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Subscribe72 Gallon Bowfront Setup Log
Fish Master
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male ireland
Well maybe I should clarify a little. Certainly I wouldn't suggest you go mad and add a lot more species. Something I've certainly been guilty of in the past is too many species with none making a impact. I'm trying to control that urge these days.

Certainly I think you've handled the stem plants very well and certainly wouldn't add more species. Let what's there fill out. You may even decide to drop one of the species later and it would still be impressive.

I''m thinking more of the smaller details. The mid/foreground areas. Accents for rocks etc. You really wouldn't need too many more species 2 or 3 would do it.

Certainly I wouldn't suggest you go down the road that my collectoritis forced me. These days I'm removing more species then I'm adding.

I think one phrase you made probably highlights the differnce in our attitudes. You want a tank with a striking background for a school of colorful fish. I lean the other way. Cardinals, Neons et al, while beautiful fish don't do it for me. They just seem to sit there. I prefer the fish to be more interactive with the environment. Gouramies gracefull winding thru plants, Bettas prowling through a mass of Anubias leaves, Pencil fish pecking and poking thru everything, and Ottos being Ottos. I got into the habit of building 'scapes to encourage that kind of behaviour. This works against me sometimes. Things I should keep simpler I end up overdoing.

You can see this trait even now. Remember when I re-did the tank? While the overall layout is the same it was much simpler and cleaner at the start, you can see in the last pics everything has got denser, more complex and darker (even though I now have more light over the tank). Guess I just can't help myself.

Last edited by bensaf at 09-Jan-2006 00:41

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think one phrase you made probably highlights the differnce in our attitudes. You want a tank with a striking background for a school of colorful fish. I lean the other way. Cardinals, Neons et al, while beautiful fish don't do it for me. They just seem to sit there. I prefer the fish to be more interactive with the environment.
That's a very good distinction. I'm always hesitant to add more fish because I feel it would eventually clutter the big school I plan on having one day. Although in a tank of my size I do want and have some fish that use the layout like pencils, rams, otos. I also currently have 5 yamato shrimp. As I said I need more tanks, I'm always torn between a tank with maybe two or three plant species and a large school or one with more variety buy not Dutch like. I really need 3 medium size tanks, this way you'll always have one show tank and the others you could play with.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I've definitely observed my otos munching on the bba. I don't have alot of algae on the menu, so maybe they are desperate. I've also caught the yamato shrimp pictured here making a snack of it.

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***** Little Fish *****
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That is a beautiful shot tetratech

I guess all you need is about 100 more shrimp (). At my LFS they go for $5 each.


I really like this picture

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the pic comments LF.

I guess all you need is about 100 more shrimp
Yeah exactly, that' what Amano always says, so simple, $500 later. I don't think the 5 I have will put a dent in it. BTW I got all my yamato shrimp at aquarium adventure. They were $3.99 each minus 25% for being a AA member which was free since I signed up when the store opened. Wow $5 is high, I thought $3.99 was high, I wonder what Bensaf pays. The cherry shrimps were $5.99 but were not in stock.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Megil TelZeke
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get other shrimp apart from yamato's. there are other algae eating shrimp that will eat a different variaty of algae than yamatos and also reproduce in fw.

Just avoid az gardens for shrimp.

Last edited by Megil Tel'Zeke at 09-Jan-2006 13:36

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just avoid az gardens for shrimp.

Any experience you'd like to share?

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Megil TelZeke
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I believe everything is covered there. The shrimp shipped were miniscule , and as stated hot very good survival rate.

Last edited by Megil Tel'Zeke at 09-Jan-2006 13:47

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sorry to hear that. What kind of shrimp did you order and how many? Did any survive to reproduce?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey, i was wondering what kind of a camera you are taking the photos with. Because you were asking about photo exposres before I thought I might add a little more info. I believe that your camera is automatically over exposing your photos. [I see the etherial quality of many of your plants as evidence of this, though perhapse you like to use this as an awe inspiring effect? ] It depends on the kind of camera but you may be able to ajust its settings. What it does whne you take pictures, all of which seem to be without a flash which is great imo, is that it tries to make the net exposure for the immage what is called middle grey, as far as light inensity goes. The camera does not understand that your background is supposed to be black or that snow for example is supposed to be white. Because of this it over exposes the aquarium pictures with large ammounts of black in them. The 'false pearling' picture has good detail overall, because of the normal balance of light and dark. THe one below it shows heavenly wisteria. Anyway depending on the camera you might be able to force better exposures, but it depends.



- - - Humorous Bit of Wisdom - - -
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for any advice, I am certainly not that photo savvy.
My camera is a Canon S2 IS, not an SLR, but from what I understand a pretty good camera, some shots I believe are limited because of the iso setting only going up to 400 and insufficient light. Most of the shots you see in my thread are taking with the manual seeings using shutterspeed as a priority.

The settings are using 1/10 - 1/20, f 2.7 to 4.5, with 2/3 underexposure. I do have a black background and black substrate so I do like the way it makes the plants pop out.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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am I glad that I am reading this thread.

I was going to order my shrimp from there, I guess I will have to find another source then.

Thanks Megil also from me, I am sure you saved me quite some money (and hair).


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If I spend $70 for shrimp shipping my tank really would be over my head like in my avatar.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's another shrimp shot. It's interesting to watch them. When a fish swims close the shrimp put up their arms in an effort to defend themselves.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I was going to order my shrimp from there, I guess I will have to find another source then.

Hehe, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe shrimp are just poor shippers? Never had them shipped before, but it seems the death rate shouldn't be as high as megil says it was. Will have to do some more searching for online retailers, I think I saw some place online called Frank's something-or-other, little pricy though... and there's always aquabid.


All true enough, but taking a pic of a tank with a black background/ substrate and high lighting is like taking a pic of a guy in a big black coat out in a snow covered field on a bright sunny day - if you expose to capture either extreme perfectly, the other is going to look crummy. if you want straight from the camera .jpegs, in the case of planted tanks I think it's best to underexpose only slightly - the point is not to see the background at its best, but to capture the detail in the plants. For straight out of the camrea .jpegs I think the exposure is pretty good. Ideally I think one would underexpose a little - no more than a full stop - and then play with shadows/ highlights in Photoshop... or if shooting .raw files it would be that much more effective.

Sorry, that was off topic. I'll control the photo-nerdness from now on

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Megil TelZeke
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[link=]" style="COLOR: #001700[/link]

Heard good things about him. probably worth a shot. When ig et around to restocking the 20G again i'm ordering from him what i can't find locally. (going to try getting some from deb first)

but to answer the earlier question none lived long enough to reproduce. shrimp aren't that delicate of shippers AZ gardens just has shotty quality. well I do have some rudolphs still, they are about all i ahve left from the purchase.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Day 1 - The excitment

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Day 12 - Innocent growth

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Day 38 - I had at all (in my naive mind anyway)

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Day 65 - Innocence Lost

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Day 77 - The comeback

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hmm... an obvious lack of GW pictures here, tetra... youre not telling the whole story here!

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Day 97 - Happy New Year!

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3 Days ago - Nowher, not now, I'm on a roll!

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Today - reworked blended foreground to appease my critics

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***** Little Fish *****
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Are we done yet

Nice collection and naming of each set


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah I think I got it all out, actually I think I skipped a few pics. Nowher, GW never visible from front, sometimes bad photo skills come in handy.

If you look at the foreground I spread the blyxa further and scattered some wisteria into the middle to help blend. I guess I'll let it grow in and see how it looks. The poor Blyxa has been uprooted and moved like 4 times already.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Things are looking really nice. I can't wait until I can do some more work on my tank!

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Wingdsc.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The poor Blyxa has been uprooted and moved like 4 times already.

Well don't move it again

It's a relatively delicate plant, it does not take kindly to being moved. It takes quite a while for it to root and establish, every time you move it , it has to start over.

I'd go as far as to say the secret to growing it well is stick it in and never move it.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nowher, GW never visible from front, sometimes bad photo skills come in handy.

Not bad photo skills, I just dont think you had GW nearly as bad as mine, probably why it took your UV less time to make things sparkling clear for you. Anyway, I like the new look of the tank, even though Hendrix Rock is no more.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It certainly does flow better, although I still find the left side Wisteria group to be isolated.

Also, from the pciture, one cannot easily see the driftwood stick on the left. I am sure that when looking at the tank directly it creates a flow towards that left side.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Speaking of wisteria groups, holy cow! Look at the right side of that first pic - empty!

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Speaking of wisteria groups, holy cow! Look at the right side of that first pic - empty!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Edit error on previous post. Anyway your referring to the day on pic right Nowher, yeah, the wisteria was left over clippings from my old 46 gallon and there wasn't much of it when I first started.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's just wild to look back on it and see it so lacking in wisteria because wisteria has become such a ounced and dare I say, defining element in your tank.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh it's got depth baby!

For those of you who mentioned my tank lacks depth (you know who you are) I wanted to show this side shot. The grouping of blyxa is on three different levels with rocks pushing up the substrate aroundthe big rock. You could also see the big rocks are staggered as well at different depths. It's hard to see this from the front.

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Yeah, I see the depth, from the side of the tank

I never doubted it is there, but sometimes it is hard to see it from the front of the tank (aka standard photo position). I am sure that it will look deeper once the area in front of the main group has filled in some more.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Lf,

Question? I'm on day 5 of the excel treatment I've been doing about 20ml everyday, I haven't seen the bba turn red, but looks like it has stopped spreading. I think you said your's turned red around day 4.

My Scapes
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***** Little Fish *****
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Yup tetratech,

That is what it did for me, and proportionally on a smaller dosage than yours.

Maybe it doesn't work equally on all tanks or on your particular type of algae.

I would say keep it up for at least 3 more days.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Actually I missed a dose while I was out of town.

See my other thread

Last edited by tetratech at 11-Jan-2006 16:58

My Scapes
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I have seen the other thread,

But I didn't dare to comment in it as one never knows if an entry was your last, once you are on a roll .

Maybe the skipping set it back, let's hope that this is the issue then dosing longer should fix that.


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It's just wild to look back on it and see it so lacking in wisteria because wisteria has become such a ounced and dare I say, defining element in your tank.
Yes, you may say that. It just comes in so nice and it's low maintenance.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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For those of you who mentioned my tank lacks depth (you know who you are)

*whistles nonchalantly*

Pity most people look at the front of a tank and not at the sides

To be fair though, pictures never do a tank justice. They always look better in person, can't beat the 3 dimensional view. Photo's do tend to flatten the look of a tank, moreso when you use any kind of zoom.

Maybe we were a little harsh.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Maybe we were a little harsh.
I can take it, keep the honesty coming.

Anyway here's a pic of the E.Stellata Wideleaf. I'm starting to enjoy the constrasting leaves. It hasn't colored up so I'm thinking of upping my FE dosing or maybe my light isn't intense enough to get the color.

Current dosing schedule:

n03 - .5 tsp
po4 - .05 tsp
Flourish - 10 ml
Flourish trace - 5 ml
Flourish excel - 20 ml (currently treating bba)
co2 - slow moving stream of bubbles

Although plants look really healthly I don't get much pearling. Although I don't necessarily associate pearling with plant health I do like to witness pearling at times, so I've changed my co2 diffusion from canister intake to a limewood airstone under my spraybar (too cheap to buy a glass diffusor.) I do see all the tiny bubbles bing wooshed to the plants. I want to see if it increases pearling

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Last edited by tetratech at 12-Jan-2006 09:57

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have a glass difuser setup for a few days so far and I have already noticed some pearling..Not on any of my wisteria tho.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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The Excel will definately reduce pearling. So you may not see much until you're finished with that treatment.

Depends on the plants too. Heavy oxygen producers pearl heavier, faster. Riccia is the classic example, Java Fern while slow growing makes a lot of oxygen and will pearl at the drop of a hat. Wisteria seems to be somewhere in the middle.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Why does the excel cut back on pearling?

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Don't know. But it's certainly widely reported and it's something I've experienced myself in the past.

Maybe it somehow slows down the plants oxygen output or reduces the amount of oxygen in the water.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic update. I believe it's Day 110 (give or take)

The tank has definitely entered a new phase of lushness with the revival of all my stem plants, plus the additional ones. Here's a shot looking through the left size.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oops alittle too big,

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Shot of the main group showing contrasting colors and shapes

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Full room shot,

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Tank certainly does look great, but looking at how well the stem plants are growing, I can't help but feel that you can take it to the next level by doing something with the right side of the tank, building up more height with stem plants etc. The hardscape is there, it just needs to be filled in.

the wisteria carpet can remain, of course...

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You know what,

For the first time this tank looks to me like a 20G Long. It seems tiny, what happened?

Don’t misunderstand me, it is very very beautiful and the shot you took makes it look like a piece of art, but the fact that this is a big tank is not coming across.

Maybe it is because of all the small leaved plants, I don’t know.


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Tank certainly does look great, but looking at how well the stem plants are growing, I can't help but feel that you can take it to the next level by doing something with the right side of the tank, building up more height with stem plants etc. The hardscape is there, it just needs to be filled in.
I could appreciate your comments, but I probably will not do that. I feel keeping the stem plants bunched in a tight group off center gives me my stems, but also allows me to have the drama of open water which will eventually be populated by a big school of something. Again I need more tanks.

For the first time this tank looks to me like a 20G Long
You caught me, I knew I couldn't fool the LF eye for long. It is a 20g, I just couldn't admit it with your big tank.

My Scapes
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No, it’s not a 20G

I know that the plants cannot be that small when proportioned down to the size of a 20G, except if you would have miniature versions of each in which case I would love to have some of them.

I guess once a load of schooling fish are swimming in the tank and they become visible in the picture then it will be much easier to judge the tank when comparing the size of the fish to the rest of the tank. Yeah, I guess that’s it, thinking about it more made me realize that even some of Amano’s tanks would appear small if there wouldn’t be the 100 Cardinals swimming around.


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That's a very good point about Amano's tanks. Sometimes the only way to get a feel for the size is by seeing a large school of fish. Speaking of Amano did you see this additional link I put in that shows more pics of his big tank in his home. It also is part of a gallery of pics from ADG and Oliver knott that will make you sick.

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For the first time this tank looks to me like a 20G Long
"Cheeky young pup" Stick this in your 20g.

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Last edited by tetratech at 13-Jan-2006 16:09

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I thought this pic was a good fusion of fish, plants and art.

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Cheeky young pup

You are flattering me, not with the cheeky part, but with the young pup one .

Looking very nice, the Star Grass is really coming in strong. Also, the front of the hill (do we have a name for it yet? ) is coming together. Did you trim the Diandra?

Is the right side the area that the Rams call their home? Or are they perusing the whole tank?

What’s the latest on fish? What are your current thoughts on the large school. Wanna have about 20 Espei?


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The front of the hill (do we have a name for it yet? )
Not as of yet, I'm open to suggestions.

Did you trim the Diandra?
Yes, I think I mentioned it in an earlier post (I know it's hard to catch them all) that I was amazed at how well the diandra grew and then when I looked closer to see a black section 3/4 down the stem. I guess it shows that the plants get most of what they need thru the water column. So I cut back. It's kinda struggling, I don't know if it's one of these plants that doesn't do well with the excel overdose treatment.

Is the right side the area that the Rams call their home?
How did you know. They do peruse the whole tank, but are on the right side 99% of the time.

Still haven't decided on the large school yet, your espei's do look nice. Here's an updated pic from tonite. The stargrass is almost to the top as well as the rotala. I'm not looking forward to the trimming. I'm torn between replanting all stem tops as opposed to cutting and letting the lower part regrow.

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I also decided to change my method of co2 diffusion. There was nothing wrong with the canister injected method, plant health was really good, but I wasn't getting any pearling. As Bensaf pointed out it could be a possibly of the excel treatment that you pointed out as well, but I wanted to try something else. So I setup a limewood airstone right below my spraybar. Here's a pic as the microbubbles go up and then across the tank. (I'll probably eventually get the glass diffusor for aestetics and for effectiveness,although this limewood airstone gives off really nice small bubbles.

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I just set up my 2nd DIY Co2 with a limewood block. I really like the small bubbles it makes too. Right now I have the ladder going on one side of the tank with the block under my filter. I havent noticed tons of change but its only been going for a day. My Bacopa did crack the surface today but I have added some other stuff in the mix too.

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I hear ya Wingdsc. Something about those little bubbles.
Make sure you test your co2 levels with both of those going.

BTW - I was in my lfs the other day. I picked up some otos for my 12g as well as 2 kuli loaches to help move around the sand and on my way out I noticed they were selling riccia.

So I took some as well. Fiqured it would be fun to play around with it. I thought it was interesting the way it was priced $1.99 per ounce.

Last edited by tetratech at 15-Jan-2006 18:48

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Nice find on the riccia!..I'd like to see how it turns out in your tank setup
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I thought it was interesting the way it was priced $1.99 per ounce.

So how much surface area is an ounce?

As far as my Co2 levels go....
I might have to actualy go buy some test kits but right now as long as my fish aren't freaking out then things are good. I was actualy thinking of hooking up a 3rd bottle just to see what happens.

Maybe that will have to be a new thread.....

Last edited by Wingsdlc at 15-Jan-2006 21:47

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Fiqured it would be fun to play around with it.

It is fun to play with. But once you've got it, you pretty much have it for life. It's remarkably easy to grow and grows fast. You only need one little tiny scrap to survive and you have a whole new batch.

I got rid of mine a while back to make room for other plants. Thought I got rid of it all but it keeps cming back. Even in the small non Co2 tank it keeps popping up.

Not a big problem it's easy to remove. It pops up tangled in moss , ferns Anubias. I just leave it be til there's a big ball of the stuff, then I pull it out. But a tiny piece will remain snagged somewhere a few mionths later you have a big ball again.

I think it will work well in your tank. Just hold it down on a stone with a hair net or mix some in with the moss.

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Yeah, I think Riccia is a very nice plant, look at all the Amano tanks that have full ground covers with it.

But I also believe they are a pain in the neck to keep trimmed. You will have to cut them short frequently to avoid the bottoms from dying off and the rest floating to the surface (or being swirled around the tank and settling all over the place).

And unfortunately I currently know one other person who has problems with not maintaining his ground cover right .


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You will have to cut them short frequently to avoid the bottoms from dying off and the rest floating to the surface (or being swirled around the tank and settling all over the place).
Yes I have heard that. I plan on just using it on a few rocks, etc., but I know the little pieces are going to be a pain.

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I really like the look of the E.Stellata Wide Leaf. It reminds me of exploding fireworks (especially if it starts to color up more), unfortunately it has a very week stem structure as you could see it's being straighted with a bbq stick.

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Eusteralis Stellata, var. barbequii

It is very pretty though


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Eusteralis Stellata, var. barbequii

You know I read this and for a second I was going to look up that name. Not enough coffee yet:%)

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I'm sorry to intrude in such impolite manner, but according to what I see in the pictures, especially the last one, you have Limnophila aromatica there, and not Eusteralis stellata. I say this because of the shape of the leaves and also because of the slight colour that can be seen on the underside of the leaves.

According to my experience with L. aromatica, your problem is lack of nutrients rather than lack of light. Try to add a little more fertiliser before you mess with your lights and see what happens. If that is the problem you'll see that it colours up very quickly (2 - 3 days), and it will also become more robust so that the skewer will not be necessary anymore.

Last edited by Untitled No. 4 at 16-Jan-2006 13:29
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Son's of a $%#&. I know the aromatica is many times sold as E. Stellata. This pic below from the Krib is saying it's E. Stellata and this is exactly what my plant looked like when I purchased it. The new growth looks much different from the original growth tha melted away.

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And where have you been all that time Untitled No. 4? I missed you.


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I've heard of the water sprite for wistera trick, but this is ridiculous.

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That picture from the Krib shows a really poor E. stellata, if you ask me. It can, and it often does, look much better. But there's nothing wrong with L. aromatica, it's actually quite a nice plant. Add some more Flourish/TMG/whatever it is you're using and see how nicely it grows as it developes deep purple shade on the leaves, first on the underside and then on the top as well. It's also a little less moody than the E. stellata, but it shows right away when it doesn't get enough nutrients.

As for where I have been, I was here lurking most of the time. I was also busy at work (not all of us have the time to surf forums from work...) and then busy with setting up a new tank a few weeks ago. And anyway, I don't think I've had much to add to all that was going on here, but it is nice to see both of your progress.
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Untitled, yep I think your right I pretty much confirmed that it's the aromatica, but each one looks very similiar here's two better pics from the Plantfinder at APC. The first one is aromatica and the next is e. stellata. These pics are taken from the same tank with the same conditions.

First the aromatica:


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and the E. Stellata

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The E.Stellata is smoother and does grow bigger as well.

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They usually sell Aromaitica and Stellata side by side here in the same tanks. When I see them together they look almost identical yet there's always a difference I can't quite put my finger on. Seen seperately I can never tell the damn difference.

The narrow leaf Stellata is very easy to spot, but that's one finnicky plant.

I prefer the Aromatica anyway, it's easier to grow. like the light purple undersides, real nice shade. I think it's a bit more subtle too, the Stellata is a bit "show offy" for my taste.

If it is Aromatica I agee with untitled the color will come from nutrients rather then light. Think about it, the main color is on the underside of the leaf, light is not going to play much of a role there.

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If it is Aromatica I agee with untitled the color will come from nutrients rather then light. Think about it, the main color is on the underside of the leaf, light is not going to play much of a role there.
That's really an excellent point. I'm going to try and up my Flourish dosing. I'm not using a dedicated FE supplement, the diandra is not coloring up as well. Guess they aren't getting much FE from the roots thru the eco. I was hoping with the eco and the flourish they would be fulfilled in the FE department.

Last edited by tetratech at 17-Jan-2006 06:23

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My stargrass has reached the top of my tank, from maybe a 1 inch clipping in about 30 days time. So that's about 3/4 inch per day based on my tank being 22inches tall.

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And what are you going to do with it now, tetratech?

I am very keen on finding out how the next trimming will go.

I will keep my fingers crossed,


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And what are you going to do with it now, tetratech?

You must be reading my mind. After I put up this post I was going to edit and say "what do I do know?"

It looks really good right now, but I know it's just a moment in time. I know last time it stalled after cutting it back, but I wasn't running the same levels of no3 at the time. I did prune some stems and they did grow right back. Maybe I should run a poll?

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How does the bottom part of it look like?

My tall ones usually have very thin bottoms, with loads of water roots (that sometimes find their way back into the substrate), and no leaves at least in the center parts of a group.

I guess not trimming it is no option anyway, so the poll should be like:

a) just trim off the tops
b) replant the tops and dispose the bottoms
c) other options (please explain)


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I guess another possibility is to trim out some of the middle stems to allow more light to enter the middle. Not sure how that would look.

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I like the idea of replanting the tops for this one. With a tall stem plant theres always the risk of making it look stringy. If they're tall they should be bushy, IME

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Wow..Nice growth!
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Here's an updated pic of the foreground area of my tank.
I covered two rocks with riccia and placed them jutting out from some of the other rocks that are now almost forming a border with the wisteria in a more classic open foreground look. (Need some bigger rocks to complete).

I also decided that the controverial E.Stellata is better suited as a midground/background plant because of it's one thick stalk, so I'm going to attempt to move that forward a bit.

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Nice picture tetratech,

It also seems that the Blyxa has settled in nicely.

I agree with you that you need bigger rocks to make an impact with the Riccia.


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I think the Riccia is a really good choice in your tank.

You'll be able to propagate it pretty quick. When the current rocks get to "haircut" time you can use the clippings to make new rocks. It'll fill in that central area where the group of 3 Japonica are real nice.

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Thanks guys!

As you can see, my 1 ounce at $1.99 riccia didn't go that far, but as Bensaf points out I'll probably just wait for it to grow. One concern I have with the bowfront and growing foreground plants is this. I have 2.7 wpg the tank is 22inch deep. The bowfront does have a darker area in the front of the bow, so I'm hoping there is enough light to grow the riccia.

I agree Bensaf, the riccia works well with the dark substrate in that center area it will green it up without being too distracting.

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I think the Riccia will be very distracting as it will create the bubble effect that you always wanted and as such draw a viewer’s attention to it in no time. A living air stone .

But in a good way .

I hear your concern about the lack of light in the front section. You might have a point there. The Riccia I have (and yes, I do have some that came in with the moss) doesn’t look too good in the areas that are low light within the moss. I guess we will have to wait and see how low the light in front there really is.


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I think the Riccia will be very distracting as it will create the bubble effect that you always wanted and as such draw a viewer’s attention to it in no time
You give me too much credit

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Well my little experiment with my co2 diffusion methods definitely confirmed something. I had recently changed my diffusion from thru the intake to a limewood diffusor under the spraybar. Both methods have kept my ph at around 6.2 to 6.4, but I'm noticing pearling on both my rotala and stargrass which never happened with the thru the intake method. So Bensaf's comment about the bubblemist is dead on. I'm sure I would get even more pearling with the finer bubbles that the glass diffusor makes.

Here's a pic (not a great one) showing current diffusion method. The wood airstone is right below the pic. You could see all the small bubbles going up and then sprayed across the tank. My bubble counter is set to a slow moving stream.

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Last edited by tetratech at 19-Jan-2006 19:09

Last edited by tetratech at 19-Jan-2006 19:11

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You should try the glass diffusers. You'll get much smaller bubbles. Your 'ol mate Robert @ Aquabotanic is selling some nice ones for $8.99 - on sale.

If I remember correctly the wood airstones will corrode and disintegrate over time due to the CO2.

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Errr, ya'll know my feelings on glass diffusers

But whatever works for ya... by the way, what did you do with the tubing going from the CO2 tank to the airstone? Did you hide it or am I missing something?

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You don't like the glass diffusers? I must have misses something, some where...

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Love 'em my friend, love 'em. One of the best moves I've made. Neat looking, cleans up easy, not at all unsightly, does a great job saturating the water.

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Thats what I thought but I guess I read into your post wrong.

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Your 'ol mate Robert @ Aquabotanic is selling some nice ones for $8.99 - on sale
I think I'm on his do not sell to list.

Bensaf, you know the wood diffusor is just a bridge to the glass one.

Nowher the tubing is there, right in the middle of those bubbles.

Last edited by tetratech at 20-Jan-2006 00:10

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I guess you didn’t know that tetratech is also known as “The Man in Black”. He managed to so almost completely into stealth mode for his entire equipment, all black.

Sounds good with the new diffusion method. This glass diffuser thingy (that I am sure you will switch over to in no time) is very seducing. But I think I would have to give it a little more thought before I am sold on (for my tank, that is) the hassle of splitting the line and making sure each end gets the same amount CO2 worries me.

tetratech, I am a little surprised about your bubble rate. Given that we have the same unit you must be injecting more than I do (although my flow rate is fast too, it is not a low stream). Is your rather low ph a target you desire or is it a necessity because of the CO2 level you try to achieve?


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The Man in Black
Might have to come up with a new av!

As far as the bubblerate. I'm a believer that the co2 should be pushed to the highest rate possible. Right now my plants look good and the fish seem really good to.
Could also be my diffusion rate isn't as good as the glass diffusor cult members. My ph looks to be between 6.2 and 6.4 late afternoon, so with a kh of 3 that gives me anywhere between 36 to 58 ppm.

My Scapes
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Yep I gave up counting bubbles too a while back. Just a steady stream going in, i'd guess 4 or 5 bubbles a second .I try to keep the pH at 6.6 but my Kh is higher at 5.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I guess you didn’t know that tetratech is also known as “The Man in Black”.

Hate to burst your bubble here, but there's only one Man in Black, and his name is Johnny Cash. Sorry tetra. Still, maybe he liked fish tanks, I dunno...

As for the bubble rates, I'm in a similar position as tetra. My CO2 is somewhere in that range - according to CG calc. - but fish have shown no signs of stress, and that's good enough for me.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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his name is Johnny Cash
Yeah, but does Johnny Cash have:

Black trimmed AGA tank
Black self stick background
Black substrate
Black heater
Black intake tube
Black tubing

and black diandra stems

I really doubt it!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ye forgot the black beard algae !

I'm going down down down into a ring of fire, a ring fire

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
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I'm going down down down into a ring of fire, a ring fire
Are you having a bad day?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's Saturday. Getting ready for beer. Just humming my favorite Johnny Cash song.

Always thought that particular song would work well in an advertisement for hemorrhoid ointment.:%)

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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OMG! Every time I peek my head in here I leave laughing so hard it's just not right. (After three kids laughing too hard is not a good thing...)
The things you guys get up to!
Funny I've often though the same thing about that song!

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I really wish I could join in on the singing and beer drinking, but although it is Saturday I will have to go to work for a few (up to 14) hours. ]:|

That is my ring of fire, at least today.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm going down down down into a ring of fire, a ring fire
I must admit I don't know many Johnny Cash songs. Sounded more like something out of "Lord of the Rings" You know, movie stuff.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Some updated pics and changes. I decided to establish a "beachfront" since I was so close to it anyway with all the petrified would. So the wisteria is now contained behind pieces of rock leading to the open foreground that contains blyxa and riccia and some hairgrass. I also trimmed some of the stargrass (yes, I blinked first) and planted it on the right of the main group so again I have stargrass bordering the group. The diandra is still very weak and it's now behind the new stargrass stand on the right. It has been given me alot of problems and I don't have the luxury of adjusting my parameters to fit it and I don't have another tank that I could play around with. Could be lighting or the excel treatment weakened it.

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Last edited by tetratech at 22-Jan-2006 10:29

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In case it's hard to see in the previous pic the whiteline follows the rock border.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a comparison of before and after the beachfront.

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Closeup shot of some of the rock border to the right showing riccia cover rock. Missed a few spots covering the rock with the riccia also I have some duckweed I noticed trapped under the hairnet. &*$% lfs

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes I can grow moss. This is one of the few places it grows well.

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Blink Blink

Well, looks nice, and so far the Star Grass on the right of the main group fits right in. Once grown in, it will give the Rotala and the Stellata more of a center stage in the tall plant group.

Funniest thing is: I just finished my maintenance (couldn’t do it yesterday, worked 13 hours in the office) and opened FP and what do I see, your beachfront. I just happened to start the removal process of the Glosso and cleaned the area in front of Rock Valley, making it an open gravel space, like a beachfront . More about this later this evening in my thread (can’t take good pictures now, have to wait until all the bubbling wears off a little).


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I like the beachfront look, it adds a different dimension to the tank, I wish I new more to be able to say that better but I do like some open ground in a planted tank, I think it gives the eye a path to follow and a place to rest in between all the green. Tetra your tank looks great as always and I'm sure the riccia will fill in and cover the whole rock pretty soon. Ingo I can't wait to see the pics of your new beachfront. Man that glosso really grew though!

Last edited by luvmykrib at 22-Jan-2006 13:53

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the Beachfront comments,

Yep, pretty much fine-tuning the center display. Looking forward to seeing your beachfront.

Thanks for the comments on the beachfront, still adjusting a few things, but so far I'm happy with it. I agree that it breaks it up more and gives more constrast.

Last edited by tetratech at 23-Jan-2006 04:53

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah dude, that beach front thing literally works. The right side of your tank can now be called the wisteria jungle, because it looks very much like a miniature jungle on the edge of a beach. Ever been to the carribian, to any of those islands down there? Seriously, that right side reminds me of flying over some of those silands in a plane, looking down from above. very cool.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Seriously, that right side reminds me of flying over some of those silands in a plane, looking down from above
I'll take it!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Any new ram breeding? it's been a while now...

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Any new ram breeding? it's been a while now
It's funny that you said that. Just the other day I noticed that rich brown-orange body color again. So the courtship as begun once again.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Must've been all that time relaxing on the beach together. A few new life spectrum coladas, some brine shrimp cocktail served chilled - it was a regular honeymoon for them!

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a closeup of the ricca after about 5 days. Seems to be growing. I didn't do the greatest job covering the rock and as I mentioned I trapped a piece of duckweed in there as well.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The rock looks very natural that way, moss doesn't pop up and entirely cover a rock all at once, it takes over gradually, you've captured the look where the moss is showing it's potential and the rock being slightly visible doesn't detract at all from the moss. I would give it the time it needs.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the nice comments about the riccia. I of course agree with you. I think in another week or so it will really look good.

My Scapes
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More Rams to look out for, lovely

I like the Riccia Rock and I can’t wait to see its progress. If you haven’t done so already, try to make pictures of it from the same distance and angle all the time so maybe one day you can post the stages in comparison.

Having it on a rock should make pruning rather easy, I guess. Do you see any fish nibble on it? I think my Platies in the smaller tanks do that.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I thought this was an interesting pic. It shows the microfine co2 bubbles that are coming off my wood airstone that aren't even strong enough to break the surface. If you look closely you could see some pearling on the rotala.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I notice I get the same thing periodically, though to me it's more of a bad thing than a good thing - it means my filter outflow has slowed down enough that there's no longer enough water movement throughout the tank. That's when i know to clean.

In the past I've noticed this buildup of little surface bubbles right above plants that are pearling heavily. The bubbles would be so fine they wouldnt break the surface. Before the redo it usually coincided with BGA showing up somewhere...

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That's an interesting point. I really didn't contribute it to reduced flow just that the bubbles are so fine coming up from the diffusor that they aren't breaking the surface. In fact I have these little bubbles all across the 4 feet of tank. Another thing you'll love about the ehiems is that with all those bioballs instead of pads your clean out your filter every 3 to 6 months.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I really didn't contribute it to reduced flow just that the bubbles are so fine coming up from the diffusor that they aren't breaking the surface. In fact I have these little bubbles all across the 4 feet of tank.

It's most likely quite different in your tank than mine. I have a HOB, remember, and the intake and outflow both take place nearer the surface of the water than with a cannister set-up. What SHOULD happen with mine is, little bubbles go up to the surface but dont break cause they're so small, but then get pushed around to the filter outflow and get broken up eventually. When mine sit I've learned to associate this with a dead-zone forming. Since the intake on a cannister is much lower in the water you have sufficient flow lower down, something I don't have... yet. That's why to me it's a lovely looking thing... but nevertheless I try to avoid that with my present set-up.

Another thing you'll love about the ehiems is that with all those bioballs instead of pads your clean out your filter every 3 to 6 months.

Already looking forward to it...

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The bubbles clinging to the surface is quite common, even for fairly large bubbles. Normally there will be thin film or slick on the suface of the water. How thick that film will be is dependent on a number of factors.

The bubbles get got under this film and cling to it raher then bursting.

By the time they get to the suface they may not even be Co2 bubbles but rather o2. As the small micro bubbles reach for then the surface and there's agas exchange where the co2 is dissolved and replaced by O2.

This is probably one reason why so many where sceptical about the glass diffusers and so surprised when they worked. People assumed the bubbles just went to the top and burst. Waste of gas was the common perception. Chances are most of the bubbles hitting the surface are no longer Co2.

I notice myself, as maybe you do, that a very large proportion of the bubbles produced by the diffuser make it to the surface - yet we have no problems getting and mintaining the good required Co2 levels. QED.

Last edited by bensaf at 24-Jan-2006 20:42

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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here is a thread from another place and this kind has kind of a neat set up for diffusion. 200G with DIY Co2. A little crazy if you ask me but his tank looks nice.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I guess I'll bring my thread back to life with a pick.

Here's a current shot of one of my riccia covered rocks.
Growth in length, but not too much add'l coverage. The riccia is really beautiful and it's not hard to see why it's so popular as a ground/hardscape cover.

LF I promise I'll get a comparison shot soon.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 22:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looks like a Chio Pet, or however this is spelled


No really, looks nice

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 22:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It really does look nice. I still like the bit of bare rock sticking out. Not really like a chia pet at all, that's just grass or something, the riccia is much more interesting.
This is one held on with a hairnet right? What's your plan for removing the hairnet when the riccia is fully attached? Please do give a comparison shot to one that is tied on, it will be neat to see if there's a difference.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 23:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks luvmykrib. You know that LF, he has such a way with words.

Actually the comparison between hairnet and thread is in my 12g tank with java moss. This tank has only riccia held down with hairnets. The hairnet will remain as long as the rock is in there. Without it the riccia will simply float to the top since it's incapable of really attaching itself. The comparison was going to be by time not by how it was held down.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 23:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I got them mistaken, so a comparison of attachment will be showing up in the other thread then? Using a hairnet to hold the riccia on is a stroke of genius, I never would have thought of it...then again I don't have hairnets on hand...or wear them...ever!
A growth comparison to what exactly, from when it was planted to now? Do you have some in another tank to also compare it to? That would be neat, but if not it will still be interesting to see how much it has grown.

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Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 00:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech

1. Beachfront completely established with rock.
2. Added a bigger piece of wood to left to match the other two pieces.
3. Stargrass on the right has taken off and is growing in front and behind the center DW. Stargrass on left is also growing in front of DW.
4. The diandra is pretty much gone. I left it to fend for itself behind the stargrass on the right.
5. Cut one stalk of E.stellromatica to bring the grouping closer to midground. I would like to wrap another plant behind it if possible.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 00:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking very nice.

You said you trimmed the Star Grass but it seems (with the other plants in the group) to still reach the surface. Is it growing that fast?

If I would have a say (which I don't ) then I would recommend to let the Star Grass group on the right grow only half heigh.


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 02:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks LF,

Yes, it growing extremely fast and I do plan on "blinking some more" in fact I'll probably end up cutting both stands of stargrass lower than the rotala and stellaromatic.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 02:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
tetratech, that....

I kind of like the way that plant looks. Why types of problem are you having with it because I have been eyeing it for sometime now.

Edit:I was really thinking of this stuff......sorry!

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Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 05:40Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I had the diandra I never had the egeris. Both seem to be fine-leaved. The diandra kept getting black stem sections 2/3 the way down. It seems like my lite wasn't strong enough for it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 16:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The Najas is much smaller in diameter than the Diandra. Also, it is by far not as pretty, and it will melt when one is using Excel (to kill algae, for example).

But on the upside it needs less light than the Diandra.


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 17:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just did some testing as far as kh and ph. Lately my kh has been 2, usually 3. PH is anywhere between 6.2 and 6.4

Assuming the kh kit is sound (pretty old - more than 1 year) my co2 ppm is anywhere between 24 and 38. That's a pretty big range. I think this is a classic example of why you have to watch the fish and plants. Many might interpret their ph as closer to the 6.2 and swear their co2 is in the 30s, but it is actually in the 20s.

I'm still getting bba and if Tom Barr is correct my co2 is probably closer to the 20s. Plants are growing and pearling so things are good I just want to beat back the bba without going broke using excel.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 20:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Excel is just cost too much but it works so well. What is a guy to do? I have actualy stoped using it in my 40 gal but I have upped my DIY Co2 to two brews of mix. Things are growing really well. I have plants that are growing to the top of the tank. Its way cool.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 01:59Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Glad to hear the plants are doing so well. I guess I'll have to up my bubble count to raging rapid.

Anyway here's a comparison pic of one of my riccia covered stones. The angle is slightly different, but you could definitely see the flatness under the hairnet and then 9 days later.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 02:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a pic of it against a backdrop of wisteria and some blyxa to the right. I think it constrast very nicely with the petrified wood. What do you think? I'd really like to know

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 02:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking nice and growing well

The only thing that I can say that would not be perfect (if I had to ) is that it is too small to make an impact.

We need more of this stuff, either on larger stones or maybe on growing matts .


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Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 11:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I do plan on greening up the center area with more of this stuff. As I mentioned I barely had enough to cover the two rocks. Now that I have the border of rocks I will be added more rock to the inside in selected areas and they will be covered with riccia. Maybe I'll do a different chia sculputure of each one in your honor.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 15:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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More would be better but it does look really nice. I am thinking of getting some Pellia moss. I like the looks of the stuff.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 17:10Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Maybe I'll do a different chia sculputure of each one in your honor


How about if you start with a Little Fish

I am glad that you are planning on expanding the Riccia group, it could be very very pretty (or a mess, but as long as it is not free in the tank you can easily dispose of it).


EDIT: NEXT ONE IS 1000 - Leave it for tetra

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 21:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes, it's the 1,000 post to my log that was started about 4 months ago. Biggest conclusion is "You can't be all things to all inhabitants. If you constantly try to fine-tune parameters, etc there is always a conter reaction. You most pick your flora and fauna wisely if you don't want to .

Here's a pic from today. Trimming time is overdue and has already cost my a blyxa that was unfortunately under the canopy of the overgrown stargrass and rotala. Also the pencilfish are pulling at the blyxa and riccia like spagetti. They are starting to bother me. But all this is a foregone conculusion.

LF, Thanks for saving me the 1,000th

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 00:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You are welcome tetratech,

I think 1000 is a very special number, the next one of that kind would be 1 million, and if it takes us 4 month for 1000 then it would be 4000 months, or 333.33 years to 1 million. I don't think you and I will be around for that one .

Anyway, from your statement I take it that Blyxa needs to be in full light. Good to know, as this means that the plant would have a hard time being the borderplant between tall and short plants as rather often than not the tall plants will create some shadow.

And yeah, trimming is overdue

Congrats to the 1,000


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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 01:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hopefully by replying I can freaking veiw the last 2 pages of your log! Whats up with this? Some kind of glitch from the new fish profiles look?
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 03:51Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Right on the money. You are seeing everything there is the see. There are just extra pages beeing added here and there on some of the threads.

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 04:03Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Interesting side note I recently introduced 6 add'l cardinals tetras to my existing school of 9. This is the first group I have added since my UV has been running. All other groups that I have introduced prior to my UV resulted in some inevitably getting an infection within a few days and dying. So far after about a week all 6 are fine and I see no signs of any infection. Is the UV the answer for fish that are sensitive to pathogens and other diseases. It's only one group of six, so I'll probably purchase anothe group shortly and see if I have the same success. And yes LF, my rummys do school with my cardinals at times

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Glad to hear you're having success with the new cardinals! I was wondering how they would do, since you hypothesized earlier that going from UV holding tanks to your non-UV tank may have been shocking their immune systems. As you've been saying, keeping the tank clean is one thing, keeping the fish infectionf ree is an added bonus. You're on your way to that big school

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks nowher UV good, GW bad

Speaking of big schools, looks like my rams are getting the honeymoon suite ready. Colors are out of control, pushing gravel around. What do you think if I just use a net breeder in the tank and feed BBS. Think any will survive.

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm not familiar with how a net breeder works

The important thing is getting them away from those hungry cardinals and pencils. As long as you get any fry to their safe house, whatever that might be, mix them with some java moss for them to peck through and feed them the BBS they should be OK.

Another option, if you want to help the fry survive, is maybe putting a clumo of java moss right next to their rock in the back. This way they'll have a hiding place to run to to keep away from the pencils til they grow a little larger. They should be able to feed themselves with little bits of whatever in the moss/ on nearby plants.

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm not familiar with how a net breeder works

I'm just referring to those little rectangle nets that people hang in their tank. It's about 8" wide. It would set in the 72g and I could siphon some free swimmers right into it.

The javamoss is a good idea in the back. I guess the wisteria isn't dense enough and the pencils go thru it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You know me well tetratech, the rummie in the school was the first thing I noticed

A netbreeder might be worth a try, just make sure it doesn't hang in full current or a stale area. Also, it shouldn't be in direct light.

Glad to hear the Cardinals are doing well.


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Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks LF,
As you know I have a million and one uses for wisteria, so if I get the net breeder I will fill it with wisteria clipppings to block light, etc.

When I take pics of my tank it look's empty but there's actually 45 inhabiants in the tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 22:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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45 fish in your tank. That is really wild being you never see any thing in your pictures. How do you do that??

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 23:04Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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yeah, post some livestock pictures

1.) so we can get an idea of what fish are included in the 45

2.) to fill up this log so something actually appears on pgs 40-41

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 23:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I don't think I'll ever catch up to the last page they keep reproducing like LF's espei. I'll have to do that but the flauna list is as follows:

15 Cardinals
9 Otos
8 Pencils
4 Rummys
2 Corys
2 Bolivan Rams
5 Shrimp

45 Total

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 23:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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All pretty small fish. I don't think I could get a shot of my tank with out a fish in it. Most of my fish are bigger than yours though. Pictures would be cool as Nowher said.

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 23:36Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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The riccia grows real fast. You'll be able to give it a haircut soon and use the trimmings to make new rocks.

The fish will treat it like spaghetti, I once made a post with a series of pics of all the different species of fish I had treating the Riccia like it was an all you can eat buffet. Usually the stuff grows faster then the fish can damage it.

The Blyxa definately can't take any shading. I've had prblems with mine where the sags around it have gone wild and are shading choking it out.

It's the monsoon season here and it's almost like the plants can sense it, everything is gone wild growth wise and I can't keep up with the trimming. Even with trying to do some work on the tank every evening I have some plants growing out the top of the tank.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 05:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thats a very interesting thought. I wonder if the out side stuff plays a role with our little worlds...

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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 05:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
I wonder if the out side stuff plays a role with our little worlds...

Well certainly the temperature has dropped. This is the coldest I've ever been in this country. It a wintry chilly 25oC 5 years in this country and I've never even owned a jacket , I bought one a couple of weeks ago. Mainly for wearing indoors, most places still have their AC set high, so it's a bit chilly in most indoor places. Going to the cinema is like watching a movie in a fridge.

Most plants are seasonal, usually aquatic's slow down in the hot summer months. Maybe the temp drop as kicked them up a gear or maybe it's the glass diffuser working do well. But everythings getting bigger, growing faster. A sword I've had for almost a year and a half has suddenly decided the tanks too small for him and is producing leaves over 2 feet in lenght and about 3" wide Java Ferns think they're Hygros

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 08:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sounds like you are having fun then. Good luck with all that!

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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 15:23Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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When I take pics of my tank it look's empty but there's actually 45 inhabiants in the tank

Tell me all about it. As you know I have 100 in my tank and in full tank shots you can barely see 5.

Yeah Bensaf, makes sense with the growth of the plants based on climate changes. The same applies to fish, as much as I know. Some species are getting in the mood when there is a storm approaching. I would explain both with a change in conductivity (or something like that, I am not a weather guy) of the air. This sends a message to all living things that it is time for action.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 15:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
The Blyxa definately can't take any shading

Oh great now he tells me. Is there a moderator in the house?

A sword I've had for almost a year and a half has suddenly decided the tanks too small for him and is producing leaves over 2 feet in lenght and about 3" wide

Do you expect anything less in your Amano Paradise Utopia Setup

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by luvmykrib
25 C is chilly? You need a jacket? It is just about perfect from where I see it. We haven't dropped down to -30 C yet this year, it has been an unnaturally warm winter, my heaters haven't had to work nearly as hard as they did last year. My house temp is set at 19 C, or 20C when I feel cold, to save on heating costs, yet the tanks are all set at 26-28C usually. Must be nice to live in such a tropical area. When the temp drops here I'll be asking for any pictures of sunny places, palm trees that sort of thing. I'll tape them up on the tanks so the fish think it's really nice here and won't wonder why the people are all bundled up!

Oops, when I posted this I didn't realize there had been more pages added to it. Everytime I go to the last 2 pages there's nothing there!

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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 22:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh great now he tells me. Is there a moderator in the house?

Well you didn't have it in a shady spot. I'm just beginning to realise that light is it's only real finicky thing. It's growing terribly slowly for me. Lots of side shoots but they take forever to do anything. I suspect it's because the tank is relatively deep (almost 24" and they are struggling for light. I'd say the same light in a shallower tank and they'd be much happier.

Well, the "Paradise" is badly in need of some heavy work. I haven't had time for much more then trimming. Chain sword/sags need to ripped up and thinned out. Anubias need to be adjusted slightly, moss needs trimming and sculpting badly etc etc, it's a very thick jungly paradise at the moment.
It's just relative. I've grown used to >30o heat and high humidity almost the whole year round. 25o , storms and heavy rain that we are having makes it seem wintry here when actually it's more like a typical Irish summer day. I lived in Russia for a couple of years, it'd get down to -20 there so I've been thru all the extremes.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 04:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Uncle bensaf,

What is up with living all over the world?

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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 14:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is up with living all over the world?

Who knew so many countries had extradition treaties !

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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 15:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 20:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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bensaf, you must have done some pretty dodgy things to get thrown out of russia of all places...

No offense meant to our russian friends...

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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 20:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 21:14Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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bensaf, you must have done some pretty dodgy things to get thrown out of russia of all places...

Well if I'd known at the time she was Vladimir Putin's daughter ............

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 04:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It is getting deep in here. (where did I leave my chest wadders?)

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 04:18Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Bensaf, you're a strapping young lad, I'm sure I'd want you on my side in a donnybrook... but if you messed around with Putin's daughter, well, you wouldn't be here talking on FP - you'd be up in that big Amano Paradise in the sky!

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 05:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
I'd want you on my side in a donnybrook...

Donnybrook Now there's a phrase I haven't heard in a long time. Do you know where it comes from ? Donnybrook is a district on the southside of Dublin close to where I was born and raised. There's was a bit trouble there way back, bit of a spat between some rebs and the British army. The Dublin boys were armed with pretty much just their fists and anything else they could grab at the time. Hence the phrase.

Sorry I'm bringing this thread way off track.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 05:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It happens... I don't mind so much being I just learned someting...other than fish stuff... which I learn tons from here. It is tetratech's log though and he would have to forgive you.

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 05:30Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I knew it was an Irish term, knew it was named after a town, but I just thought the town was a bit of a rough neighborhood - didn't know the bit about the British army.

You guys ever been in a donnybrook? Every guy should go through one at some point I went to an all guys high school, it happened there more often than you'd think. Then there was that one time in London...

alas, you're both right, this is tetras thread and all. He's been on sporadically the past few days, he's still traveling maybe?

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 05:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ironically Donnybrook is one of the poshest parts of Dublin.

I used to run an Irish pub in Beijing. There was the occassional err..."misunderstanding"

The funniest one is a story that I tell over a few beers and usually has people rolling around the ground laughing. Lets just say it involves a German girl, a lit cigarette shoved in my ear by a drunk Canadian cowboy, a psychotic Belgian chef who refused to cook Irish stew, a missing pair of dentures that turned up 2 days later in the back of a taxi, and the Chinese secret police.

All the makings of a donnybrook !

That was a good one. I've still got a scar.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 06:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The funniest one is a story that I tell over a few beers and usually has people rolling around the ground laughing. Lets just say it involves a German girl, a lit cigarette shoved in my ear by a drunk Canadian cowboy, a psychotic Belgian chef who refused to cook Irish stew, a missing pair of dentures that turned up 2 days later in the back of a taxi, and the Chinese secret police.

You didn't tell me about that one (maybe because you were sober? ). I thought the one about the gun smuggling, "Ice Cream", Irish PM, and Chinese secret police was good too. all your stories always end up with police at the end?

Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 07:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech, did your premium membership expire?

Images and color - all gone


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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 11:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm back
A guy goes skiing for a few days and finds his thread in a in a ganglion of knots.

The ram eggs are back to. The were laid right in the left front on one of the beachfront rocks.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 16:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Welcome back tetra

Nice to see the rams back at it. And this time right out in the open like that - the tank must be their property now

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 17:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Welcome back, I thought your kidney stones were acting up again .

Nice ram eggs, should be plenty of photo ops to see them hatch.

Got to run, will post latest tank pic in my thread and then have to sign off.


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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 17:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks Nowher and LF, It's good to be back.

So let's see I leave for a few days and...

1. My log is in shambles
2. My rams spawn


3. My log gets taken over by some sorted tale about a german girl, a lit cigarette, a drunk Canadian cowboy, a psychotic Belgian chef, Irish stew, a pair of dentures, the back of a taxi, the Chinese secret police, Putin's daughter and Bensaf.

I've reported all those involved to the necessary authorities.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 22:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I've reported all those involved to the necessary authorities.

That's ok, but for God's sake, man, just don't tell them where I am

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 03:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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O.K, I've joined the ranks of the co2 glass diffusor users.

That's ok, but for God's sake, man, just don't tell them where I am

Bensaf, if I find out your on the payroll of some sorted online aquarium supplier pushing these devices to ignorant americans like me I will find you, even if I have to search every sleazy pub on half the globe.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 16:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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All right tetratech

Once again you can serve as a tester for things that I have on my list. If you easily get the desired results on your 72G with one diffuser then it might be worthwile for me to try it as well . Hope you don't mind me copying you (see Star Grass).

What size of a diffuser is that, and where can I learn more about it?



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Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 17:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice, tetra. As I said in my thread, I had bubbles going straight up to the surface, no blocking the, or shooting them back down, I was getting great saturation. It must be the fine bubbles that do it

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Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 17:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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LF, I bought mine at aquabuys. Here's the link:

I didn't measure it but you'll see by the description that it's supposely good for up to 120g. It does blow the bubbles since my spraybar is directly above it, clear across my tank.

BTW - What do you mean you copied my stargrass? No patents on these things? All the planted tanks are combinations of plants, wood, rock, etc. No two exactly alike.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 17:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the link tetratech

Sounds like it could be big enough then for my tank as well. I am a little sceptical to use diffuser(s) if I would need 2 and had to split the line.

Copied your Star Grass: Well - I used your tank to see how well it does under similar conditions. And it does well, so I gave it a shot in my tank too .



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Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 17:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I doubt if you would need two, but again you have the 6-ft tank not me. For me also it's a little different because my main grouping is off center to the left where the diffusor is, so we only talking a few feet the rest of the tank is you know "weeds"

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 19:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pretty good shot of my ram eggs closeup. I expect them to hatch in a day or two.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 02:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice picture. Congrats! What are your plans?

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 02:26Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice picture. Congrats! What are your plans

There's the rub!

My pencilfish and 15 cardinals are already licking their chops. I probably will attempt to remove some into a floating breeder in the tank and some others into a 5gallon that I have running (future nano tank).

Last spawn none survived in the 72g and the 10 or so I put into the 5g didn't survive, but I also didn't feed live food. This time I plan on hatching BBS.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 02:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The whole trying to breed in a commuity tank is tricky stuff. In my 55G I am keeping a pair of Cons (aka cichlid rabits) and I almost never have the fry make it. At least in any kind of quanity. Right now I have a 3 or 4 week old fry that has some how made it up to this point(2 spawns later).

I tryed the breeding net and I lost the fish faster than the parents did. I guess I messed something up... I have heard you can take the eggs out and put them in a different tank so that might be something to try... Good luck!

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 03:34Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Darn tetra found out about my link to the Taiwanese Aquatic mafia - the Okidifusserwas

Yes my shameful secret I hang around schoolyards trying to hook younsters on diffusers. I'm responsible for a whole generation of MTS sufferers

Welcome to the club.

If you decide to go down that route I can get nifty little Co2 T-bar's here real cheap. They allow you to run 2 co2 lines off one needle valve. I can post one over.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 04:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes my shameful secret I hang around schoolyards trying to hook younsters on diffusers.


My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 04:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice egg shot, I hope we will see many wigglers coming out soon .

About the diffuser option, I will create a thread specific to the topic at hand.


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 15:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well don't think I'm going to have any ram fry this time around. This morning they were all vibrating and when I looked a few hours later all but a few eggs were gone and the parents are both visible in the front of the tank. My hypothesis is that the eggs being laid in the front of the tank made it very difficult and stressful for the parents to secure them. I have so much thick ground cover it's hard to believe none will survive in there. It also might be water conditions. From what I understand ram fry don't tolerate high no3 levels, which probably do exist in my tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 18:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sorry to hear that tetratech,

Give it one more try and if it doesn't work out and you decide you would like to safe some fry then you might have to set up a breeder tank (I think).


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If you're really set on raising up some of the fry, and since the pair is well established, you can probably get away with using that spare 5 gallon as a one-time breeding tank. Use plant clippings and few spare rocks to create cover, put them in there and see if they lay eggs. Once the eggs are there you can always remove the parents back to the big tank.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, you guys are right. I guess I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The ram's are breeding nicely, too bad they haven't managed to raise the fry though. Do the parents leave the other fish alone as well? Many cichlids become incedibly aggressive when breeding, even kribs. Which is why I am not brave enough to get a male! Although it probably has a lot to do with tank size right?

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The bolivans do chase the other fish away to protect the spawn, but nothing too aggressive. Actually the first spawn the parents did a good job there's just too many little fish (no pun) who want a piece.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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At least they're not killing the other fish! I was warned that the kribs would kill the other fish if they were ready to spawn, never mind what they'd do after they were finished and any had escaped the first purge!
Are you going to have the 5g as a breeding and grow-out tank? You don't have to try and keep them all. I think it would be neat to breed them at least once successfully and raise some of the fry.
Other than that anything else new going on in the tank?

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Kribs and Bolivians are pretty far apart in terms of aggression. I had two kribs for awhile and after a week I had seen enough and returned them to the LFS.

Yeah, I'll probably start using the 5. A little concerned it might be two small for two bolivians. I'll have to look into that alittle more.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You could get a ten.

Couldn't you?

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If you could convince his wife he for sure would .


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, I'll probably start using the 5. A little concerned it might be two small for two bolivians. I'll have to look into that alittle more

Spare rocks, spare DW pieces, lot of clippings. No susbstrate necessary. bare bones. or use one of those coconut caves. like i said, they're proven breeders, i can't imagine aggression between them. if anything it may be post-breeding, when one wants to to guard the eggs... in which case you just move the other back to the big tank.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If you could convince his wife he for sure would

That pretty much says it all.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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We are sitting in the same boat

All I wanted for Xmas was a small 55G African Cichlid setup


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 21:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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We are sitting in the same boat

Yes we are. Sorry you didn't get the African Setup. I guess you'll have to keep working on it.

I think I might have scored some points by taking the two little kids away on a ski trip without the mrs. Little did I know how much work it was getting the two little ones in and out of their ski gear ever day, etc. Well at least we drank enough dark beer to make even Bensaf proud.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 22:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well at least we drank enough dark beer to make even Bensaf proud

You and the little ones?


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 22:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You and the little ones

Yeah Bensaf pushes diffusers and I push black & tans.
I should have been more detailed. My friend went with his "little ones" as well.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 22:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You guys are nuts... not that I am not being I beleive it takes one to know one... Sorry to hear about your fry. Who knows they might make it. I have a random Convict fry still hanging out in my 55G.

A 10G is really no threat. So small.. so little time and effort. Tell the wife you can make money doing it!

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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 22:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have a random Convict fry still hanging out in my 55G.

What else is in the tank?

See if I had a basement maybe, but when I setup a tank it's gotta go in the kitchen, den, bedroom. I actually have 5 setups around the house

72g - Kitchen
12g - Bedroom
10g - Kid's room (newt/fish setup)
5g - Den (setup for possible ram fry)
.5g - Kid's room (Betta tank)

Yes and every tank has some wisteria in it.

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 02:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
Lets see...

I have my rescued oscar...they had the poor guy in a 20G hex for a year and a half. M + F Con, Rainbow shark, 3 gaint danios, two B. Rainbows and a pleco.... I think thats it..

Ahh I see your problem... buy a new house...

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 03:55Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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You could sell some of the wisteria to pay for the new tank and sell the ram babies to support your fish habit.

It would be very profitable to make that wisteria available to those of us up North who cannot find any and have to make do with water sprite, a very poor substitute for wisteria.

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 03:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah Bensaf pushes diffusers and I push black & tans.

By that comment I take it you're a Guinness man. My estimation, which was already high, has increased ten fold.

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 08:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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By that comment I take it you're a Guinness man

Yes I am and then some.

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Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 23:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thought this was a good pic showing my wisteria as a ground cover. This pic is taking thru the right side of the tank. The lower part is the wisteria pressed up against the glass.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 00:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Good shot of my E (cough) Stellata Group. The underside does have purple coloring but the top is mostly green. I don't think there's enough FE in Flourish, been dosing 15ml every other day. I will be trying a dedicated FE fert soon. Either way nice plant.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 00:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pretty much full tank shot showing the reworked center. Everything trimmed. The E.Stellata has been brought forward and right behind the main rock with the rotala behind it. The stargrass now cascades over the left dw and rock.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 01:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wow your tank is looking great! My wisteria doesn't even come close but its on its way!! Look out for when i get my real Co2!

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 01:41Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Wings,
I'm sure your wisteria will look just as good once you get the co2 going. Here's a full pic from the front.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 02:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I don't think there's enough FE in Flourish, been dosing 15ml every other day.

No, there isn't. Did you see this thread tetra? Turns out there's a lot less iron in Flourish than the online calculators (FertFriend, APC Fertilator, etc.) lead us to believe (only 10%). So 15mL of Flourish in your tank only gives you less than 0.02ppm of Iron (instead of 0.2ppm). 5mL of Flourish Iron gives you about 0.2ppm.

I just started dosing Flourish Iron in combination with Flourish last week (after reading the APC thread) and the difference in the red plants after just a couple of treatments was very noticeable.

Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 02:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So 15mL of Flourish in your tank only gives you less than 0.02ppm of Iron (instead of 0.2ppm). 5mL of Flourish Iron gives you about 0.2ppm.

Thanks Upikabu,
I actually did see that thread and never read it. I would say that is quite a difference. All this time I was trusting the fertilator and I was only getting a 10th of what I thought I was getting.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 04:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That actually explains why dosing Flourish Fe every three days my plants are still showing signs of deficiency! I figured because I have very low-light and no CO2 I would not need to dose as much or as often as if the light were higher and had CO2. I don't get the cloudiness though unless I dose more. But I don't have to dose a lot more to get the cloudiness, this is probably my high KH and pH.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 04:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Better shot of the tank this morning.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 16:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looks beautiful and very natural tetratech

But, just like you, I have a hard time with giving unconditional compliments

It seems the Blyxa is not growing in. Is that because it gets shaded by the beautiful group behind it?


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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 16:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Riccia rocks looks great, that wisteria is amazing, it sur elikes your tank man. Good chatter above pointing out the iron situation with flourish, that's quite helpful to a lot of people.

how are the new cardinals doing, any losses?

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 16:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks guys

As bensaf noted is very light sensitive and I keep moving them toward the front because they do get shaded by the main group. Which I hate moving them because they are very sensitive. Also because of their so growth they are getting some bba on some of the leaves. I also don't know if the excel treatment is affecting their delicate leaves as well. To complicate matters further the bowfront where they are located is not the brightest spot in the tank.
I'm actually thinking about putting an additional light on the front of glass canopy to see if it has a better impact on any foreground plants there.

Yep, I'm definitely gonna look for a dedicated fe fert, any suggestions besides flourish.

Beleive it or not I haven't lost one since I got the UV. I added 6 a few weeks ago all are good and I'm going to add another 6 this weekend which will give me a total of 21 on my way to 35 to 40.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 17:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I can't wait for you to have a big school of cardinals. It will look super sweet to the max! Are you going to cut down on any of the other fish?

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Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 23:21Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetra - great looking tank

question - how do you keep the wisteria short? and so it doesn't look cut?

mine is about 7-8inches tall and growing quickly - i want it to bush out not up?

do i just cut it?

cheers Karl
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 23:54Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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First off make sure you have wisteria not water spirit. Just cut it and replant the top. The old bottem will start regrowing again. This is the tetratech method btw. I use it and it works!

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 00:08Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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simple as that - cheers

i'll do some trimming tommorrow, while doing water change.


Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 00:17Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks Shekoi,

What wingdsc said is true, I just keep cutting and replanting, but when you replant don't plant it straight up, plant it on an angle like 30 to 40 degrees this way more of the stem comes in contact with the gravel and will root along the stem keeping more of it down.

Also if the plant is growing fast, it only looks cut for a day or so because the new leaves are coming out so fast. When you cut and replant eventually the cut stems getting hidden by the leaves.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 00:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech forgot to mention that he has a special whip to get the wisteria in just the right shape


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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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always with the whipi perfer the red hot poker myself - probably not much use in water
Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:17Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech forgot to mention that he has a special whip to get the wisteria in just the right shape

O Ya, forgot the whip. I think they sell them on eBay.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Brand? Style? I want to be sure to get the right one!

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Brand? Style? I want to be sure to get the right one!

Tetratech of course. Not to be confused with that company that puts out the Tetratec line of aquatic products.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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i couldn't find them!
sure they're on ebay - should look american site
Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:44Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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looks fantastic

how tall is that at the front?

how often do you have to trim it?

Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:56Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
It probably ranges from 2 to 4inches, but if you look at my tank from the front. The area in the pic around the driftwood is going up a hill so it looks taller than then it really is. My tank slopes up to the main grouping on each side so the wisteria looks like it's going up a hill.

The wisteria seems to be very no3 hungry. So if all the othe things are in place (light, ferts, co2) it will grow very fast. I trim different pieces every week to keep it looking like a smooth hill.

BTW - That search on ebay

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 02:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Send some trimmings my way! I really cannot find any locally, I ask and I get water sprite.

It looks really good though, I could just sit and stare at the wisteria.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 03:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is a very nice shot of the side of your tank. I like how the Wisteria creates a natural slope upwards towards your plant mountain.

And did something special happen in front of your tank while you took the picture? All fish seem to look out into that direction (almost all).


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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 12:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And did something special happen in front of your tank while you took the picture

I was doing my daily tetra dance to keep the tank in balance. Don't most of you do a dance in front of your tanks to keep the gods happy and balance your tanks

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 20:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Count me amongst the apostates, tetra. During the green water plague my prayers for balance and clear water were answered with only more green water.

All hail the mighty UV idol! /:'

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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 20:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Don't most of you do a dance in front of your tanks to keep the gods happy and balance your tanks

My fish usually hide in the darkest corners of the tank when I start to dance


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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 20:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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My kh this morning was 2, it's usually 3. Which means if my ph is 6.2 than my co2ppm is 24 and not 37 at same page but a kh of 3.

This might be part of my bba problem.
I guess I'm going to start adding baking soda during WC.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 11-Feb-2006 17:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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This might be part of my bba problem

I guess you assume this relationship because of the lower CO2, right?

Your lowered KH is a reminder to all of us that tab water conditions change, sometimes very rapidly


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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 00:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I guess you assume this relationship because of the lower CO2, right

Yeah, Tom Barr seems to repeat this over and over again like religion. I have to assume he knows his stuff.

The only other wildcard is light. I was playing around with my light and tilted it toward the front. When I did this the front got much brighter making me realize even more the dark front the bow creates. It might simply be the reduced light is slowing growth and letting the BBA get hold.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 02:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
O.K. Here's the tank with the grouping of Rotala Wallachi I added today:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 03:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a closer shot of the Rotala W.

It definitely adds more color, but does it take away from the main grouping. I plan on keeping it about the height it is now, so the slope up to the middle remains.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 04:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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As you could see from this depiction:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 04:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking nice

It is going to be interesting to see what the group of Rotala wallichii will do. Sounds like it will not take too long until you have to trim it already.

Tropica's description of it sounds very promising.


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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 15:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Are you thinking of adding a second light? What type of light are you running now?

In my tank I just took off my glass lids because the hing was blocking too much light...

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 15:55Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah I know another stem plant. I must be crazy.

Here's a pic of my Acer palmatum dissectum (Japanese Crimzon Queen Maple. Might give me an idea for a future scape.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 15:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Are you thinking of adding a second light? What type of light are you running now?

I'm running 192 watts (2.7wpg), but because of the bowfront the light intensity is weak toward the front, because the light sets on the back piece of glass behind the hinge.

How is your light suspended that you removed the glass cover?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 16:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech - Nice driftwood Chop it down

Wings - May I say CONDENSATION?


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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 16:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have a Coralife 130W so I have the legs on that sucker!

Maybe stick a small t5 set up on the front of your tank?

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 16:23Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech - Nice driftwood Chop it down

My wife would surely have my head
Actually that tree is growing thru a 4 by 4 opening in my deck that of course is covered by the snow.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 16:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wings - Once again (in case you haven't seen my last entry on the previous page), may I say CONDENSATION? You are going to wreck the Coralife fixture. If I am not mistaken that Coralife explicitly states to use the fixture only with a glass top.


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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 16:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey tetra, keepin gthe new rotala that height may become a pain, especially if it doesn't take too kindly to trimmings (i.e. wants replants all the time) I can see it growing a few inches higher, to the height of the DW, without taking away from the slope effect

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 16:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Maybe stick a small t5 set up on the front of your tank

I might do that, only problem is the inconvienence. Everytime I open the top I'll have to remove ther reflector.

I'll tell ya I might eventually decide to do a MH light suspended from the ceiling. The wife will love it in here kitchen

Nowher, I'll have to see how the Rotala W. does. Curious to see if it will keep it's pink color. It really looks alot like a pink Mayaca

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Post InfoPosted 12-Feb-2006 17:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the heads up with the glass lids...Going to have to do some thinking..Maybe I will just have some glass cut so I dont have the hing in the way.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 02:24Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
When your snowbound, not much to do but take some pics.

Here's some pics from above. First E.Stellata (or so I'm told) This plant was the best surprise so far from my online plant order. It has grown very well, both bottoms and replanted tops. Some have developed multiple leaders as you can see from the stalk on the right.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 03:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Next is the R. Wallachi from above. Nice plant for a LFS anyway. I'm cautiously optimistic.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 03:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a closeup shot of the main area of the tank. The rotala r. is alittle unruly but you could see the mound shape of the layout. My only problem right now is the foreground. I believe the blyxa and other foreground plants aren't getting enough light because of the bowfront. It's either that or co2 too low, so I've started added baking soda to bring the kh up a bit, but my gut know is telling me it's light related and slow growth is allowing the bba to take hold. Although if I have bba there has to be a cause which brings me back to the co2 level. So we'll see.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 03:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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With the Rotala ind, turning pink, I would probably
suspect something other than the lighting. The Rotala
does not normally turn pink in less than favorable


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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 08:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi Frank,
Actually the lighting on the rotala I. and other plants I think is good, my problem is the light reaching the blyxa and other foreground plants in front of that big rock. It seems to be a dark area with the the current lighting setup because of the bowfront.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 10:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice close-ups of the plants, tetratech

The Stellata looks very nice and full, should it change color soon?

And what are you doing up at this time of the day?


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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 12:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The Stellata looks very nice and full, should it change color soon

I really need to find a concentrated FE fert. I guess I'll try Flourish Iron for now.

Couldn't sleep last nite, worry about my blyxa and the 2 cherry shrimps I haven't seen since I dumped them in what a week ago.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 15:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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worry about my blyxa and the 2 cherry shrimps I haven't seen since I dumped them in what a week ago.

They're probably off getting ready to produce babies as cherry shrimp tend to do.

I understand about the rock shading the blyxa, but i think it's that and not so much the bow front. It's not as if the blyxa is right up the the front glass, it looks to be pretty much under where it should be getting light, it's just being shaded by the rock and the other taller stem plants.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 15:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I understand about the rock shading the blyxa, but i think it's that and not so much the bow front.

Yes and no I think. It's probably a combination of thinks. Remember the light is coming from above and right now when I look thru the top of the tank. The Blyxa are in the clear, but because the lighting fixtures resides on the back part of the glass canopy the only way to get to the blyxa is on an angle and partially thru the main group. My tank is 15" on the side with the bowfront pushing out another 3". Another fixture on the front of the canopy would solve the problem, but be inconvienent. The BBA also affected the hairgrass I had all the way in the front that wasn't shaded by the main group.

If the cherry shrimps are off breeding somewhere I guess between ram fry and shrimp fry I could throw out my fish food.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 16:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I see the more forward plants are in the shadows. I think
you are right, either move the light so the angle is
different, or add another strip.

I tried both the Ghost and Cherry Shrimp. I even bought
the iodine that they need to supplement their diets, but
like you, I seem to have only enhanced the diets of the
tank denizens (Black Skirt Tetras, and Cherry Barbs).
As expensive as the shrimp were, I'll not do it again.


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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 17:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The cherry's I purchased are quite small so I'm not sure yet what has become of them. I have so much ground cover that I bought a few amano shrimp about 4 months ago and didn't see them for weeks and then one day they appeared and are living in that center piece of driftwood with the moss growing on it. They only leave the driftwood at nite.

I find the amano shrimp to be bigger and more resilent than the ghosts.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 17:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I saw 2 cherry shrimp for sale at my LFS this weekend and couldn't believe that they were even more expensive than Amano shrimp ($6 vs. $5 a piece).

Did you have the same experience?


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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 21:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I paid $3.99 each, 2 for $7.50, but they were really small. Maybe too small because I haven't seen them. I also haven't research shrimp that much. I don't thing they fight with Amanos and Ghost because I have both in my tank.
The Amanos are by far the biggest and the only ones I've seen munching on BBA and other algae. Ghosts really don't do much.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 21:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ghosts really don't do much


Die quickly.

They supposedly have a live span of a few months to maybe (just maybe) a year.

That's what I have heard,


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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 22:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
They supposedly have a live span of a few months to maybe (just maybe) a year

I did not know that

Actually this sounds pretty stupid but I bought 2 Amano shrimps and was so happy with them I went back and bought 3 more when I got home I realized they were ghost shrimps. I have seen 2 as of last week and I bought a few months ago so I guess they won't be around too much longer. The shrimps have totally different behavior. The amano stay on that piece of driftwood all day and seem to defend it against any fish that swim nearby the ghosts just run across the front of the tank all day. Maybe they die of exhaustion in a few months. And the cherry's either hide or became lunch. They were small maybe the fish thought they were "brine" shrimp instead.

Moral of the story is always watch what the LFS employee is doing because you might be surprised when you get home. A couple of times I got a few neons in with my cardinals.

Any LFS FP people, please don't take offense. Just like anything else, some LFS employees know their stuff other ones are just "there"

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Post InfoPosted 13-Feb-2006 22:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And sometimes things just happen the wrong way...

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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 01:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Did alittle trimming to the E.Stellata and the rotala r. to help reduce shade on the blyxa. For the first time I'm deciding whether I should replace my main rock to help with the lighting situation on the foreground.

What do you think. Keep it or change it to something shorter and maybe wider.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 03:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Actually, I think I like it where it is.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 06:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I agree with Frank, it looks great where it is and the way it is. I also like the new trimmed look, the blyxa looks like it's getting a bit more light. You may wind up pulling the one closest to the rock a bit more forward if it's not getting enough light where it is though. It's your tank though so do what YOU like and what you think it NEEDS.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 06:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is a tough one.

On one hand I think the taller rock keeps the focus group nicely together and removing it can conclude in the group flowing into the rest of the plants and as such lose its destinction.

On the other hand, that flow might look very good as it connects all elements of the tank.

If you don't try it you will never know. So, you may want to think about the effort it takes to change it (and maybe change it back later), and if you conclude that it is not too much hassle I would say go for it


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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 11:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for all the comments. The rock is probably overdue for a cleaning so I might try to take it out and give it scrubbing and I could play around with some other rocks. I guess what I'm afraid of is a chain reaction and I'll end up adjusting different things to compensate.

LF, I see what your saying about the flow and that's where the above might come into play.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 16:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Some change can be a good thing. I think you're right on track with taking it out to clean it and seeing what it looks like.

To me it seems like you're moving in the direction of adding more and more different types of plants, and with the wisteria taking up the real estate it does, and serving a purpose taking up that real estate, that's left you with squeezing all these different types of plants behind this one large rock, or around it. Something smaller will give you more room to play with different plant types and to scape the plants a bit more.

I guess what I'm afraid of is a chain reaction and I'll end up adjusting different things to compensate.

Isn't that the whole point?

But seriously, the wisteria is taking up so much space and you're not about to rip it all up, and you need not worry about lack of a hardscape because you still have plenty of it. I guess I'm saying, I don't think pulling it up won't ruin the shape and flow of your scape

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Post InfoPosted 14-Feb-2006 17:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
To me it seems like you're moving in the direction of adding more and more different types of plants, and with the wisteria taking up the real estate it does, and serving a purpose taking up that real estate, that's left you with squeezing all these different types of plants behind this one large rock, or around it.

Nowher, I'm going to give you another and answer.
I'm trying to experiment with more variety and your right most of gets squeezed into the middle, but if you look where I put the rotala w. I basically cut a whole right in the middle of my wisteria slope and put it there away from the main group.

My other variable is that this tank is in my kitchen and it has to look good most of the time, so I can't experiment too much. LF is lucky his tank is in the basement and he can probably get away with more. The other day my wife looked at my tank and said "Those flowers (pointing to the top of the E.Stellata) are really pretty" My response "Aren't They" The fact that she thinks those are flowers allows me to score points on my quest for more tanks (with flowers of course)

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 00:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by nowherman6
but if you look where I put the rotala w. I basically cut a whole right in the middle of my wisteria slope and put it there away from the main group.

I know, and it came as a shock to myself and I'm sure to all other followers of Tetra's bowfront log My only oint was - which I'm pretty sure you got - that clearing the big rock out allows you more room to experiment with different plants without compramising the overall flow of the tank. You even mentioned a few posts ago that the rotala w. will probably have to be trimmed often to keep it from disrupting the flow created by the sloping wisteria. Redoing the hardscape in the center gives you a little more freedom, IMO.

The other day my wife looked at my tank and said "Those flowers (pointing to the top of the E.Stellata) ( are really pretty" My response "Aren't They" The fact that she thinks those are flowers allows me to score points on my quest for more tanks (with flowers of course)

What can I say? You the man!

EDIT: and welcome back to premie land, BTW

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 00:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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LF is lucky his tank is in the basement and he can probably get away with more

Hey, my wife looks at my tank too, about once a week

I didn't know that your kitchen is your showroom where hundreds of people march through to view the exhibited tank

Your wife knows that things take a while to look good, just look at food in the makings - not the prettiest display. I wonder if having your tank not at 100% display level would encourage your wife to give you more input on what could be improved. Then you have to make sure she stays busy thinking about it and before you know it she wants to have a tank on her own, to show you how it is done (wishful thinking on my part - doesn't work here either ).


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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 11:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I didn't know that your kitchen is your showroom where hundreds of people march through to view the exhibited tank

Lots of foot traffic with three kids and friends.
Hey, my wife looks at my tank too, about once a week

I wonder if having your tank not at 100% display level would encourage your wife to give you more input on what could be improved.

Then you have to make sure she stays busy thinking about it and before you know it she wants to have a tank on her own, to show you how it is done.
pause, catch breath

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 15:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And look at all these Gold Stars


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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 16:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And look at all these Gold Stars

What can I say

I added 5 more cardinals to my tank and I now have a total of 20. Another 100 I'll catch up to LF's major school.

Anyone know the difference between a school of fish and a shoal?

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 17:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If you look them up in a dictionary they mean the same thing. A school is no different than a flock, no different than a swarm, no different than a shoal. We just use different words to mean the same thing when describing different animals. You dont say a flock of tetras, you don't say a swarm of watter buffalo, and you don't say a school of birds.

Now, maybe there's some specific difference when referring to fish but in my mind if there is it can't be a good one. prove me wrong. Fish that like to be with eachother school, or shoal, whatever. Fish that don't, don't. I've seen people say on other threads, shoaling means the fish stay loosley together, schooling is when they stay tight; bunk! Bunk I say! If they stay tight together, it's a tight school, if not it's a loose school. Just my opinion of course, but you won't catch me saying a school is all that different than a shoal, no matter what.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 18:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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From my deep contacts within the intellectual fish keeping communities:

Schoolers form a tight streaming flow across a tank, and shoalers group together, but don't follow a pattern.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 18:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A silly distinction to make, IMO. I can make my harlies form a "tight streaming flow across the tank" by sticking my hand in there and waving it around. Other times they're at rest and feel safe, they just drift about in a loose group. Are they schoolers or shoalers? Same thing with most fish we call schooling fish. Neons, cardinals, rasboras - "keep in a school of 5-6" the story goes, "because they're schooling fish". Fine, but when a group of these fish are at ease they dont flow from one side to another, they just hover. Sometimes they try to school with their reflections in the glass, especially when introduced to a new environment. The more friends and the closer they are to eachother, the better. Tight schooling formations are a defensive thing, when they feel safe they split up a bit, it makes sense.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 18:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The only time my Espei school these days is when I move fast to one end of the tank. Then all shoot over to the other end and eventually half of them return while the rest stays over there for a while.

the rest of the day they are spread out (if that is even possible with 100 of them in there), the leading males fight over who is the boss, and the rest just "hangs" .


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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Is it me or do fish school or shoal more in the evening.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I feed mine only in the evening and as soon as I approach the tank at that time of the day at least 80% of all fish are in the front left corner of the tank within a second.

NowherMan6, First Gold Star hm?


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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
From Univ of Montana Study:

Shoals vs. Schools

Shoal: a group of fishes that remains together for SOCIAL reasons

School: a polarized, synchronized shoal

In this definition a school is a shoal of fish when they form that tight pattern based on predators, stress, etc.

Makes senses

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In this definition a school is a shoal of fish when they form that tight pattern based on predators, stress, etc.

Ok, I can buy that but I still don't think it;s much of a difference, especially for the intents and purposes of our little tanks.

NowherMan6, First Gold Star hm?

Well look at that, I guess so Don't worry, I'll lose it next time I take the quiz

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Schoolers form a tight streaming flow across a tank, and shoalers group together, but don't follow a pattern

That univ defintions does blend with the original one, but I think the problem with the above statement it almost implys that we are talking behavior by species.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Switching subjects, when I picked up my cardinals the other day I saw a 4" bamboo shrimp. At first I was like "no way I'm putting that in my tank", but now I am considering it. From what I understand they are filter feeders and just sift water for food basically. Probably good for GW

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 19:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Probably bad for your tank, or any tank that is

They will slowly starve to death as there is not enough food in the water column to keep them happy.

I think to remember that I read that somewhere


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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 20:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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From what I understand they are filter feeders and just sift water for food basically. Probably good for GW

If a 4" shrimp clears up a 72 gallon tank full of green water I'll eat my hat.

Definetely not my cup of tea, a shrimp that large should be served chilled, with a splash of lemon.

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 20:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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They will slowly starve to death as there is not enough food in the water column to keep them happy

Well I would probably have to supplement with some food. But you bring up an interesting poing. Would the uv destroy some of it's food source.

Definetely not my cup of tea, a shrimp that large should be served chilled, with a splash of lemon

And I was going to have a tea party and invite you guys over. Nowhere your not going near my tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 20:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tea party? tetratech... I thought you were a liquid bread kind of guy!

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Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2006 23:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tea party? tetratech... I thought you were a liquid bread kind of guy!

Absolutely wings, definitely liquid bread, but nowher brought up something about tea. I think tea and gouramis go well together - very graceful

BTW - Might be all the beer I've been drinking, but I think I see an improvement in my Blyxa. I've reduced height of E.Stellata overhanging the main rock and I've tilted my light toward the front of the tank slightly using rubber feet at the front the fixture.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Feb-2006 16:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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As most of you know, I'm going to try my aquascaping skills in an east african biotope. I think part of the reason for doing so is this tank. I'm actually pretty happy with it and although I will always be fine-tuning it I think for the most part I'm going to leave it alone. I will add more riccia to the front and try to have the blyxa fill in more. Here' some random current pics of different areas of the tank.

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 2

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 3

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 4

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 5

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 6

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 7

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pic 8

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking good

That "stellaromatica" is coloring up nice. Been adding some extra micros have we ?

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 03:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That "stellaromatica" is coloring up nice. Been adding some extra micros have we ?

You could tell right. . I've been dosing about 25ml 3 week of flourish combined with flourish trace. Still probably need more FE. Do you know another focused FE source other than Flourish FE?

Yeah that's what it must be, a hybrid.

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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 06:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I like the pictures number 2 (mixed school in formation), number 6 (new plant sprouting) and the full shot at the end the best

Yeah, seems to be allsettled there, except for the frequent pruning that you still will have to perform. Sorry that I can't pull even with the African tank, I am in trouble enough as it is .


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Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 11:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am in trouble enough as it is

Aren't we always.

Don't worry even when I setup the 46g your still crushing me with total gallons. I think I need to move somewhere warm so I could have a tank in the garage.

Yes, I will have to prune alot, but it's not as basd as it seems. 80% of the bottom is made up of wisteria which I simply cut off and top that trys to resist creeping.
The Stellaromatic (as bensaf put it) is a thick stalk, so I think I have four stalk maybe five in all. So you just cut off the bottom and replant. The E.Aromatic has done really well. I only purchased one stalk originally and both th tops and bottoms have grown well thus far. But the top is very pretty and it would take a while for the cut bottom to look as nice. The rotala w. yes another stem, but it's in a very easy area to chop down. So that leaves me my original stargrass and rotala r. The rotala I've been replanting tops right now. I just don' want to take a chance so a little work there and the stargrass I did cut out all bottoms the first few times and replant, work there as well, but lately the plant has been given me multiple leaders so I've trimmed off the top right above the smaller lower leader and it's growing beautifully.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 14:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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That looks REALLY nice tetratech, bravo.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2006 05:57Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for the comment

Please meet the shoal, school, herd, oh whatever
I'm really amazed. I've acclimated in another 5 cardinals a week ago all are still fine. I now have a total of 20 and have not lost one since my UV was hooked up.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2006 17:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I thought this was an interesting growth pic of my E.stellata .

The two stems on the left of the white line shows replanted tops that have colored up and have one stem each. The grouping to the right is the original bottom of one of the replanted tops. It has developed multiple stems from the thick bottom stalk.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2006 17:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Did some trimming and wc today. I pulled out the two major stalks of E.Stellata you see in preceding post and I hadn't realized how big these things were because alot of the length is hidden behind the tall rock. Here's a pick of one floating in my tank after pulling it out. You could really see the purple color on the underneath of the leaves. This pic is not altered. The stalk also has numerous side shoots below the level of the rock.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 00:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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This are some fat stems tetratech

Why did you pull them out again? And did you replant them?


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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 01:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Why did you pull them out again? And did you replant them

I pulled them out to cut off about 4" of the bottom and I replanted the tops. They were starting to shade the foreground too much. I will probably have to trim every week but because it's basically one thick stalk it's pretty easy to do so. So it's 4 cuts and replant - done.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 02:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So all you need now is a powerhead that blows the current upwards from under the leaves so we can see the beautiful reddish underside more often .

So, the general question here is (and it applies to my Althernanthera as well):
Why do some plants have leaves with red undersides? What is the point of this?


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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 13:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Why do some plants have leaves with red undersides? What is the point of this


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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 14:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
Why do some people have blonde hair, heck if I know

In most red the plants the red color is a defense mechanism against bright light (hence the need for bright light to bring out the colors) it's some kind of change in the chlorophyll pigmentation.

Why are the red underneath, or purple, or silver - just to look pretty I guess

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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 15:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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maybe its so some fish wont eat it. The bright colored warning thing...???...??

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 15:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
maybe its so some fish wont eat it. The bright colored warning thing...???...??

That could very well be, wings. Color is always used in the natural world as a warning system.

Speaking of bright light. I've pretty much concluded the front bow of my tank is not getting enough. I took a cut top from my E.Stellata and planted it about a week ago in front of my tank, closer to the front than the Blyxa where it isn't shaded from the main group and it really hasn't grown. The Stellata in the main group is growing great, which is right under the light. The bowfront design with the lights on the rear piece of glass isn't really reaching to the front. I believe that was a problem with the hairgrass and bba as well.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 17:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Good idea, I guess that was a valid test .

Now that you know that, what are you going to do? Are you going to place a small light there as had been mentioned before?


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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 18:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, if I want lush foreground growth I think I'll have to. My only problem is it will be very inconvienent. to have to lift the light everytime I want to get into the tank unless I could rig something that would lift the light when I open the top, but right now I can't thing that deeply about it.

I could install a hanging MH system above the tank, but that would be rather expensive.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 18:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'd leave the front open like it is, it looks good, and I'm a fan of a little substrate showingdon't misconstrue that if possible

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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 18:11Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'd leave the front open like it is, it looks good, and I'm a fan of a little substrate showing

Thanks! Yeah, I do like the way the black substrate constrast with all the green, so I'm probably not going to bother with a lawn on this tank. I've said this many times before. You can't be all things in all plants and fish in one tank, so in this tank with it's bowfront design this is what works. I would like to add a few more riccia covered stones that would add a little more green to the front but not take away the black constrast.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 18:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh just read your post(same time as mine). Don't get a MH. You'll likely need two for a light spread big enough to cover both sides of your tank. This light really is much too intense for planted tanks, unless they are really deep. Plus they are expensive to buy, run, and get toasty warm.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 18:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the inside info on the MH lights. I guess I'll save that for my one day 250g opentop.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 20:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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They do make legs for T5 systems. A t5 set up should give you the light that you need for just the front of the tank if you can make a 4' strip work.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 23:46Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks Wings. I'll have to look into that if I decide to add the extra light.

Almost got them all. Here's a pic of 19 out of 20 cardinals (unless LF could find the 20th)

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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 04:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Not having much experience with shrimp, but I think this yamato shrimp is pregnant. The belly area is loaded with something. Even so, from what I understand the fry have to be raised in water with alot of salt and the calcium level has to be raised.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 04:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The riccia continues to do well, although I think I might have seen alittle BBA. I did actually trim this rock a couple of times, but was alittle of anxious and I couldn't get anything big enough to use on another rock. So I'll wait alittle longer next time I attempt it.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 04:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, I count 19 as well
Plus 2 Rams, 1 Oto, 5 Pencils, 1 Rummy Nose, and one fish I cannot ID (in the center, above the Rummy and parially hiding a Pencil).

I also heard that Amano shrimp are not easy to breed in the community tank. But maybe you get lucky


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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 12:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I only count 18.....where is the other one??

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 14:40Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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also heard that Amano shrimp are not easy to breed in the community tank

They need brackish/ salt water for the baby shrimp to grow. Cherry's will breed in FW and can be raised in FW as well. Now if you can only find them...

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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 14:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, that's what I thought. I fear the worst for my cherries. Haven't seen them. I don't think the Amanos would have eaten them, do you? I'm thinking maybe the Bolivians, they were very small.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 14:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Plus 2 Rams, 1 Oto, 5 Pencils, 1 Rummy Nose, and one fish I cannot ID (in the center, above the Rummy and parially hiding a Pencil).

LF, the hidden fish appears to be a blurred image of another rummy (see the tail) Actually almost all my fish are in that shot except (8/9 otos, 2 corys, 2 rummys, 1 card and 6/8 shrimp).

The store where I got my cardinals ($3 a piece ) has a great school of emperor tetras. I was tempted to add those in, but I feel they will just get lost in the tank with other fish I have of similar size and color. This store also has like 10 species of rainbows. As you could see from the cardinals prices he's very expenisve. I think he had huge bosemani for $40.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 15:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wings - Count the circles, 19

Yeah, the big Rainbows cost a fortune, tetratech. Remember that I paid for my juvenile Simple Neon Dwarfs $12, adults are $20. Supply and demand, man, they get you coming ad going.


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Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 17:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You the man!

My dwarf rainbows are 4 for $10.... that would be $2.50 each...

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 18:11Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Count the circles, 19

Now if you could find the 20th. . I guess he's off-camera. I have such a good streak going with the cardinals that I almost don't want to spoil it, but I will attempt to add 5 or 6 more by the weekend. That will give me a total of 25 or 26 assuming they all make it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 18:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well wasn't planning this, but I was at one of my lfs today looking for some more shrimp (bought 2 more cherries and two more yamatos and this guy was all alone in the shrimp tank and I caved and said "I'll take him too" Nice little fish. It's a variety of honey gourmai, really nice color. I couldn't get the best pick, because he went into hiding, but now he's exploring the place.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 02:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Another pic:

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 02:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Pretty fish, tetra

There goes the SA theme!

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 02:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Your right, this does it fishwise, but I already strayed with some plants species and of course the yamato shrimps, etc. If Amano does it, I guess it's o.k with me.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 03:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Welcome to the graceful world of Gouramies

I've got one of these guys, your's has much better color though Nice fish very peaceful , always on the move hunting for something.

Like the new siggie too

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 03:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I guess you couldn't resist the grace and charm of the Gouramies, couldn't you.

He (or she, don't know if you sexed the little one yet) looks very nice .

Now we need a mate


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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 15:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the gourmai commments. I guess there's nothing wrong with having alittle grace.

Yes, I do like the way he pokes around the plants and marches to a different beat then the shooling fish.

I think it's a male based on the color, but not sure. There seem to be a few varieties of this fish.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am not sure if this fish can be identified by the dorsal fin shape, but looking closer at your picture it seems to be rather pointy towards the back. This, in quite a few Gourami species, is a sign of a male. The female's is rounder and shorter, although the length is really kicking in a little later (IMHO).


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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes, I do like the way he pokes around the plants and marches to a different beat then the shooling fish

Exactly. My sparkling gourami tend to do this little thing where they move along a certain invisible line, move forward an inch, stop flare their fins, then poke at the DW/ substrate/ plant. Move, flare, poke etc. over and over. They're also the only species I have that consistently explores every level of the tank.

Take LFs advice on sexing them, the only way I can tell with mine is looking for their ovaries with a flashlight

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Nowher, I'll give it a try

How big do the sparklings get, this guy only gets about 2". He's really not much bigger than my cardinals, just more graceful.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:43
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He's really not much bigger than my cardinals, just more graceful

Sparkling gourami aren't that much bigger than my harlies. Actually, I think the harlies are more full bodied. The biggest is 1 1/4, 1 1/2 inches max. They also like each others company to a degree. It's very neat, like schooling gourami

It's funny, I saw one very similar to yours when i bought the sparkling gourami, again alone in a tank with bottom feeders. Maybe they don't get them in in big groups?

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Might be, they didn't have any sparklings, but they had many other gouramis. The store I went to Aquarium Adventure.(LF has been there) had a 50% off sale. So the gourmai was listed for $4.99 and I only paid $2.50. The yamatos where listed for $3.99 and only paid $2 so it was a pretty good deal.

BTW - Before I went to the store. I did see one of my cherries for the first time since I put them in, so I ended up buying 2 more.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 19:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well so much for grace. Once my kids found out that this is a honey gourmai they named it Winnie. The pic of winnie-the-poo with his his head stuck in the honey pot doesn't exactly illustrate grace. Here's a few more pics: Not a bad fish for $2.50.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 22:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
And another:

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 22:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Winnie will just be its nick-name. In secret you can call it by its real name, Butch. Though that's not very graceful either...

If anything, don't think of Winnie-the-poo when you look at it, just think of Winnie Cooper from "The Wonder Years." She never got her head stuck in a honey pot, so that puts her at least one rung up on the gracefulness ladder

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Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 22:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Nowher, I would definitely say that Winnie Cooper has grace.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2006 00:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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He's looking even better. They are very feline in their movements and the way they hunt about.

It's probably not an actual Honey Gourami ( Colisia? Chuna) it's more then likley a "Sunset" color variety of the Thick Lipped Gourami (Colisia Labiosa). They are often sold as Honey Gouramies.

Real Honeys are smaller and squatter like squat Dwarf Gourami with more of a red body and black undersides.

No matter, behaviour wise they are pretty similar the thick lipped will get bigger though.

He (and I'm pretty sure it's a he) will max out at about 21/2-3", but they take a long time to get there. If you can get a female they will behave like an old married couple and go everywhere together Very peaceful, they just hunt and poke about 24/7. They also become very very tame and in time will gladly swim into your hand. At least they are easy to move they swim right into the net

Great fish I've always had a couple in my tanks for as long as I can remember. I've got one in there now going on 2 years.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2006 04:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Winnie also seems to have the perfect camouflage coloration for your plants. If he (and I also think it is a he from the latest pictures) hangs out just between the stems he would be in perfect stealth mode.


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2006 11:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the comments on the new guy. I definitely enjoy watching him move about. I'll probably try to add a few.

Switching to plants. I've trimmed my riccia covered rocks twice and after the second trimming I'm getting increased growth and I might be ready to try and harvest enough to cover some more rocks in the foreground. Interesting that the riccia seems to be growing fine in the foreground with the blyxa improving by still not really growing (although slow grower). I think at the depth my riccia is growing it is considered high light.

Here's a current pic:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2006 15:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a full tank shot from tonite. The stargrass is growing almost too fast and it's presence is definitely too overpowering. You could also see a third rock is now covered in riccia in the middle of the foreground. It's a little too centered in relation to the others, but I plan on added a few more butted up against the new one to create a multi-level effect.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 04:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
A closer shot of the main grouping. The E.Stellata is really a strong growing and is starting to push some other plants out.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 04:16Profile PM Edit