty613-Apr-2006 15:31
Where to place a carbon pad ?
I'm running an EHIEM PRO II canister filter on my 120 gal. tank. I'm wondering where to place a carbon pad, the instruction booklet does not specify....
Bar-B 1112-Apr-2006 06:19
More filtration ?!?!?
Hi there, I currently have a fluval 4plus filter in my 57(US) gal tank and was thinking about getting a fluval 205 cannister filter for much more add...
pos51511-Apr-2006 05:28
Should I use UV in freshwater???
I have had amyriad of problem with a 75 g for the past fw months so I have decided to start cmopletely over. I do not have a spot where the aquarium...
jimmywjames607-Apr-2006 00:58
Wooden Airstones
Hi all, I am after an air stone that will produce really fine bubbles. Has anyone used wooden airstones in freshwater before with success? I have h...
crusha1105-Apr-2006 09:36
Air pump help (reply)
Hi, I don't know what you did, but there was no option to reply to your question other than to start a new post. I'm not sure what you are calling a...
FRANK205-Apr-2006 09:34
Setting up a Bubble Wand or Bubble Bar
I just had a quick question about a bubble wand or bubble bar as the package I just bought says. I have everything set up and the bubble bar running...
bran025405-Apr-2006 06:10
How's it Hanging? Your heater I mean.
I picked up 2 stealth heaters for my 10 gallon and 20 gallon tanks. I put one in vertically and the other in horizontally, I would like to know how ot...
luvmykrib1905-Apr-2006 04:18
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