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 The Hospital
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HELP FAST while he's still alive
okay so here goes my fish is bloated. he refuses to eat and now hes got a long string of bio hanging out of his anus. the bio is not a normal color it...
gabetaylor704-Feb-2008 00:55
Dead Tiger Barb
ok, not a good fish week at Scott's house, sheesh... I lost another Tiger Barb yesterday, this time an albino... I have been losing them one at a ti...
ScottF1303-Feb-2008 15:47
Harlequins That Wont Eat...
I just picked up a small shoal of harlies for my 10g on Saturday nite. I have not seen them eat since I brought them home. I've seen them take a bri...
ScottF302-Feb-2008 04:21
Redtail Catfish Problem
hey i am pretty new to the freshwater aquarium and i have a redtail catfish that ate one of my pictus. is this going to cause a health problem?...
anthony123902-Feb-2008 03:55
Causes of Malawi Bloat
Hey all, So I've lost a second peacock to bloat (or what seems to be bloat). I can't nail down what is causing it though? Diet = Spirulina and cic...
Hari Seldon130-Jan-2008 10:22
Hole in the head disease?
My friend has a 10 gallon tank with 3 gold fish, a betta and a pleco. I believe that the pleco is a sailfin pleco. It appears that the pleco has hol...
tyler9999530-Jan-2008 10:18
Sick Rainbowfish and Hospital tank
Hi all, Well, we picked up a Bosemani Rainbowfish from WalMart of all places! Anyhoo, we've had her for about 48hrs, and noticed a white fungus type g...
fishsage927-Jan-2008 22:10
Sick Betta...
just got this lil guy Sunday, barely moving now, spent the last couple days lying on the tank bottom... floats around in the movement of the water (wh...
ScottF527-Jan-2008 05:04
Long Translucent/whiteish Stringy Discharge
Hey Folks, Recently I had a Demasoni die on me. Before he died he stopped eating, sluggish, "tired", recluse and breathing very heavy towards the end...
cichlidman525-Jan-2008 04:31
My two kisser fish are in a world of hurt
I got two pink kissers 2 weeks ago. 2 day after I had them, they both had 1 spot on them that looked like ick. It went away on its own. I them treated...
steven1982723-Jan-2008 11:25
My fish are dead, now what?
I have to fish that died in my quarantine tank. They died from Nitrites to high or "bacterial or parasite" as they did have a spot on them at one poin...
steven1982423-Jan-2008 04:42
White Fuzzy Spot On Betta Fin
my betta fish that we have had for over a year has developed a white fuzzy pom pom looking thing on it's front bottom fin. he seems to be acting fine....
jem's mom322-Jan-2008 22:56
ParziPro Instructions
If you read this, what would it mean to you in regards to treatment? " A single treatment lasting 5 - 7 days is normally sufficient. Retreat if neces...
tigermom220-Jan-2008 07:47
Angel fish chokes?
Can fish choke? I have no other explanation. My wife just called and my daughters tank (well established and settled)((thats the tank not the daughter...
mews519-Jan-2008 23:37
Parrot Fish
Hello all, I think I have sick fish x 3. Though they are all relatively new to me, their behaviour has changed dramatically. 1 x T.Bar and 2 x Parrot...
rainsford619-Jan-2008 16:44
Urgent Dont Know What To Do
my mollys left eye is bulging out?!? what do i do...
JBennett181318-Jan-2008 08:54
White edge on red tailed sharks fins
I am looking at getting a red tailed shark. When I go to ALL the local pet stores I see that most of there red tails have a white edge to there fins....
steven1982317-Jan-2008 04:21
How long should my kissing fish stay in Quarantine
I got two new Kissing fish on 6 Jan. 3 days later they both started to show signs of ICH. I turned the heater up to 82 and watched them for 3 days or...
steven1982616-Jan-2008 18:59
Rainbow Shark Scales?
To start if this is in the wrong section I apologize. It really all boils down to medication so I thought it would be appropriate but if it needs to b...
tigermom816-Jan-2008 12:22
Salt bath to halt fungal infection
Hi all, we have our bosemani rainbow in a hospital tank, 2 days into treatment, and looks to be getting worse not better. My question.... would a salt...
fishsage516-Jan-2008 09:18
Hello, everyone... My Betta Rodney is very injured, I found him stuck to the filter intake yesterday afternoon. I don't think he had been there long,...
L'Aquatique616-Jan-2008 02:43
Convict...Blind or dumb?
My friend recently found a convict that another friend of mine didnt want/couldnt take care of anymore. So being the good and spontanious friend he ha...
Peter17416-Jan-2008 00:40
Sudden Problems with Koi deaths
I,ve had my pond now for 4 years. 1,000 gals. I had 5 Koi, and about 10 assorted goldfish. All 4 years without a death. NOW, my problem. 4 month ago...
vcoronado416-Jan-2008 00:23
Treating Malawi Bloat - no hospital tank
I recently noticed my male Sunshine Peacock has a swollen abdomen, probably 2-3 days now. So right away, I gather I he is displaying secondary sympto...
Hari Seldon614-Jan-2008 21:31
Non-Ich Fuzzy White Spot
(Edited title, hoping for more input) One of my female bettas has a little fuzzy white spot on each of her pectoral fins today. She's the only one s...
Twilight614-Jan-2008 04:31
White Skirt Tetra/White Dots
recently one of my white skirt tetras had little white balls appearing on its caudal and pectoral fins no pics and no behavior changes or color losses...
JBennett181613-Jan-2008 22:22
Grey Splotch on Betta
I've had a betta for about 2 months in a 10 gallon tank with a few pygmy corys, plants, and whatnot. Two days ago, he developed a grey splotch on the...
Joe Potato313-Jan-2008 19:27
Angel Fish with red spots/decay
I have had angel fish since I was a kid and I have never seen this before, it looks like the skin if you will, on the angel fish is decaying. I am tr...
crazedmomof3313-Jan-2008 10:26
Bleeding fins??
The other day I noticed that one of my sharks fins were bleeding. I thought it could be fin rot so I treated the tank with Maracyn-TC. Treatment ended...
missykjinky213-Jan-2008 10:22
Dwarf Gourami Developing Green On...
Good day all, i have a dwarf gourami that is developing a green or tourquoise color behind it's eyes, on the gills and leading down to it's bottom fin...
lightningd912-Jan-2008 23:55
Badly Wounded Cherry Barb
Hi people Last week I noticed my cherry barb had a pretty nasty bite mark on his side. You could see that some of his flesh was missing and all that...
Mitchee211-Jan-2008 16:27
Question about some sick angel fish
These fish are not mine but they are from a fishkeeping forum here in Costa Rica. Someone is asking about this and I've never seen something like it s...
El Tiburon Tailandes710-Jan-2008 21:26
Betta fish super bloated
I just noticed that my betta is extremely bloated from his gill area and back to almost 1/4 of his body length. He was fine last night when I fed him...
Mitchee610-Jan-2008 00:26
I am relatively inexperienced with having a fish tank. My children have had just a small 10 gal. with a couple of fish for about 8 years now but othe...
small.fishtank208-Jan-2008 18:57
White Spots
I have 2 Blue rams with white spots on their fins, none of the other fish do (cardinals & corys). I dont think it is ick, cause they've had it for abo...
aquapickle27908-Jan-2008 00:28
Quarantine & Internal Parasite Question
Hello, I bought apistos Nov 28, they died Dec 9 and 17th from internal parasites. Sick from fish store I think It's been about 3 wks now the oth...
DaMossMan007-Jan-2008 21:11
Quarantine Tank
What is the consensus regarding length of time to quarantine new stock? When deciding on how many I can quarantine at once, should I use the current s...
fishsage507-Jan-2008 19:22
is this CO2 or something else. Please help
Dear All It has been some time since i have posted in the forums, working 80 hr work weeks kinda does that to ya. Anyways I have recently added bot...
fishmonster906-Jan-2008 16:54
Serious Ick on my oranda goldfish. Help!
Hi , I have 3 oranda goldfish and added 1 more last week. Few days agoI saw them acting strange been staying at the bottom of the tank and I saw litt...
NeonBaby503-Jan-2008 00:12
What is this?
What the heck is this? I have broken this tank down twice & the same issue...
WiseIves1102-Jan-2008 13:48
Upside Down Catfish
my catfish has this huge bulge right underneath its head- more towards the stomach area--don't reem me out for not having pics, but i dont have a came...
F1sh602-Jan-2008 02:59
Skinny guppy
I may be pannicking over nothing but I have a skinny guppy female. She is eating fine but not associating with the other guppies. She recently had fry...
Brengun830-Dec-2007 03:54
Disaster has struck once more
Last night just before lights-out, noticed that my RS was hovering near the surface in a head-up position, knowing that this is not "normal behavior"...
Ironhand74930-Dec-2007 00:54
Positive Ich experience
my tank got infected with Ich via an LDA33 my husband bought me as a gift (he is not allowed to do this anymore lol) - the pleco did NOT look good to...
lochness&ruby428-Dec-2007 23:21
Cory with fungus
Pages: 1, 2
I have been treating an albino cory who lost his barbels, got a ratty tail, and grew all this fungus on one of his side fins. I treated with pimafix f...
Brengun2928-Dec-2007 04:58
Water changes while medicating
Hi all, I am wondering if I should be doing my water change tommorrow seeing as I am medicating with cupramine right now? It is almost at the time in...
fishsage427-Dec-2007 15:27
Next Steps- ReStocking
Ok, here we are, parameters first. 55 Gallon Tank, 81F GH 120, KH 180, PH 7.5, N02 0, N03 20, Ammonia 0, Copper 0.25. Cupramine is the medication. No...
fishsage824-Dec-2007 11:35
Saw a Convict...
I saw a convict cichlid in a unnamed chain store's tank a few days ago and he looked awful, curious to know if anyone could tell me what was wrong wit...
lioness1022-Dec-2007 07:34
Medicating As Form Of Prevention
Does anyone here medicate as a form of prevention, what I mean is does anyone add medication to the tank when doing water changes or other maintenance...
coltsfan521-Dec-2007 06:55
One more Ick question and I'll stop
Ok, massive die-off after cupramine. All tetra's (11) 4 rainbows, both pictus, blue gourami..... All remaining fish seem free of Ick. I am following...
fishsage620-Dec-2007 07:13
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