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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Planted Aquaria
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Plant nutrients
I am rather new at planted aquariums but I have my first tank up and running (1.45w/gal), low-light plants and six inches of flourite. Five days in a...
todash19619-Jan-2008 01:48
New Crypts nevillii & Parva arrived in excellent conditions
The plants arrived today two days from supplier For the non Aussies Aquagreen are at the top of Aust (tropics) and I am...
keithgh418-Jan-2008 22:04
Pink Baby tears
HI all I purchased a bunch of pink baby tears from an LFS but Im not so sure they are the
mews318-Jan-2008 01:15
New Planted Tank Advise
ok, heres the basics. 180l tank with 2 30w tubes and reflectors and possibly a yeast/sugar ba sed co2 system. or just flourish excell. what subsrate...
hembo666418-Jan-2008 00:20
Co2 Machines
I'm currently shopping here in Melbourne (Australia) for a CO2 set up. I have had a quote of AUD $475.00 on a Delta 200+ or a different one for $350.0...
rainsford017-Jan-2008 08:00
lights-coral blue T8
coral blue BR HG T8 made in china, unkown manu 3 of these 40w lights came with the tank, "thats just what was in the demo unit" said the LFS "take em...
mews217-Jan-2008 00:54
Taking root?
I just got some plants (for the first time in years...). I got Java Fern, Anubias, Cabomba, and Java Moss. I was curious how long it'll take for the J...
Shinigami416-Jan-2008 19:50
New Lighting Benefits
As of right now i am running a 96 watt 10,000k/Actinic 50/50. I know it is not the right light and i am planning to order a 96 watt 6,700k daylight b...
aquapickle27515-Jan-2008 05:16
Finally C nevillii & C parva arriving very soon
Finally I tracked down the C nevillii I also found C parva at the same location Aquagreen NT Aust. The cost is basically 50% off the cost I paid a...
keithgh312-Jan-2008 22:56
GF07's 5.5 Nano Log- 12/19/07
Pages: 1, 2
Hi all! The moment is here, to make my nano, which i have been dreaming of since i started reading other member's logs. I would like to make this tan...
GobyFan20073111-Jan-2008 18:20
5Footer Substrate Type
Hi all just making sure b4 I spend. The tank arrived today yeah! im going with 4 inches of 1-3mm gravel(and some odd size tossed in for looks) A UGF...
mews411-Jan-2008 04:06
Hi all! I have been buying a lot of potted plants lately, and they all come with this fuzzy greenish grey stuff called rockwool, i believe. I...
GobyFan2007611-Jan-2008 00:29
Lighting upgrade
Pages: 1, 2
I have a Juwel vision 260 tank with 2 38w tubes and reflectors giving approx 2.6wpg, is it worth me upgrading to the hi-lite system giving 2 54w tubes...
hembo6662310-Jan-2008 23:34
Is charcoal bad for a planted tank?...
lowlight1308-Jan-2008 04:45
Inko's 20 Gallon Planted Tank
(This post is a bit long, if you look at the pictures you'd get the gist of it though) Time to join the fun and start one of these g...
inkodinkomalinko207-Jan-2008 23:34
46 bowfront tank log
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Hey guys, I guess since I got a new digi camera for Christmas I thought I may as well start a log on my ever changing 46 gal planted tank.. It has bee...
saltnewbie9707-Jan-2008 17:22
Algae on plants
Hello all... I have jungle vals, hornwort, wisteria and anacharis in my 20 g. I get this brown, sometimes fuzzy algae gunk growing on my plants. I...
ScottF506-Jan-2008 15:48
First of all guys im sorry i havent posted in a while, life has been very busy. I made two changes to each of my tanks and in one case it has had a d...
fishmonster104-Jan-2008 08:57
When to use fertilizers
There are many different varieties of seachem's flourish product. I plan on using flourish and flourish excel but how will I know if I need to use an...
ImRandy85404-Jan-2008 04:53
Long runer from Crypt
My only tall Crypt in the Betta Tank is shooting healthy new plantlets. The latest of the three came from a very long runner 8ins I think the only...
keithgh202-Jan-2008 10:09
Just New At This Need Links
i was going to put plants in my tank after i get rid of the atm stocking i was wondering if you guys had any favourite links or web sites to help me o...
bassplaya702-Jan-2008 00:39
How much Clay do I use to start a tank?
Hey guys, am about to set up a 50g planted tank and I think Im going to use fresh clay, river sand and gravel. My question is, how much clay do I put...
El Tiburon Tailandes528-Dec-2007 02:30
What Type Of Crypt?
Hi, i bought these cryptocorynes a few days ago, i am not sure what they are. I think they may be Cryptocoryne ferruginea. [link]http://s233.photobuck...
clownloachfan226-Dec-2007 03:18
Lighting a Nano tank?
Hi all! I was wondering what amt og light i should habe on a nano. I know I need 3+ for Ground cover, but i was wondering if id have algae on my plan...
GobyFan2007224-Dec-2007 01:19
Root Tablets + Amazon Swords!!!
Hi all! I am currently using flourish root tabs for my planted tank for the crypt and the amazon sword i have in there. When i bought them, i found t...
GobyFan2007323-Dec-2007 17:59
Wanted: Tough plant recommendations
I would like my mom's 60-gallon tank to be more planted, but we haven't had much success with plants in there, I think a combination of fish nibbling...
superlion820-Dec-2007 01:09
10 Gallon Planted Tank Filter
I'm going to be planting my 10 gallon soon, I will be using a CO2 system, fluorite and 2 x 20 watt compact fluorescent 6400K bulbs. The current filte...
ImRandy85919-Dec-2007 18:58
New plants
Hi There! I just bought some new plants for my guppies: Pogostemon Stellata [link]
Troy_Mclure219-Dec-2007 10:46
Found Some Moss... Will It Be Aquarium Safe/ Will It Grow?
ok so the family was setting up the christmas tree last night and i noticed some moss growing at the forks of the lower branches... i harvested most...
brandeeno1319-Dec-2007 05:54
10 Gallon Lighting
I have a 10 gallon tank that I would like to convert to a planted tank. The hood that I would like to use is incandescent and will take up to 50 watt...
ImRandy85518-Dec-2007 01:51
Hair algae on Anubias.
Like the title says.... I've got some hair algae on the Anubias leaves & i would like to know how can i get rid of it, I tried removing it by hand, bu...
jasonpisani217-Dec-2007 13:26
Too high lighting?
Hi all! I was thinking of starting up a nano shrimp tank, and i know that WPG fails badly with the tanks. I plan to get a 5 gallonish to 2 gallonish...
GobyFan2007115-Dec-2007 03:27
Starting A Nano After Xmas Info Neede...
Hi all! I saw in the LFS a 2.5 & a 5 gallon tank, and i thought, "Nano." Since then, i have been planning this step by step. I have decided to go wit...
GobyFan2007513-Dec-2007 07:52
Shrimp for the planted tank
I've got lots of various shrimp questions. I've got a few amano shrimp in my 38 gallon planted tank. I'm just wondering how many most people keep in...
ImRandy85213-Dec-2007 03:27
Question about some lillies in my pond....
In your opinion, are these sick or do they simply lack some kind of nutrient, and if so, what can I do about it?
El Tiburon Tailandes613-Dec-2007 02:44
72G Planted Discus - Set-up 11.10.07
Trying something new with the set up of this tank, for a variety of reasons. The tank may have to relocate, so being set up to make the move as eas...
TW1412-Dec-2007 15:51
50 Gallon in Costa Rica
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Plant Sages; I approach you head bowed and humble to present to you my 50 gallon planted. Tank: 100cm X 40cm X 50cm(h) Light: 1.8WPG 3X30Watt Sylvan...
REDPHANTOM10909-Dec-2007 00:41
awhile back I bought a couple Jungle vals and added them to my 20g. They are, of course very tall and the leaves float along the top of the tank whic...
ScottF208-Dec-2007 20:13
A rather strange method of iron supplement
I've been reading up on plant care in several books and other publications here and there, I have now seen this statement in 3 different "articles" t...
Ironhand74304-Dec-2007 04:45
Hi I'm considering ordering some glosso ( Glossostigma elatinoides ) as a carpet / foreground plant for my [link=little planted desktop tank...
Gone_Troppo402-Dec-2007 01:15
Turbo CO2 Bio-System
I get the DrsFosterandSmith magazine fish edition. I saw this in it and it looked nice. What do you think. This is the article: "Easy an...
RNJ_Punk301-Dec-2007 22:48
Red Stemmed Anubias?? (now with pics)
Hi, I was at my LFS today and saw a beautiful large anubias on driftwood. The leaves are solid green, large and flat (ie not wrinkled looking like a...
Gone_Troppo830-Nov-2007 14:06
Tank Log - Plankton's 80G Tall
Pages: 1, 2, 3
I thought some of you might like seeing what you have helped me to set up. Tank is tall 80G and the plants need to grow in, so it looks a bit thin....
plankton5428-Nov-2007 13:32
Madagascar Lace Plant
Hi all! Has anybody successfully grown this in their tank? What are the conditions for it? I know it requires ultra clean water, and very cool water....
GobyFan2007224-Nov-2007 11:15
Pictures And Temperatures!
now you may have noticed i posted about temperatures in the fresh water forum- if not i live in sunny australia and my tank is in the warmer part of...
fandan1721-Nov-2007 04:26
Tank Pics, Semi Planted
You can find some pics of my semi-planted tank on my blog at I have wisteria and anacharis planted and I plan to get m...
ScottF1918-Nov-2007 07:19
Can I use this to 'feed' my pond plants...
I have about a 1000 gallon pond in my backyard and my plants are looking somewhat yellowish/brownish..... I went to the supermarket and found this pr...
El Tiburon Tailandes315-Nov-2007 01:01
What is this?
So take a look at these images guys What is this stuff on my plants. Its started about 10 days ago. I had been feeding the 5 Cherry barbs and 4 Ott...
fishmonster713-Nov-2007 03:19
Possibly a stupid question...?
Is the weight used to band together and hold down stemmed plants made of lead? If it is, does that mean that lead is inert in water? I ask this for...
Twilight1013-Nov-2007 02:38
How can i stop java moss growing on the glass?
3 weeks ago i "planted" my 2.5g betta tank. The tank has a big clump of java moss, 2 rhizomes of Java fern, a very small piece of Elodea, and a little...
desiredusername812-Nov-2007 07:38
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