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ScottF's Active Threads

 TopicForumAuthorRepliesLast Post 
Rainbow fish experience Cyprinid CornerGourami723-Sep-2014 05:42 
1 gallon junior tank General Freshwater1st_signer1803-Apr-2012 05:56 
red tail shark or rainbow compatible? Cyprinid CornerScottF313-Nov-2010 06:38 
Do you vote if not why not ??????????????????????????? The Recovery Roomkeithgh416-Jun-2010 04:21 
Case of the disappearing tetra General Freshwaterdancin_hippo623-May-2010 15:03 
Snails?? General Freshwaterzeketaz723-May-2010 14:45 
How on earth can I get rid of all these snails?
Pages: 1, 2
General Freshwaterzebra2102-Mar-2010 01:39 
Coming back from a long time away... to start up a new tank! Getting Startedstariel1815-Dec-2009 22:46 
Black Ruby Barbs Cyprinid CornerDonnieBoy1508-Dec-2009 18:52 
New 55 gal Tank Stocking
Pages: 1, 2
Getting StartedBartek1012101-Dec-2009 02:24 
Favorite Cyprinid Cyprinid CornerThe Mutant Goldfish1730-Nov-2009 20:30 
10 gallon make-over Getting Startedku56261319-Nov-2009 12:16 
Planting a 55 gallon tank. Planted AquariaDonnieBoy1316-Nov-2009 21:29 
Opaline Gourami with a "tan line" Labyrinth LoungeScottF014-Nov-2009 03:06 
Glofish - abomination or cool? Cyprinid CornerPaulO1503-Nov-2009 22:59 
Albino/Emerald Green Cories. Bottom Feeder FrenzyPaulO502-Nov-2009 07:14 
cleaning wood!?!?!?!?!?!??! Aquascapingku5626602-Nov-2009 05:47 
cycling my 10g General FreshwaterScottF402-Nov-2009 01:10 
slug? Invertebratesdevon7701-Nov-2009 18:18 
Starting over General FreshwaterScottF1325-Oct-2009 13:04 
Betta not eating The HospitalSpannsa906-Oct-2009 01:43 
good plant ferts Planted AquariaScottF130-Sep-2009 03:28 
Wild Discus Bio Type (sort of)
Pages: 1, 2
Cichlid CentralTW2326-Sep-2009 18:32 
Black Ruby Barb, eye popping out The HospitalScottF726-Sep-2009 12:13 
Hospital Tank? The HospitalDelenn1125-Sep-2009 18:07 
Plecos and Shrimps?? Bottom Feeder FrenzyGourami523-Sep-2009 01:07 
Prospective Dorm Tank: General Freshwaterbrandeeno323-Sep-2009 00:10 
Just got a 55 - q about mixing fish General Freshwaterapandaepidemic504-Sep-2009 00:29 
Fish and Algae General FreshwaterKellyjhw425-Aug-2009 00:57 
10 Gallon Stocking Tips? Getting Startedkdwilson972508-Aug-2009 18:38 
Post your dorm tanks
Pages: 1, 2
Photo BoothCup_of_Lifenoodles2403-Aug-2009 09:43 
Common Brown Snails InvertebratesScottF830-Jul-2009 17:45 
Instant Betta Death The HospitalScottF223-Jul-2009 08:01 
Been Three Days With Fish, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate all at 0 Getting StartedD23623d921-Jul-2009 00:45 
Driftwood General Freshwaterzebra614-Jul-2009 17:37 
Wanna Know What's Fun?? Cyprinid CornerScottF408-Jul-2009 03:08 
Betta and peppered cory catfish Labyrinth LoungeHanteggy507-Jul-2009 07:18 
If Our Fish Could Talk... Cichlid CentralSir Syklyd827-Jun-2009 13:26 
New tank setup...with discus in mind...advice needed!! Getting Startedhep202227-Jun-2009 12:34 
Treating Columnaris The HospitalScottF427-Jun-2009 12:22 
Floating Tiger Barbs Cyprinid CornerGourami414-Jun-2009 05:28 
New 20g Stocking Idea Getting Startedpaullj631428-Mar-2009 08:33 
Red Gash? The HospitalCrimsonaX623-Feb-2009 04:53 
Old Tank General FreshwaterPickles89516-Feb-2009 01:37 
Update: Sawbwa resplendens; Field: Breeding Reviewed ProfilesScottF403-Feb-2009 05:22 
Update: Sawbwa resplendens; Field: Temperament Reviewed ProfilesScottF303-Feb-2009 05:21 
Mouth Fungus And Finrot Treament The HospitalScottF701-Feb-2009 02:12 
Update: Sawbwa resplendens; Field: Common Names Reviewed ProfilesScottF331-Jan-2009 14:47 
29 Gallon Community Getting Startedkdwilson972427-Jan-2009 04:13 

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