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Ammonia Level
ammonia levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my tank has been cycled now for around 4 weeks yest...
arry618-Mar-2007 04:55
Fish not active at all
Alright. I have a 16 gallon Freshwater. I just bought a livebearer and 3 zebra's. They are all on the bottom, hanging out, breathing rapidly. I mistak...
jakemmy1214-Mar-2007 22:07
30 Gallon
I just Bought an Aqua-Tech by Regent Tank with Aqua-Tech Power Filter, Tetra Heater, Aqua-tech Air Pump, 2 Tetra Air Stones...Tetra AquaSafe Water Con...
antman080151111-Mar-2007 04:49
20 Gal Setup, Lots Of Questions
Boy oh boy, where do I start. It's been a long time since I've had fish. I had fish as a kid, but it was usually one goldfish in a 2 1/2 gal tank. It'...
shannon20_01507-Mar-2007 06:09
I'm a little rusty, need some help with a new tank.
Okay I am an experienced fish hobyist who hasn't kept a fish tank in a few years. I have forgotten some stuff over time and plus I have not set up a...
Gomer607-Mar-2007 03:04
Stocking a 55 gal. tank
Hi, I've had this tank setup as a community tank for 16+ yrs. About 1 1/2 yrs ago I was getting board with it, and as fish died I didn't replace them...
Blazzaro1006-Mar-2007 08:46
Under Water Gravel Filters
Hi everyone, I have just started up my aqauiruim again. I wanted to use an UWG filter but they are no where to be had around here. Apparently they ha...
Tina's Tank205-Mar-2007 01:14
Getting Old Tanks,Up And Running
hi guys, yesterday i got offered to buy a 44 gal,well the lady says as far as she knows its water tight,i can seal it up if it isnt,but,she used to ke...
HOKESE1804-Mar-2007 23:47
Stocking a 160l tank
As a nooby to FW aquariums i'd first like to thank everybody involved with this website. All of your information regarding setting up and cycling has...
Ace302-Mar-2007 11:19
setting up a 50gal, pH problems
I'm setting up a 50gal freshwater aquarium. Just got it up and running Monday afternoon. The majority of the contents came from a previously setup/e...
RaeBuckner601-Mar-2007 03:26
What to do? 20 gallon, one fish, feels kinda lonley to me.
OK, this isnt realy setting up a new tank, but rather re-stocking an old one. I had two african cichlides (one P. socolofi and an unidentified, but si...
Nyteflame401-Mar-2007 03:18
80 Gallon Stocking Q's
Hello I am posting to ask a few questions about an 80 gallon planted tank I have. I would like to know if I can put some angelfish in my tank. I als...
Purpleosiris912-Feb-2007 22:44
Cycling With Fish
hi i bought my son a jewal 120 for christmas as usual with everything else he couldnt wait to get fish into the tank i started to notice that the ammo...
arry1812-Feb-2007 07:50
API Tap Water Condition
What happens if u use to much?...
lotus06209-Feb-2007 00:28
Stop Fish Breeding?
Hi guys, I'm a complete Newbie to the game, so far I'm only at the "thinking about it" stage and reading lots about cycling, hardy fishes etc. One t...
Fish'n Chips1804-Feb-2007 20:12
Good online stores?
Since living in alaska, we have bought some fish from a nice Pet store, though now they have closed down and relocated. The LFS nearby is very expen...
AlaskaMatt1201-Feb-2007 03:20
Real Or Fake Plants?
Pages: 1, 2
I have fake... just seein what people like better...
thebroadwayninja2130-Jan-2007 22:40
Salt Or No Salt?
i have had different types of goldfish for past two years. i just upgraded to a 60 gall. tank. i have been told i need to add salt once in a while. my...
golopus729-Jan-2007 21:53
Oddysea Aquarium vs Eclipse Aquariums...which one is better?
i'm thinking of setting up a new 10-15 gallon aqarium and orginally, i wanted an Eclipse System 12 Aquarium and while i was going to different fish st...
FOBolous523-Jan-2007 02:25
Lilly Bulbs
I bought a couple of live lilly bulbs from a store, can I just put it in my tank or do I need to rinse it out with my water? Thanks....
museuz518-Jan-2007 21:15
Acrylic Vs. Glass
i would like to hear from people about which tank they prefer. acrylic or glass. i have never owned an acrylic tank, and i would like to hear some pro...
golopus818-Jan-2007 01:48
100 Litre Fishless Cycle
I am going to attempt cycling my tank with ammonia(9.5%) does anybody know how much ammonia to add to my tank daily or anything else i should do also...
martinh116-Jan-2007 17:55
29G with a bunch of fish?
Ok i have been doing this fish stuff for about a year now. So i know im a noob. My first tank was a 29g and i had 6 Cichilds in it. Well i have upg...
1yearintoit713-Jan-2007 22:37
Does anyone have any Killifish?
I had a post re: 1 male and 2 supposed female killifish. The male has a convex (tail goes outward) tail and the females have a concave (tail goes inwa...
jontyra213-Jan-2007 18:31
Water Change
I set up my aquarium for the past 3 weeks, but I haven't buy fish yet. Do I still need to do water change every 2 weeks if I don't have the fish?...
museuz811-Jan-2007 21:53
New 20 Gallon
hi ,My neigbour has a 20 gallon that is 4 jears old and she does not want it anymore so i can haved is that cool ore what it looks like i have an ad...
kaboke611-Jan-2007 16:51
Tankmates for tiger barbs
Hello, I have a fully cycled 29 gallon tank with nothing in it and wanted to put tiger barbs in it. I was wondering if I could put maybe 6 or 7 tige...
jbe04041209-Jan-2007 18:06
Please help with 90G tall stocking issue!
Recently we purchased a 90g tall in order to return to the hobby from a considerable break. However now I am completely confused with what the recomme...
gothiquemommie309-Jan-2007 00:46
Filter for New Tank
I will starting up my 1st FW tank soon and am considering using a sponge filter. Why you ask? cheap;doesn't take up much room; easy to maintain, & sav...
JTF508-Jan-2007 21:10
Clear Ammonia. Question
Im doing the fischless cycling with clear ammonia on a 20 gallon high i put 10 drops in every day and now after one week it still does not schow anny...
kaboke106-Jan-2007 21:42
Nitrate test kit question
Hi Guys, It has been a while since I have used any of this stuff. I bought a nitrate test kit that states readings over 110 mg/L need a water change...
Cavey506-Jan-2007 19:04
Test kit readings
Would someone like to tell me what these readings are?? I have trouble matching the colours....the purple gets darker..but never really looks that mor...
Cavey206-Jan-2007 09:04
Best Heater Brand?
hello! i havea 25 gallon tall tank ( 24 by 12, by 20 inches high), and i need to get a heater. I was told to get a 100 W heater, since I will not f...
bywayofmedia805-Jan-2007 03:00
Tell Me When It Is Time To Add Fish
I need help. Since I joind this forum I have learnd that keeping fish safe is our number one. What you tell me here I try to help other's in another f...
Edith505-Jan-2007 02:30
Neglected tank needed saving....
So I left my parents a 30 gallon tank to care for when I left for college, and nobody has cleaned it at all! All my plants were dead (except for one)...
devon71103-Jan-2007 23:44
how can i lower my pH ?
how do i lower my pH it is 8.7 I am trying to get it down to 8.0 . i have a high alkalinity a high kH and my gH is hard. its a 55 gallon tank...
fishfry1003-Jan-2007 20:32
What would you do with a 210?
Well to make a long story short, I work at a petstore, in order to make our store an attraction, we are setting up a 210 gallon display tank. This tan...
cherrybarb1003-Jan-2007 06:04
20G - stocking Question
I have various ideas Could I keep one pair of Rams, some neons and some Cories in a 20g planted fish tank? I feel I would be pushing it slightly?...
goldfishgeek702-Jan-2007 02:55
Stocking suggestions across 2 tanks
I currently have a 29G tank with the current stocking: 1 BN 4 C Sterbai 2 DG 11 Neon Tetras 5 Botia Sidthimunki 2 Kuhli's 6 Amano Shrimps I am lookin...
waldena102-Jan-2007 02:48
What Exactly Is The Cylce And What Does It Do
just the question asked in the topic name... what is it...
thebroadwayninja401-Jan-2007 19:57
Fishless Cycling
can anybody help me find the link for fishless cycling with ammonia i will try this with the new 20 gallon thanks Kaboke...
kaboke101-Jan-2007 00:36
2 Tanks, 2 Choices
Looks like, through a deal done with hubby, that I can replace 2 of my tanks with 2 larger ones. I'm going to take my time, but these are the 2 tanks...
TW531-Dec-2006 04:10
How Many In A 10G
How many neons and glowlights can fit in a ten g comfortably. I know they love to school and need to be in a group...
thebroadwayninja631-Dec-2006 02:14
what fish should I get
I just got my first "fish" tank... i had water frogs. what fish should i get. I was thinking some neon tetra, and glowlight tetra. any advice...
thebroadwayninja530-Dec-2006 04:50
How do you know if your heater is working?
I got a kit that came with a heater. i set the temperature on 79. I put the thermometer on before i started the heater and it was at 78 already. I t...
thebroadwayninja130-Dec-2006 04:20
UGJ and sand?
I am thinking of seting up a tank with and under gravel jet system. may be a crazy question but can you use sand? will the jets blow around the sand...
fishfry527-Dec-2006 21:57
water to hard for Mbunas?
I have a 55 gallon tank. My KH is 16 and my GH is 14. Is the water to hard for Mbuna cichlids? All I have is to small yellow labs at the moment. My KH...
fishfry425-Dec-2006 18:37
Newbie & First FW Tank
After several months of reading books; magazines, & visiting aqua related sites, I am planning on starting my 1st FW tank. The plan is to purchase a k...
JTF824-Dec-2006 16:28
Tips For Waterchanges
hey its me again if my tank is cycled what would be a good way to keep a tank healty 20% waterchanges every week or less > i also read in one of th...
kaboke423-Dec-2006 22:21
New tank, what fish?
I'm starting up a new 10 gallon tank and I'm trying to decide on what fish to add in to start cycling my tank. I'm pretty set on ending up with mostl...
ImRandy85721-Dec-2006 18:41
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