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Zebra Danios Standing Still??
Is it normal for them to do this (hang in one place for extended periods of time). Wondering if this falls under normal observed behavior, or if I sh...
beetledance1809-Mar-2006 05:56
Ammonia spike, fish dying
Hi, My 10 gallon tank has been set up for 3 years now and up to now I have had no problems. The inhabitants were: 4 pandas 1 silver tip tetra 1 white...
Deb2fish408-Mar-2006 17:47
Clown Loaches Dieing PLZ HELP
Hello, I have a tank with 7 clownloaches(small size) and other community fish such as corys tetras and rainbow fish in there and recently some of the...
Hellstorm1208-Mar-2006 08:41
What's Happened To My Zebra Danio?
Hi Everyone, I have a zebra danio that over the past week has changed in looks. His back has 'sunk in' He swims as usual, he seems happy and is eati...
BubbleLover607-Mar-2006 08:26
Rainbow oddness!
My new Neon Dwarf Rainbow has been in Quarantine for a few days, and he seems to be just sitting in one spot. Is that normal?...
fanciestguppy2006107-Mar-2006 05:40
need help! ASAP
I have recently had a big ammonia spike in my 30 gallon chiclid (spelling?) tank. It killed a lot of fish, including some corys and some barbs. So now...
fishkid991405-Mar-2006 20:01
Electric Blue Crayfish: shell rot?
Ok folks, We are starting to narrow down the possible issues going on with my Electric Blue Crayfish. Problem as it stands- Crayfish has a algae-loo...
XxFr3sHwAt3r ExOtiCsxX305-Mar-2006 16:35
my tank is DYING OUT!!!
I started out with all these fish in my 30 gallon: 3x flame tetras 6x neon tetras 3x platies 7x zebra dwarf danios 4x peppered corys 1x ram 1x red ta...
Badgers034605-Mar-2006 03:49
This might be a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyways. I've never used Melafix before but I was thinking about buying some just to have around...
lazylizardlady505-Mar-2006 02:13
Weird yellowish dust in community tank
I have some weird looking dust that aeems to be spreading on the fake plants in my tank. It also seems to be spreading in the non-moving area of the...
XxFr3sHwAt3r ExOtiCsxX305-Mar-2006 01:56
Parrot cichlid in need of immediate help!!!!!
My new parrot has a bump at the ba se of its tail . Its tail end also seems to float up on it when it tries to swim. It is really worrying me and i...
NewBreeder161505-Mar-2006 00:07
sick oscar and JD
Right now I have an oscar and a Jack Dempsey together without any problems. Last wednesday I noticed that they weren't eating at all. I haven't change...
tigerduh1003-Mar-2006 15:49
Does white spot develop on fins?
I noticed in a friends tank that her Blue Rams had some white spots on their fins ... I know that they do have coloured flecks through their fins but...
crusha703-Mar-2006 04:13
Neon tetra disease???
Does anyone have any info on neon tetra disease? I would appreciate info on symptoms, cures if any, and what is the cause and effect. Thanks in adva...
aquapickle27703-Mar-2006 04:07
White Film
My tetras, rasboras and tiger barbs all have a white film on the top half of their bodies that i cant explain. My plecos, clown loaches, frogs and gou...
judz1103-Mar-2006 01:58
Need help ASAP...
My fish are dying I just came home and found the tank with out lights on..i forgot to turn on the lights but i think that is no problem.As soon as i...
Rob16191401-Mar-2006 17:55
Stars And Stripes Puffer Fish- Stung By A Lion Fish
Does anyone know what i can do? He has a ring around his back area, and he's swollen. he is breathing very heavy I dont know what to do? any help?...
intodeep201-Mar-2006 05:44
Thin worms in water
I just did my weekly w/c and noticed small (about 1cm) thin white worms wiggling through the water! Does anyone know what these are ? i posted th...
carpe_diem1028-Feb-2006 23:51
Stuck Fish!
Hi Everyone, I have a Silver Shark that decided it would go into a log ornament I have containing two holes at the front. Unfortunately he went in thr...
BubbleLover828-Feb-2006 16:22
Bolivian Ram Spinning
i just got home from school, and after checking on the sick bettas and other tanks, i stopped infront of my 20 long, and noticed the dominant bolivian...
fishyhelper288327-Feb-2006 23:15
Worried about my angel
I brought home a few otocinclus the other day and my angel quickly attempted to eat one of them. The otocinclus was in the angel's mouth with only th...
NFaustman127-Feb-2006 22:20
Are they Ok???
I have had 4 Black Neons in my 15 for 6 days now. They have all developed a shiny coppery coloured edge to them. It's not spotty of dusty, but it's sp...
BlackNeonFerret525-Feb-2006 11:59
Wiggling Fish
i have a large african cichlid, all water conditions are fine, ive had him for 3 weeks now, but the last couple of days ive noticed he sits in one pla...
flipper325-Feb-2006 04:26
Red spot on fish
Hi, I have a fish that has a red spot on his head. Inside there seems to be a green colored worm or something. It's difficult to describe, so I've pla...
csisfun424-Feb-2006 18:27
Dying Harlequin Rasboras
Hello My recently cycled 20G tank has the following readings:- Ammonia: nil, nitrite: nil, pH: 7.5, KH: 3dKH, Nitrate: 20pmm. 50% water change on...
TW1923-Feb-2006 23:45
Featherfin Problem! Need help!
My Featherfin Catfish of 7 years has acquired some sort of fungus around it's anal cavity, between the lower tail fins. I have since removed it from...
Maximum467223-Feb-2006 22:23
Cichlid Problem!
My electric yellow died today of what i think was malawi bloat symptoms included bloated stomach no appetitate leathargic when it died it developed re...
carpe_diem223-Feb-2006 22:22
2 Bettas. Sepret Problems. Equaly Worried.
lets start off with the most severe. male betta. got in a fight de to me forgetting i had already added a comunity male betta to a certin tank. left...
fishyhelper288523-Feb-2006 20:41
Arowana Eaten!
I changed my gravel last week and cleaned it very thouroughly. The tank housed a Butterfly Peacock, Silver Arowana, Electric Blue Crayfish, and f...
XxFr3sHwAt3r ExOtiCsxX223-Feb-2006 19:52
My goldfish has a large bulge on the side of it's head. It covers the entire left gill. It has a slight redish tinge, and the bottom has a dark red sp...
goldfishdude423-Feb-2006 06:42
Sick guppy
Hey My friend has a sick guppy and shes wondering what it is. I dont know whats wrong with it but heres the pic:
von dutch523-Feb-2006 05:48
Red Eye Tetra with growth? Check it out.
Hi there, I recently noticed one of my red eye tetras has developed some type of growth on his gill plate, and part of the top of his head. He is eat...
So_Very_Sneaky922-Feb-2006 02:19
Frog with serious issue..Please Look Warning- Not for the faint of Heart.
Well, everyone knows how ADFs sometimes can be very secretive, espescially in a well planted tank with many hiding spots. Sometimes they will remain u...
So_Very_Sneaky1422-Feb-2006 02:16
Bent Guppies
i have a 29G tank that is primarily occupied by a group of guppies (roughly 10, various sizes, both sexes). i've had most of them for at least 6-8 mon...
niggit422-Feb-2006 02:14
Snakeheads Going Dark Colour
i have two rainbow snakeheads which have lots of black specks on there fins ,it looks as if they are loseing there colour the specks look as if they a...
martin day221-Feb-2006 22:59
Algae Eaters deaths! HELP!!
Last week, my beloved Chinese Algae eater unexpectidly died. The only thing i noticed about his body was that his head was very very light. almost whi...
Sleepy221-Feb-2006 22:54
Platy with a spot
My new Mickey Mouse Platy has a whitish-yellow spot on its tail, it looks kind of fuzzy but I can't tell. It is acting normal, eating too. Is it just...
bodangit321-Feb-2006 15:21
Toothing Problems
my green spotted puffer has lost its shine, bobs around the top of the tank and looks really sick. Its teeth are HUGE. i know that this can lead to ma...
charlieogilvie121-Feb-2006 01:57
Do crayfish get whitespot like fish do?
We have 2 Australian Red-Claw Crayfish (Cherax-Quadricarinatus) also known as Ronnie + Reggie, which were happily in a tank with an Amazonian Pufferfi...
cichlid crazy419-Feb-2006 15:18
Fantail has bug on its fin! HELP!
My fantail goldfish has some little bug on its tailfin. I first saw the thing swimmin up the side of the tank, its round with two tiny little flappy t...
r8frazer818-Feb-2006 01:13
UV Sterilizer and Meds
Quick question, if I have a UV light hooked up, and now have found 2 ich spots on one of my fish and I am treating the tank with Aquari-sol, sould I:...
entkitty617-Feb-2006 16:29
Platy is acting very weird
I have a red wag platy that is acting very weird. First of all, it has been in the tank for a month. It was used to cycle the tank. I bought 2 mickey...
bodangit317-Feb-2006 03:12
Gourami with bloat/ parasites/ swollen belly
Noticed two days ago one of my sparkling gourami was quite bloated in the belly area, with a reddish wound on the right side. At first I thought it wa...
NowherMan6216-Feb-2006 23:01
Pop eye??
Hi!!! I have a siamese fighting fish named Styx. I have had him for 2 years now. In the last couple days he hasn't been eating alot or moving alot. I...
strawberrymoon55116-Feb-2006 22:58
I think there is something wrong with my betta.
And I do mean think. There's nothing completely obvious, but we've been together a year now, and he's not acting normal. About a week ago I overfed...
wodesorel216-Feb-2006 08:01
Balloon Rams Sick:(
i have a couple balloon rams in a 50 gal with 3 angels and about 15 penguin tetra...the other day i noticed white spots on the head of both rams, look...
nagash45316-Feb-2006 05:32
Ahhhhhh! Sick fish
Dear all I am having big trouble with my tropical fish tank, though thankfully I have had no deaths yet. I’m hoping someone may be able to advise me...
Christina536115-Feb-2006 23:08
My Moorii has a Prolapsed Anus (not a tumour...)
Pages: 1, 2
Noticed a pink/white 'thing' sticking out of my Moorii's bum on Saturday. Couldn't figure out what it was... so i took him to the vet today. He has a...
jester_fu3615-Feb-2006 17:01
White fuzzy growth/spot/patch?????
I was cleaning my tank tonight and noticed on one of my oto's a white fuzzy looking growth on it's fin. At first I thought that it's fin was missin...
Mia315-Feb-2006 16:48
Marine ich?
I think my cleaner goby has ich. He/she has white spots ONLY on its fins and near the eyes. But mysteriously so where else. This is in my quarentine t...
fishkid99014-Feb-2006 06:10
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