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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Another Stocking Question - How Many Livebearers Can I Have?!
Hi all, I've recently upgraded from a 125 UK litre (which is 108 US litres or 27.5 gallons) tank to a 180 UK litre (150 US litres or 40 gallons)....
moose914-Dec-2009 22:53
Mold like stuff on food bits
Hello All, Ok so I filled up the tank (200 Liter) and started the fishless cycling process just over a week ago...I have been using fish food to ge...
m_acontreras613-Dec-2009 12:52
I want a tank of my own!
Sigh... Ok so I recently started restocking the 55 gallon and now everyone comes up with Ideas for it.... my son wants a shark so I get a rainbow.....
DonnieBoy308-Dec-2009 18:50
Disaster Strike
I've just has a near-wipeout of m,y new Arulius Barbs, and I can't for the life of me think what on Earth could have happened. Yesterday,...
Calilasseia804-Dec-2009 04:06
New tank! Need Ideas! 29g
What would be your perfect 29 gallon tank? I just got a used one with all the fixin's real cheap! Haven't set it up yet or cycled, just brainstormi...
devon7630-Nov-2009 08:40
Small Dorm Tank:
Hi guys, I know I've been trying to be more active on here but time has been limited since i started college in August. A month or two ago i posted an...
brandeeno1426-Nov-2009 02:22
I bought some new Barbs!
Just a quick "heads up" to all the Barb fans here, I've now joined your ranks. Full details of my purchase today can be found over [link=here]http:/...
Calilasseia025-Nov-2009 21:08
Cloudy water from dirt substrate...
Hello Everybody...please help... I just put in 2 bags of dirt substrate that I purchased from my LFS and filled the tank with water. As expected t...
m_acontreras621-Nov-2009 07:11
How do you stock a hex tank?
I got a roughly 20 gal hex from a garage sale for $3.00. Couldnt pass it up. Included was the hood, a UGF, 2 airpumps, a 10-20 gal HOB filter, a subm...
hca1614-Nov-2009 08:48
starting over , Ember tetras???
Well after finally settling back down after a couple cross country moves, I found a sad lil female betta,sitting in about a HALF INCH of water in one...
hca1105-Nov-2009 07:44
cycling my 10g
Ok, question... I had posted awhile back about re-doing my 10g because of all the snails. I cleaned it out, refilled it, took the bag bio media from...
ScottF402-Nov-2009 01:10
Transporting fish.
My tank is very over populated by very fertile fish and I'd like to sell some back to the store I got them at. What's the best way to bring them back...
mnventurer828-Oct-2009 16:44
29 gallon stocking
I have upgraded from a 10 gallon tank and have almost finished cycling the 29 gallon. I currently have one betta and I've planned out in my head the l...
Spannsa428-Oct-2009 04:19
Downsizing my tanks...
Regarding my intention (in light of getting the 75g) to downzise my tanks and simplify my setup, I um..... slipped.... Fri night got the 25g and wa...
DaMossMan427-Oct-2009 03:02
Starting over
I am starting ym 10g over. I had such a bunch of snails in there that I finally just moved the three fish that were left in the tank and drained it,...
ScottF1325-Oct-2009 13:04
feeding my fish what works and what dosent?
hello i want to varry my fish's diet a littel so i want to know what and what not i can give them i give them sanyu pelets, flakes tetra-min tropical...
1st_signer518-Oct-2009 08:39
Order of Introductions
So it seems my patience has increased over the years. I'm waiting for my fish-less cycle to finish and I started thinking. I know I want a pair or t...
PhoenixFirewall718-Oct-2009 04:19
Pleco, a must?
Are Plects really needed? I know they eat algea off the glass, but if im cleaning the tank every week, are they really nessecary?...
PaulO1711-Oct-2009 02:52
Algea Question
What is the difference between green and brown algea, if there is any?...
highjinx607-Oct-2009 14:26
Getting Fish to Eat
Ok, it's been a while since I've had a fish problem I couldn't handle myself, but our new balas (see thread [link=here]
Babelfish607-Oct-2009 10:23
What's This Brown Stuff?
Pages: 1, 2
Help! I was looking in my tank and getting ready to add new (fake) plants to my tank to finish off the decorating, and I noticed this rust brown stuff...
Delenn2306-Oct-2009 03:45
my new and improved tank i was the kid with the over stoked tank =(
my new tank down sized i have 2 mollies 2 paltys an angel 2 tetras 1 betta and 4 gohst shrimp it is a 20 gallon tank is it ok or should i s...
1st_signer1403-Oct-2009 20:04
Fish in the Dark
I come home every 2-3 weeks to clean my 20 gallon aquarium that I leave at home since I am up at college currently. Everytime I come home though, the...
kj fishy-finn527-Sep-2009 02:48
Prospective Dorm Tank:
Hi Guys, SOrry I havent been around enought lately! been busy with school and moving and all of the fun stuff that comes with the new college experi...
brandeeno323-Sep-2009 00:10
Fresh water salt with my CAE and Tiger Barbs?
So I recently found out that Fresh water salt would help my Mollie but I have four tiger barbs and one CAE. Will the salt effect them in a negative wa...
Andypants620-Sep-2009 21:48
New Fish
We've had everyone from the main living room tank down hall in the spare tank in the gym [img]
Babelfish519-Sep-2009 07:56
my male beta
hi every one i put my male beta in the fish tank with my 2 platys, 2 mollies, 2 plecos, 4 gohst shrimp,3 goldfish (i change the water offten to avoid...
1st_signer1319-Sep-2009 05:59
Hi guys. new stocking for 29g? (=
Hello. I'm refurbishing my 29g and giving it a new look. I already have 4 neon teras and a khuli loach in my 15g temporarily. I was thinking...
Rookie_Boy11016-Sep-2009 13:02
Would This Combo of Fish Work?
OK, so I looked up several species of fish, and ba sed upon total size of each fish upon completed growth, needed heat, water PH balance, etc., I came...
Delenn1812-Sep-2009 05:49
Can these fish go together.....
If not why? I'm looking to get some Glo-light tetras, Cherry Barbs, Glow light danios, redstripe rasbora, red cherry shrimp, red crystal shrimp, lake...
zeketaz1405-Sep-2009 20:31
Hybrids and Mutants
I just read through a thread where questions were asked about keeping some sort of hybrid fish (Blood Parrots) and it went up in flames. As a biologis...
Dr. Bonke1305-Sep-2009 06:23
Reduce the chance of Breeding?
When I read up on fish profiles for various fish, it says the higher the temperature is within their temperature range, the most likely they'll breed....
PaulO805-Sep-2009 05:29
Stocking 10gal
Hi, I've had a 10gallon aquarium running for about a month and a half with no fish in it. I have everything set up, good filtration running, and all t...
PaulO1205-Sep-2009 01:10
Just got a 55 - q about mixing fish
'ello, 'ello! I'm new here currently I have two 25ish gallon tanks, and a 4 gallon BiOrb. I also about two weeks ago got a (totally free!!) 55 g...
apandaepidemic504-Sep-2009 00:29
water changes
I've 5 fishes in a 6 gallon tank including 2 gouramies,2 rbarbs and a betta.What should be my water changes?...
ragu_ed128-Aug-2009 09:10
Are these fish compatible (or, have risk of being eaten by) with the Black Ghost Knife Fish?
Boesemani Rainbowfish, Albino Plecostomus, Bolivian Ram, Moonlight & Golden Gourami, Dwarf Giraffe Catfish, Male Betta (Just out of curiostity):...
Tuscuttar1727-Aug-2009 02:16
Fish and Algae
Has anyone experienced this? I have the normal buildup of algae on the glass of my tank every few weeks, right. So the fish completely ignore i...
Kellyjhw425-Aug-2009 00:57
Fry Pics
Thought id stick these in here too for those that dont visit the photo booth! [IMG]
Mez223-Aug-2009 22:24
Confusing algae problem
My brother's and my Betta's are in separate tanks next to each other (but the Betta's cannot see each other). My tank is a ten gallon glass tank, with...
Soidfuf719-Aug-2009 04:47
Well, over the last about year I've unfortunately had to shut down my big tank(55 gallon), and return the fish I couldn't find room to house in my oth...
truestar614-Aug-2009 16:48
Another Heater Failure-Do I Really Need A Heater?
The heater failed in my 55 gallon last night. I got up this morning and found the water at 107F and all my fish dead but one. This is the third...
sunspotkat408-Aug-2009 15:21
New Small planted tank.......
I set up a 10 gallon tank about 10 days ago im thinking about puting in 3 rasboras in today and see how the are in the tank im gona get about 3 more i...
riri1405-Aug-2009 22:23
What is this?
Pages: 1, 2
This morning when I was cleaning my aquarium I found a black worm. I have no idea what kind it is and if it is harmful. Which is really pathetic consi...
kj fishy-finn2527-Jul-2009 11:39
Green water "pearling?"
My green water culture seems to be "pearling." Are the gas bubbles, oxygen? Does single-celled organisms in the green water produce oxygen?...
checkerboard222-Jul-2009 08:20
Dream tanks!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok idk if this tread has been done before but we kno we all have that dream tank what would the stocking in ur tank be and remember keep in mind i don...
riri1921-Jul-2009 20:55
Over de-chlorinating??
Can you over dechlorinate? I lost all my baby danios after doing a water change. the only thing I can think that would have killed them all would be t...
Gourami121-Jul-2009 07:33
New stocking
Hey I have a 55gal cichlid set up with a big rock with bunchs of holes in the center and a few texas holey rocks on each side. While my whole tank pas...
spankym131021-Jul-2009 02:57
I moved 1800 km with my fish with 0 deaths
A while ago I had said that I had to move 1800 km across country over 10 days. All my fish made the move. I have a 10 inch Oscar, 8 inch Oscar, 4 inch...
steven1982121-Jul-2009 02:53
Centerpiece Fish
Hey guys, back again! with another stocking question for my 20 gallon tall. Over the past year or so i've lost all my cories and one black neon tetra...
MoFish116-Jul-2009 16:47
Hello! I just got a piece of driftwood with a ba se on it, and it says to let it soak for 24 hours, well i have for almost 3 days now, and it still won...
zebra614-Jul-2009 17:37
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