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Subscribe72 Gallon Bowfront Setup Log
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Thanks upikabu,

So you've seen the same behavior with a large school. In my case 20 cards where there before the gourami was introduced.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Mar-2006 06:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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O.K. since LF is back I guess I'll chart some changes.
I couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to move the rotala from behind the e.stellata and give the stellata the lead role and move the rotala to a supporting role on the side to the left of the rotala w.

I also did a major trimming job on the stargrass, as I mentioned I didn't like it taller than the e.stellata in the middle.

Here's the tank last week when I got some nice accolodes.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Mar-2006 20:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And here's the tank today:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Mar-2006 20:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Closeup of the foreground. Note the add'l riccia in the middle. I spread the riccia further in the middle forward by using a plastic grid and covering it with riccia and a hairnet.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Mar-2006 20:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Looking very nice there

I like that the Stellate took over THE leading role in the main group. It has grace and color, just beautiful. The Riccia also looks nice, its light green goes well with the darker one of the Blyxa.

I skimmed over the previous entries from this week (too many right now to read in detail). Sorry to hear about the loss of the Gouramie. I have not any "bully by number" behavior of my Espei towards any new fish, but this may be because they are all larger and have no problem messing with the Espei. I am also thinking about adding a pair of apistogrammas to the tank, if I am ever done with planting the tank, that is . Do you think you may get issues with the Rams and the Apstios breeding at the same time? I could see that happen.


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Post InfoPosted 12-Mar-2006 22:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks LF and thanks for glancing thru my log. As you could see you didn't miss too much. Yeah I was surprised when I lost the gourmai, but as I said I've noticed the cards being very aggresive of late. Maybe they gain too much power in a large school. As I mentioned they are related to the piranha.

By the way some of these cardinals are quite large, pushing 2 inches. As far a the apistogrammas, I think the tank could handle the two types of cichlids. There is alot of rock work scattering around the tank and alot of ground cover. I haven't seen to many of locally, mostly some orange flame type for about $20 each.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 03:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by upikabu
I just finished going over 25+ pages of this thread to get some info on keeping Blyxa (which you added while I was away on Xmas vacation, right before your first Ram spawning and around page 25 for those keeping track ) - need to put some drops in my eyes now. So basically what I can gleam from your experience with it so far: no shading & no moving it around. Is that all? Does it grow upwards?

I just got some for my tank over the weekend. It was an impulse purchase at an LFS and hope won't bite me in the you-know-where. I'm putting it in the background for now as they were tall stems with multiple side shoots and I didn't want to cut off the side shoots yet (no space in the foreground for them anyway). I actually quite like where it is now and may keep it there.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for having the info.

p.s. This place desperately needs a functional search tool.
p.p.s. I thought it was amusing to see LF declared a self-professed love for blyxa just from your pics (somewhere in page early 30s). Wonder if he's still got the love now?

Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 04:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
So basically what I can gleam from your experience with it so far: no shading & no moving it around. Is that all? Does it grow upwards?

Well Background/foreground whatever floats your boat, but really I've never been one to say this is a background plant and this is foreground it really depends on your arrangement. In my 12gallon I have wisteria as my background and in my 72g it's my midground, but anyway yeah shade sames to be a major problem. It's a very fragile plant and could definitely melt if not taken care of. My blyxa is still holding on. I believe it will grow bushier with very strong light and taller with less light. Mine seems to be going more vertical than I would like because my light problem is compounded by my tank shape. The bowfront simply has pour light going to the middle foreground. It's also the only plant that does get alittle bba on it, because of it's slow growth. Bensaf has had it longer than me, not sure how his is doing, in fact he recommended it to me. I really love the texture of the leaves and I should probably put another light on the front top of my tank to see if it helps.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 05:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well after a visit to my LFES (Local Fire Extinguisher Store) and $10 bucks later I'm back in the co2 business.

One problem fixed and another reappears. I noticed a spot on two of my cardinals pictured below. It's not ich trying to determine what it is. And I thought my cardinals were made of teflon.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 20:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hm, if it was just one I would say perhaps it's just a missing scale or something like that, but that it's on both in the same spot makes me suspicious.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 20:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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From the distance it looks just like NTD, but I am sure you would recognize that one. You say spot, as in something sticking on the fish or as in discoloration? If the first is true then could it be some fungus (or is it encrusted)? If the second is true then it still could be NTD.

I must be shopping at the wrong place here. My exchange bottle cost $30 (including tax) and is from a big welding supply store. But it is the only store around that I found.


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Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 12:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
If the second is true then it still could be NTD.

Well whatever it is, it's even hard for me to tell looking close up I'm not planning on chasing the disease with meds.

As far as co2 refills, maybe the exchange program works differently, but $30 seems like a lot to fill a 5lb tank.
Maybe a piece goes to the crew in NJ - Bada Bing!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 14:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, I have no idea where the money goes, but somebody is for sure happy to do business with me .

About the fish: I am with you on the no-chasing-the-desease statement. Let's see how it develops.


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Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 15:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech

I should get my bigals delivery today:

Flourish Iron

This will be the first time I'm dosing a dedicated Iron fert. See if I can make my avatar more colorful.

I might start treatment for BBA, although it's not out of control and is really only affecting hardscape. I'm also concerned of a negative effect on the all ready fragile Blyxa. I need to find if anyone else has had problems with excel and that plant.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 15:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just watch out with that flourish iron, tetra. I've had little outbreaks of hair algae in the past when dosing too generously. Bensaf will probably tell me that if I'm going to spread such crazy conspiracy theories I might as well go ahead and join the International Flat Earth Society while I'm at it... but a conservative approach can't hurt IMO

And LF, you're not alone on those bottle fill-ups. I pay $20 at the local beer distributor

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Post InfoPosted 15-Mar-2006 23:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Just watch out with that flourish iron, tetra.
Thanks! The bottle says 1 capful (5ml) to maintian .1 ppm
for every 50 gallons, so I dosed about 7ml this morning, along with my regular 10ml of regluar flourish so I guess we'll see what happens.

I guess I got lucky with the refill on the co2. I got it refilled from an old man who runs a small fire extinisher store and the conversaton went something like this:

tetra: I need a refill
old man: Wow that's a big canister ya got there
tetra: Well it's for a fish tank
old man: heh!
tetra: a planted tank, plants need alot of co2
old man: heh!
tetra: oh come on, you must get alot of that
old man: heh!
tetra: O.K, what do I owe ya
old man: got $10 bucks sonny
tetra: here ya go, see ya in 6 months
old man: heh!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 00:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I never had a conversation like that with the beer guys. They never ask questions.

The best was the time a few weeks ago when i refilled the tank but hooked it up improperly and all the gas leaked out over the course of the week. So there I was the following Saturday, another tank to refill, same place, same guy who helped me. No questions asked though. I think they just figured I was a drunk.

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Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 00:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I get mine refilled at a local gas supplier. A little Indonesian mom and pop shack that sells o2, argon etc.

They don't get many westerners in there I can tell ya

It was the same shock when I told the guy what I was using the Co2 for. Since then the pop has turned up at my apartment twice to see this miracle that the crazy foreigner is doing.

Second time was to inform me that he bought an aquarium, he took some plants from the garden and dumped in some pupuk, which is the kind of fertilizer you'll throw on your roses and attached Co2. Couldn't figure out why the water was green and his "flowers" and fish were dead.

I tried to help but while my Indonesian language skills are pretty good they don't quite extend to the finer points of planted aquariums.

I don't open the door anymore and am looking for a new supplier.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 03:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Second time was to inform me that he bought an aquarium, he took some plants from the garden and dumped in some pupuk, which is the kind of fertilizer you'll throw on your roses and attached Co2. Couldn't figure out why the water was green and his "flowers" and fish were dead.

If only he had used a test kit!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 03:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well there seems to be alot of protist collaboration lately. Some have done this accidently others have declared their outright love for the little guys and others have been rebelling.

Regardless of the reason the show must go on: This full tank shot shows the changes I've made maturing alittle. You'll notice the rotala r. now is on the right side next to the recut rotala w. The tank is actually alot easier to maintenance this way with the rotala r more accessible. The rotala and the stargrass which were recently trimmed alot are starting to come in, but have some more growing to do.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 04:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Also this riccia stuff has really been a pleasant surprise. I actually find it very easy to work with inconjunction with the hairnets. Here's a closeup of the center riccia which is a combination of rock and plastic grid underneath hairnets.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 05:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking very nice tetratech,

But first:

With regards to the previous entries.

Now to the tank. While on one hand I envy you for the completeness your tank displays on the other hand I am wondering what else can be done to the tank. I mean to say that your tank appears finished and there is nothing (major) left to enhance. Aren't you getting a slight feeling of boredom with nothing to do? As much as I would like my tank to be more presentable, as much I dread the day when I stand in front of it and think "what now".

Well, here are some minor questions/observations:

- The Riccia looks great. Given that you trim it outside of the tank I assume that the distribution within the tank of broken pieces is minimal. Did you find any pieces growing in your other plants yet?
- The Wisteria (in particular on the right) seems to develop a rather large leaf size. Is that just my old eyes or has the size (structure) changed?


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Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's always funny to see that one ammano shrimp sitting on top of that one DW branch. I know you mention it all the time, but still, there he is, sure as the sun rising

So last night replaced all the DW in my tank with new pieces that freed up some floor space for more plants and overall helped the scape. On the left side of my tank as you may be able to imagine I used to have that one suspicious piece of DW in there branching upwards. Well, i took that on eout and tried to mimic that effect with two a little bit thicker pieces. I stepped away and i thought, wow, that looks great!

Then I looked at the pic you just posted and realized, Oh, the reason it looks so great is because it's nearly the same thing that tetra did with his. Damn. Back to the drawing board

It does look very nice, and I like that the rotala has been replaced by that other large bushy plant. Same effect - adds a big spot of color - but much fuller

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Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 16:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is this?
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Tank is looking really nice!

Scary thought of having nothing to change in a fish tank. I guess that's when you start a new one..

Copy Cat! I know what you mean though. After looking at each others tanks so much I think we star to play off of each other. It kind of goes back to does the real world represent the media or the meadia the real world.

(All I have to say for my currant situation is blasting black beard algae! It't not getting out of hand too fast but its just starting to bug me when I look at my tank close. I guess I need to make a rule where I have to stay at least 4 feet from it.)

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 17:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for all the comments everyone. The tank I guess is kinda complete in a way, but look I just moved the rotala r last weeek and I'm still tinkering with the foreground in the main area. Not sure how far I want to go with the riccia, because I do like the black sandy look and if I put too much riccia it will ruin that constrast, but building a carpet on top of rock seems to be within reach.

To answer LFs question about the riccia, yes it's easy because you just lift out the rock, trim in in a bowl of water and put it back in the same spot or move it around. It's actually fun to play with. The cut off riccia is then used to cover another rock and so on and so on. As far as pieces in the tank, yes there are a few pieces floatng around the tank, but nothing that is nuisance. Actually if you look close at the center dw where nowher spotted the shrimp you could see a piece of riccia clinging to it. I decided to just leave it. Speaking of the center dw I'm also getting the feeling that the moss isn't necessary and there would be better contrast with the green, kinda what happened in nowher's tank.

As far as the wisteria observation that LF made. It does seem that there are some bigger leaves on the right side, but I think this is a result of pruning frequency and where I made the cut. The right side get's prune more, but I think the support leaves under the leader have remained more if that makes sense.

Nowher, I wouldn't worry about copying my look. Planted tanks are rock, driftwood and those green things, rock and dw poking out of plants is gonna be in every tank pretty much so just do what works with your layout.

In light of wings comments I think a good theme song for the planted tank forum is "From A Distance" Bette Midler

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Mar-2006 20:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
O.K. so I dosed Flourish Iron for the first time the other day. The bottle says dose 5ml per 50g to maintain .10mg/l.

So bascially without a test kit that means very little since I have no clue to what me fe levels are and I'm sure the test kits s&*#!

So anyway I dosed the 7ml plus 10ml of regular flourish so I get the other micros as well, but when I go the "Fertilator" and plug in the 5ml for a 50g it tells me that will give me .26mg/l That is 2.6 times more than the flourish bottle says, plus I dosed the 10ml of regular flourish which according to the fertilator gives me another .17mg/l. So based on my 72g tank according to the fertilator my fe level is .38mg/l based on the flourish / flourish fe dosing.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 01:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your sig has made your feelings on micromanaging macros well know to all - however, the question remains: how do you feel about micromanaging your micros?

From the looks of things you're quite open to it!

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Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 17:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Your sig has made your feelings on micromanaging macros well know to all - however, the question remains: how do you feel about micromanaging your micros?

That's pretty funny nowher, but a micro is a micro and a macro is a macro . Not that the .38 fe is incredibly high, but I don't like to go there in one swift dose. Actually the iron depletes very quickly so I'll have to fine a good daily dose. I think the fertilator is way off anyway.

Gotta go call all my LFS's and see what Apistos they have in stock.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 17:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Gotta go call all my LFS's and see what Apistos they have in stock

Good luck to ya

LF certainly upped the ante in the Apisto wars with that move he pulled yesterday. Imagine that - going out and getting those pretty fish without even giving us 24 hours to catch up.. the nerve!

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Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 17:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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LF certainly upped the ante in the Apisto wars with that move he pulled yesterday.

Yeah well I guess he's living up to his sig

In honor of St. Patrick's Day I'm turning off my UV for the day .

All protist collaborators - As you were

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 17:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Who's The Man?

I am sure that there are many ways you can beat that, tetratech.

For one thing, I am still in shock over my sudden loss of German Rams a few months back. So hopefully I will not suffer the same destiny here as well

Another option would be to get the same fish for half the price, that would teach me a lesson

BTW, Double Red Apisto Agassizi sell in the store for $20 a pair.


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Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 17:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Double Red Apisto Agassizi sell in the store for $20 a pair

Why so cheap? Those are $65 a pair at Drs F&S, plus shipping

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 18:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Before I got my shellies a while back I was thiiiis close to buying a pair of a. cacatuoides. They, along with a few others like Agassizi or even Njessini, always appealed to me more because of their greater availability and the availability of F1 and F2 generations. It seemed like a big risk to take on a pair of rare but wild caught apistos, especially if things didn't turn out well. As it turned out, I wound up with the shellies, and then sold them because I was made an offer I couldn't refuse.

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Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 18:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The sales person explained it this way:

Supply and Demand!

They can have the Double Red every day if need be, not rare what-so-ever.
Mine, on the other hand, have to be ordered from a specialty fish wholesaler.

The sales person explained to me at least 3 times that this is the reason mine are so expensive. He wanted to make sure that I don't feel ripped off.


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Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 18:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is this?
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But in all reality of things how much do you have into them. Did you basicly steal them because you traded in some of your fish that you may or may have not been planning of taken over your tank?

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 18:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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O.K. LF, so you want to play rough.
Here's my breeding pair of Neocaridina denticulata sinensis ($5.99 for the pair)

Attached Image:

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 20:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Very Nice ,

I cannot beat that as my breeding pair of Pond Snails did want to be in a picture

But seriously, glad to see that the little buggers are still around. One thing about this photo: I thought you had Moss only at the end of one piece of driftwood. Did it grow down on that wood to its base?


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Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2006 12:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
One thing about this photo: I thought you had Moss only at the end of one piece of driftwood. Did it grow down on that wood to its base?

Your powers of observation are quite amazing
You are right, that is not my 72g it's the 5g I setup for bolivan fry that I kinda started to scape. Details will follow.......

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2006 14:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Your powers of observation are quite amazing

Thanks tetratech

So, when can we see the 5G log? Even if it is not finished I would love to take a look at it.

And while you mention it, we haven't heard anything recently about a possible breeding attempt by your Rams. Wouldn't it be that time again soon?


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Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 14:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So, when can we see the 5G log? Even if it is not finished I would love to take a look at it.

Yeah, let us know. I want to know when I should start up my 2.5 gallon log

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 17:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
So, when can we see the 5G log? Even if it is not finished I would love to take a look at it.

Yeah, let us know. I want to know when I should start up my 2.5 gallon log

Don't we all have nano tanks in our "closets" somewhere.

Should be able to get to it within the next few days...

And while you mention it, we haven't heard anything recently about a possible breeding attempt by your Rams. Wouldn't it be that time again soon?

Havent' seen anything. Maybe they gave up after two failed attempts. Although I did see them really color up last week so they might have spawned but didn't care for the eggs. Still debating whether I should add the apistos.

BTW - Water change today and removal and cleaning of centerpiece rock. Yes there is some BBA on it - I'll update later with the exciting results.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 18:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Don't we all have nano tanks in our "closets" somewhere.

I got nothing

Would I ever not tell you guys if I would be working on a new tank ?

And I doubt that I will have a tank to enter the competition any time soon. I just cannot convince the wife that we really need another one . And I also think an overhaul of the 29G will have priority, but also not now.


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Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 19:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Compitition? Fill me in! Of is the the game of the mini tanks? I have one too! Needs some help right now though. I have some dream in mind but I need to go rock hunting. I think I found some on campus that I like...

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Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 21:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Did a wc and cleaned my centerpiece rock. Look at the before and after.

I also just be coincidence developed a triangle going up from right to left, because I didn't clip the last stellaromatica stem on the left to make more of a mound shape.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 22:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yup, that for sure is one obvious triangle

Looks like you don't have much more time before you need some major trimming if you desire to maintain the "less is more" perception of the tank, which I think looks great.

How did you clean the rock? Just scrubbing or bleaching. Whatever it was, it sure made quite a difference. Overall,the triangular slope has reached a height where the mossed branch has been consumed. It seems like your tank does not only look nice but growth is also excellent all the time .


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Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 23:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
How did you clean the rock? Just scrubbing or bleaching

I just scrubbed it with a stiff brush. I kinda like it alittle darker, but that will happen soon enough. After a cup cuts here and there I'm back to a mound shape (maybe a little more stargrass on the left and the wisteria needs to be a little shorter in the left back corner)

Right now I'm in a good space and I feel this tank is very easy to take care of.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 15:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I really like the mound much better then the triangle. It looks much more natural.

BTW go look at my pictures!

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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 15:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yup, very nice

I like how the Riccia shines in the front, with its much lighter green coloring (or is this because of the air bubbles that are trapped in it) than the rest of plants.


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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 15:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Riccia carpet, riccia carpet, riccia carpet...

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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 16:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for all the comments. A few more pics. First here you could see a compare pic from lastnite and this morning. On the bottom I clipped more wisteria on the extreme left and now the mound shape is even more obvious, simple. The ricca doesn't have the false pearling from last nite in the bottom pic as LF noted), but the riccia is still a light shade of green. You could also see the difference between pm and am as the leaves are more open in the bottom am photo.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 19:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Riccia carpet, riccia carpet, riccia carpet

Is that a challenge Protist Collaborator?

I actually thought of a good idea with the riccia, so I guess this tank isn't "done"

Here's a closeup shot of the riccia area in the foreground.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 19:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And finally a closeup of the stellaromatica a la hudson.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 19:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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One thing I forgot to mention concerning maintenance. I recently removed two big pieces of hardscape to clean. My center rock and a few pieces of wood. These pieces have not been removed since I started the tank and I was amazed. No mess. I mean alittle came up but nothing that I even had to worry about vaccumming up. I reached a few possible conclusions.

1. I feed vary sparingly
2. Plants have been sucking it up.
3. Grounds crew has been working overtime (cory's, shrimp)

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Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2006 19:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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1. I feed vary sparingly - Poor fishies must be starving if they don't even poop
2. Plants have been sucking it up - can be, but isn't the generation of mulm natural?
3. Grounds crew has been working overtime (cory's, shrimp) - I don't think they eat everything, they are rather picky with their menu

4. Larger parts have been broken down and fell through the gaps in your substrate further down. Do you rocks simply sit on the substrate or are they partially buried? Does something come up when you uproot a plant?


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Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2006 21:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Larger parts have been broken down and fell through the gaps in your substrate further down. Do you rocks simply sit on the substrate or are they partially buried? Does something come up when you uproot a plant?

I'm not a big feeder. It's one of the most common problems with new and even some experienced aquarists. Less is definitely more here. Better for the fish and the tank's health in general.

I could be off here, but I'm wondering if the eco is better at breaking down this waste than say regular gravel

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Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2006 23:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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My money is on ground crew. I'll be making a post later on this very subject. Just need to prepare some pics.

I'm getting envious from looking at tetra's gorgeous tank.

Time to pull out the big guns and show some pics of my own tank. I've been growing some Aromatica and Wallichii. If nothing else the pic will show tetra what Wallichii is supposed to look like . I've managed to grow it huge and bright bright pink

On the stellaromatica - I think I've figured that one out.
When I ent to the market (who know's these plants probably came from the same Indonesian grower Mr.Hudson buys from ?) They had , what from a distance seemed to be identical plants. But on closer inspection it was obvious there were actually 3 quite distinct species.
#1 was a much finer plant, thin almost transparent leaves with a very light pruple underside. I reckon this to be Limnophilia Aromacatoides (sometimes known as Gratiola ?).

#2 and #3 very similar in color and shape. But both had quite different growth patterns. One grew very straight and vertical with no branching. The other had a more angled 'leaning" growth and quite a few sideshoots. I reckon the vertical one to be the Broadleaf Stellata and the other to be Aromatica.

I would reckon yours to be (as it does lean toward the light and be more bushy) L.Aromatica.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 04:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the comments. I am not worthy and only an apprecntice to "My Master"

I'm glad I could intice you into showing some more pics and I look forward to seeing them. I would love to know your secret with the Wallichii. I've recut mine and it is starting to grow in better but certainly not pink except the very tip so I'm thinking it's a lighting issue, but I have a feeling you'll tell me otherwise.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 04:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's a very picky plant. Way more picky then Macrandra IMO. All rotals like nutrient levels fairly low but The wallichii in particular.

I'd say at above 15ppm it stops growing completely

I've been messing around with nutrients. Part of the reason I changed the plants a bit. I went so high as to stunt my Ammania. Nutrients were high enough to kill a plant, but NO ALGAE !

I find with really low levels it gets dark red, high and it's a dull brown. The pink color seems to be when everything is in the middle ground. Of course light is part of the issue, I've got it right under the lights. But to me the pink is more of a nutrient thing,light is more of an issue for deep red color.

I'm running at about the lowest levels I've ever run at , at present - about 10ppm No3.

The playing around told me a lot , particularly about K

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 06:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
The playing around told me a lot , particularly about K

What? That you need to dose "K" if you run N and P to low.
Yeah, that could be the problem. I've been running high for the stargrass and some others, now what to do? I don't think I'm gonna chase the Rotala W. by changing al my dosing. Have you lowered co2 as well?

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 13:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
What? That you need to dose "K" if you run N and P to low.

Quite the opposite. If it gets too high there's problems. I've suspected this for some time.It's been quite the bone of contention in some places. But I mean really high.
It's a long story but if you're interested drop me a PM.

Have you lowered co2 as well?

Good God no Never lower the Co2. That's the one you don't play with. All bets are off has regards experimenting if the Co2 is off. 99% of the time what you are seeing is the result of bad Co2. It's the one given. Got to be up there no matter what.

Anyway here's a pic of the Rotala taken this evening

Attached Image:

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:05
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Here's one from a different angle. Side view.

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Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice and colorful, strong as well.

Looks to me almost like a monument, some form of dome or stoneage upright rocks.

I love it, but given all your commitments on running things low - nah, no way I am going to get into this plant .


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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice Bensaf. That's certainly the way it should look.
So is this a case where "You can't be all things to all plants" I mean the stargrass is n hungry, my rotala r stunted when it was to lean in there. I have the aromatica a la bensaf growing insanely (I'd like more red).

Here's a pic of my wallachi when I first got it. It always cracks me up wheh my LFS sells hard to keep plants to "joe aquarist" who has no clue what they are getting into. Then the plant dies and the aquarist get's turned off. The store I bought this plant is a regular petstore nothing extreme.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yours are not ugly either . Rather than a dome their tips look more like spot lights, a nice appearance as well.

And of course Mr. Shrimp has to sit on his branch . Are you sure he isn't a plastic animal from your kids


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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nitrates seems to be the main one. It doesn't like too high. Up to 15ppm is ok. That's a fairly decent range that shouldn't harm the others. It doesn't like high K or Mg either but there's no reason for them to be high enough to cause a problem anyway. P , it could care less. Micros should be decently high also. So it's really well within EI range.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 15:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So it's sort of like a (you know that white plant begins with an "M" where it's a good indicator of fert levels, even looks like the Wallachi.

No he's real, I'm not fooling you guys. I don't have the heart to clean that piece of wood. It's a heaven to the yamatos. All the good stuff falls into the are with the moss. When a fish comes to close, he even appears to swat at them.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 16:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Fish in your second picture. Brillant Rasbora? Sweet fish. I now have 10 in my 40G. They almost never leave eachothers side. Love'm.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 18:20Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Brillant Rasbora?

I see a Pencil and a Hengeli in that picture


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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 18:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
The fish that is almost dead center in the picture?
like this?

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Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2006 23:01Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nope, Ingo is right, it's a Beckford Pencilfish. Although I do see the resemblance to the Rasbora.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2006 03:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Dang... I hate losing...

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Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2006 04:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Not much new with the the tank. Here's a current shot that I happened to like. I think it shows how nicely everything is blending together. You'll also see some add'l riccia areas at the base of the main rock. It's kinda shaded down there so we'll see.

I'm still envious of Bensaf's Wallichii

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Mar-2006 20:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Awesome tank!!! I have a 72g bowfront as well. It was my first tank and my attempts at landscaping it were lame, to say the least. I am going to do somewhat of an overhaul in decor, and now I am well-equipped with some great ideas thanks to you.

Excellent setup
Post InfoPosted 26-Mar-2006 20:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What did you do for lighting for that picture. Things seem much brighter then before. Looks very nice!!

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Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 06:41Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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from this angle the tank looks really full, in particular the main group. Is it reaching the top already? Looks very nice, seems like all you have to do now is to sit back and enjoy .


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Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 12:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the comments. Good luck with your 72!

No additional light, yet. I pic was taking move over the top so it made it lighter in the front. I am lending toward adding another reflector to the front to see the effect it would have on the Blyxa.

Looks very nice, seems like all you have to do now is to sit back and enjoy

Well, almost. It's about every 2 weeks the main group reaches the top. The Aromatica is definitely the easiest stem plant I ever had, because so much fullness comes from one thick stem. When I orderd the stellataromatica I only ordered one plant which was one stem, so everything is a cutting from that. So far it grows well whether you just cut the top or replant the top. If you leave the bottom you could multiple heads from the upper sides. Stargrass is still alittle work and the wisteria is the easiest way to take up space. It bascially can be shaped almost anyway I want it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 15:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The Aromatica is definitely the easiest stem plant I ever had

Maybe I should give it a try sometime. I can imagine that you have to trim your plants rather often, with all this healthy growth. At least you have a situation where you don't have to wonder if trimmings will grow back in again as you have mastered this art for your collection.

How are the fish and what are the plans in that department?


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Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 16:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Maybe I should give it a try sometime.

It's one plant I would definitely recommend if it works with your scape, which I'm sure it would. Stellaromatica for Apisto Fry -

I thing I'm getting the trimming down to science, but we'll see. Let's also see if the rotala w. get's fuller, not sure if it will and I don't want to go chasing it with different fert schedule's etc.

I haven't added more cardinals since I lost one, The two with the white spots seem to be fine and under closer examination it looks like it might be just a lose of color (I think nowher mentioned that).

I'm still thinking less species bigger school I think I'll still seek out an apisto pair in the near future.

BTW - I did lost an oto the other day. I saw it swimming eratically and I did notice bloody streaks near the gill areas, so I'm not sure this is co2 related since I have been pushing it to pretty high levels. All the other fish seemed fine.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 19:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Have you tested to see how high you have beeen pushing your CO2? I had mine up to about 50ppm before the fish started freaking out. Right now I am not 100% sure where I am at but over the weekend my plants grew like crazy! Some of them doubled in size easy. Algea is gone as far as I can see. Life is good in the fish tank world. Too bad school sucks! I will post some pictures of my tank a little later.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 01:58Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Have you tested to see how high you have beeen pushing your CO2?

I could be in that range, but who knows for sure.
I mean my ph seems to be around 6.2 and my kh is around 2.5 so that would give me about 48 ppm of co2, but it could just as easily be 6.4 ph and a kh of 2 and that would give me only 24 ppm.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 03:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I thought this was an interesting comparsion. Day 1 vs Today after a trim (Day 180 or so). The driftwood pieces have changed. Only one of the main rocks is visible. The rock to the left in the day 1 pic is still in there in the same spot. The hairgrass is gone and the Blyxa and riccia is in. Look at the small amount of wisteria I started with. Those were saved from the 46gallon brewery.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 03:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Isn't it fun to look at stuff like that? Your tank has come a very long ways. Not that it was bad to begain with but look at how much wisteria you have now! Wisteria is just sweet stuff. What other plant can you buy just a little of and with in a few months turn it into many.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 03:51Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, quite amazing .

Having had the same basic layout the whole time allows you to go all the way back and make comparisons (something I cannot do), and what a change it is. Only over such a long time frame does one really see how much plant growth has happened all over this tank. Just beautiful

But - Did you remove some of the rocks surrounding the main group or have they been consumed by the plants (I don't remember)?


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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 12:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But - Did you remove some of the rocks surrounding the main group or have they been consumed by the plants (I don't remember)?

Out of the 3 main rocks. The one to the left of the big one is still in there in the same position as Day 1 it just got swallowed up. The other rock on the right has been changed a few times and there is a smaller rock in there. One of the reasons I removed that rock is I couldn't get plant growth to wrap around the front of the dw as it is now.

Another thing too about rocks. Sometimes even if the rock get's swallowed up as the plant grows around it and over it interesting contours are sometimes developed that give the ground an interesting look. You can't see it from the pic, but on the left the wisteria is overhanging rock from my beachfront(also partially swallowed up) creating a sort of cave affect (similar to Bensaf's tank).

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 14:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What it creates is depth...

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 17:42Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Lindy
What it creates is depth...

Yes sir!

Anyway I saw this gourmai at pet***** (probably the crappiest petstore chain in my area. It looked just like the pic dark read with the grey/blue tail area. They had about 50 of them in a 10, so I was going to rescue a few. Anyone know anything about them. I can't go by what the shop says. What do I look for n sexing them?

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 18:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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They look like dawrf gourami to me.. tetra, an impulse buy?? I'm surprised at you!

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 18:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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They look like dawrf gourami to me.. tetra, an impulse buy?? I'm surprised at you!

You know me well. I didn't buy them yet?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 18:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ohhh, I thought they were in your tank already. nevermind then

If they are dwarf gourami then males should be kept to a minimum to keep aggression low. I was never a big fan of their colors either, seems almost unnatural.

That's why i like the sparkling gourami - the ones I have left, two of the three I think are males, but they never even so much as nip, they sometimes have a "croak off", then one goes away. If you're going for the small gourami look i would consider sparkling, or even female bettas.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 18:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I also think they are dwarfs, the one in the back is called "Powder Blue" and is a strain of the regular one where the blue stripes are enhanced. The one in the front seems to be a strain where the red is enhanced (although I have never seen that color like this before).


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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 19:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So should I go for it! I was going to take three. What about sexing them? Another related question. These fish are at Petland Discounts, otherwise known as the Fish Cemetary. So what I'm trying to say is there are dead fish in all their tanks. So should I buy these fish. I know I probably shouldn't. Every store has dead fish that are removed, but petland I think saves on food by leaving the dead fish in.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 19:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So should I go for it! I was going to take three. What about sexing them? Another related question. These fish are at Petland Discounts, otherwise known as the Fish Cemetary. So what I'm trying to say is there are dead fish in all their tanks. So should I buy these fish. I know I probably shouldn't. Every store has dead fish that are removed, but petland I think saves on food by leaving the dead fish in.

Well, it's your call of course, but I would rather not express my feelings on that store lest I be sued

If you're really into the dwarf gourami I think you can find a better store for them. Check out the FP profile for some info:

"Gender: Males are brightly coloured, while females are grey."

So I guess that means they're all male if they're all bringhtly colored? I remember reading somewhere that females were hard to find...

"Comments: Best kept in pairs. Colour variation are Sunset, Neon, and Coral Blue. The Powder Blue variety is often found to be less hardy than the other varieties."

So I guess my final verdict would be, stuffed in a tank like that, with fish that are especially e to bringing internal parasites with them, I wouldn't be so gung ho about introducing a couple of fish that have been feeding off of eachother to my paradise

On the other hand, you did get your bolivian there, right?

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 21:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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On the other hand, you did get your bolivian there, right?

Actually I got the bolivian at petco. I could direct you to a bevy of "I Hate Petco Websites" but I don't think you want to go there. I'm just expressing my personal observation about Petland Discounts. I believe I'm allowed to do that! Thanks for your input on the gourami. I think I might skip them

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 21:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm just expressing my personal observation about Petland Discounts. I believe I'm allowed to do that!

Yeah, you would think that wouldn't you? But remember there was that store a few years ago that sued all those people for libel when they posted bad things about it on an internet board... so you never know these days. I have stopped shopping at Petland discounts for the most part for the reasons you mentioned above.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 21:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Yeah, I think I recall that. Good luck to them, but I'll express my personal opinions anywhere and anytime I want.

I actually went in there for some small petrified wood pieces and saw the fish. I usually don't buy livestock there.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 21:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nah, don't get them.

That is my opinion.

I once liked Dwarf Gouramies, but now I find them boring.
And in 99% of the stores they are all males anyway, as females are rather dull (see NowherMan6's entry).

tetratech - Pearls


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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 22:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech - Pearls

tetratech - Sparkling, Sparkling, Sparkling

Ya know, not for nothin', but I hear Pearl Gourami are well-known for their dislike of Wisteria...

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 22:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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...are well-known for their dislike of Wisteria

So not true, they loved the Wisteria in my QT (not to eat, to swim around).

Pearls, Pearls, Pearls - much more imposing and not such tiny critters that may be mis-identified as Glass Shrimp

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 22:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ya know, not for nothin', but I hear Pearl Gourami are well-known for their dislike of Wisteria

I represent the Wisteria Growers of America. We are not happy with the negative comments you made about Wisteria concerning the dislike of said plant by Pearl Gouramis. I hereby order you to stop all negative commments until this is addressed in the proper venue.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 22:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by nowherman6
Negative comments were not intended towards Wisteria, but rather towards Pearl Gourami. As a representative of the Sparkling Gourami lobby, I urge a full investigation into the habits and attitudes of said Pearl Gourami towards Wisteria. I further urge that the testimony of LF be barred from inclusion in any investigation, as his care for his fish is so exemplary that Pearl Gourami in his custody could not give, in the opinion of this lobby, an unbiased view of Wisteria.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2006 23:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You guys crack me up!

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Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2006 00:25Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
We, the members of the PGA (Pearl Gourami Association), have contacted our legal team to evaluate which steps can be taken against the above mentioned "Sparkling Gourami lobby" as their denial of the undoubted benefits of Pearl Gouramis and their grass misinterpretation of Pearl Gourami love for Wisteria is causing our members tremendous grief.

The "Sparkling Gourami lobby" has never provided any proof of their claims and continues to upset the GOU (Gourami Owners Union) which clearly states that "Pearls are by far the most beautiful Gouramis available and don't harm any Wisteria (most of the time)".


Resources: GOU handbook, 2004, Page 3

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Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2006 00:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The top one is a Thick-lipped gourami , Sunset variety, same as you had before. The coloring is not natural rather a selective breeding thing, so there's lot's of variety in the shading and coloring.

The bottom is, as mentioned, a powder blue Dwarf Gourami. I'm very fond of Dwarf Gouramies, I've had some for years.

I'm a big fan of gouramies as you know so I'll stay neutral. I'll be the Switzerland in this minor Gourami war. Pearls , sparling whatever rocks your boat.We'll just have to wait for nowher and LF to stop trying to hit one another with their handbags

I think the powder blues would have looked good in your tank personally. I find if you introduce a few males at the same time in a big enough tank they get on pretty well.

Another option that works well in planted tanks is female bettas. You can choose a color that goes nicely with the plants you are keeping. Very much like Gourami, except they prowl around the tank like a stalking cat.

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Post InfoPosted 29-Mar-2006 03:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Weekly update:

I did a major trim job after last week's waterchange. I've also been adding 5ml of Flourish FE daily on top of my 10ml Flourish semi-weekly and I have not really seen anything reddier. I might try putting my UV on a timer for evening only and see if it makes a difference. I did ask Seachem themselves and they said if Flourish FE dosed daily the UV shouldn't make a difference. Still have a "controlled" BBA problem that really only grows on hardscape and some slow growing leaves of the Blyxa. You'll notice the foreground has changed with the Blyxa being pushed into the corners because of the increasing riccia. I really like the way it looks on the rocks and understand now why it's so popular. I also find maintenance of it extremely easy with the removal of each stone for a haircut.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 01:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Closeup shot of the rapidly expanding riccia foreground:

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Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 02:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Again, the tank looks very nice (that's pretty much what I say every week for a few weeks in a row now).

I like your Riccia farm more and more as it is coming together now and not only one or the other rock in the front that has green hair. In particular, I like the group in the yellow oval as it creates the impression that it is creeping along rather than being isolated islands.


Attached Image:

Riccia Foreground

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Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 10:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks LF,
Yeah that part you circled actually is alittle thin still, once it get's thicker it will sort of form a wall on the inside edge of the rock beachfront with openings here and there of uncovered rock jutting out. It's actually fun to move the rocks around and see the effect.

One headache I have with the tank is the center piece of DW. Because of it's thickness it's a challenge to get bushy growth under and to the front because of shading. Right now the rotala r is in it's shadow.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 13:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Right now the rotala r is in it's shadow

I assume it will not do too well there as it likes its light.

How about a group of Anubias in that shaded area? It could help breaking up the fine leaf structre of the other plants and function as an island in the sea of Wisteria.


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Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 19:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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How about a group of Anubias in that shaded area?

Not a bad idea, but I think I've pretty much convienced myself that anubias does not look good in my setup. Although a much darker green than the wisteria, the flat large leaf shape of both might have something to do with it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 21:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tank is looking nice! I think you could have a lot fun with the forground. You could have a nice lumpy/rockey medow.

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Post InfoPosted 03-Apr-2006 23:27Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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First of all, congratulations to the "Ultimate Fish Guru" status.

But now back to the Anubias question. Try to envision other types of Anubias as it seems to me you are focussing on the Nana shape. How about barteri var. angustifolia (''afzelii'')? Worthwhile to check out some images, at least.


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Post InfoPosted 04-Apr-2006 11:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I continue to work the foreground by adding more petrified wood and riccia. Really like the contrast between the petrified wood, the riccia and the substrate. The tank is in need of a little shaping in this pic, but what I find interesting is that the wisteria behind the middle piece of DW isn't planted there. It is growing horizontial from a piece of wisteria to the right of the right DW.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 02:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If you look at this closeup shot of the wisteria there is a big black space beneath it showing that the plant isn't rooted there.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 02:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well I think you've found your foreground ! Keep filling in the Riccia a bit more and you have a real stunner

Like the new location for the Blyxa too

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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 03:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Man! I guess your seeing what I'm seeing. I just have to make sure the riccia is separated from the other plants by the rocks otherwise it doesn't stand out enough.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 03:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I guess your seeing what I'm seeing

I'd just like to go on the record with this: I believe I was the first to point out how good the full riccia foreground would work in this tank. So that's LFs driftwood, now tetras foreground. You're both very welcome

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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 03:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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full riccia foreground

I think you said "riccia carpet" after I had already covered a few rocks in the stuff, but the history is all there in the posts, but I'll give you some credit.

On a different subject, I skipped two doses of macros last and kept up the micro plus FE dosing and I didn't see any add'l red in the wallachi, rotundala or aromatica. Maybe not enough time to test this. On the plus side I had no algae related problems either. This tank seems incredibly stable right now with the BBA receding as well. Anyone want to venture a guess?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 04:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
Anyone want to venture a guess?

On which ? The lack of algae or the lack of red.

Hell I'll tackle both

Algae: cleaning wood and removing mulm. Less organic carbon for the BBA.

Red: Light. The red coloration is a defense mechanism against strong light, the choraphyll turns from green to a red pigment. Let some hit the surface and see. Reduced macros,hmmm, see where you're going but remember intensifying red means low nitrates and high phosphates. That would mean somewhere about 5ppm No3 and 1.5-2ppm of P. Tight.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 08:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I give all credit to tetratech, because no matter who suggested it first and who thought about it first he was the one who maintained his vision (something I don't posess) and made it real .

The tank looks great and even I believe I can see where you are going with it. Soon it will be time to enter one of the contests, if you haven't done so already.


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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
So about this red plant stuff.

I have Sunset Hygro in my tank. Most of it is green but the tops tend to get pink. I guess that it has to deal with the lighing thing then. I have no idea what my Nitrates are at. I haven't tested it since I got my kit about a month or so ago. So lighting would be my main key to get this stuff to color up then?

Oh fudge! to tetra! Oh you should hook up with LF and nowher at that fish store. It would be cool! I would love to do something like that but right now its not quite ideal.

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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 13:40Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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As I've said before, your tank continues to look nicer and nicer tetratech. I agree that a riccia carpet would be stunning.

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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 17:31Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Hey, FP friends thanks for all the compliments. I guess it's unanimious that everyone like the expanding riccia foreground. As I said before the addtion of bigger rocks across the beachfront was a big part of getting this look.

LF, thanks for the Ulimate Fish Guru comments as well as thinking my tank might be good enough for a contest, but some of those contests I see at APC, etc, blow me away. Althought professional photography and snaping that moment in time have a lot to do with it.

Once the hardscape is set, the biggest thing is the health of the plants. As long as the plants are full and growing quickly it's easier to experiment and get the look you want.

EDIT: LF I think your really going to like the diffusors, I get insane pearling now every nite around 5pm to lights out. I don't think I every got that with any other diffusion method.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2006 01:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I agree, some of the tanks in these contests are awesome, but quite a few don't look as good as yours. From what I know, most first time participants don't win, but instead gain the knowledge of what the jury is looking for. Having a comment about your tank from one of these top notch people is quite an honor in itself (hey maybe Amano may say something about it).

I will try the diffuser on the weekend.


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Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2006 10:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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LF I think your really going to like the diffusors, I get insane pearling now every nite around 5pm to lights out. I don't think I every got that with any other diffusion method.

Yup, once your plant mass increases enough that the plants start dumping O2 into the water pearling should really go up.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2006 15:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tank continues to stay extremely stable. No problems to speak of, more pink and red yes, but that's about it.

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Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 01:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Riccia continues to take the beachfront.

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Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 01:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Yeah, Bensaf I have Wallachi too, New York style () This is new growth after replanting.

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Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 01:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And finally a full tank shot:

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Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 01:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tank is looking great! The beach front is starting to look more like a golf course but thats cool with me.

On the left side.... is that a moss covered rock or something of the sort?

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Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 02:28Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Wings. On the extreme left is Blyxa alittle to the right of that is another riccia cover rock with a little wisteria overhanging it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 03:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I know it is getting boring, but the tank looks really nice, what can I say. All things are coming together nicely, a good flow of plants is given.

About the redding of your plants. I know that you add the extra dosage of iron to encourage more red, but it doesn't seem to make a huge difference. I think Bensaf mentioned it before, but don't these plants need (besides the iron) more light to turn red? Have you thought about expanding your high-light period? I guess the potential outbreak of algae that may go hand in hand with a longer lighting period could be a show stopper.


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Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 14:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks LF. I'm currently doing the highlight period for about 6 hrs, not sure if another one or two will make the difference. I think it's more intensity than duration. I havent' totally dropped the no3 levels while keeping everything else high to see if it makes a difference. I did skip a dose of no3 midweek to see if it made a difference, but I didn't notice anything.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 22:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think it's more intensity than duration.

I think you are right on with that one. The Sunset Hygro in my tank doesn't start turning pink until its almost at the top of the tank. Maybe I will have to try something crazy like adding a second light to the tank just to see what happens. Being I have one around.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 02:40Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech - Just be careful. There is no glory in competing with me on who has more algae .

Wings - You are loaded with light (3wpg) as it is, why add more?


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Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 10:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, I must admit I am getting a little bored as my tank goes from interactive aquascape to a "picture on the wall" that needs a little dusting now and then. Not that my tank is perfect but as LF has pointed out there isn't that much to do. I'm certainly not going to rescape the whole tank, etc. After opening my big mouth about the african cichlid setup I've decided to shelve that idea for now, partly because I made a big mistake and picked up a reef tank book. Now I'm tossing around the idea of using my old 46 gallon for a small reef with lots of live rock. I just don't know if the african cichlid tank will keep my interest.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 12:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Oh no, tetratech is going to dissapear to the Dark Side

We will never see him again in this forum . I know Matty wouldn't mind having a buddy over there, he once in a while complains that it gets pretty boring in the forum.

Well, if you have to then you have to . But promise me one thing - don't bug me with these strange names of invertebrates and fish and equipment that they use on the Dark Side, it always makes my head spin .


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Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 14:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I know I already have a good amount of light but I was thinking of just messing around with having a second light run as a kicker for an hour or two. I want to see if this brings out the color in the sunset. Right now its not too impressive. I am not for sure going to try this but its just an idea. I am not quite sure I could get both lights on there anyway...

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Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 14:25Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, I must admit I am getting a little bored as my tank goes from interactive aquascape to a "picture on the wall" that needs a little dusting now and then. Not that my tank is perfect but as LF has pointed out there isn't that much to do.

Aren't we a contrary bunch ? Things aren't going well and we wail and scream and get tempted to scrap to whole thing and go back to a plastic castle and hot pink gravel ? When it goes well it becomes almost too easy - 2 mins of dosing and a weekly trim. We begin to long for the algae battlefield again.

But I know what you mean. I get that way too. One thing I do in all my tanks - I always have one little area that's got good light , in the mid-ground that can be accessed easily without disturbing anything else. And I'll use this to keep one species that I can remove and change at a whim. It's also got be a place that changing a species won't throw the entire tank off balance scape wise.

I change the species here quite frequently to try to keep things fresh and interesting. In the current tank that spot is where the Wallichii is now. A few weeks time , maybe even saturday if I go to the plant market and see anything nice. I can easily whip out whatever plant is there and put in something else without any disturbance. This allows me to try all sorts of different species, it's still a bit of acvhallage has you can't just throw any old thing in, it should still fit and work with the rest of the scape, but it is a chance to try different textures, shapes and colors. Keep it to stem plants though, nothing that roots to deep to avoid a mess.

Ideally I'd love to try completely different scapes especially the more minimilist types, different fish mixtures with the plants, paludriums etc. But it's too much trouble to tear down a tank every few months and I don't have the time or space for multiple tanks.

Salt is something I will try in the future. Heck I could collect my own coral and fish here in the tropics. It's a fraction of the cost to do here, probably only 20% of the cost in the US. Wife is always asking me to do it, she loves them. But I've always been drawn to the planted side. Long before I started in this hobby, and i didn't know the difference between a guppy and a rotala, the image that wlaways popped into my minds eye when I heard "aquarium" was of a nice planted tank with lots of wood and rock, it was never a coral with "Nemo" lying on it

Guess I must have planted tank genetics

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2006 04:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ideally I'd love to try completely different scapes especially the more minimilist types, different fish mixtures with the plants, paludriums etc. But it's too much trouble to tear down a tank every few months and I don't have the time or space for multiple tanks.

I think we're in the same boat. I feel like if the 3rd tank was another planted tank I would still want that reef one and I couldn't have 4 tanks. I do have a 5g that I was going to fully scape, but I think I'm going to take that one down.

I really like the complex interaction that exists with a reef tank. So much going on between the fish, coral, shrimp and other invertebes, you just don't get that deep in a planted tank, but you do of course get that lushness and beauty and when the scape really comes together, WOW.

I guess I could keep one area open for change in my 72, but I think it's harder because the layout really swepts up to that one main area with the aromatica and the rest really supports it. The wallachi I have really is there on a sort of trial basis in terms of location, but right now I'm just trying to get the thing to grow better.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2006 04:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The wallachi I have really is there on a sort of trial basis in terms of location, but right now I'm just trying to get the thing to grow better.

Well if you get fed up with it you could try something else. You may be surprised at the results.

Don't know if you saw the winning tank at this years AGA contest? Quite similar in layout to your own. A big central mound of stems and wood surrounding by low greenery. Where it really became a remarkable tank was by the use of one particular plant. There was a green lotus plant almost reaching the surface standing to the right (about where you Wallichii is now)and solitary. It's a choice that on paper shouldn't worked, but it did, beautifully What would have been a an excellent tank anyway was turned into a showstopper by the daring choice of a plant and it's location. It added a whole new dynamic to the aquascape.

Who knows you may hit on something

While yes the marine tanks are more complex in terms of their eco-system and have colors just not capable in a freshwater set-up, I don't think they have the dynamics of the planted variety. Lets face it the marine tank appearance is not going to alter much, rock id fixed so the overall shape remains the same. Planted tanks on the hand change shape and appearance on almost daily basis. The lines and curves and shapes that can be created with wood and rock and different textures and shapes of plants are much more appealing to me then a cliff wall of rock.

No marine tank will ever be able to convey the same feelings and emotions as an Amano scape is capable of producing. And that's the real challenge IMO. You mention you're tank beginning to feel like a painting rather then a living entity. Well that was always something I told you I felt about your tank, a bit cold and impersonal (it's much warmer now )

Really there's not much difference between the wall of rock and the wall of plants . The difference is when you create something that's more then a wall of plants. To me the best tanks always have secrets or mysteries. The tanks that when you look at them you get the sense that you are not seeing everything there is to see, that there are hidden areas you have to seek out and discover. Amano is a master at this as is Luis Navarro and Oliver Knott. They look great but yet you have a sneaky feeling there's something even better hidden somewhere, behind that wood or piece of rock.

I think that's what make the masters tanks better then the painting look. It's the little indefinable touches.

Think I overdosed on the philosophy pills today

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2006 08:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Think I overdosed on the philosophy pills today

That was my thought even before I read this line in your last 2 entries. But, I am with you, except I cannot express myself in such poetic terms .

It shows how much this hobby is a match to your personality. And how much you understand about it. I bow in respect,


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Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2006 10:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
Wow Bensaf! Have you ever thought about writing a book? This hobby of ours is much more than just keeping fish in a glass tank. It is more like a secret ever changing art form. I don't think a lot of people get that. People may look at our tanks and go "wow thats cool!" but I don't think they understand the vision and comitment that goes into it.

Look at pictures of my tank from this last August til the present. We have all come a long ways...

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Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2006 22:13Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Don't know if you saw the winning tank at this years AGA contest?

Yes I did see it and yes the basic idea was the same, in fact I thing he even used stargrass as the support plant on both sides of the main red one.(Swear I did not see that tank when setting up mine). And yes, it was unusual the way that lotus rose right next to the main grouping almost in defianous of most aquascaping principals.

The think the tank was so crisp, so "perfect" that it was able to get away with that. It was almost like a zen garden where there was very little there, but what was there was powerful.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 04:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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This thank?

Looks much more like LF's tank but he was stealing stuff from you....

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Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 06:22Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wow Bensaf! Have you ever thought about writing a book?

Hell, I'm Irish we can blarney on about any subject.

You want eloquence you should here me talk about a subjevt I'm really passionate about - like Guinness

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 13:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hmm... I think I just put sticks on the fire....

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Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 13:58Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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You want eloquence you should here me talk about a subjevt I'm really passionate about - like Guinness

Please tell us a story Uncle Ben /:'

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 14:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh no,

tetratech's thread is about to blow up with one single entry of Bensaf's Guiness narration .


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Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 14:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Please tell us a story Uncle Ben

Yes, a story! Tell us again about the time when, years ago, you were out drinking with Amano and after getting loaded on Guiness you went back to his house and he showed you his fish tank, and all it had in it was a crappy pink castle in the middle and you said, "no, no... I'll show you how it's done" and you immediately made it into that giant beautiful tank he keeps in his living room. That's my favorite one /:'

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 15:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by FRANK
I don't know if you realized it or not when you started out
but keeping a planted tank, especially one looking like
the prize winners is real WORK.
When you guys started in on this it was all a learning
experience that allowed you to channel your inquisitive
nature and create something beautiful. Then along came
the algae, and later the battle with it and conquering
it, then came the CO2, and then the Fertilization problems,
and now you sit and stare at the tank appreciating
what you have, and now you still have all the energy,
and now you are looking for another challenge.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, could now
be branching off into the husbandry of the more
difficult plants. Perhaps creating "grow out" tanks.
Tanks of crypts, swords, or the Madagascar Lace for sale?
Read Diana Walstad's book and create one of them instead
of using bits and pieces of what she discusses. Building
the addition necessary for the new tanks, is also a way
to channel your creative juices.

You have found out what I discovered long ago. Once you
create a living picture, and you capture it on film, what
do you do next with all that energy? Amano built an entire
building and has a staff to continue with what he initially
creates and charges an admission fee, photographs and
writes books, gives talks, and goes onto creating more
It's work, it's fun, and seems to create its own energy
that you want to continue.

Welcome guys!


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 01:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Overall those are very inspirating words

Read Diana Walstad's book and create one of them instead of using bits and pieces of what she discusses.

Building the addition necessary for the new tanks, is also a way to channel your creative juices

Sounds like fun, but unfortunately my wife would have my head.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 03:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No stories today boys. Going thru a hell of a time at the moment.

Even made the Indonesian evening news

No I haven't been arrested again

Was looking forward to a long easter weekend holiday. Left work on Thursday evening didn't have to be back until Monday. Got a call Thursday night that the second shift people at the factory were dropping like flies. Food poisoning from the cafeteria

All other management were on overseas leave, muggins here was the only manager around. Pandemonium ! More then 50 employess had to be rushed to hospital. Organisation is not something this country is world famous for
Had to close the place down and cancel the weekend shifts 'til we got a handle on things, find the contract caterer so I could kick his &nbsp; up and down Jakarta, fight off the press.Can you imagine the mess 75 people suffering from food poisoning at the same time makes ??? Luckily nobody killed, but still got a couple of guys in hospital.

Thank God, it wasn't the day shift. The big foreigner is famous for eating 2 or 3 of those catering lunch boxes everyday. I think I'll have lunch at home from now on !

All calmed down now so I'll be out working on some well earned alcoholic poisoning tonight

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 06:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wow Ben!
Talk about the day from H...!
I'm glad to hear that everyone is going to be ok.
I gather that you will have new food vendors from now

I'm glad that you took them in the spirit I intended.
Between you, LF and Ben we all have learned a lot, and
have been treated to some pictures of beautiful and
inspiring tanks, all from our own "FPers." We all reach
a point where we are just not "into it" and let water
changes slip, pruning fall behind, and just do nothing.
If we are lucky, algae does not gain the upperhand and
we can recover. Others, such as myself, are always looking
for new things to try, and new things to learn.
And, Yes, you are right about the wife. Mine is the same
way. Every time I get out the tape measure she knows I'm
looking for a place to put another, bigger, tank. Each
time I stop and measure, she is right behind me "No!"


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 08:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wow Bensaf,

I hope the Easter Bunny is bringing you loads of Guiness-filled easter eggs
What a hassle!

Frank - I am months away from achieving the relative boredom of a finished tank, if I ever will. So, no time here to try a Walstad tank. Not to mention that I am in the same boat with you guys. The divorce papers are already in the wife's desk and will be pulled out immediately when she seems me unloading another tank (larger than 10G) from the car .


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Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 12:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Been awhile so here's just a random pic of the tank. I have to say I think the UV is the key to keeping cardinals (in New York anyway). I still have 18 cardinals going strong after 4 or 5 months. I've only lost 2 of 20 since installing the UV.

Attached Image:

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Apr-2006 18:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hard to capture this, but here's a shot of the co2 bubbles rocketing off my spraybar from the glass diffusor. I've been alittle negligent cleaning my canister filter and it was definitely slowing down the flow. This pic is after cleaning. The bubbles reach down now to the riccia and float back up about two-thirds across the tank.

Attached Image:

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Apr-2006 18:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Great to see the cardinals are still staying strong Knew that UV would be good for something besides the green water - do you run it full time still, or does it go off with the lights? I can't imagine you'd get any more GW with the plant mass you have.

How long did you go between filter cleanings BTW?

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Post InfoPosted 18-Apr-2006 18:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Yeah, been running 24/7. I was going to do it with the lights, but right now I have to add powerstrips to accomodate another timer so I've been lazy. I would be curious to see if shuting it off during the day would make any of my plants reddier. I'm still experimenting with macros for that. I've been dosing Flourish FE everyday and it isn't doing much, so I'm currently increasing po4 and easing up on no3 - we'll see.

I usually change the white filter pad and rinse the blue ones every month, but I went about 3 months without even opening up the canister. The withe pad was pretty much mush and the blue was pretty nasty as well.

EDIT: BTW on the darkside I think UV usage is primarily to kill pathogens to protect the expensive and sensitive fish and not necessarily to prevent green water.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Apr-2006 18:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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BTW on the darkside I think UV usage is primarily to kill pathogens to protect the expensive and sensitive fish and not necessarily to prevent green water

Makes sense... but who knows with those darksiders. Fixated on pink blobs and dirty rocks. Weird bunch they are...

Whoops, sorry tetra. Almost got carried away there, forgot what I read above, seemed too unbelievable...

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 18-Apr-2006 21:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
Makes sense... but who knows with those darksiders. Fixated on pink blobs and dirty rocks. Weird bunch they are...

Why I oughtta *shakes fish at Nowherman*

BTW on the darkside I think UV usage is primarily to kill pathogens to protect the expensive and sensitive fish and not necessarily to prevent green water.

True 'nuff. If you have green salt water things are so far out of wack that a UV sterilizer isn't going to help much.

Now I'm tossing around the idea of using my old 46 gallon for a small reef with lots of live rock.

Yay. Do it do it. You won't regret it I promise. I've been enjoying every minute of it. There's ton's of ways to tinker - lights, plumbing, sumps, refugiums, Deep sand beds, protein skimmers, feeding corals, uber colorful fish(lots of options in your tank btw), inverts....the list goes on.

What book did you get tetratech? I bet you could make quite a nice aquascape with those "dirty rocks" since I've seen your work on a planted tank. If you have any questions feel free to ask....we're not exactly bogged down over there. Or shoot me a PM if you like.

We will never see him again in this forum . I know Matty wouldn't mind having a buddy over there, he once in a while complains that it gets pretty boring in the forum.

Hehe....I stop over now and again to say hi, and bug you about replacing bulbs and things of that nature.

*shakes another fish at nowherman*

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 02:32Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Play nice with the fish! They don't like all the shaking!

Someday when I am not moving every year I might try SW. My girl really likes it. Not quite my thing so I guess I will have to let her do it or it can be our project.... something like that.... but if we are doing SW then we can't have a fish only tank. Going to have to have some of those infections that bensaf knows how to get rid of.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 02:56Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yay. Do it do it.

Well tanks alot Matty! I'll probably take you up on all the help your offering. I am getting more serious about doing it. I just need to relocate my 12g somewhere else and up goes the 46g. I was going to use my extra eheim canister and buy a hang-on protein skimmer. I want to really try to create something with the live rock. I have a AGA 110Watt 9325k cf fixture, not sure if that would work for the reef, so I might have to change that.

Oh the book I'm reading is "The New Marine Aquarium"

LF, don't worry my "roots" are still in planted tanks.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 03:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You should, it's fun. ESPECIALLY if your girl wants to help. Technology and reef system design has made it reasonably easy(though a bit more expensive) to have a successful reef.

Oh and leave bensaf out of don't want to get rid of those "infections" at least when they are in the SW tank and are otherwise known as corals.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 03:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
I was going to use my extra eheim canister and buy a hang-on protein skimmer.

Canisters are great for fish only tanks. You will most likely want to give it the can for a reef tank though. Nitrate factory. AquaC remoras and Coralife superskimmers are about the only HOB skimmers I'd even think about.

D'oh...I forgot the most important thing. The live rock will be your filtration in a reef tank. Along with converting ammonia to also has the invaluable property of converting nitrate to nitrogen gas. That's right, a well set up reef tank should have no nitrates, phosphates, or an excess of dissolved organic carbon. Unlike a planted tank, any one of these WILL bring about some nasty algae.

I have a AGA 110Watt 9325k cf fixture, not sure if that would work for the reef, so I might have to change that.

That's really not enough to keep anything but shrooms and zoanthiids, if that. If I were you I'd upgrade to T5 HO or MH lighting. If you go with PCs you will need to get a new fixture anyways, probably 2X 96W like I have now. With that you could probably do just about all soft corals, and some LPS near the top. I can get away with lps all over the tank because my tank is quite a bit shorter. I'm thinking of upgrading to T5s. reefgeek has some nice looking fixtures, or you can do a DIY kit into a hood. Just make sure you get individual reflectors for T5 bulbs, that's what makes them so nice!

Oh the book I'm reading is "The New Marine Aquarium"

Good intro book. That was the first one I read. Not too much info about reefs in there though. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, though a mouthfull is a good book. Corals I think by Eric Bourneman is a good one, though very heavy reading. A little text bookish, though jam packed with info. Anthony Calfo's book of coral propagation is good too. For a fish reference, Marine Fishes by Scott W. Micheal is about the best out there. The same publisher put out a book called Invertabrates, which covers the most common snails, shrimp, crabs, and whatnot. I'd use the internet for figuring out coral requirement though, since this is an ever evolving thing.

whew.....I'm tired.

EDIT... links

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 03:38Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Bloody hell, you pop out for a day and come back to find that the planted forum has turned into Marine Central Evrybodywants to jump to the dark side. Where'd I put my light sabre ??

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 03:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Not me, I will stay in the bright light for a looooong time

Hard core planters

tetratech - the image of the CO2 bubbles bouncing off the spray bar: are the bubbles being pushed down by the spray bar (in other words, is the spray direction diagonally downwards)? I seem to have issues with way too many bubbles just passing by the spray bar and reaching the surface right away. Could you explain to me how you have it all set up?



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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 11:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hard core planters

Same here I guess, even though I was one toe stub away from trashing my whole tank, using every plant for seasoning in my cooking and selling the fish to market Cooler heads prevailed though.

Was curious about the spraybar myself, been playing around with my own setups...

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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 13:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am having the same issue right now. I just added in a spray bar on the left side of the tank facing the right side(river system, kind of). I find that a lot of the bubbles don't hit the bar but go right on up. In my tank though I have a good hand full of exploding DuckWeed that traps in the bubbles.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 13:59Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
the image of the CO2 bubbles bouncing off the spray bar: are the bubbles being pushed down by the spray bar (in other words, is the spray direction diagonally

Yes, exactly Although my return tube is hanging over the left back corner, the spraybar is actually attached to the left glass in the middle via a suction cup. It keeps it very close to the left glass, so not much co2 is rising between the spray and the glass.

After cleaning my tubes and filter the other day the reach of the bubbles was even greater and I had unreal pearling starting at 4pm. I measured my ph just before lights out and it apppeared to be under 6 (light yellow on test kit)

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for all that info. Sounds like if I OverKill on live rock I can get away with just a powerhead and protein skimmer? Is that possible with a light fish load?

I guess I'll have to start another log or PM you for more detail. I don't want to upside my planted tank comrades . They have helped me so much

I must admit I'm alittle scared I might mistake the foamy protein skimmer cup for a cold dark one

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That's entirely possible with a light fish load. Sumps and fuge's are good though, at least think about it. They aren't too difficult to do, and the benefits are good.

BTW - you'll notice that the skimmate is not a frosty beverage at about 6 inches from your nose....eww, stinky.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:29Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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You aren't kidding about the smell! I hate that stuff!

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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:35Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I thought this was an interesting pic (or I'm just running out of pics to post.) It's a topographical view of my tank. It reminds me of a landscape blueprint where they use different symbols to represent trees, bushes, groundcover,etc.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 14:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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* trying to invision tetratech standing on top of the kitchen counter, one leg on each side of the tank, taking this picture *

* now I am trying to imagine how it would look like if I try to do the same over a 6' tank *

I love this shot. It took me almost one minute to understand from which angle I am looking at your tank. Once I got it I was really surprised to see how little space is available for the smaller plants in front of the main group. I always thought that this is a huge area. Shows how well you planted it


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Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 15:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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trying to invision tetratech standing on top of the kitchen counter, one leg on each side of the tank, taking this picture *

Actually took off the top and stood on a barstool (completely sober) and took the pic from above.
You definitely get a different prospective. You could also see how shaded that front area gets since the light is resting on the back piece of glass. I would definitely need a light in the front to get good growth from the blyxa. Goes to show that riccia really doesn't need that much light.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 16:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Something else this picture shows is truly how much plant mass you are running with. That picture shows that you aren't just making it look like you have the mass.... My tank might be the other way around.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 03:20Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Full Tank Shot from this morning.
I've been dosing up po4 and FE and bringing down no3 in an attempt to get more red in. I think I see slight improvement.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 18:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I never knew how aggressive the aromatica is. It really pushes everything out as it grows multiple thick stalks. Right now I let it go to the top but cut some stems toward the front to reducing shading on the foreground.
You could also see how surface of of my tank looks after running co2 for several hours.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 18:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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going back a few pages to look at the colors there is quite a bit of difference. Notice where most of the color is coming in though. Right at the top. This goes back to the plants defence use of red.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 19:49Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Notice where most of the color is coming in though. Right at the top. This goes back to the plants defence use of red.

Wings that's actually a good point, these two shots show growth over the last 12 weeks. Hard to tell if it's the change in nutrients or simply that the plant is closer to the top.

EDIT: 2 weeks not 12.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 21:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
these two shots show growth over the last 12 weeks
What - 12 weeks No way.

You didn't have that much Riccia 12 weeks ago, and various other spots in the tank also looked different way back when.

I guess you mean 2 weeks, right?

Anyway, one thing is for sure, plants are growing woderfully. Is there a point at which you will have to replant that whole center group or can you maintain it for a few months without doing so?


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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 23:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oops Yes I meant 2 weeks. Glad your paying attention to the details.

I'm still kinda feeling out the center area. The aromatica as I've mentioned is pretty easy because that whole center area is like 6 or 7 stalks with multiple heads now. The stargrass as you know is more work, but bascially if the stem has multiple heads I cut off the taller one, because whenever I think it's too tall. If there's only one head then yes I'm doing what your doing and pulling them out and cutting the base.

Lately It seems like I've been alternating weeks with trimming - One week stargrass next aromatica, but it really depends on what I see.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 23:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is kind of what I am doing too. Cut this one week cut that the next. You aren't changing too much at one time that way. Good catch on the details LF!

I will post some pictures of my tank in a bit! Better look out!

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Post InfoPosted 23-Apr-2006 01:24Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well since my last pic got lost. Here's a shot from tonite.
Didn't have the heart to cut the aromatica yet. This plant is a monster.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 03:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
This plant is a monster

I guess this is the time when you wish your tank would be much taller

Yup, tetratech, growth is as lush as usual, but it also looks like the Wisteria is maybe betting a little too full, can that be?


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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 10:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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but it also looks like the Wisteria is maybe betting a little too full, can that be?

Yeah definitely some areas that a revolting and try to grow vertically I guess I'll have to crack the wrap

Tank is definitely due for a major shaping although it has it's appeal this way as well, but I notice that the riccia is challenged this way.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 12:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Didn't have the heart to cut the aromatica yet.

Tetra if you don't look out you are going to have giant hygro syndrome. Maybe you should have got the 80 bow?
Wisteria is maybe betting a little too full

The wisteria is looking quite thick. Here is the question though... Are you going to actually thin it out or just shape it by cutting it down.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 14:55Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tetra if you don't look out you are going to have giant hygro syndrome. Maybe you should have got the 80 bow?

What is that tank a little taller than mine?

The wisteria is looking quite thick. Here is the question though... Are you going to actually thin it out or just shape it by cutting it down.

What and mess around with my main biofilter. That's like taking live rock out of a reef tank

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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 16:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is that tank a little taller than mine?

Same tank just 8 gallons taller. Kind of tall for me though. It think they are the same hight as a 90 or 110.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 22:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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What and mess around with my main biofilter. That's like taking live rock out of a reef tank

To answer your question Wings, I'll probably trim a down and remove anything that doesn't look healthy in the lower levels. I'm not planning on uprooting or anything like that.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Apr-2006 22:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is kind of what I was guess.

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 00:04Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Did a major trim job on the aromatica list nite. These are the stems I couldn't fit in.

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 16:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sell 'em baby!

And where's the full frontal tank shot?

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 16:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sell 'em baby!

How much you think there worth? I think I payed $3.49 a stem online.

It's hard to get a good shot right now because of the sun in my kitchen.

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 16:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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O.K. full tank shot comparing before and after major trim

Obviously the rotala and wallachi needs to be trimmed as well. The Wallachi is growing better since backing off no3 and adding more po4/micros, but it's still growing leggy so must be a light issue (Bensaf chime in any time)

One issue I have with my tank is the center DW. It's very wide and it doesn't allow me to "lush up" the area under and around it as much as I would like because of the shade issues.

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 17:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice cuttings. I would assume that you don't get more than $1.50 per stem in an LFS in store credit though. Not because they are not nice, but because there has to be a margin for the dealer. Maybe you get more if you have an established relationship with them.

Tank after trimming looks nice, but the picture comparison is unfair. It appears almost as if the Wisteria in the new shot is taller than in the old one. Eventually I figured out that you do not show the full height of the tanK (as there is no content up there).


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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 17:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Actually in that pic I don't think I trimmed really anything from the wisteria. The stargrass and aromatica exhausted me. Hey maybe I'll get some algae for doing too much.

$1.50 per stem in credit - I'll take it. I actually started the whole aromatica thing with one stem.

How much for creeping wisteria?

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 17:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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How much for creeping wisteria?

A fortune


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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 19:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A fortune

Tetratech and I are going to be rich then. How much do I owe you again for your wipe?

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Post InfoPosted 27-Apr-2006 20:30Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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(Bensaf chime in any time)

Could be light. It also looks quite thin, you've never mentioned trimming it and looking by the pics it also seems to grow quite slow for you. Should be a real quick grower.

On the other hand your Aromatica is growing way better then mine Your's is much fuller and redder, mine is very wimpy compared to yours. Actually my new growth is coming out very bright green and almost white, may need a bit more calcium. Even right at the surface it's still green not so much as a hint of red.

I'd rather have the healthy lush Aromatica then the Wallichii, so I wouldn't sweat it if I were you.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Apr-2006 04:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The big piece of DW on the mid-right. Did you make it more vertical?

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Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 06:32Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Could be light. It also looks quite thin, you've never mentioned trimming it and looking by the pics it also seems to grow quite slow for you. Should be a real quick grower.

Actually I've replanted the tops at least 3 times. Does look alittle better each time. Light probably major factor, but plants do adjust within a certain range to conditions, don't they?

On the other hand your Aromatica is growing way better then mine Your's is much fuller and redder, mine is very wimpy compared to yours. Actually my new growth is coming out very bright green and almost white, may need a bit more calcium. Even right at the surface it's still green not so much as a hint of red.

That is strange. I think I have more light than you, but why is your Wallachi better. . Maybe traces in your water supply favors one over the other?

Sometimes the center DW falls slightly so when I readjust it, it might be higher or lower - good catch!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-May-2006 20:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's the latest full tank shot taken around 7pm EST.
I did a big trim job and water change on last Thursday before my trip.

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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 01:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tank looks really super great. Love the trim job!

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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 02:04Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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As usual, very nice tetratech,

To me it seems almost as if you are moving towards a triangular shape now. High on the left and falling almost in a straight line down towards the right. Except for the low area all the way on the left.

And - we need more Riccia


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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 10:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No, definitely not moving toward triangle. I guess I need to get the wisteria and/or stargrass alittle fuller and sloped on the left. Not sure anymore how much the wallachi fits in. In terms of aestitics it would look cleaner without it, but we'll see. Here's a pic of the wallachi about a month ago and now. I'm trying to see if it's getting any fuller. Here to get a perfect comparsion but look at each stem.

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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 12:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice comparison shot

To me, it does not look any fuller, when looking at each stem seperately. Overall, the gap between leaves seems about the same, the leaf thickness and length seems the same as well (although the new picture makes them appear thinner, as it was taken from further away). It definately is redder though.


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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 12:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You might be right, Definitely alittle reddier. It might be wishful thinking, but I think I see more leaves between the nodes, but I might be

Here's a pic of the main center. My wife still thinks the aromatica tops are flowers

As the aromatica grows it grows horizontially and when the stem is exposed this way new headers come out. It's still quite full after all that trimming I did last week as new heads pop up. All this was from one stem originally ordered.

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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 14:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Beautiful tetratech

Let her believe they are flowers, there is nothing wrong with that. Whatever makes the lady happy and associates her with the hobby is a good thing.

Well, not to be conpetitive, but all my Star Grass is from 4 rotting stems that I "rescued" at the LFS about 10 months ago, then had it in my 29G for about 4 months with little to no success (either to dark where they were located and also the platies see it as food), then it moved to the 20G where it grew strong for a while, and then one tiny bush of maybe 3 stems moved to the big tank - and you know how it is now .

I guess if you can wait out the period of multiplication and if your tank conditions are right one would be able to do this with all kinds of plants (although one would have to wait forever to grow a farm of Anubias from only one ). The problem is the "meantime", keeping the tank sufficiently filled with "weeds" until the desired plants are strong enough in numbers.


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Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 15:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Let her believe they are flowers, there is nothing wrong with that. Whatever makes the lady happy and associates her with the hobby is a good thing.

I couldn't agree more

Well, not to be conpetitive, but all my Star Grass is from 4 rotting stems that I "rescued" at the LFS about 10 months ago, then had it in my 29G for about 4 months with little to no success (either to dark where they were located and also the platies see it as food), then it moved to the 20G where it grew strong for a while, and then one tiny bush of maybe 3 stems moved to the big tank - and you know how it is now .

I find it very satisfying when that happens. A tiny little piece becomes in both our cases the center piece of our tanks.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-May-2006 14:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a current pic from last nite. Not much new too report. Shading on the foreground is definitely an issue as I believe it slows growth and opens door for alittle bba to make it's way onto the plants in the foreground.

I'm also considering finding branchy lighter pieces and replacing the bulking driftwood I have. These big pieces also make keeping the center full of lush plants.

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Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 14:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well it appears I'm having a log discussion with myself. Maybe its run it's course and it's time to start my darkside log Anyhoo I did make a few changes.

1. Removed large DW piece and replaced with smaller branchy piece. I found the original DW was producing a fair amount of shading and I already notice the riccia is growing faster after a few days. I will probably try to find slender left and right DW pieces to keep it similiar.
I might even replace the center rock with a somewhat shorter piece to help with light somemore.

2. Placed wisteria right to the edge of the center rock on both left and right. It makes the tank looker fuller I think and hides some stems.

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 01:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by slickrb
That looks really good. Removing the big piece of driftwood seems to make the tank feel more open as well. I like how you almost seem to make the westeria a carpet!

Looks good.

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 02:22Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Welcome to my world. I swore I was just talking to myself most of the time.

I really like the new DW. It looks quite nice. Any close ups?

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 02:30Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetra, buddy, how can we comment on perfection? I suggest you enter into a Zen-like state and appreciate the beauty of your creation... then start a new tank and new log of course.

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 03:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for all the comments. Yes the smaller DW definitely opens the tank more and creates more opportunity to layer the plants.

tetra, buddy, how can we comment on perfection? I suggest you enter into a Zen-like state and appreciate the beauty of your creation... then start a new tank and new log of course.

Sounds good Nowher, but if I go into a Zen-like state in front of my tank that's in my kitchen my wife will be laughing all the way to the attorney.

Wings here's a closer shot of the center.

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 03:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the picture tetra! Its very nice. I would add in some more pieces. Would look really great!

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 03:51Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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An interesting thing happened when I tried to acclimate 5 new cardinals to my current school/shoal/herd/pack/pride (oh you get the point) of 18 cardinals.

I floated and blending in water over the course of 2 hours (too tired to do the drip method). After this time I netted two of the cardinals in the bag and put them in the tank. Within 30 seconds they were gasping at the surface. I immediately netted them back into the bag with the other three cardinals and within a few minutes they made a complete recovery.

The new cards were obviously reacting to the high co2 in the tank. It also didn't help that I was doing this right before lights out and the co2 was probably at it's highest.
All the other cardinals in the tank are fine and goes to show very clearly how fish can tolerate alot if changes come slowly over a prolonged period of time.

I ended up keeping the cardinals in the bag till 1 am (about 5 hours) while I did a 10% water change and waited for the ph to come up a bit. They were then acclimated and all are fine.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 15:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is pretty true. A drip method would have probably worked best. Glad everything worked out well.

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Post InfoPosted 10-May-2006 23:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am so sorry to have neglected your log for that last few days, but I have 2 excuses:

1) I was rather busy with the collection of random thoughts (aka equipment identification) for my new tank

2) For some odd reason, your log didn't show up in my Active Threads and I basically assumed there were no new entries. I wonder if this is a random site behavior or if there is a rule for active threads that I am not aware of.

Anyway, you will not have to talk to yourself, we are here for you

I like the new look, it sure makes the main group appear larger. I am a little worried that the new wood is too short and may become less visible when the Wisteria is growing taller.

Glad to hear that the new layout helps the Riccia as I am sure that even more of it can significantly enhance the foreground.

That's it for now,


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Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 10:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well LF so nice of you to stop in. Can I get you something? Those are very legimitate excuses

Anyway thanks for the comments. Yeah the new dw is small and I am in search of some new pieces. It's amazing how much brighter my tank is. I might decide to even replace the center rock with something alittle shorter. If I don't like the way it looks I have plenty of pics to recreate the old look.

Excuse me as I go back to humming "Rainy days and Mondays"

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 11:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Those are very legimitate excuses
Glad you see it that way

Anyway, I was giving your latest Cardinal additions some more thought. I am rather surprised that they would be gasping at the surface. Yeah, your CO2 may be pretty high at that time of the day, but shouldn't your O2 be very high as well?


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Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 13:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by slickrb

I'm not sure it works this way. Chemicals always move across a barrier from High Concentration to low concentration. When fish breathe through there gills the blood contains a higher concentration of CO2 than the water and thus the CO2 diffuses out. As you increase the amount of CO2 in the water that difference become smaller up to the point that they are equal. Once this happens the fish can not expel the CO2 from the body and suffocate. The amount of O2 in the water has no effect on the CO2 leaving the fish. That is why there is a ceiling that we can't pass when injecting CO2.

Now nature is a wonderful thing and Tetras cardinal's had seemed to adjust to the higher CO2 concentration but the new ones would have been shocked by it.

Hope that helps.

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Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 14:41Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Maybe it wasn't a CO2 or an O2 thing. Maybe it was just a drastic PH swing for them.

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Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 15:14Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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So I took out all of my big pieces of DW (they needed cleaning anyway) and put smaller pieces in there place. Granted these are too small and I'll probably look for longer branchier pieces (maybe I have to call the other Jeff), anyway this give an idea of what the tank looks like with less DW. It's much lighter and gives me more room to grow plants. Look you could actually see my rotala again. Some of the stems that got caught in the large DW shadow have already shown improvement after only a few days.

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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 03:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Where is the super sized smiley with the shades? I need about 10 of them.

Awesome tetratech. I can't believe the difference in light you got from the change of driftwood. Does it look so much brighter in nature as well?

I guess very soon we will not be able to see your mid and background plants anymore as the Riccia will start to produce a bubble wand of air

It seems your Blyxa is rather green. This plant should also soon start to turn brownish/yellowish given the better light access.


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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 10:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks LF, I'll definitely be in the market for several tall, thin branchy pieces. The riccia already looks better, but not sure if there's still enough light to turn the Blyxa colors. BTW - The experiment with the Blyxa ended in my 12g. It did not grow with 2.2wpg, Excel and EI.

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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 13:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'll definitely be in the market for several tall, thin branchy pieces
Maybe you want to give "the other Jeff" a call .
It did not grow with 2.2wpg, Excel and EI
Uh, let us hope that around 2.5wpg and way more water (40G) will be enough for me to grow it.


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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 13:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That last picture is really nice. I love the lighter look. It really shows your tank in a new light....

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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 14:14Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Wings.

I'd like to see how it looks with some longer branchier pieces.

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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 15:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'll sneak in a couple of pics on Mother's Day

I feel like I've bascially created an attractive tank for my large and getting larger school of cardinals. The tank has nice plant mass, but also has alot of open space where I think the colors of the cardinals really show up nice.

I think I've captured 21 cards in this pic.

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Post InfoPosted 14-May-2006 17:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a full tank shot. I really like this shot for the colors in the plants. Now you could see the supporting role the rotala r. has taken on the mound without the bulkier DW in there. I will probably replace or add larger branchier pieces and might change the main rock to something shorter, but overall I'm pretty happy with this look.

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Post InfoPosted 14-May-2006 17:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Really great shot of your tank. It truly shows off the colors of the tank and gives your tank full justice.

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Post InfoPosted 15-May-2006 02:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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but overall I'm pretty happy with this look

As you should

Besides having your tank being very pretty indeed, you also managed to get a show-like picture. All in focus, nice light, perfect.

In the last shot the rock in front of the main group actually looks nice. It creates a separation of back, left, and right, in my eyes a good thing.

The one scape entity that I still thinks needs work is the Riccia. It appears a little artificial and needs to grow in larger matts.

Very nice shot,


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Post InfoPosted 15-May-2006 11:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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As usual, good observations and thanks.
That was an interesting catch on the main rock, although it breaks the green and gives some definition to areas I never really noticed it as clearly as your observation.

The riccia could be alittle fuller, but I'm actually happy it's growing in the shadow of that rock. As you might have observed, the rock has a sort of overhang to it. With the top right overshadowing the lower right of the rock. If you look down to the right side (where that cardinal is) you could see the riccia is actually growing right against the rock under the overhang. Considering it's fairly light demanding when grown attached to the substrate, I'm pretty happy it's able to survive in that area.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 15-May-2006 23:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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THE TANK LOOKS AMAZING I LOVE IT...IVE GOT SOME GREAT IDEAS FOR MY 20 GALLON LONG AQUARIUM...SOON TO BE OOUT UP..oh sry about the caps didnt realize they were on till now lol ment to ask because i havent really read over everything but are you using CO2 and how many watts do u have on the tank?
Post InfoPosted 19-May-2006 19:34Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the comments. I have 192watts of light which gives me about 2.7 wpg.

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Post InfoPosted 19-May-2006 23:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's amazing how fast a tank can get out of hand. No LF I don't mean algae. You can put your tongue back in your mouth. .

I mean growth. This was my tank five days ago, Plants pretty much reached the top, but tank was looking good.

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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 02:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
And this was my tank earlier today. I am a little
This is the most I've let my tank go.
Look how dark it is under the main area.

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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 02:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And here it is this evening after a major trim and I mean major. I took out alot of mass. Maybe I'll get algae (LFs tongue comes out again)

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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 02:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I had some really nice pearling tonite.
Plants pearl everynite, but today was exceptional.

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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 02:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Cardinal a la aromatica:

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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 02:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your plants sure show some excellent growth

That was a major trim, your center group went from B52 to Skin Head

I like the close-up "Cardinal a la aromatica", besides the plants and fish it shows your increasing talent for taking nice pictures

Is that main rock showing some red algae on it, or is that its natural coloration (being petrified wood) ?


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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Ingo,

That was a major trim, your center group went from B52 to Skin Head

Sorry no red algae, natural colors of the petrified wood.

I'm surprised you didn't see the add'l riccia cover rock in the foreground.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 14:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm surprised you didn't see the add'l riccia cover rock
Oh, now that you mention it, yeah - I see it . Now you need a few more and let them grow in just a little and they will appear to be one carpet.

In any case, are you using really a hair net to fix the Riccia on the rocks?


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Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 15:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In any case, are you using really a hair net to fix the Riccia on the rocks?

Absolutely. I think it's the only way to go. Think about it. If you use thread much of the growing riccia will not be held down and it will eventually float up. With the hairnet it's all held down until you get so much growth that it breaks away.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-May-2006 16:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh, what the hell!

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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 01:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your Tank looks great. I have one question... Can you please do one final run up of the total cost and fish and plants? Or is that too much to ask?

Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 01:50Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh, what the hell!

When have the Boesemani been added to the tank? Was that this weekend? How many overall did you get? I hope more than 2, right?

Otherwise, beautiful


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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 11:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I hope more than 2, right?

They only had two, but I would like to add one more, although I think both of these might be the same sex and I'm thinking they are both boys. I'll need some of your rainbow expertise. If they are both boys, I'm probably better off leaving it at two being that I don't have the same for say 6 or 7.

Here's another shot:

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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 13:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'll need some of your rainbow expertise
Well, I don't have a load of expertise, but I would up the group no matter what. If my Neon Dwarfs are similar, then I think that the male/female ratio in these fish is not as important. I find that the dominant male is busy chasing all other males away from the females (I have currently 2f and 3m in the main tank, with 3 more males to follow from the QT soon). This leaves the females with much less stress than let's say with platies.

There is a clear visual difference in males and females in my Neons, and when you look at the web for this fish you usually only find males in pictures. What are the gender differences in your Rainbows? If they are easy to sex and you have only males then you could opt to get only males in addition (if you like to). Boys hanging out with boys tend to be much less agressive towards each other then when one girl come along (just like people).


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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 14:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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From what I've read the females are more a solid greyish color. If that's true these are differently male, because you could clearly see the half blue/half yellowish coloration.

I just got these yesterday afternoon, acclimated for 2.5 hours and put them in. I don't have the luxury of a QT but I have my friend Mr. UV to help. They started eating that evening and to my dislike started to aggressively chase the rummys around the tank. Only the rummys I haven't seen them chase anything else.

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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 14:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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and to my dislike started to aggressively chase the rummys around the tank
One more reason to up the group so they are busy chasing each other rather than a different species. Two have figured out quickly "who is the boss". But a group of 6 will have ongoing hierarchy "issues" as every day the group will be busy anew based on the short attention span to existing formations.


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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 14:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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One more reason to up the group so they are busy chasing each other rather than a different species

Well, I guess I'll observe them for a while, if they start to disrupt the delicate balance in my tank back they'll go to the LFS.

I'm getting a little concerned about fish load with these additions. I also added back in my black neons since the load was too high in the 12g. Since nothing dies it's almost impossible to by more fish without another tank or trading some in. The 12g has:

8 Gold Tetras
4 Black Neons (3 removed, 1 I can't %#$* catch.)
2 Kull loaches
3 Otos
3 Cherry shrimp
2 Amano shrimp

That was 22 fish/shrimp in a 12g. Now there are 19 and will be 18 when I catch the final %#$* black neon.

In the 72g:

23 Cardinals
8 otos
5 pencils
4 rummys
3 bolivan rams
2 bosemani rainbows
2 corys
Amano shrimp (don't know how many)

47 fish plus shrimp

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 14:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
(3 removed, 1 I can't %#$* catch.)

Come on - it can't be that hard to get a fish in a tank that is pretty much open. I usually chase them with a stick into the open side of a tank and wait with the net there. Then I corner them and - voila.

Try catching Espei in a heavily planted tank, now that is a challenge. I think you may try again during the next water change at low tide.

About the stocking: Yeah, I see that the 12G could have been overstocked. But for the large tank, how about this:

23 Cardinals - great
8 otos - even better
5 pencils - return to LFS
4 rummys - return to LFS
3 bolivan rams - 3? where did the 3rd one come from?
2 bosemani rainbows - up the group to 6
2 corys - fine
Amano shrimp (don't know how many) - lovely
4 Black Neons - return to LFS

Just thinking,


EDIT: tetratech - did you see This Thread I Created?

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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 15:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks LF,

That restocking list is pretty much my thinking. Typo on the 3rd ram.

This is the catch-22 with the rainbows and why I mentioned they might be returned. I already noticed them nipping on my riccia mounds of which will not be tolerated. Putting big fish in planted tanks especially ones that are omnivores in always difficult. Now one could say if I feed more this will not happen, but I'm unwilling to feed in excess as you know, because I feel stronger than ever that this is a major problem.

So who knows I might end up with 40 cardinals, 2 rams and a clean up crew.

BTW - I did just see your thread. I've gotten into a bad habit of hitting my shortcut on my desktop that goes right to active threads.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 16:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I already noticed them nipping on my riccia mounds of which will not be tolerated.

Yeah, that is right, I totally forgot. You may remember that I once searched for an answer as to where all my duckweed went. Well, you may also remember that I figured that I thinned the group out during a water change and that the remaining ones could not spread faster than my fish ate them. And these fish would be the Pearls, and yes - the Rainbows. No doubt, if yours are even remotely similar then they will eat the Riccia, as it is a tasty treat


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Post InfoPosted 21-May-2006 16:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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They are both boys. Both are still very young. They will get much bigger and brighter. The yellow will eventually turn to an orange colored.

6 full grown ones may be too much for the tank. Rainbows are generally light on the bio load, they produce very little waste, but they will get big and are quite active. A male and female will spawn on a almost daily basis every early morning.

They do grow very slowly though. I've had a couple for years. After 2 years the male is still not full grown, but still bigger then the Pearl Gourami.

Male Boesmanii gave be quite feisty, they won't do any real harm but will chase smaller fish out of the way if moody. But if you try to add any small fish with a Boesmanii around he'll assume you are providing a tasty snack.

They don't touch plants as a rule but yers I've seen mine pull apart Riccia apart for fun when I had it, so much so I made a post about it, a good while back, in the Photo booth forum.

I like them but to be honest I wouldn't have them again unless I had a large all rainbow tank. That's were they look the best.

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Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 03:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I guess I'll decide after a few weeks if they are keepers. It was very against my fish purchasing instincts but I kinda wanted a centerpiece that would possibly make the cards school tigher, but that hasn't happened, in fact they cards seem scattered around now on the nonstop swimming antics of the rainbows.

BTW - I found your riccia salad thread but the pics were gone. Apparently your rams also ate the stuff, mine have never touched it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 15:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by NowherMan6
I kinda wanted a centerpiece that would possibly make the cards school tigher

Pearls seem to work for LF

EDIT: Dang! I'm sorry for taking post 1500, tetra

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Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 15:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EDIT: Dang! I'm sorry for taking post 1500, tetra

Don't worry, your worthy.

What I'm really annoyed about is this:

Bring back any memories Bensaf:

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Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 19:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It does.

Don't know why but they ripped the Riccia apart, quite deliberately. But I've had Riccia in the tank since, in smaller quantities but they didn't touch it. Either bored or the smaller clumps didn't attract them.

They are not the best choice for a centerpiece fish, way too active.

Deinately Gouramies would be a better bet, especially the Pearls.

None of them really work for getting smaller fish to school tighter. In the same way the fish figure the tank is a safe place and spread out, they soon figure that big scary fish that just arrived is in fact just a big wimp and stop schooling anyway.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 03:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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None of them really work for getting smaller fish to school tighter
Same experience here

The only time my 500 Espei school is if I scare them, either on purpose to see them peruse the tank (rarely) or during water changes when they flee from the vacuum.


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Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 10:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The only time my 500 Espei school

I thought espei were great schoolers. They don't school like Harquelins?

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Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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They don't school like Harquelins

Harleys aren't great schoolers either. They just sit there and move a little bit. Like most groups they school mainly when the gravel vac is there, or something new plops in the tank.

Lazy cypranids

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Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well tetratech ,

Here is my spin on the schooling:

What is the purpose of schooling in fish? Most likely security, "save in numbers". Also, social aspects, like "who is the boss" , may play a role, but less importantly.

Now imagine a tank where about every 3 inches away from you there is another one of your kind, no matter where you go (and I assume this is similar for most species of schoolers). Creating a tight formation with enough others is a matter of a second, alas the feeling of security is given all the time. On the other hand, if there are only a few of you scattered throughout the tank then it would take quite a while until a safe group has formed. In this case, it would be better to "hang" closer to each other, aka schooling.

So my spin is: there is a point where a school is becoming so large (in a tank) that there is no need to school anymore.

Food for thoughts,


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Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Harleys aren't great schoolers either.

Oh, I meant to shoalers.

But they don't scatter do they. I had harleys for about a year and they were always by each other's side.

Rummy's a good, but they looked washed out in my setup.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I posted after you posted, anyway you might have a point.
I've always heard the more you add to a species the better they will school, but size of tank can have an impact I'd imagine.

It's funny one of the better LFS I have on the Island always puts little descriptions of the fish on a little sticker on the glass. Some examples:

Harquelin Rasboras - "One of the best schoolers"
Neon Tetra - "The fish that started it all, good schooler"
Cardinal Tetra "Beautiful fish, great schooler"

Dwarf Neon Rainbow - "New species"

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Dwarf Neon Rainbow - "New species"

Wow, I have a new species, I AM SO SPECIAL


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Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sad part is I almost fell for it as I pushed my nose up against the glass so see if they were different.

Very beautiful fish. I almost bought those instead of the Bosemani.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 13:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thought this was a nice shot. Tank almost looks like it has two mounds with the taller wisteria in the back.
I also like all the color (both fish and plants). I think its shows that the tank has depth and interest as well.

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Post InfoPosted 25-May-2006 01:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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My Dwarf Neon Rainbows are peaceful little fishies, never bother anybody but their own species (and that only with showing off), and their blue shine with the red finnage is very pretty. Maybe you should give them a try.

About your tank: Very nice, I like the slightly different angle you used to make this photo. I guess that is one of the advantages of a bowfront as the tank seems to change when you look into the curved glass from different angles.


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Post InfoPosted 25-May-2006 10:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Had some time this weekend, so I decided to see how the tank would look with a different main rock. As you could see in this pic, I replaced the rock with what is actually two rocks which created an opening in between them.

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Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 15:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Here's a full tank view:

This lower rock allows even more light to reach the foreground. I've also moved the Blyxa on the right side even more right to allow space to plant more riccia.

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Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 15:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice tetratech,

This rock makes the plants shine even more, although it is all rather green in there .

I would assume that you will have to watch out that this smaller rock will not be consumed by the plants. The Wisteria seems to thrive like mad.


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Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 15:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What's that fish in the upper right corner-ish region of the tank - it looks almost like a yo-yo loach...

LF, love the avatar

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Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 15:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
This rock makes the plants shine even more, although it is all rather green in there

What's weird is last nite I took that pic and the rotala and aromatica looked really red, but for some reason the camera didn't capture it on my usual settings.


That's funny it does look like a yo-yo, but believe it or not it's not even a fish, it's actually just glare.

EDIT: LF I'm surprised you didn't see the twig in between the rocks.

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Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 15:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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LF I'm surprised you didn't see the twig in between the rocks
I thought it was a dead fish

Honestly, I don't really extract the pictures that I look at and search for clues under the microscope on how the "masters" have managed to build stonehedge . What is this twig for? A coat hanger for the fish?


Oh, and don't forget to read about my latest issues with the 40G breeder.

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Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 18:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A coat hanger for the fish

Oh you bad. I think it adds intersest to the tank. I'm looking for a better twigh though.

A dead fish in my tank. I don't think so.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 18:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Although green, my Blyxa have definitely started to look healther and no more BBA since I removed some shading.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 00:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But I didn't expect this:

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 00:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi tetratech

As always, your tank is beautiful. What is the plant called in the picture with the twig. Not the wisteria, the plant that is above rock / twig arrangement? Will it grow in low/medium light, or does it require high light?


Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 01:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn,

The plant right above the main rock is Limnophila aromatica. It was sold to me as Eusteralis stellata, but the popular opinion is that it's the aromatic. It is bordered by Stargrass on either side. This tank has 2.7wgp and it grows like a monster. It's actually more colorful than the last pic. (if you go back in the log you'll see more colorful shots).

I also have it growing in my 12g which has only 2.2wpg. It grows fine, but not as lush. Like alot of colorful plants, more light usually means more color.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 13:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But I didn't expect this:

Is this:

a) A CO2 bubble stuck on a leaf?
b) Pearling?
c) Fish Exhaust?


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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 18:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I believe it's "B".

fish exhaust

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 21:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I believe it's "B".

Sure it is, I was just pulling your strings . You dont think it was funny ? I guess I will have to try harder the next time around .

BTW, my Blyxa is the most static plant (besides the Isoetes Lacustris) that I have ever seen.I don't think they have grown at all in the almost 4 weeks since I added them to the tank.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 23:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
No it was funny, I guess I wasn't totally focusing. Here
s my belated laugh

Yes the Blyxa is really stagnet. As you can see mine are still very much alive, but haven't done much that's why I was amazed at the pearl. I'm starting to think it demands extremely high light to actually grow. Although in my tank with all the stems in a way it's welcome relief.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 01:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the belated laugh

I think you are very right about the extreme high light. The guy I bought the Blyxa from has it growing in his 125G. He has an overall lighting period of 9 or 10 hours and high lights for 6 of them. And he has the same light than I do, means 6 hours in over 3wpg on a 125G.


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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 14:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And he has the same light than I do, means 6 hours in over 3wpg on a 125G

Don't even thing about it

Anyway one of my favorite things about summer. Shrimp on a stick.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 19:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What do you think?

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 19:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You like or not?

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 19:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In the last picture it looks like you crushed a crab between the rocks and the legs are sticking out

Doesn't do it for me at all,


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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 20:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In the last picture it looks like you crushed a crab between the rocks and the legs are sticking out

Where do you come up with these? Anyway I might playaround with the position alittle bit.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 20:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey tetratech, I think it looks nice & interesting, although I can also see Ingo's image of
a crushed a crab between the rocks and the legs are sticking out
. Do you worry that the fishies might hurt themselves on the sticks? It's probably just me, but I tend to worry if things are too pointy, but that's probably just old worry wart me. (I spent part of today sanding down the rough pointy edges of some rock caves I'm making out of broken slate).

Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 15:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn,

No I think the fish instinctively move around objects in the water. Who's to see what falls into a lake in nature. Branches fall off trees, etc.

Here's a full tank shot from this morning. Changed something?

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 15:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Changed Something? - hm, the things I notice as different are the specific postions of the crab legs and some Wisteria bush behind on the right-off-center back (but this may just be growth) and the rock that is in front of it.

Also, I notice that you are back to the trianguar layout, just like you were the last time before a major trim. Is that on purpose this time?

Compared to the last full tank shot it appears that the front of the tank is more shaded again.

Otherwise, just as beautiful as usual.


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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Changed Something? - hm, the things I notice as different are the specific postions of the crab legs

Easy there big fella and remember you have a new tank coming up for my to judge. Funny you call them crab legs because another crustanean (amano shrimp) really like them. He comes out of his new cave to look around.

Yes, there basically I moved the wallachi over to join the main group and put a rock into that area. Not the rock I want, but I don't have a closet of them to choose.
And yes, I did trim to get that full triangluar look. For some reasoon I think the tank looks best that way.
Also the tank sometimes looks darker because both sets of lights aren't on sometimes.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Easy there big fella and remember you have a new tank coming up for my to judge.
Uh, I guess I forgot that . Sorry - Grand Master Tetratech, I promise to be more restrained in my judgement of your tank (or not).

Anyway, yeah - the triangular shape is nice, but you will have to watch out that the left sections doesn't lose interest. I mean, there is just Wisteria and once the eye is doen following an incline from right to left, why still look at a low field of even more Wisteria?


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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Anyway, yeah - the triangular shape is nice, but you will have to watch out that the left sections doesn't lose interest. I mean, there is just Wisteria and once the eye is doen following an incline from right to left, why still look at a low field of even more Wisteria?

Maybe I misunderstood "Triangle" I"m not trying to make the high point the corner. I stil want the peak offcenter with the aromatica, so I should still say mound although it's not a soft rounder point, but just left to center full and center to right full but still declining.

Here's another closer pic of the main area. I love the lushness.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice close-up tetratech,

I have noticed it before, but in this shot I was reminded of it - one cannot say that you have only a few fish either. What did you say? Around 40? And on average all of your fish are quite a bit bigger than mine (I would assume 1 card is like 2 espei).

About the triangle, let me see if I got that straight. You plan to keep the shape like my yellow lines. If so, the area I referred to as becoming "less interesting" is the one in the orange circle.

Attached Image:

Lines and Circle

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 18:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Let's see:

23 Cards
8 Otos
5 Pencils
4 Black Neons (moved from 12g)
4 Rummys
2 Rainbows
2 Rams

48 Fish Total
8 are otos, 5 pencils (tiny)

With the addition of the rainbows and the black neons I'm definitely pushing it. But remember light is the driver. I have less of it for algae to utilize. I also keep hitting on the feeding. When I lift rocks or plants there is almost no mess. That to me is an indicator of the waste level in the tank.

I could see from the pic why you see triangle, but with a few snips this is what my tank is really about:

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 18:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH

That type of mound makes more sense, given the current left side.


23 Cards (x 1.5 per Espei = 34 Espei)
8 Otos (have 6, plus 2 Espei)
5 Pencils (6 Espei)
4 Black Neons (moved from 12g) (8 Espei)
4 Rummys (6 Espei)
2 Rainbows (my 3 Rainbows)
2 Rams (my 2 Pearls)

So this means: all others than the Espei are covered, plus 50 Espei. Plus 53 extra gallons of water in my tank for the additional maybe 40 Espei. Basically, I have less fish than you do

I know that's not good math, but hey, makes me feel better


EDIT: uh, forgot the Apsitos and the 3 additional Rainbows in a few weeks

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 21:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, I don't know if 1 card equals 1.5 espei in terms of waste. As I said it's also a matter of feeding, plus mass, plus light. Mabye because 90% of my substrate is covered with fert hungry wisteria it all get's sucked up quickly.

Anyway did some add'l trimming to get this:

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 00:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your tank looks great. I have no idea how you cut to shape like you guys do. Do you trim while the tank is full? Otherwise, I assume the tall stems just bend over. Must make it even harder to shape the triangle when you cut from the bottom (although I usually get to do a couple of wisteria trims from the top, before I have to do that).

I like the low wisteria in the front & that's how I hope mine goes. Guess that means frequent removal & triming from the bottom?

Anyway, looking good.

Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ah, the mound

Yeah, I that looks nice, now simply go ahead and freeze-frame the tank

Two things though, one that I thought about but forgot to mention, the other one from this picture:

1) A assume you noticed that the branch on the right of the main group is pretty much consumed by the plants.

2) What happened to the rock that you just introduced us to? Was this picture taken from a different angle or why can I not see it anymore?


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks. A little tip on the wisteria. If you want it to stay low longer, when you trim and replant, replant the top on like a 45 degree angle. It will be more likely to grow roots along the stem and will anchor itself in the substrate and grow along it. That's pretty much how I spread mine. It's basically layer upon layer of horizontal growth.

The branches and rock at this point look O.K. but are pretty much marking the spot where longer branches and a bigger rock will go. I'll have to trim more to keep branches visible.

The pic is taken down low so you don't see the rock (Not tall enough). I think the other pic was taken higher up.

Here's a pic showing the edge of my mound with Rotala R, Rotala W and the rock that was hidden in previous pic.
The taller wisteria in the back behind the rock is not rooted below. It is growing from the right alway across the back alittle off the substrate.

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I wasn't going to post any more pics tonite, but I thought these were pretty good.

First since we've been talking otos:

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And a nice shot of one of my Bosemani Rainbows. These guys have colored up nicely already:

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking Good Tetra, Looking Good.

I always enjoy seeing your tank pictures.

See all my pictures at Google Web Albums
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 15:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Wow tetratech,

Somehow I did not see this fish pictures until this morning. Did you secretly aquire a new camera? These are really cloe-close-ups . The Oto in particular is frightening large in the picture.

Nice shot on the rainbow as well, although I have to say that he doesn't look very happy to see you out there with the camera


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 15:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks! Always nice to hear comments.

That was my first reaction, hugh. Do you know there really is a giant oto species? I saw them one time in a LFS. Not very attractive. No same camera, I've discovered the "super macro mode". The limitation of my current camera (Canon S2 IS) is film speed. Only goes up to 400.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 16:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No, I have never heard about a giant Oto. I wonder if they just gave that fish some name based on similar features (or behaviors) but basically it is a completely different species.

Super Macro Mode - - up to 400, I guess that would be fast enough for pictures of your snails .

No really, nice shots, once again,


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 16:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I can't confirm that it was an actual oto species, but it did have the same triangular head. Speaking of otos have you ever seen the zebra variety at your LFS. I did one time and wish I would have bought them.

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 16:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No, I have never seen them, cute.

I wonder if they exist in nature of if they are some form of special breed only available from fish farms.


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 19:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Beautiful pictures - I have serious camera envy. I've never seen those striped otos - they are very nice.

Post InfoPosted 06-Jun-2006 00:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Good Morning!

I meant to discuss this some time ago. What does it mean when you have no snails in your tank. I mean I've had snails that obviously came with plants, but they simply don't survive in my tank. I don't have any snail eaters either.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 15:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh yes tetratech, you do have snail eaters

Your Rams eat the snails, and lots of fish will eat snail eggs. When I crush my snails in the 29 the Platies are all over them. When I had my Apsitos in the QT, in about 3 weeks I could not find any snails anymore. Now, that they are in the big tank, the QT has snails again (but not too many) and it appears that the 125 has much less.

I am also sure that water conditions, like low GH, have an influence on snails, less calcium means weaker shells and earlier demise. Also, if you had (which I think you don't) MTS, they would eat other small snails.


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Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 18:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I am also sure that water conditions, like low GH, have an influence on snails, less calcium means weaker shells and earlier demise

I wasn't even thinking of that, but your probably right. I know my water has a very low GH and I've differently seen white snail shells around.

I guess my rams could be eating somes snails in the jungle of wisteria, but I've never witnessed them doing so.

Here's a pic from this morning taken thru the side showing the plants "waking up"

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 20:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Holy (Fill in your option)

Now here is a totally surprising view of your tank. I would have never guessed that it is so narrow and how steep the incline to the background plants is.

Nice visual tetratech,


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Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 21:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Holy (Fill in your option)

Holy "Wisteria Monster"

Anyway some updated pics. You'll notice two things. I've added more riccia to the right front and I've upped my po4 dosing while reducing no3 somewhat. Plants look more red I think?

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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 02:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Full view from above:

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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 02:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Full view from straight ahead:

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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 02:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looks so lovely!!!
What about some carpet plants

Great job tetratech!!!
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 04:12Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is this?
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I think thats the wisteria and riccia's job.

Tank looks really nice as normal.

I think things are looking more red too. Are you still adding higher iron levels? How much have you been messing with your levels?

I am working on trying to get some more color in my tank. I had a lot of green in the old set up but I want to mix it up a bit. Still not quite on a normal schedual after coming back yet...

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 05:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I also think that it looks more red than at an earlier stage.

So you say you up P and lower N. What do you think its current proportion would be?


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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 10:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for the comments. As wings said my riccia and wisteria are pretty much my carpet.

I have stopped dosing FE on a regular basis. I just wasn't seeing much out of it. I'm still dosing Flourish 3 times a week, but the red now is from higher P.

So you say you up P and lower N. What do you think its current proportion would be?

Well let's see. For the longest time I was dosing 10 to 1:

0.50 tsp no3
0.05 tsp po4

As my mass increased I went to:

0.75 tsp no3
0.08(approx.) tsp po4

Still a 10 to 1 ratio, now with my new dosing:

0.50 tsp no3
0.10 tsp po4

So I'm at 5 to 1, which is probably what alot of people do anyway, but I wasn't.

I'm deciding whether I should increase it to:

.75 tsp no3
.15 tsp po4

Either way I'm dong things sloooowly

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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 14:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Either way I'm dong things sloooowly

Good man! Thanks for the info!

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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 14:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Thanks tetratech,

0.50 tsp no3 is what I intend to dose the new 40G, given that I dose 1.5tsp on the 125 and this one is a third of that size.

How much po4 I dose has yet to be seen, I currently dose 1/8tsp (what's that, like 0.125tsp) on the big tank. A third of that would be 1/24 of a tsp, or 0.0417tsp ( how much is a smidgeon again? )


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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 17:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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When you guys figure out how much to dose a 40G tank, then
I'll know about how much to dose my 30. Its a nightmare
without a set of scales from my chemistry class!
I'm thinking that measuring spoons just arn't gonna make
it! Guess I'll have to give them back to Susan...


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 01:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well if we were in Europe we would all have scales bug most of use are not there or from there. On a side note, when I was in a college chem class they got a little funny about letting use bring the scales home. I asked my instructor about it and he said that they tend to get used for drugs a lot... Yay for being a small town fishing kind of guy.

BTW does LF have a thread running for his 40G?

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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 03:14Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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0.50 tsp no3
0.05 tsp po4

That was a very small amount of PO4.

I must admit I never sweat the dosing. Very un-scientific. Don't even use a measuring spoon. Just get a rough idea dip the spoon, toss in the tank. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

The tank looks good tetra, looks redder to me.

One little thing though, I'd love to see some pics with "proper" light.I find your photos very dark. Tends to make things look a bit lifeless, can't see the fish or any interaction going on

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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 04:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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One little thing though, I'd love to see some pics with "proper" light

Yes, people have said that. Probably because when I take most of my pics it's in the evening after the second bulb has gone out, so it's only lite by one 96watt bulb. Of course if I forced more light it would look more alive. Since you asked, here's a slightly brighter shot.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 11:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What's the matter tetratech,

Did Bensaf's comment cause you a sleepless night?

Well, with loads of light or not, your tank is still beautiful .

One day I will have a nice looking tank as well.


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 11:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Did Bensaf's comment cause you a sleepless night

Look who's talking! Oh Bensaf is just nervous because the USA is going to take the cup this year. I guess in order to please Bensaf I'll have to invest in $10,000 worth of professional photography equipment and have a fan blow ripples across the surface of my tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 12:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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because the USA is going to take the cup this year

Good joke, tetratech

See, that is the beauty of this hobby. Even if your tank looks good, there is always at least one person who has something to nag about . This is what drives us, what makes us go the extra mile (although I personally have quite a few miles to go).


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 12:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Good joke, tetratech!
I'm not laughing

Well Bensaf has just given me a reason to post a whole bevy of new pics.

I'm off to Home Depot to buy a fan

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 14:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your pictures are always welcome, tetratech.

And, if I may suggest, don't get a fan, get a wave maker .


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 14:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks littlefish,

Here's some more "lively brighter" pics to please "My Master" and others who might find them interesting:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Closeup shot of the Main Area and Eco Beach:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Some of the main inhabitants:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Another shot:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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This pic was taken around 8pm on Sunday. I haven't done a water change since last Sunday. I'll have to do my weekly wc tomorrow.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh Bensaf is just nervous because the USA is going to take the cup this year.

The day USA wins a World Cup I'll eat my plants. There's more chance of Paris Hilton winning a Nobel Prize for science Even though your guys had a really successful qualifying campaign against such sporting superpowers as Jamaica and Costa Rica

Anyway I wasn't being critical of the tank I justed wanted some brighter pics
And the tank does look much better in the brighter photos - there's fish and life going on. Really nice job

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The day USA wins a World Cup I'll eat my plants
Well, now I really would like the US to win, but Bensaf will have to send us pictures of moss stuck between his teeth then .

Tetratech, looking very nice, bright, full, colorful, and any other compliment that I just cannot come up with right now

I guess your camera is a tad to slow to get a clear shot of the zooming Cardinals, you somehow will have to try to convince them to stay still for a monent


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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 14:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, now I really would like the US to win, but Bensaf will have to send us pictures of moss stuck between his teeth then

I think Bensaf is really worried because he knows some of his lush plants are quite edible so it's not much of a bet.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 15:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Czech Republic 3 - USA 0

so it's not much of a bet.

Well you got that darn right

Guess I won't have to dig up recipes for a Ludwigia salad with Riccia on the side for a while

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 03:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Czech Republic 3 - USA 0

Were just getting warmed up, we'll take the Italians and be on our way.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 04:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Were just getting warmed up
- They better get warmed up quickly, otherwise they are all hot when it is time to pack the suitcases and to go home .

On the other hand - Bensaf, how did the Irish do so far?

BTW, if I had to put money on a winner, it would be Brazil, as much as I would like the Germans to win.


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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 10:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Beautiful fish & plant pics Tetratech.

BTW, you wouldn't believe the fuss being made here because Australia beat Japan in their first game - but I guess the rest of you would probably say - "Oh, I didn't know Australia sent a team?" Yep, I think we qualified last (or just about) & from the fuss here, you'd think we'd won the series, not a game.

Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 12:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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"Oh, I didn't know Australia sent a team?"


You underestimate the importance of soccer in the world. Of course I know you have a team there and most certainly did I know that you won, with 3 goals in the last 5 minutes. That is a reason to celebrate, give your fishies some special treats


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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 13:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by TankWatcher
Oh, you wouldn't believe the big deal it is here. Apparently, we haven't even qualified since sometime back in 70's. When we qualified, you'd have thought that we'd won the whole cup then & there. One of our newspapers today had a headline saying something along the lines of "Australia's greatest sporting moment" or some such comment. So, everyone here is very excited.

So yes, my fishies will have to get a special treat. But this fishy here, is trying real hard qualify next time himself.
I guess this is just trick photography.

Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 15:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Robyn that is a really great pic!

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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 17:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Isn't photoshop great!

How big are you rainbows? I wish I could get a picture of mine for you. They are really great fish. Way too fast though! I tend to get wet when its feeding time.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 23:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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My rainbows are about 2.5 inches. You could get an idea in this pic when comparing to the rummynoses? These guys seemed to have settled in nicely and I like them. They are voracious eaters as you know so I basically have to spoon feed my rams (net method as LF knows)

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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 02:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thought this was a nice colorful pic showing alot of fish activity:

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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 02:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh and this is the wisteria salad that Bensaf is going to eat when the USA wins the cup:

It really does look pretty appetizing, don't you think?

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 02:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh and this is the wisteria salad that Bensaf is going to eat when the USA wins the cup:

It does look rather tasty, but I doubt I'll get to sample it. All kidding aside , of the games I've seen The US have been the weakest team I've seen so far. I thought that honor would go to Trinidad or Togo. The USA team were shockingly bad against the Czechs. One thing's for sure they can only improve from here on out.

USa has a deceptively high rating in the FIFA rankings, I think they are top 10 team, but if analysed and you look at the opponents they have played it's a very deceptive record.They really haven't come up against any opponents of quality, especially in their qualifying rounds.

I know I asked for that, we ain't there this year sadly
We got screwed over by the worlds dumbest referee and an Israeli that fell to the ground screaming like he'd been shot by a Hezbollah everytime somebody looked crooked at him, cheating git. A piece of Thierry Henry genius was our final undoing after getting the better of France for 2 games. Shame we have a pretty useful team, even better then our last World Cup team (who if you remember gave Germany a pretty rough time ).

We'll be back.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 03:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
They are voracious eaters
Yeah, feeding my rather hesitant Apistos is pretty hard with rainbows in the way. Yesterday, one of them in the QT made such a splash that all food in the container got wet.

And yes, your Wisteria salad does look very appetizing, if it wouldn't be for that one line of poop.

Bensaf - Irland is my favorite underdog in Europe. Whenever the Germans are already out I cheer for Irland. Today is another Germany game, we will see how that goes. I would say 3-1 Germany.


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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 10:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And yes, your Wisteria salad does look very appetizing, if it wouldn't be for that one line of poop.

You amaze me, but the poop is seasoning.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 14:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 14:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well ya see, I was in the store and yada, yada, yada.....I ended up with two blue rams. I guess it's my turn to try.

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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 01:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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