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 Freshwater Aquaria
 General Freshwater
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Puffers and Flounders
I have a new 30 Gallon Tank (approximately 2'*3'*3') that I'm about to set up. I know I want a couple figure eight puffers and I want to know if I ca...
JYJason808-Jul-2009 04:43
General Fish Breeding Article.
Enjoy. General Fish breeding: Fish breeding is, in most cases a fairly simple process. All you have to do is recreate the natural event(s) that tri...
aussiebloke1120-Jun-2009 06:06
6 dwarf puffers vs. Thousands of MTS
The water parameters are fine even with thousands of MTS. So the snails don't bother me at all. I actually prefer them there because they churn the gr...
checkerboard019-Jun-2009 08:28
Alge/cleaner fish
Hey well it's been a long time since I've been on! Im planning a wedding so. I have a quick question, I have 3 tanks that could use a alge eater or so...
spankym13517-Jun-2009 03:31
My Tank.......
I havent been keeping 100% upkeep on my tank lately while trying to make enough money for a 90 gallon set up!!!!!!!! atm my only tank 55 growout has h...
riri1215-Jun-2009 08:42
My Aro
hey guys. well my arrowana is growing like a great white shark. man do these things have a massive appetite. he has easy doubled in size since i got h...
HOKESE910-Jun-2009 07:19
Stocking question
Hey all, just wanting some input from some of the resident experts on my current stock. This is a list of my current livestock :...
dreamweaver709-Jun-2009 07:50
Help Identify My New Fish!
i found this fish at the lfs today and the shop owner called it a "monarch" fish, but he also had a thick korean accent so he could have said somethin...
moondog1108-Jun-2009 00:39
Quick Cycle?
Hi guys Looking at getting a 38.1 litre tank (which is 10.1 US Gal and 8.4 british Gal. I have a Juwel-180 that has been running for about 6-7 years...
juwel-180907-Jun-2009 17:44
Editorial Piece: Tank Busters
Tank Busters Recently, I went on a trip to the Blue Planet Aquarium, not too far from my home, and this trip, along with a recent post here in...
Calilasseia027-May-2009 05:34
Tryed To Sell Me A Longtom
hey guys,i was at my lfs today,and my guy has just got in a tank of small longtoms.he was trying to sell me 1 to put in with my arrowana. ive never ha...
HOKESE921-May-2009 11:20
Native freshwater fish
Pages: 1, 2
Hi I'm new to the forum, but I've noticed a trend in the choice of aquarium fish. Does anyone stock or have any tanks large enough for native US...
Kellyjhw2915-May-2009 11:37
New Quiz Questions Thread
Ok, So you want new questions in the quizzes, now's your chance. Mail me your ideas for questions and their answers, if my mailbox gets full just giv...
Babelfish014-May-2009 02:53
Moving 5 Gallon
In a week I need to move my 5 gallon acrylic tank home with me when I move out of the dorms. How should I go about this? I only have one fish and 2 A...
kj fishy-finn1012-May-2009 02:04
Saratoga Jardinii
Pages: 1, 2
hey guys,well im the proud new owner of a saratoga jardinii. i got him today from my lfs. i went there looking for more multis. so when they didnt hav...
HOKESE2107-May-2009 14:27
A Simple Stocking Question...
Hi all, An easy one for you for once! I have a Juwel 125 litre (33 US Gals) with: 1 Angelfish 1 Pim Pictus 4 Black Tetras 5 Congo Tetras 3 Clown Lo...
moose305-May-2009 03:11
Gel like substance oozing from zebra cichlid?
I have a zebra cichlid thats about 6". I just noticed today that it has these two spots that are sort of...oozing out...near its genitals. It litera...
Little Caesar004-May-2009 04:00
How "sealed" is sealed?
I recently invested in a senegal Bichir and i was wondering how good does my tank need to me sealed.... My lids are both weighed down. But there is...
LOACHESRCOOL503-May-2009 12:30
Are they eggs?
I have 2 comet goldfish and today, I switched them to a bigger tank, I was looking at their tank today and I noticed what looked like 3 or 4 kind o...
Jpmc10130-Apr-2009 03:06
Hey how much difference is there in Seachem Stress Guard and Seachem Stability? They both state they promote slime coat to reduce stress and hel...
Kellyjhw1130-Apr-2009 00:06
Make out corner
The far left side of my tank appears to be the makeout spot for all of the fish in my tank. It's driving my Angels nuts. The Barbs keep zippin...
Kellyjhw129-Apr-2009 05:56
Pease help me
what are the best compatable fish for freshwater 55gal for agressive,and or community?...
stoney627-Apr-2009 03:56
Stocking Question
Had to move a few fish around to do some serious matainance on a tank. Starting over. I have a 36 gallon tank with the following fish 5 black ruby...
ctt33 427-Apr-2009 03:50
As Much As It Hurts Me,Its Time!
hey guys.some of you mite remember i have a female blue acara who is between 8-10 years old! im not guna bother explaning the whole story again. but h...
HOKESE1620-Apr-2009 11:04
Mystery Fish
My friend got a catfish at a store a long time ago and he has no idea what kind it is. It almost looks like a pleco and has spikes running down ist si...
cjwalker281017-Apr-2009 15:40
Name that fish!
Well things around here have been quite slow lately and I haven't had a single response to my name that fish challenge in my 55G log so I figured I wo...
Wingsdlc117-Apr-2009 06:41
Finding A Leak
A week ago adam came home, took one look at the lounge room tank and said what my brain had been too slow to realize. 25 gallons of water don't just e...
Babelfish416-Apr-2009 01:14
I normally feed my fish "Tetramin flakes". As a treat I will (alternating) give them thawed peas smashed, frozen bloodworm or daphnia. I decide...
Kellyjhw306-Apr-2009 09:37
"How to Cycle Your Aquarium in 24 Hours"
I got a catalog with that quote on the front cover this week. It is from a company that I have purchased from. Makes me want to not use them anymore :...
Krash7172705-Apr-2009 08:30
Green Spots
In my acrylic tank green spots of what I am guessing are algae have appeared all over the sides of the tank. I tried scrubbing it off with a washcloth...
kj fishy-finn801-Apr-2009 04:45
Help with tadpoles
So i picked up some salamander eggs about a week ago. they are getting ready to hatch. Im just curious on what they at. Does any one have experience w...
Gourami030-Mar-2009 22:09
River Tank........
i was thinking of makeing a kinda cold water asian them moutian stream. but the thing is i wonder if u could do one with a rainbow trout..... it would...
riri11230-Mar-2009 21:14
New stocking.
Hello guys! I have a 15g and a 29g, and I need to downsize for the time being. The 15g is empty and the 29g only has 8 neons, a single guppy, two...
Rookie_Boy1223-Mar-2009 02:15
Some Ideas Please..
hey guuys.long story short,ive torn a ligament in my right arm,and elbow! the docs says REST,REST,REST! anyway my arm is in a sling,and its very painf...
HOKESE1022-Mar-2009 14:59
I got a new fish!!!!!
I got another ornate bichir and soon gona get a pair of wild oscars!!!!!!! they got some black arowanas for 180 each with barbels!!!!!!! when I get a...
riri1116-Mar-2009 23:04
Crustacean Invasion!
Please help me identify this little creature that has infested my tank! There are literally thousands of them. I did the best I could to get a few d...
feltr04616-Mar-2009 02:19
I think they are? SAE
Can anyone tell? Thanks!
elilk709-Mar-2009 07:12
Rain Water
Hi everyone, Just wondering, my new place has a water tank for rain water. Is this better than using water out of the tap. Do you need to use dechlor...
Pickles89304-Mar-2009 07:28
A "heads up" for Flag Fish owners
Hello everyone ... back after another long absence. I've popped in to inform everyone who keeps Jordanella floridae , the Florida Flag Fish,...
Calilasseia202-Mar-2009 09:04
Gold medakas / Japanese rice fish
http://www.fishba ^^ Has anyone kept these? I am looking at the...
Callatya201-Mar-2009 04:06
Dyeing Fish
it's probably been 2 years since i've posted in a fw forum but i'm doing a speech for my public speaking class educating on dyeing fish - does anybody...
terranova125-Feb-2009 10:14
it says Potamotrygon Motoro is invalid sci name???????...
riri1423-Feb-2009 09:04
Fish tank stocking
Just been curious as to how my tank stocking is, and if there's any future problems perhaps arising from the assortment. 60Ls of water: 1 BN catfish...
CrimsonaX721-Feb-2009 03:23
My bamboo/betta tank, I was wondering if I can add anymore?
Ok i just made another betta tank i'm not sure how many gallons this is and i'm wondering if I can still add either a pair of badis badis or a dwarf a...
rocker231618-Feb-2009 06:46
Another question
I've got a bucket full of algae covered fake plants and decor and normally I would just scrub it off and spray it with water but I was wondering if yo...
Soidfuf318-Feb-2009 06:04
Old Tank
Hi Everyone, I picked up a neglected tank from a friened of mine. It has a fair amount of algea on the glass and some crusty bits on the top glass pa...
Pickles89516-Feb-2009 01:37
46 Bow Stocking
I am back, after a long, long time lol I am in advance planning the stocking of my 46gal bowfront tank. I am hoping to get ahold of all the fishes on...
Inkling914-Feb-2009 19:29
125 Gallon Overstocked?
3 jacks,oscar,firemouth,red devil and a bottom feeder? sound good ? all about 2 inches now....
dittohead4441112-Feb-2009 23:41
Dorm Tank
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4
I just started college and I would like to have an aquarium in my dorm. I was going to bring my 20G up but decided against that even though that was...
kj fishy-finn6109-Feb-2009 18:13
heys guys,in the spare room,this is where my 55gallon mixed cichlid tank is. at 1 end we have a small 34cm colour tv,for the girls to watch on the wee...
HOKESE509-Feb-2009 04:35
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