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 Freshwater Species
 Cyprinid Corner
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Oh No!(All Input Requird~!~!)
the lfs said that i could get a rainbow shark in my tank its a 33 gallon its 3 feet by 1 foot and 1.6 feet high there is a nice hidding spot for it a...
platy boy1126-Apr-2007 21:43
How Many Green Tiger Barbs Would Be Best?
I have a got a 38 gallon tank... 2 rainbow 2 benios aires (sorry about the mispelling) 2 black tetra's 4 serpea's 2 Rams 1 apollo shark 2 pearls i...
AWH313-Apr-2007 22:11
Galaxy "Rasbora" Is A Danionine Cyprinid - Just Named!
The "Galaxy Rasbora" has just been named! Here is the paper describing it along w...
Calilasseia1612-Apr-2007 19:17
Feeding tiger barbs
Can anyone tell me what they feed their tiger barbs? I feel like im not giving my fish all their nutritional needs. They get brime shrimp and flakes e...
tigermom912-Apr-2007 17:15
Are all barbs nippers?
I know that tiger barbs are notorious for being fin-nippers. How about other kinds of barbs? I'd like to add some Black Ruby Barbs to my 75 gallon w...
shanz1008-Apr-2007 15:07
Pregnancy question
I keep seeing some rosy barbs at the LFS store that are very very pregnant..they are being kept with some platy but I am sure they are rosy barbs beca...
fishyfishy26107-Apr-2007 07:49
Cherry many?
Is my 1 male and 2 female a nice trio for a 29 gallon? tank mates are a few lemon tetras and a bolivian ram. They seem to be getting along quite nicel...
reun703-Apr-2007 20:25
Pregnant or Obese?
My TB i think, is pregnant. Im not sure but its belly has gotten rounger, and its anal fins have a dark triangle to them. Does anybody have a clue as...
GobyFan2007327-Mar-2007 14:06
Fish ID
Hi, Can anybody identify the fish in the following pics (other than the neon tetra)?
mughal113625-Mar-2007 12:58
What goes with SAEs?
I would like to know, so that when i get my 55, i can get some SAEs, What fish are ideal for the SAE of Fox?(Specifics please)I would like to have:...
GobyFan20071724-Mar-2007 13:41
Koi Gender/Age
How are you able to tell what gender the koi is? I have heard from a source that the fin shape gives me a clue what the gender is. Also how could you...
marisun317-Mar-2007 20:55
Galaxy rasboras, how to breed
I am setting up a tank just for some of these guys in hopes of them breeding. I have a 20 gallon long. I am planning oin using an aquaclear filter f...
pookiekiller12507-Mar-2007 18:08
TB Discoloring
Hi lately i have been seeing my tiger barb change from stripes to almost all black. Should i worry? What is happening?...
GobyFan2007406-Mar-2007 00:49
My Success + Questions
Saturday night last weekend, I set up my 5g tank half full, temp 82 with heater, sponge filter, and a single la yer of glass marbles on the bottom. I t...
So_Very_Sneaky203-Mar-2007 02:29
My lord, look at these...
I was just poking around the Web for information on Microrasbora kubotai (a bunch of the pretty little green fellers have finally fallen into my hands...
BruceMoomaw1725-Feb-2007 04:30
Barb mating ritual?
Hi All I have two tinfoil barbs, roughly 6" in length, that continuously "nuzzle" each other. Anybody else observe similar tendencies with their tin...
monkeyman96224-Feb-2007 09:10
Fish ID help please
Can anyone help me ID this guy, please?
Pisces20315-Feb-2007 21:47
Dyed barbs?
I saw some barbs at my LFS and weren't sure what they were. They looked a lot like tiger barbs only their main color was pink and they had white stri...
ImRandy85509-Feb-2007 23:08
Arulius Barbs - Are NOT What You Think!!!
There's a bit of an upheaval going on in the Barb world at the moment. Anyone here keeping Arulius Barbs? Watch this space and read on! It all start...
Calilasseia005-Feb-2007 06:35
Red tailed black shark
Hello; We have a 250l community tank. Plenty of cover/plantings/hiding spots. Would a RTBS be a good addition to the family? Some Danio's, one Angelf...
Alb305-Feb-2007 06:17
Red Tail Shark
I presently have one Red Tail Shark in my community tank. I'm setting up another 110 gal. and I just love this fish and would like to get several for...
Bar-B 311-Jan-2007 04:05
best food for RTBS
Hi all, Just wondering what the best staple food would be for a RTBS. JBE...
jbe0404408-Jan-2007 00:01
Galaxy Rasbora
Hi, i'm thinking off keeping the galaxy rasbora in a 20 gallon high (its empty and still cycling )could you keep them with corry cats or would they...
kaboke507-Jan-2007 05:04
Barbs Up to No Good (Again)...
Hey All, I had a quick question. I woke up this morning and fed my fish, as usual, but something caught my eye. In my barb tank, one of my arulius ba...
Silver_Fish415-Dec-2006 22:57
What do you feed a picky rainbow shark??
Hey Everyone, I got my rainbow shark in February and all he really eats is brine shrimp (the dry kind) and every now and then (when I have them) raw p...
fishy123714-Dec-2006 22:04
Unknown Danios
My sister and I bought some danios at a local store a few days ago, and I can't figure out what they are. They look like a mix between a Pearl Danio...
Natalie912-Dec-2006 21:22
How do you get a Rainbow Shark to come out of hiding?
Ive had my rainbow shark since Febuary, I know that rainbow sharks are territorial and that they like to have places to hide. He has one place to hide...
fishy123212-Dec-2006 18:14
Brown Knifefish?
Hi All, yesterday while on a browse of the pet stores, I saw an African Brown Knifefish (well a tank full anyway), that looked in extremely good healt...
So_Very_Sneaky107-Dec-2006 23:29
Cyprinid Community
I have scaled back all of my fishkeeping to just one aquarium right now, a 50-gallon (U.S. gallons) aquarium. Those who know me will be surprised to...
Joemid328-Nov-2006 15:25
Zebra Breeding
i have zebra danios in my tank and one looked pregnant, so i moved the male and the female into my 5gal they stayed there for about 3 days then i noti...
sodaaddict84619-Nov-2006 09:32
Rainbow shark attacks at night!
I wasn't going to buy one of these, cause of aggression ( though I wanted to). I accepted one from a 10 Gal. owner & thought it was doing fine in my 5...
fish patty920-Oct-2006 20:46
Tipsy tigers?
I have a group of tiger barbs in my 15L tank (along with some Arulius barbs and 1 checkered barb). In the past week, I've noticed one, and now the ent...
Silver_Fish206-Oct-2006 15:39
Do Tiger Barbs and Silver Dollars mix?
Soidfuf326-Sep-2006 21:48
Would A Small Group Of Barbs Make Good Dorm Fish?
any help would be great, or if you know of any fish besides a betta that would make great dorm fish... thanks!...
heatherfeather520-Sep-2006 04:55
Bala sharks and tiger barbs?
Will bala sharks and tiger barbs mix? -Siodfuf...
Soidfuf313-Sep-2006 21:56
Tiger Barbs
Hi Have a large tank - with some large fish - generally a community tank - fish are quite peaceful Used to have tigers a long time in a smaller tan...
davetherave107-Sep-2006 17:46
Barb Behavior?
I have three what I believe to be Banded Barbs (they look like enlongater Tiger barbs but a bit paler) in a new (larger) tank with their old tankmates...
Silver_Fish707-Sep-2006 12:26
Breeding danios
Well, my fusca have eaten some of my danios, so i'm wating to have a shot at breeding some. It seems to be written about in many old books, but not m...
Callatya325-Aug-2006 02:01
Maharadja barb
in the book "The Barbs Aquarium" a picture is shown of a fish they call "maharadja barb" (barbus sajadrensis). Good old Fishba se doesn't show anythin...
tinfoil323-Aug-2006 21:44
I've had an RTBS in a 30G for about 2 years now, it looks healthy as can be but my question is if I'm stunting him at all. The reason I ask is becaus...
WiseIves305-Aug-2006 15:26
Siamese Algae Eater
I was thinking about getting a Siamese Algae Eater for my tank now that I have established something for an algae eater to eat. I think that it w...
sunspotkat624-Jul-2006 01:52
Hampala barb
hey all..i just bought two of them..any info which u people might be able to share?...
ckk125223-Jul-2006 08:42
Breeding Rasbora Harlequin
Hello all, I think I might be getting some babies soon. I have been watching my Rasboras most of the day and they are laying eggs all over. I doubt th...
Needeles020-Jul-2006 20:57
Gold Barbs acting weird
Hello all, I can't figure out what is going on with my Gold Barbs. They were all acting normal for the last 6 months and then just 2 days ago they are...
Needeles420-Jul-2006 07:16
Scientific identification for 'China Barbs'
Hey all; I made a (very) stupid mistake about 14 months ago - I bought some fish without knowing what they were. They were labled 'China Barbs', and...
T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan504-Jul-2006 09:43
"Hexagon Barbs"
not sure what type of barb they are, but my guess is from reading a book along time ago, that it would call it a hexagon barb.(will get a pic soon) i...
bettachris703-Jul-2006 18:57
Rasbora Sarawakensis
is there anyway to determine this from a sumatran rasbora. when i got my harlequins, he came in the bag. he is only 1 inch and has a really dark bl...
bettachris203-Jul-2006 18:55
Gold Barb Hiding
Hello, I have a 20g tank with 4 gold barbs and a few other fish. All the fish get along and there doesn't seem to be alot of stress. Now 3 of the barb...
Needeles428-Jun-2006 06:08
Danio Nippiness
How nippy are danios? I have 10 taking up space in a 10g and I'd like to put them in my 90g but I'm worried they'll shred my Diamond Tetras. My Diam...
johnsmith514-Jun-2006 18:03
odd behavior - Harliequin Rasboras
Awhile back I bought 7 Harliequins. I added all of them to 25 gallon tank, which already had Platies and Cories in it. They turned out to be a great a...
T/A011-Jun-2006 07:08
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