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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Planted Aquaria
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Plants by post.
Can you please tell me if these Plants are hardy or not?. I am going to buy them from abroad & i need to know if they'll survive a week in the post....
jasonpisani411-Aug-2006 20:59
Light On All Weekend?
question. I just planted aprox. 20 plants in my 46 gallon tank. I will be going away this weekend and wanted to know if it was ok to leave my aquariu...
psuklinger411-Aug-2006 02:43
1 watt per 2 Litres.........
I have a tank with 1 Watt per 2 Litres of Lightining & i wish to know what plants can i sucessfully keep. The substrate is made of Humus, Humus+ & Fo...
jasonpisani210-Aug-2006 17:00
well, I think mine went to seed, yesterday, while removing a plant to put in another tank, i saw these pink growths on the flower stalks, they were ra...
fishyhelper2881004-Aug-2006 16:28
What plants to get?
Hi, I have a 30g tank that is overcrowded, Check my profile to see it. What are some plants I could put in there to fill it up that will not get eaten...
Garofoli501-Aug-2006 17:20
Weird smell
this is the first time ive attempted at plants and im just wondering if its normal for the water to smell a bit foul when doing water changes or am i...
carpe_diem831-Jul-2006 01:11
Anaerobic Bacteria Danger - A Myth?
Gang, Last week, I had a two day power outage at my house. I managed to get a generator to provide some filtration for my tanks, but I could not run...
LITTLE_FISH1330-Jul-2006 17:36
Melon swords
How do you tell the difference between a green and a red melon sword. I know it sounds like a wierd question but i recently bought a "green" melon swo...
clownloachfan130-Jul-2006 00:00
Lighting siesta?
So this morning I was reading in my plant book ( Encyclopedia of Aquarium Plants by Peter Hiscock). In the section about lighting it states tha...
Wingsdlc1229-Jul-2006 23:59
Dwarf Lilly and excel
Anyone know if dwarf lilly plants dislike flourish excel? The red one in my 55g was growing quite happily until recently and now it only has 1 sad lo...
sham429-Jul-2006 22:51
BRAD'S 20 long setup ( log )
okay here goes im setting up this 20 long aquarium(duh) and the plan is to make it a river bank feel. substrate: pool filter sand and a bit of Shult...
bratyboy2228-Jul-2006 18:18
Anyone want some Anubias nana petite?
Hello, Ive been gone for a few months, had a trip to Ireland among other things, and the tank has been doing ok. untill today that is. Something cau...
ChaosMaximus528-Jul-2006 03:05
Packing plants for shipping
I am sending some excess corkscrew val to a friend. I plan to send it express post which means it will get to its destination 1-2 days. How do I pack...
Lindy427-Jul-2006 23:39
Anubius Details?
hi all, can anybody please refer me to a website containing info on various types of anubius with pictures? these are my favorite plants but i dont ha...
mughal113127-Jul-2006 06:18
How to grow magnificent water plants-
I know this topic came up a month or 2 ago, but no one had bought it yet. Did anybody? Well i just put my order in today for it. I just hope it isnt...
clownloachfan1125-Jul-2006 01:11
What fish eat plants?
I'm new to the live plant thing... but was wondering... what fish are big no no's when using a planted tank? i dont want to get a bunch of plants and...
redthanatos523-Jul-2006 04:49
Current and amazon swords
i got some amazon swords 2 days ago.... really healthy... i went away for 2 days so thay didnt get the lights on... but then i came last ngiht and i h...
redthanatos223-Jul-2006 04:05
Anubias Triming?
can i trim my anubias and grow it on other peices of dristwood/rocks? if so how would i go about doing it? will ottos eat my java moss? if so what ot...
coop222-Jul-2006 11:48
Sinking Anacharis?
So this happens to be a great filler in my tank but I continually have problems with it floating around in my tank instead of rooting itself. I have...
smapty622-Jul-2006 01:25
Barbs eating all plants!
I have three tinfoil barbs that are complete piggies and are eating every one of my plants. They ate all of my Java Moss and now have chewed up my an...
sunspotkat721-Jul-2006 16:19
Backing plants Betta tank required
I have been trying several species of stem plants at the back 300mm X 50mm-60mm -- 12ins X2ins-3ins, space I have not been 100% happy with them at...
keithgh521-Jul-2006 13:25
Trimming plants
Not long ago i decided to plant my tank with wisteria and ambula . They are growing well and i was just wondering if it is safe just to chop them anyw...
carpe_diem420-Jul-2006 01:30
Quick questions
Almost certainly been asked before. When you're potting plants that have that bit of foam around the bottom with the flexible weight wrapped around th...
bonny719-Jul-2006 20:06
Possibly planting a five gallon. . ..
Well I am getting a five gallon tank (maybe hex or maybe not ) Anyways I have never owned a planted tank before, or even a live plant, and I would...
Betta_Fantasy419-Jul-2006 03:48
Need Anubias ID...
I just bought a Crypt Wendtii and an unidentified Anubias that the store clerk recommended to me for my low-light tank. The only problem is i'm not s...
Brian1216417-Jul-2006 15:36
Shrimp and Golden Wonder (A. lineatus) Compatibilities!
I have a 10 gallon that is moderately planted with 3 watts per gallon. I set up a Hagen C02 system recently, but I still have some algae to deal with....
edwardorino313-Jul-2006 06:23
Couple Questions
Pages: 1, 2
Hey Guys! OK i have a few question with regards to my planted tank. first off here are the tank specs 110gal 25ppm of co2 265 watts of light, tank i...
shawnp2k2012-Jul-2006 13:34
New Tropica plants 2006.
I came across this page while browsing thru the Tropica website. Some of the pla...
bensaf1311-Jul-2006 14:39
Lighting Advice for Plants - 53G or 74.8G
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4
Hello Hoping you can help me with lighting advice for this tank. The tank is a 4 ft (53G tank) with a fill depth of 18 & half inches. Advice from...
TW6711-Jul-2006 01:10
I need a replacement plant! (PIC)
Can someone think of a replacement plant for my bacopa at the left hand side? Preferably something green, small, fine, or narrow leaved? [link]http:...
inkodinkomalinko310-Jul-2006 01:22
Found a great website for plants. This website has tons of pics of nice aquariums, rare aquatic plants, new ones i have never even seen before an...
clownloachfan109-Jul-2006 21:23
Posting Plants - How?
Hey everyone I had someone contact me today asking if I would mail my java fern to him. i'd prefer to sell it and have someone pick up but it got me...
Roquen109-Jul-2006 16:49
Crept Nevilii slow growth
I have several C nevilii growing in my Betta tank all the other plants are growing very well. Any ideas on how to kick them along I am using Seachem...
keithgh406-Jul-2006 14:04
Leaf Zone by Aquarium Pharm.
Has anyone used this product? I'd be interested in the results, if any. I would like to try it for the potassium content. It states it contains Che...
crusha606-Jul-2006 04:02
Just when I thought I had the answer...Pleco and Amazon Sword...
I have a common pleco about 6 inches long and somehow, he manages to suck on my amazon swords hard enough to damage them...what can I do?...
DarkCichlid506-Jul-2006 01:26
Which fish is eating my plants?
My plants are being nibbled and I cant seem to catch the culprit. Which of these fish (if not all) is the likely suspect: Clown Loach Kribensis Yoyo...
crusha1105-Jul-2006 03:13
Algae question
About a year ago, i picked up a random fluorescent bulb for my tank. I bought it replace the incandescent bulb the tank came with. It did not say sunl...
katieb1104-Jul-2006 20:01
Easy floating plants?
are there any easy care floating plants readily available in the US that will do ok with about 6 hours of artificial light and 3-4 hours of afternoon...
reun404-Jul-2006 06:52
Amazon Sword Babies - what to do with them???
I planted an Amazon Sword about a month ago and it now has three "babies". What am I supposed to do with them? Cut them and replant? Leave them?...
rasboramary301-Jul-2006 15:09
Seachem products and pH
Hi, I've just started using seachem plant products for about 2 weeks. First week, everything is absolutely fine, plant growth is amazing, amazon gets...
JQW501-Jul-2006 13:34
Ferts For Low-Light Tank?...
I have a 29 Gallon freshwater with 2 20W bulbs. A Power-Glo and Life-Glo 2. Right now i only have Java Fern and Water Wisteria in the tank but plan on...
Brian1216201-Jul-2006 11:03
Anacharis- possible snails or hitchhikers...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently bought some Anacharis from an Ebay auction. When they arr...
hb3133101-Jul-2006 10:51
Algae eater for 15G moss tank.
Hey guys, Well some of yous know that I've just set up a moss only tank. It's...
JQW301-Jul-2006 10:43
Creeping Jenny
Just curious if anyone has Creeping Jenny in their tank and how well it grows. I have a large area of it in my yard. After seeing it listed as an aqua...
MO001-Jul-2006 07:27
Are plant foods and fertilizers safe for all fish??
I have recently begun dabbling in live plants. I have a bottle of Leaf Zone but am afraid to use it for fear it may harm my Clown Loaches and Panda C...
rasboramary330-Jun-2006 04:27
Ground cover plant name and info required please
plant name Can some give me the name of the ground cover plant in the top photo...
keithgh830-Jun-2006 03:44
Major replant - finally happened...
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
To all those who have done major replants of an already established tank: I plan on doing one of these next week. I'm not happy with my aquascaping a...
NowherMan657828-Jun-2006 10:40
Hair algae removal problem
recently i tried to go for a planted aquaria which wasnt as successful as i'd hoped for but the aftermath has been that my tanks algae has shot up. i...
Mani928-Jun-2006 06:04
Help! 1st planted tank questions...............
first start off by saying this is my first attempt at a planted tank. I have been keeping a 20 gallon FW community tank for over a year. After weeks o...
hb3133527-Jun-2006 09:55
"Lace Java Fern"
i went to my local petco and they cleared their plant tanks and redid it, so i desided to get a piece of driftwood with a "lace java fern" for only 3....
bettachris626-Jun-2006 18:59
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