cichlidaddicted's Active Threads
 | Rubber LIpped Pleco? | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | Cichlid Kid | 6 | 04-Feb-2010 09:46 | |
 | Barbs are bottomless pits | Cyprinid Corner | Kellyjhw | 5 | 25-Nov-2009 20:59 | |
 | What is this?
Pages: 1, 2 | General Freshwater | kj fishy-finn | 25 | 27-Jul-2009 11:39 | |
 | Native freshwater fish
Pages: 1, 2 | General Freshwater | Kellyjhw | 29 | 15-May-2009 11:37 | |
 | Update: Symphysodon aequifasciatus; Field: Comments | Reviewed Profiles | brandeeno | 4 | 07-Apr-2009 00:01 | |
 | Update: Polypterus senegalus; Field: Variants | Reviewed Profiles | riri1 | 5 | 16-Feb-2009 09:46 | |
 | Do any of you feed your fish crickets? | General Freshwater | quick_silver_2694 | 6 | 02-Feb-2009 05:45 | |
 | New Profile: Polypterus delhezi | Reviewed Profiles | riri1 | 4 | 01-Feb-2009 04:02 | |
 | Cherry Red Shrimps What am I observing? | Invertebrates | keithgh | 4 | 30-Jan-2009 20:35 | |
 | Betta channoides | Photo Booth | Mez | 4 | 30-Jan-2009 03:02 | |
 | New Profile: Xenotoca eiseni | Reviewed Profiles | FortWayneFish | 5 | 29-Jan-2009 03:51 | |
 | Paradise Fish and Platys | Labyrinth Lounge | ArcticBanana | 12 | 28-Jan-2009 01:40 | |
 | my betta Phyllup J. Kabob | Photo Booth | bettadude | 4 | 18-Jan-2009 04:11 | |
 | "Flaking" Heater? | Technical Tinkering | MoFish | 8 | 13-Jan-2009 05:01 | |
 | Predatory fish for a 10 gallon? or anything, i need your suggestions=) | General Freshwater | rocker23 | 14 | 12-Jan-2009 14:09 | |
 | What type of acara is this ? | Cichlid Central | cichlidgirl | 7 | 28-Dec-2008 11:12 | |
 | anyone have (or ever have) any "Leopard Bush Fish"? | General Freshwater | daddySEAL | 13 | 29-Oct-2008 05:01 | |
 | The dreaded camallanus | The Hospital | cichlidaddicted | 1 | 22-Oct-2008 05:31 | |
 | Setting up a 55 gal again | Getting Started | bscal | 4 | 21-Oct-2008 02:59 | |
 | Redoing 72 g bowfront
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 | Planted Aquaria | catdancer | 284 | 10-Oct-2008 08:19 | |
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