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Source of Clear Ammonia in Australia_ Fishless Cycle
Hi All Yippee, yahoo, I\'ve found a source of clear ammonia in Australia. No more using smelly prawns to do a fishless cycle. Anyway, I thought...
TW327-Jan-2016 20:49
ARTICLE: Starting an aquarium
Pages: 1, 2
Starting a new aquarium is an exciting experience, if you do it right. There are many things you have to do to make your aquarium stay healthy and you...
Fish_Tank2530-Apr-2009 15:41
#join occult in Europe for riches call/WhatsApp ((((( +2349150461519 ))))).
Hudanbrotherhood018-Feb-2025 01:42
Key Role of Limestone Buyers in Construction, Agriculture, and Manufacturing Industries
Limestone buyers are essential in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing industries. These limestone buyers demand high-quality materials for ce...
amandawilli009-Dec-2024 08:53
Key Role of Limestone Buyers in Construction, Agriculture, and Manufacturing Industries
Limestone buyers are essential in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing industries. These limestone buyers demand high-quality materials for ce...
amandawilli009-Dec-2024 08:52
Help identifying this creature in my freshwater tank
I have some fish and shrimp in my new tank but just saw this creature. I have no idea what it is. Not the best picture but any help would be appreciat...
krp87b209-Apr-2022 08:59
Finally decided on my stocking list for newest tank
I have a 64 g Fluval Roma with 406 filter (took carbon out of both trays and replaced with another tray of biomax and matrix and the other with purige...
Francinej407-Aug-2018 22:32
My First Real Tank
Hi everyone. I'm new here and I'm planning on getting a 20 gal tank to put my goldfish, Clementine, in. I'm planning on doing a "fishless cycle" once...
Syhra118-Dec-2017 07:47
Returning to fish
Hey I used to be a frequent member around here, but I've not had any fish for a looooong time (probably 10 odd years). I still have my old aquari...
black.cat613-Dec-2017 07:08
New to this
Hello, I'm interested to have an aquarium at home but before that, I'm not sure how many gallons of a tank should I get? Something that is sustainable...
danniwavy012-Dec-2017 01:10
Chaeto Reactors compared to Algae Scrubbers
With more people wanting to use natural filtration for their tanks, we are going to look at the two main types of units that you can put on your syste...
santamonica019-Sep-2017 00:50
Hi all I\\\'m Wayne I started keeping freshwater tropical fish before Xmas but of course I didn\\\'t know about cycling and wasn\\\'t told when I brou...
fishguyshropshire116-Aug-2017 14:17
I need help figuring out if my floor above my ba sement will bear the weight of my new aquarium. According to the measurements I took from the tank it'...
Ramona311-Jul-2017 14:05
Help I know nothing!
Please can anyone help me. Due to unforeseen circumstances I have ended up with a tank of tropical fish. It's a 50 litre tank with possibly 4 Buenos A...
New to fish206-Oct-2016 05:34
it's been awhile...I'm starting over...
So it's been 7 years since I had a "real tank"...and it's been 4 years since I even had my betta tank. So I'm thinking of starting over. I know I h...
houston519-Sep-2016 01:53
Hello! My name is Amanda! My husband and I recently purchased two different sized tanks, I'm guessing they are 10 and 20 gallon tanks (not certain) an...
FISHFORBABY217-Sep-2016 23:43
Recommendations for a Newbie
Hello! Aspiring fish keeper, planning to get started with Pleco and would like some recommendations for a supplier. I live in Birmingham, Engl...
KingPrawn018-Aug-2016 10:25
Getting Restarted
I just got my 75 gallon fish tank out of storage. It's been like 8 years. I still have my old filter, can I use the old stuff or will I need to buy ne...
SJinNJ118-Jun-2016 14:45
New 20gal wanting to add some excitment.
I used to have 7 tanks, but once I had to move they couldn't come with me. 8 years later I am starting from the ground level with a 20 gal tank. I hav...
Mortica 001-May-2016 10:01
Hi new to this and wondering how my water is here's my parameters from strips not great but all I have ATM. PH 7.6 kh 180 Gh 125 nitrate 50 nitrite 0....
fishguyshropshire127-Feb-2016 06:08
Upper Zone
I have a 38 gallon tank, fully cycled. Going great for over a year. Here is what I have: 2 bolivian rams 9 neon tetras 6 cory cats 2 ottos 5...
SPG101-Feb-2016 15:18
looking for ideas
Hello all I am a generalist (meaning multi-subject) 5th&6th grade teacher. This year I have been asked to take some sessions of science. Traditionally...
Tabs 1306-Jan-2016 00:43
What can I put in a 5 1/2 gallon?
Other than a betta is there anything I can keep in a 5 1/2 gallon? My son won the tank at a tricky tray. I wouldn't have bought one this small....
SJinNJ315-Jun-2015 20:34
orange spotted sunfish
Hello people. Is this forum still active? It's been a few moves through apartment, rental house, condo but I now have my own 3 story house. Top of...
aqh88028-May-2015 05:00
36 gallon help needed
i havent had an aquarium in some 8 years, i was VERY into it, but im a bit rusty... I'm trading a 55 gallon for a 36 gallon bowfont, and I hav a v...
fishyhelper288108-Apr-2015 05:10
buying a used tank
Hello, I am new here, everyone looks so knowledgeable! I am wanting to buy a used 10 gallon fish tank (most likely for a beta or goldfish) fo...
SonoranDesert302-Mar-2015 22:31
Fish Selection - 38 gallon
I have not yet started cycling my tank, so still have some time. But, helping the kids research the best fish for us. We currently have a small tank...
SPG414-Feb-2015 04:29
Water Values
I started an indoor tub pond as of 2 weeks ago. My ammonia level has been .50-1 ppm with 0 nitrite and as of today nitrates are rising/turning darker...
Goldie12213-Feb-2015 23:45
New 38 gallon - filter help
Planning for a new 38 gallon aquarium for the family. Still a newbie in the fish world, so need all the help I can get. I want to make sure I do it r...
SPG513-Feb-2015 22:01
Transferring tanks
Hi, I had my 6 corycats and 3 guppies in a 10 gal tank. I wanted to expand, so I got myself a 26 bowfront. Treated with prime, and ran it for a coup...
Binro308-Nov-2014 06:46
Ideas for new 36g Bowfront w/ Bolivian Rams
Hello everyone (anyone?) who might still post here... I used to post here many years ago and stopped when I took a break from the fish life. Well it's...
inlikefish526-Jun-2014 20:50
new aquarium
would green tiger barbs and/or red serapes be good together? what else would be considered as good tank mates? i like the following: harlin rasboras,...
angeliccreature109-Jun-2014 04:59
Peaceful mid-dwellers?
What are some peaceful mid-dwelling fish? I'm wanting something colorful, without being territorial or aggressive towards other males of the same spec...
ztb23005-Apr-2014 08:49
hardy fish to help establish nitrogen cycle
i know zebra danios are good hardy fish for putting into a new tank to get the nitrogen cycle started. what are some other hardy fish that i could add...
ztb23130-Mar-2014 15:59
Help, new tank and lost both my African Dwarf frogs and 3 fish
I am a novice at this. My husband bought a 15 gallon column tank for the family fish tank. We set it up, followed the instructions and let it run fo...
alshnicole319-Mar-2014 02:23
well im stupid.....
I'm setting up my 50 gallon tank and i decided to try a trick I read about. I read that you can use ammonia to kick start a fishless cycle. I went...
ztb23611-Mar-2014 08:02
Ideas for 37 Gallon Tall
Hello fellow fish lovers, I have a dilemma. As the title suggests I'm looking for ideas on a 37 gallon tall tank. Right now it's got 3 very large...
Jfishy402-Feb-2014 19:52
good or bad way to quarantine small fish?
once i have a larger tank set up and start collecting more expensive and beautiful fish, i know it would be smart to quarantine them for at least 2 we...
ztb23002-Feb-2014 10:01
What do you think (experienced freshwater aquarium keepers)
I probably should have known better. Quite a while ago when I stopped working, I set up a 180gal and 55gal tank. They were great. After 10 years I got...
bsilverfox425-Jan-2014 20:15
What else to put in my 36 gallon tank
I am doing a fishless cycling with my tank now and wanted to get some feed back on what else I should put in the tank I am looking at getting 1 Angel...
Sutton80025-Jan-2014 06:31
New to this site, long time fish keeper, about 30 years to be exact. If i can help anyone out here, just let me know, i hope to learn a lot mysel...
TF4um220-Jan-2014 22:16
Restocking 29g
I've been moving around for the past several years, and rather than keep my 29g freshwater stocked while moving, I let the fish I had gradually die of...
andbeonetraveler227-Oct-2013 18:37
55Gallon particle board stand
about 4 years ago i purchased a stand which i think is made of particular board or ply wood. it has gotten wet over some possible lazy times of not n...
Cichlid Kid227-Sep-2013 21:14
Newb with a 10g
I just recently bough a 10 gallon tetra kit and managed to kill 6 goldfish in less than 2 weeks. I've cleaned the tank trying to keep previous bact...
Bawbkun1308-Apr-2013 06:31
What the heck is going on with my (relatively new) tank?
I am going to premise this by saying I have not tested my water. I used to test my water and I never had any abnormalities and so I stopped doing it....
devong1987327-Feb-2013 09:27
Loach Changed Color?
I have never had loaches before, so I don't know much about them. I just bought a black Kuhli loach yesterday. He was solid black, but sometime since...
ZenJen78129-Jan-2013 04:29
Good 5 Gallon Tank
So I have the Marineland Eclipse Hex 5 that I had with me up at college, but it's not exactly cutting it for me much anymore. It was nice, but now I'm...
kj fishy-finn309-Dec-2012 03:20
New tank with water properties
Hello, I am back into aquatics after a several year lul. I picked up a 37 gallon starter kit tank is 30x12x22. I setup the tank two days ago and ad...
Secondround526-Sep-2012 01:45
30 gallon hexagon tank
Im starting a 30 gallon freshwater tank and just wanted some ideas on some ciclihids I can put in them other then geophagus, bolivian, and blue rams a...
Charliejaebrown231-Aug-2012 14:04
What to feed my community?
Hey guy just wanted some advice on what to feed my fish. I have been feeding them freeze dried blodworms and tropical flakes and I'm going to start le...
Charliejaebrown922-Aug-2012 06:51
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