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 The Hospital
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Dead Black Molly
Hi All, Wonder if you can help, i have a 62l tank which i have had for about 5 months. It has 6 neon tertas 1 dalamtion molly 2 wagtails 1...
Ria225-Mar-2010 10:26
Fungus med?
I am going to treat my tank for fungus that one of my neons have with Pimafix. Does anyone know if it will affect my Kuhlis or Otto's? I also have 2 S...
lowlight214-Mar-2010 04:50
Betta has white lump on gill
Hi, So I went to feed my betta Rupert this morning and discovered that he has a white bump on his gill, which also seems to be a little flared....
Plasmax408-Mar-2010 05:39
unknown disease
My live bearers have bin getting sick its a wired diseaes in which they'r scales kinda pop out and beffor dieing they swim around and hit the tank wal...
1st_signer405-Feb-2010 00:55
I have a female guppy abt 1 week from giving birth. She has 5 symptoms i recognize: 1. Shyness. She is hiding under my swordplant all the time 2....
amazonfishkeeper201-Feb-2010 07:24
my Cichlids are dying
ok..I bought these red devils and flowerhorns around 2" in size.Well they were alright for 5 days or so and the RDs got really strssed and white spots...
ragu_ed930-Jan-2010 08:47
Ich Salt/Heat Treatment--How Long and How Effective?
I purchased a male german blue ram from my LFS and introduced him into an established, planted 10G tank that had four bleeding heart tetras and two bl...
Discuslover87130-Jan-2010 01:33
Mollie bouancy off?
Have a silver lyre tail that seems like when hes not swimming he floats straight to the top and some times is floating face down vertically which I ha...
Jlorenzo327-Jan-2010 20:31
sad sevrun
hi all, moved house at the weekend, and sevrum is not well, sadly i lost one shortly after i had reset the tank, used the opputunity to do a 50% wate...
andyandbecki621-Jan-2010 12:20
madagascar rainbow dying
I am new to this site but could us some quick info. I started with four madagascar and in the past 3 days one has died per day. All water test have ca...
newrainbow020-Jan-2010 03:57
Cut up mbuna?
Ok. I have no idea whats happened. Things had been going well in my 30 gallon until i added some java fern. The tank had been stocked with 2 mbuna and...
cichlidl0ver513-Jan-2010 23:18
Red line?
Hi. One of my two mbuna who are in a 30 gallon tank has gotten this thin red line right before his anal fin. I'm reluctant to think its fin rot becaus...
cichlidl0ver509-Jan-2010 03:22
I've got Ich, and cant seem to get rid of it....
In my 45 gal, I had a heater malfunction over nite, temp went from 78 up to 90. I fixed the problem, slowly lowered temp down to 80 over a few hours,...
hca1206-Jan-2010 20:05
oh boy...
I recently added a ram from the LFS without quarantine.... and lo and behold! He/she appears to have fungus... the scales look slightly "fluffy" and...
devon7403-Jan-2010 00:31
Gold Severum "Cysts" or Bubbles on Tail - help Please
Hi, I probably should have acgted sooner, but I noticed several bumps/white spots/cysts/bubbles on my Gold Severum's tail fin. They appear to dominat...
whatder102-Jan-2010 20:39
Cyst on Emperor tail (repost)
Okay a few weeks ago, I had this huge problem with my 40gal tall. A bacterial infection and ich killed off all of the new fish (plecs and emperor tetr...
Kellyjhw1131-Dec-2009 08:02
parasites mabey??
okay so i have 2 prety big angelfish. these were my first fish ever had 2 females. my white female has had 3 hatches of eggs this year, wit...
dudehi431-Dec-2009 01:11
please help, my mom wants to save fancytail goldfish
I'm not a fish expert neither is my mom, all I know is that the big gold fish in my mom's tank has nipped away at her little fancytail goldfish and ha...
helpmyfish227-Dec-2009 06:11
Need Help with Oscar
I have an oscar around 7 inches long in a 75 gallon tank all to itself and it has been doing great up until about 3 days ago when I came home from wor...
Cichlid Keeper822-Dec-2009 08:28
Neon Tetra died
Hello all. I have had my 10 gallon tank set up since July, it has been stocked with 5 neon tetras and 2 guppies since August. Last week a neon died un...
scottg173514-Dec-2009 22:47
Rescued tank in need of some help
someone was moving and was giving away their 45 gal tank. It was brought home to me fri night. as a "surprise", which normally would be great, except...
hca628-Nov-2009 06:28
Strange behaviour
Hey everyone, I am new on this forum and hope i can get advice. I will tell you as much as i can about my fish tank and my fish. 55 gallons, have...
jewel76619-Nov-2009 15:07
New Emperor Tetras and plecs
Pages: 1, 2
Okay my 40 gal tall is empty, except for one adult male angel, pond snails, and a few MTS. We made a quick jaunt to LFS and got 6 Emperor Tetras...
Kellyjhw2116-Nov-2009 20:08
Powder blue has ich
Hi all, OK I have a 75 gal reef and had a powder blue tang only he developed ich at first. I added a yellow eye tang that after two days or so started...
Fraglerock102-Nov-2009 22:01
Blue Gourami not swimming
Stats: 30gal tank Ammonia = 0ppm Nitrite (NO2) = 0ppm Nitrate (NO3) = 20ppm PH = 8.2 Other fish = 2 tiger barb, 2 albino tigers, 1 Angel fis...
Spartacus1031-Oct-2009 01:31
sick cory's help!
my cory's gave birth. and its been about 5 months now and they are all getting pretty big. i currently have 12. i had about thirty cory's all together...
ku5626428-Oct-2009 05:17
Goldfish Acting Strange - Has anyone seen this before?
Hello everyone, I have been keeping goldfish for 4 weeks, we got given a 71L tank and fish from a friend who moved overseas. First of all here...
Louiedee83323-Oct-2009 16:43
Shaking Tiger Barb
I added a couple new fish two days ago, and now one of my albino tiger barbs is acting very strange. Yesterday, he was breathing fast and avoiding the...
sugabeatz322-Oct-2009 16:03
Sick Angel
I think I got a terrible batch of mollies, that has made my female angel sick. Yesterday the last molly was found on the bottom front center of t...
Kellyjhw422-Oct-2009 12:40
Guppies & Cod
I have two questions regarding seperate fish in seperate tanks. Firstly I have a 400L tank with balloon mollys, guppys, platys, phantoms, headstand...
Stvmeister620-Oct-2009 12:11
Fish disease question
Alright well I had 6 glow light tetras and now I'm down to two. A couple died and I don't know why and a couple had fungus stuff on them. Of the two I...
zeketaz1213-Oct-2009 01:45
Betta not eating
`( I am a beginner and I just bought a betta to go in a 10 gal tank. This is monday and I just got him yesterday. the probl...
Spannsa906-Oct-2009 01:43
Lost a Black Ruby Barb overnight
I went to do my regular water change today of my 55 gal. with the plans of squeezing my filter sponges. I siphoned out 3 gallons, and decided it...
Kellyjhw402-Oct-2009 03:29
My tetra has?....
I lost another tetra last night and it had red on his gills. Then looking at my remaining glow light tetras and one has fuzzy white stuff on his chin...
zeketaz829-Sep-2009 02:48
Tiger barbs Losing their color!
So I noticed that one of my tiger barbs stripes had kinda started fading and I wasn't sure if he had always been like that and I had just never realiz...
Andypants126-Sep-2009 21:17
Black Ruby Barb, eye popping out
One of my Black Ruby barbs (a female) in my 55g has a seriously bulging eye I just noticed. She has what appears to be a white "bump" or growth on he...
ScottF726-Sep-2009 12:13
Hospital Tank?
If this isn't where this thread belongs, please feel free to move it. I was wondering about the importance of having a "hospital" tank, and if it's...
Delenn1125-Sep-2009 18:07
dwarf gaurami went from good to about to die?
Hello, I have had my neon blue dwarf gaurami for a few months now, everything fine. This morning I went to feed all my fish, he was at the top eating...
zebra122-Sep-2009 16:32
my fish is dieing, his belly up, but hes still alive, what do i do, pls help thankyou...
pinn0025219-Sep-2009 07:03
Any body ever scene something like this?
my goldie i thought was losing its scales but now it looks as if it has scales but they are just white? except on his nose it looks as if all the scal...
Cichlid Kid118-Aug-2009 06:36
Patches on my giant betta?
After loosing a fish a few days ago I'm concerned about my giant betta, he has small whiteish patches on his head. Not fluffy or anything, perhaps a s...
CrimsonaX016-Aug-2009 16:35
viable ich treatment: remove infected fish BEFORE the free-swimming phase of the parasite??
hi, all. i have a situation with my tank now that i'm (possibly prematurely) REALLY FREAKING OUT about... the short version of my question is this...
magicalt215-Aug-2009 21:58
He's lost a fin 0_0 Pic added, please help
In my community I keep 3 corydoras at the moment, plan to add one more shortly. Anyway I noticed some scale damage late one night but I considered it...
CrimsonaX315-Aug-2009 07:37
My Mysterious Neon Tetra death...
One of my 10 Neon Tetras has died recently, although; before he did, there was a mysterious white stripe travelling from the front of the dorsal fin,...
Tuscuttar313-Aug-2009 09:03
Goldfish with cloudy eye..
Alright all you oldtimers, don't fall over or anything, yes it's me.... I have a comet that is giving me some grief. I have just found them (I...
Littlecatjoe409-Aug-2009 09:05
A death a day......
So for some reason I have been loosing atleast one guppy a day in my 55 gallon planted tank and I can't figure out why. There is no outward signs of a...
Gourami1206-Aug-2009 03:16
Dead Bala
My bala died yesturday and I don't why. I tested my water and all my readings were where they're suppose to be....
zeketaz205-Aug-2009 14:37
Oscar Still Sick...Not Sure What To Do?
my oscar is still acting funny, he ate 4 sticks yesterday but today will once again not eat.just finished treating 5 days with melafix+pimafix . for s...
Cichlid Kid1330-Jul-2009 09:07
Has anyone ever heard of this?
I've had the same school of Lemon Tetras for almost 4 years but this has happened three times now and it seems to happen around this time of year. O...
ginsing429-Jul-2009 20:49
Instant Betta Death
I am curious if anyone has ever had this experience... We recently got a new male Betta, been about 4 weeks ago, beautiful fish... I was feeing him...
ScottF223-Jul-2009 08:01
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