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riri1's Active Threads

 TopicForumAuthorRepliesLast Post 
Rainbow fish experience Cyprinid CornerGourami723-Sep-2014 05:42 
Update: Pimelodus pictus; Field: care Reviewed Profilesjake7025-May-2012 08:17 
Update: Banana Plant; Field: New Reviewed Profilesjake7025-May-2012 08:17 
FreshWater Puffers General FreshwaterBabelfish725-Oct-2010 16:11 
Update: Sciaenochromis ahli; Field: origin Reviewed ProfilesJason_R_S006-Sep-2010 08:03 
110g stocking Getting Startedcastlequest508-Jul-2010 20:57 
29g Stocking check Getting StartedTurboTurtle207-Jun-2010 01:30 
Update: Sciaenochromis ahli; Field: origin Reviewed ProfilesAdam031-May-2010 04:21 
Update: Apteronotus albifrons; Field: comments Reviewed ProfilesTuscuttar031-May-2010 04:19 
Do fish grow to the size of there tanks? General Freshwaterjakegill12707-Mar-2010 11:49 
Coming back from a long time away... to start up a new tank! Getting Startedstariel1815-Dec-2009 22:46 
Green Terror on death bed? Cichlid CentralAndypants415-Dec-2009 17:57 
My New Tetra (Wolf Fish) - Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus
Pages: 1, 2
Tetra TalkMez2514-Dec-2009 22:54 
Disaster Strike General FreshwaterCalilasseia804-Dec-2009 04:06 
Albino/Emerald Green Cories. Bottom Feeder FrenzyPaulO502-Nov-2009 07:14 
Convict compatibility Cichlid CentralTuscuttar108-Oct-2009 07:43 
85 gallon hexagon Getting StartediHunt404-Oct-2009 11:14 
Update: Trichopsis pumilus; Field: diet Reviewed Profilesriri1016-Sep-2009 09:06 
Can these fish go together..... General Freshwaterzeketaz1405-Sep-2009 20:31 
Hybrids and Mutants General FreshwaterDr. Bonke1305-Sep-2009 06:23 
Stocking 10gal General FreshwaterPaulO1205-Sep-2009 01:10 
Are these fish compatible (or, have risk of being eaten by) with the Black Ghost Knife Fish? General FreshwaterTuscuttar1727-Aug-2009 02:16 
New Small planted tank....... General Freshwaterriri1405-Aug-2009 22:23 
20g Stocking Ideas etc. Getting StartedTurboTurtle1822-Jul-2009 01:12 
Dream tanks!!!!!!!!!!! General Freshwaterriri1921-Jul-2009 20:55 
Update: Farlowella vittata ; Field: Common Names Reviewed ProfilesD23623d711-Jul-2009 13:24 
Dither Fish
Pages: 1, 2
Cichlid Centralwilly2030-Jun-2009 08:12 
I'm A Fish Daddy Again! Cichlid CentralSir Syklyd721-Jun-2009 17:51 
My Tank....... General Freshwaterriri1215-Jun-2009 08:42 
My Aro General FreshwaterHOKESE910-Jun-2009 07:19 
Help Identify My New Fish! General Freshwatermoondog1108-Jun-2009 00:39 
Black Silicon!!! Technical Tinkeringcoop704-Jun-2009 05:50 
Well that's just.... Cichlid CentralKellyjhw101-Jun-2009 21:56 
Ceramic Noodles? Planted Aquariacoop524-May-2009 20:08 
Water changes Water Qualityzeketaz622-May-2009 07:50 
I Found 1. Bottom Feeder FrenzyHOKESE521-May-2009 11:26 
Tryed To Sell Me A Longtom General FreshwaterHOKESE921-May-2009 11:20 
VERY SAD,i had to put her in the freezer! Cichlid CentralHOKESE1918-May-2009 12:06 
I've got a breeding pair! Cichlid CentralKellyjhw1115-May-2009 21:52 
First african cichlid tank!!!!!! Cichlid Centralriri11015-May-2009 06:32 

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