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5.5 Gallon Live Rock Display
Hey, I am using a 5.5 gal aga tank for some LR and a clean up crew. Nothing else for the time being. I have it sectioned of into a 12"x8" display area...
reel big mark1425-May-2006 15:45
Crazy Evaporation Rates
my tank loses water like crazy due to evaporation. I loose at least 1.5 to 2 gallons a day and its driving me crazy! How can i slow down the evaporati...
fishkid99323-May-2006 01:27
What is the smallest tank size that you could keep a breeding pair of ocellaris clowns and an anemone, and what kind of equipment would I need?...
will422-May-2006 16:50
good RO/DI units
whats your (anyone) favorite RO/DI units? i need one that is under 200 dollars and can purify very hard water. i have my eye on a kent RO/DI unit....
fishkid99522-May-2006 01:11
Sailfin Tang-large dillema at LFS
I just started working at a LFS, and they have a sailfin Tang, that the manager told me started out looking like ich, so she treated it appropriately....
Tanya81621-May-2006 21:01
Carpenter Wrasse
hello! i bought a carpenter wrasse today to go with my firefish, snails, and hermit crabs in my 10G. i read on this site that they were good for nano...
niggit312-May-2006 02:08
Feather Dusters...?
hi! i've noticed lately that there seem to be an increasing number of what i think are feather dusters in my tank (pinkish-clear; 3-5 mm diameter; sin...
niggit311-May-2006 00:06
Hammer Coral
i need to get all the info on hammer corals and the sooner the better. The most important things are: -with strong lighting where should the be place...
fishkid99409-May-2006 03:12
Is This A Normal Food For Longnose Hawkfish?
when i put some new hermit crabs in the tank(all small) the first thing my longnose hawkfish did was swoop down and pull a poor hermit crad out of his...
fishkid99209-May-2006 02:13
Convincing a friend
Recently, I talked to a friend about marine tanks. I talked to him about him trying one (he's been keeping fish for a very long time, longer than me)...
Wfish408-May-2006 10:45
My First Salt Setup too!
I have been toying with the idea of aquiring a salt tank for a few years now and this bargain turned up: [link]
daveuk907-May-2006 16:32
Some kweshchens
Hey everyone, the tank's coming along pretty well, I now have 4 turbo snails, 4 scarlet reef hermits, a peppermint shrimp, some zoanthids and a leathe...
bodangit1805-May-2006 23:55
What is the Purpose of a sump and what is it?...
Garofoli405-May-2006 21:31
Rocks Growing Plants?!
hi! i've had a 10G marine tank set up since mid-december (complete with live rock) and slowly but surely i've noticed little 'plants' growing from the...
niggit805-May-2006 08:43
Future Marine Project
I am planning on having an Marine Tank. What should the minimum size be for a tank with a lot of reef and live rock with many invertabretes and severa...
Garofoli604-May-2006 06:45
Ozone In Distilled Water
I went to Acme today and with the intent of buying some distilled water. The only distilled water there was Acme brand. I read the lable on how they f...
fishkid99704-May-2006 02:11
Wet/Dry Bad??
i read in a book that wet dry filters are bad for saltwater tanks with coral. Is that true?...
fishkid991304-May-2006 01:06
Can This Replace An R/O Unit?
its called a tap water purifier and i was woundering has anyopne used it or know how it works. And is it as affective as an r/o unit? here is a link...
fishkid99202-May-2006 01:49
What Size Overflow Box?
i have a 500 gph mag drive pump in my wet/dry filter, its too fast for my overflow box. soooo i need a faster overflow box. what size should i get?...
fishkid99202-May-2006 01:42
i have a porcupine puffer what can i put with him...
MICHAELF901-May-2006 19:44
Fish Fish
i Want to get 2 more fish dose anyone have any sugestions thanks austin...
Norrec1725-Apr-2006 20:30
How To Fix A Leak
Ive got a leak in my wet/dry and i need to stop it. Besides silicone how could i stop it ? the leak is comming from where the white tubing connects to...
fishkid99423-Apr-2006 01:14
Moveing a tank
i have to move my 55gal tank to have tile put down whats the best way to go about this?...
MICHAELF621-Apr-2006 17:46
First SW tank
Well, I finally got it to where I want it. I have a 60 gallon saltwater aquarium with a Satellite 48" PC fixture, an AC 70 power filter, a Stealth 200...
bodangit1221-Apr-2006 14:04
Hair Algae
what is a succesful and easy way to get rid of hair algae? because i got a lot of it and it killed some of my coral. ive herd RO water helps but i ca...
fishkid991120-Apr-2006 18:58
I'd Like A Bubble-Tip
hi there! i would like to get a bubble tip anenome, but i figured i should probably do some research first. anyhow, i have a 10G with 10 lbs of live...
niggit519-Apr-2006 13:15
How does a sump work?
I would like to know how a sump works. Please show pics of your sumps. I want to know how you get water from the main tank to the sump?(plumbing I gue...
Gerber77419-Apr-2006 02:58
Small Snails On Glass
hello! i have a 10G marine tank (my first!) that has been set up and running since approx. january. it has 10lbs of live sand in it and argonite as...
niggit118-Apr-2006 05:47
Buying fish online
I have been looking at alot of websites online where they sale live fish.i noticed that they are a little bit more online because of shipping and hand...
MICHAELF917-Apr-2006 05:15
Coralife Super Skimmer 220 Help (replacing pump?)
Hello, It's been a while since I've last posted, but I have a question about the css220 that I currently own. I'm having pump problems right now w/...
jkalfsbeck116-Apr-2006 06:23
would it be betterr to have a sump or a HOB filter? My tank is a 55 gal. Id be really interested in a sump but unfourtanatly i dont have a olot of roo...
fishkid99316-Apr-2006 05:54
i am about 3weeks into a 55gal saltwater tank i have noticed this week that brown algae has been poping up on my rocks and i know that yo ne...
MICHAELF615-Apr-2006 19:02
Sand Or Coral
i was looking into geting sand for my salt water tank but i dont know what to do i have coral and would like sand. dose blak algie atack to the sand...
Norrec115-Apr-2006 14:21
Clown Fish
quick question. do clown fish feed Anemones...
MICHAELF613-Apr-2006 05:31
Lion Fish
iwas wondering if their are different types of dwarf lion fish. i just purchased a lionfish today and the pet store said it was a dwarf lion but he lo...
MICHAELF811-Apr-2006 20:28
Yellow Wrasse.
i havent seen him for weeks since disappearing a few weeks ago..i couldnt find any dead body and there arent any cleaner crew in my tank...are they go...
ckk125310-Apr-2006 17:22
Pls Id
what clam is this?i bought it from the market..8 of them..
ckk125510-Apr-2006 15:19
Pest anemone
Pages: 1, 2
hey all..have 2 pest anemone(aiptasia)..i couldnt find any Joe's Juice to kill it..what should i do?...
ckk1252208-Apr-2006 04:45
Starting up my first SaltWater
Hey everybody, today's my birthday and I got a 60 gallon aquarium and lotsa money to buy my equipment with! I'm supa excited to get all the equipmen...
bodangit906-Apr-2006 22:32
Nude Crab
MICHAELF406-Apr-2006 20:45
Too Much Algae?
do i have way to much algae in my tank? pics at: thanks...
fishkid99703-Apr-2006 19:40
will cinamon clownfish and toamato clown fish get along? and both of them have these white flakes on them and i dont know what it is and i want to kn...
fishkid99203-Apr-2006 02:25
well my 25g crashed not to long ago killing only the fish but everything else was fine, anyways ive upgraded to a 60g and now im going to start stocki...
rabbit202-Apr-2006 17:12
Best Saltwater filter?
Alright, I'm going to be setting up a FOWLR really soon, and I was wondering what is the best filter for a SW aquarium in everyone's opinion. Man, I c...
bodangit531-Mar-2006 22:52
3 Questions In One
question 1: brown algae Im really getting tired of this darn brown algae! In certain area's the algae is over 4 inches tall! My tank is well over cyc...
fishkid99231-Mar-2006 04:37
Need help!!!!
My tank looks horable... in this last month it looks like my tank has gone down hill i have lost 1 fish and my anenamie looks like it is dyeing but m...
Norrec1031-Mar-2006 02:41
They're Coming They're Coming They're Coming!!!
ohhhh boy the moment has finally arrived... I knew if I was patient, this would work out... Just imagine my excitement when I got a PM sa...
terranova1631-Mar-2006 01:57
Identify please
I have had my live rock for about 2.5 months. A week ago I got a new, better light. I had just a regular, single bulb fluorecent. Now I have a twin...
jmara830-Mar-2006 02:49
10 Gallon Salt Water Tank,
ok i don't know anything about saltwater tanks i'm interested and i was wondering if a 10 gallon would be a good tank to start out with for a 1st salt...
rocker23528-Mar-2006 22:26
The demise of an aquarium
Pages: 1, 2
Some of you might be familiar with the problems I have had lately but I’ll give you all the full rundown. I started this adventure about 8 months ago...
jmara2928-Mar-2006 06:16
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