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Subscribe72 Gallon Bowfront Setup Log
Ultimate Fish Guru
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Although green, my Blyxa have definitely started to look healther and no more BBA since I removed some shading.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 00:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But I didn't expect this:

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 00:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia au-newsouthwales
Hi tetratech

As always, your tank is beautiful. What is the plant called in the picture with the twig. Not the wisteria, the plant that is above rock / twig arrangement? Will it grow in low/medium light, or does it require high light?


Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 01:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn,

The plant right above the main rock is Limnophila aromatica. It was sold to me as Eusteralis stellata, but the popular opinion is that it's the aromatic. It is bordered by Stargrass on either side. This tank has 2.7wgp and it grows like a monster. It's actually more colorful than the last pic. (if you go back in the log you'll see more colorful shots).

I also have it growing in my 12g which has only 2.2wpg. It grows fine, but not as lush. Like alot of colorful plants, more light usually means more color.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 13:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But I didn't expect this:

Is this:

a) A CO2 bubble stuck on a leaf?
b) Pearling?
c) Fish Exhaust?


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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 18:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I believe it's "B".

fish exhaust

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 21:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I believe it's "B".

Sure it is, I was just pulling your strings . You dont think it was funny ? I guess I will have to try harder the next time around .

BTW, my Blyxa is the most static plant (besides the Isoetes Lacustris) that I have ever seen.I don't think they have grown at all in the almost 4 weeks since I added them to the tank.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2006 23:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
No it was funny, I guess I wasn't totally focusing. Here
s my belated laugh

Yes the Blyxa is really stagnet. As you can see mine are still very much alive, but haven't done much that's why I was amazed at the pearl. I'm starting to think it demands extremely high light to actually grow. Although in my tank with all the stems in a way it's welcome relief.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 01:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the belated laugh

I think you are very right about the extreme high light. The guy I bought the Blyxa from has it growing in his 125G. He has an overall lighting period of 9 or 10 hours and high lights for 6 of them. And he has the same light than I do, means 6 hours in over 3wpg on a 125G.


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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 14:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And he has the same light than I do, means 6 hours in over 3wpg on a 125G

Don't even thing about it

Anyway one of my favorite things about summer. Shrimp on a stick.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 19:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What do you think?

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 19:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You like or not?

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 19:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In the last picture it looks like you crushed a crab between the rocks and the legs are sticking out

Doesn't do it for me at all,


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Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 20:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In the last picture it looks like you crushed a crab between the rocks and the legs are sticking out

Where do you come up with these? Anyway I might playaround with the position alittle bit.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Jun-2006 20:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia au-newsouthwales
Hey tetratech, I think it looks nice & interesting, although I can also see Ingo's image of
a crushed a crab between the rocks and the legs are sticking out
. Do you worry that the fishies might hurt themselves on the sticks? It's probably just me, but I tend to worry if things are too pointy, but that's probably just old worry wart me. (I spent part of today sanding down the rough pointy edges of some rock caves I'm making out of broken slate).

Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 15:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn,

No I think the fish instinctively move around objects in the water. Who's to see what falls into a lake in nature. Branches fall off trees, etc.

Here's a full tank shot from this morning. Changed something?

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 15:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Changed Something? - hm, the things I notice as different are the specific postions of the crab legs and some Wisteria bush behind on the right-off-center back (but this may just be growth) and the rock that is in front of it.

Also, I notice that you are back to the trianguar layout, just like you were the last time before a major trim. Is that on purpose this time?

Compared to the last full tank shot it appears that the front of the tank is more shaded again.

Otherwise, just as beautiful as usual.


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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Changed Something? - hm, the things I notice as different are the specific postions of the crab legs

Easy there big fella and remember you have a new tank coming up for my to judge. Funny you call them crab legs because another crustanean (amano shrimp) really like them. He comes out of his new cave to look around.

Yes, there basically I moved the wallachi over to join the main group and put a rock into that area. Not the rock I want, but I don't have a closet of them to choose.
And yes, I did trim to get that full triangluar look. For some reasoon I think the tank looks best that way.
Also the tank sometimes looks darker because both sets of lights aren't on sometimes.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Easy there big fella and remember you have a new tank coming up for my to judge.
Uh, I guess I forgot that . Sorry - Grand Master Tetratech, I promise to be more restrained in my judgement of your tank (or not).

Anyway, yeah - the triangular shape is nice, but you will have to watch out that the left sections doesn't lose interest. I mean, there is just Wisteria and once the eye is doen following an incline from right to left, why still look at a low field of even more Wisteria?


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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Anyway, yeah - the triangular shape is nice, but you will have to watch out that the left sections doesn't lose interest. I mean, there is just Wisteria and once the eye is doen following an incline from right to left, why still look at a low field of even more Wisteria?

Maybe I misunderstood "Triangle" I"m not trying to make the high point the corner. I stil want the peak offcenter with the aromatica, so I should still say mound although it's not a soft rounder point, but just left to center full and center to right full but still declining.

Here's another closer pic of the main area. I love the lushness.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 16:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Nice close-up tetratech,

I have noticed it before, but in this shot I was reminded of it - one cannot say that you have only a few fish either. What did you say? Around 40? And on average all of your fish are quite a bit bigger than mine (I would assume 1 card is like 2 espei).

About the triangle, let me see if I got that straight. You plan to keep the shape like my yellow lines. If so, the area I referred to as becoming "less interesting" is the one in the orange circle.

Attached Image:

Lines and Circle

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 18:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Let's see:

23 Cards
8 Otos
5 Pencils
4 Black Neons (moved from 12g)
4 Rummys
2 Rainbows
2 Rams

48 Fish Total
8 are otos, 5 pencils (tiny)

With the addition of the rainbows and the black neons I'm definitely pushing it. But remember light is the driver. I have less of it for algae to utilize. I also keep hitting on the feeding. When I lift rocks or plants there is almost no mess. That to me is an indicator of the waste level in the tank.

I could see from the pic why you see triangle, but with a few snips this is what my tank is really about:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 18:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH

That type of mound makes more sense, given the current left side.


23 Cards (x 1.5 per Espei = 34 Espei)
8 Otos (have 6, plus 2 Espei)
5 Pencils (6 Espei)
4 Black Neons (moved from 12g) (8 Espei)
4 Rummys (6 Espei)
2 Rainbows (my 3 Rainbows)
2 Rams (my 2 Pearls)

So this means: all others than the Espei are covered, plus 50 Espei. Plus 53 extra gallons of water in my tank for the additional maybe 40 Espei. Basically, I have less fish than you do

I know that's not good math, but hey, makes me feel better


EDIT: uh, forgot the Apsitos and the 3 additional Rainbows in a few weeks

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 21:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, I don't know if 1 card equals 1.5 espei in terms of waste. As I said it's also a matter of feeding, plus mass, plus light. Mabye because 90% of my substrate is covered with fert hungry wisteria it all get's sucked up quickly.

Anyway did some add'l trimming to get this:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 00:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia au-newsouthwales
Your tank looks great. I have no idea how you cut to shape like you guys do. Do you trim while the tank is full? Otherwise, I assume the tall stems just bend over. Must make it even harder to shape the triangle when you cut from the bottom (although I usually get to do a couple of wisteria trims from the top, before I have to do that).

I like the low wisteria in the front & that's how I hope mine goes. Guess that means frequent removal & triming from the bottom?

Anyway, looking good.

Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Ah, the mound

Yeah, I that looks nice, now simply go ahead and freeze-frame the tank

Two things though, one that I thought about but forgot to mention, the other one from this picture:

1) A assume you noticed that the branch on the right of the main group is pretty much consumed by the plants.

2) What happened to the rock that you just introduced us to? Was this picture taken from a different angle or why can I not see it anymore?


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks. A little tip on the wisteria. If you want it to stay low longer, when you trim and replant, replant the top on like a 45 degree angle. It will be more likely to grow roots along the stem and will anchor itself in the substrate and grow along it. That's pretty much how I spread mine. It's basically layer upon layer of horizontal growth.

The branches and rock at this point look O.K. but are pretty much marking the spot where longer branches and a bigger rock will go. I'll have to trim more to keep branches visible.

The pic is taken down low so you don't see the rock (Not tall enough). I think the other pic was taken higher up.

Here's a pic showing the edge of my mound with Rotala R, Rotala W and the rock that was hidden in previous pic.
The taller wisteria in the back behind the rock is not rooted below. It is growing from the right alway across the back alittle off the substrate.

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I wasn't going to post any more pics tonite, but I thought these were pretty good.

First since we've been talking otos:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And a nice shot of one of my Bosemani Rainbows. These guys have colored up nicely already:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 01:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Go Gators!
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Looking Good Tetra, Looking Good.

I always enjoy seeing your tank pictures.

See all my pictures at Google Web Albums
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 15:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Wow tetratech,

Somehow I did not see this fish pictures until this morning. Did you secretly aquire a new camera? These are really cloe-close-ups . The Oto in particular is frightening large in the picture.

Nice shot on the rainbow as well, although I have to say that he doesn't look very happy to see you out there with the camera


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 15:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks! Always nice to hear comments.

That was my first reaction, hugh. Do you know there really is a giant oto species? I saw them one time in a LFS. Not very attractive. No same camera, I've discovered the "super macro mode". The limitation of my current camera (Canon S2 IS) is film speed. Only goes up to 400.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 16:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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No, I have never heard about a giant Oto. I wonder if they just gave that fish some name based on similar features (or behaviors) but basically it is a completely different species.

Super Macro Mode - - up to 400, I guess that would be fast enough for pictures of your snails .

No really, nice shots, once again,


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 16:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I can't confirm that it was an actual oto species, but it did have the same triangular head. Speaking of otos have you ever seen the zebra variety at your LFS. I did one time and wish I would have bought them.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 16:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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No, I have never seen them, cute.

I wonder if they exist in nature of if they are some form of special breed only available from fish farms.


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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2006 19:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia au-newsouthwales
Beautiful pictures - I have serious camera envy. I've never seen those striped otos - they are very nice.

Post InfoPosted 06-Jun-2006 00:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Good Morning!

I meant to discuss this some time ago. What does it mean when you have no snails in your tank. I mean I've had snails that obviously came with plants, but they simply don't survive in my tank. I don't have any snail eaters either.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 15:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Oh yes tetratech, you do have snail eaters

Your Rams eat the snails, and lots of fish will eat snail eggs. When I crush my snails in the 29 the Platies are all over them. When I had my Apsitos in the QT, in about 3 weeks I could not find any snails anymore. Now, that they are in the big tank, the QT has snails again (but not too many) and it appears that the 125 has much less.

I am also sure that water conditions, like low GH, have an influence on snails, less calcium means weaker shells and earlier demise. Also, if you had (which I think you don't) MTS, they would eat other small snails.


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Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 18:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I am also sure that water conditions, like low GH, have an influence on snails, less calcium means weaker shells and earlier demise

I wasn't even thinking of that, but your probably right. I know my water has a very low GH and I've differently seen white snail shells around.

I guess my rams could be eating somes snails in the jungle of wisteria, but I've never witnessed them doing so.

Here's a pic from this morning taken thru the side showing the plants "waking up"

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 20:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Holy (Fill in your option)

Now here is a totally surprising view of your tank. I would have never guessed that it is so narrow and how steep the incline to the background plants is.

Nice visual tetratech,


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Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 21:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Holy (Fill in your option)

Holy "Wisteria Monster"

Anyway some updated pics. You'll notice two things. I've added more riccia to the right front and I've upped my po4 dosing while reducing no3 somewhat. Plants look more red I think?

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 02:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Full view from above:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 02:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Full view from straight ahead:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 02:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looks so lovely!!!
What about some carpet plants

Great job tetratech!!!
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 04:12Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think thats the wisteria and riccia's job.

Tank looks really nice as normal.

I think things are looking more red too. Are you still adding higher iron levels? How much have you been messing with your levels?

I am working on trying to get some more color in my tank. I had a lot of green in the old set up but I want to mix it up a bit. Still not quite on a normal schedual after coming back yet...

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 05:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I also think that it looks more red than at an earlier stage.

So you say you up P and lower N. What do you think its current proportion would be?


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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 10:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for the comments. As wings said my riccia and wisteria are pretty much my carpet.

I have stopped dosing FE on a regular basis. I just wasn't seeing much out of it. I'm still dosing Flourish 3 times a week, but the red now is from higher P.

So you say you up P and lower N. What do you think its current proportion would be?

Well let's see. For the longest time I was dosing 10 to 1:

0.50 tsp no3
0.05 tsp po4

As my mass increased I went to:

0.75 tsp no3
0.08(approx.) tsp po4

Still a 10 to 1 ratio, now with my new dosing:

0.50 tsp no3
0.10 tsp po4

So I'm at 5 to 1, which is probably what alot of people do anyway, but I wasn't.

I'm deciding whether I should increase it to:

.75 tsp no3
.15 tsp po4

Either way I'm dong things sloooowly

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 14:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Either way I'm dong things sloooowly

Good man! Thanks for the info!

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 14:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Thanks tetratech,

0.50 tsp no3 is what I intend to dose the new 40G, given that I dose 1.5tsp on the 125 and this one is a third of that size.

How much po4 I dose has yet to be seen, I currently dose 1/8tsp (what's that, like 0.125tsp) on the big tank. A third of that would be 1/24 of a tsp, or 0.0417tsp ( how much is a smidgeon again? )


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Post InfoPosted 09-Jun-2006 17:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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When you guys figure out how much to dose a 40G tank, then
I'll know about how much to dose my 30. Its a nightmare
without a set of scales from my chemistry class!
I'm thinking that measuring spoons just arn't gonna make
it! Guess I'll have to give them back to Susan...


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 01:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is this?
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Well if we were in Europe we would all have scales bug most of use are not there or from there. On a side note, when I was in a college chem class they got a little funny about letting use bring the scales home. I asked my instructor about it and he said that they tend to get used for drugs a lot... Yay for being a small town fishing kind of guy.

BTW does LF have a thread running for his 40G?

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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 03:14Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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0.50 tsp no3
0.05 tsp po4

That was a very small amount of PO4.

I must admit I never sweat the dosing. Very un-scientific. Don't even use a measuring spoon. Just get a rough idea dip the spoon, toss in the tank. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

The tank looks good tetra, looks redder to me.

One little thing though, I'd love to see some pics with "proper" light.I find your photos very dark. Tends to make things look a bit lifeless, can't see the fish or any interaction going on

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 04:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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One little thing though, I'd love to see some pics with "proper" light

Yes, people have said that. Probably because when I take most of my pics it's in the evening after the second bulb has gone out, so it's only lite by one 96watt bulb. Of course if I forced more light it would look more alive. Since you asked, here's a slightly brighter shot.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 11:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What's the matter tetratech,

Did Bensaf's comment cause you a sleepless night?

Well, with loads of light or not, your tank is still beautiful .

One day I will have a nice looking tank as well.


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 11:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Did Bensaf's comment cause you a sleepless night

Look who's talking! Oh Bensaf is just nervous because the USA is going to take the cup this year. I guess in order to please Bensaf I'll have to invest in $10,000 worth of professional photography equipment and have a fan blow ripples across the surface of my tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 12:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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because the USA is going to take the cup this year

Good joke, tetratech

See, that is the beauty of this hobby. Even if your tank looks good, there is always at least one person who has something to nag about . This is what drives us, what makes us go the extra mile (although I personally have quite a few miles to go).


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 12:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Good joke, tetratech!
I'm not laughing

Well Bensaf has just given me a reason to post a whole bevy of new pics.

I'm off to Home Depot to buy a fan

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 14:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your pictures are always welcome, tetratech.

And, if I may suggest, don't get a fan, get a wave maker .


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jun-2006 14:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks littlefish,

Here's some more "lively brighter" pics to please "My Master" and others who might find them interesting:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Closeup shot of the Main Area and Eco Beach:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Some of the main inhabitants:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Another shot:

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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This pic was taken around 8pm on Sunday. I haven't done a water change since last Sunday. I'll have to do my weekly wc tomorrow.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh Bensaf is just nervous because the USA is going to take the cup this year.

The day USA wins a World Cup I'll eat my plants. There's more chance of Paris Hilton winning a Nobel Prize for science Even though your guys had a really successful qualifying campaign against such sporting superpowers as Jamaica and Costa Rica

Anyway I wasn't being critical of the tank I justed wanted some brighter pics
And the tank does look much better in the brighter photos - there's fish and life going on. Really nice job

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 03:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The day USA wins a World Cup I'll eat my plants
Well, now I really would like the US to win, but Bensaf will have to send us pictures of moss stuck between his teeth then .

Tetratech, looking very nice, bright, full, colorful, and any other compliment that I just cannot come up with right now

I guess your camera is a tad to slow to get a clear shot of the zooming Cardinals, you somehow will have to try to convince them to stay still for a monent


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Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 14:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, now I really would like the US to win, but Bensaf will have to send us pictures of moss stuck between his teeth then

I think Bensaf is really worried because he knows some of his lush plants are quite edible so it's not much of a bet.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 15:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Czech Republic 3 - USA 0

so it's not much of a bet.

Well you got that darn right

Guess I won't have to dig up recipes for a Ludwigia salad with Riccia on the side for a while

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 03:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Czech Republic 3 - USA 0

Were just getting warmed up, we'll take the Italians and be on our way.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 04:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Were just getting warmed up
- They better get warmed up quickly, otherwise they are all hot when it is time to pack the suitcases and to go home .

On the other hand - Bensaf, how did the Irish do so far?

BTW, if I had to put money on a winner, it would be Brazil, as much as I would like the Germans to win.


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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 10:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Beautiful fish & plant pics Tetratech.

BTW, you wouldn't believe the fuss being made here because Australia beat Japan in their first game - but I guess the rest of you would probably say - "Oh, I didn't know Australia sent a team?" Yep, I think we qualified last (or just about) & from the fuss here, you'd think we'd won the series, not a game.

Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 12:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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"Oh, I didn't know Australia sent a team?"


You underestimate the importance of soccer in the world. Of course I know you have a team there and most certainly did I know that you won, with 3 goals in the last 5 minutes. That is a reason to celebrate, give your fishies some special treats


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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 13:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by TankWatcher
Oh, you wouldn't believe the big deal it is here. Apparently, we haven't even qualified since sometime back in 70's. When we qualified, you'd have thought that we'd won the whole cup then & there. One of our newspapers today had a headline saying something along the lines of "Australia's greatest sporting moment" or some such comment. So, everyone here is very excited.

So yes, my fishies will have to get a special treat. But this fishy here, is trying real hard qualify next time himself.
I guess this is just trick photography.

Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 15:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Robyn that is a really great pic!

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 17:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Isn't photoshop great!

How big are you rainbows? I wish I could get a picture of mine for you. They are really great fish. Way too fast though! I tend to get wet when its feeding time.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2006 23:38Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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My rainbows are about 2.5 inches. You could get an idea in this pic when comparing to the rummynoses? These guys seemed to have settled in nicely and I like them. They are voracious eaters as you know so I basically have to spoon feed my rams (net method as LF knows)

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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 02:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thought this was a nice colorful pic showing alot of fish activity:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 02:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh and this is the wisteria salad that Bensaf is going to eat when the USA wins the cup:

It really does look pretty appetizing, don't you think?

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 02:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh and this is the wisteria salad that Bensaf is going to eat when the USA wins the cup:

It does look rather tasty, but I doubt I'll get to sample it. All kidding aside , of the games I've seen The US have been the weakest team I've seen so far. I thought that honor would go to Trinidad or Togo. The USA team were shockingly bad against the Czechs. One thing's for sure they can only improve from here on out.

USa has a deceptively high rating in the FIFA rankings, I think they are top 10 team, but if analysed and you look at the opponents they have played it's a very deceptive record.They really haven't come up against any opponents of quality, especially in their qualifying rounds.

I know I asked for that, we ain't there this year sadly
We got screwed over by the worlds dumbest referee and an Israeli that fell to the ground screaming like he'd been shot by a Hezbollah everytime somebody looked crooked at him, cheating git. A piece of Thierry Henry genius was our final undoing after getting the better of France for 2 games. Shame we have a pretty useful team, even better then our last World Cup team (who if you remember gave Germany a pretty rough time ).

We'll be back.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 03:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
They are voracious eaters
Yeah, feeding my rather hesitant Apistos is pretty hard with rainbows in the way. Yesterday, one of them in the QT made such a splash that all food in the container got wet.

And yes, your Wisteria salad does look very appetizing, if it wouldn't be for that one line of poop.

Bensaf - Irland is my favorite underdog in Europe. Whenever the Germans are already out I cheer for Irland. Today is another Germany game, we will see how that goes. I would say 3-1 Germany.


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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 10:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And yes, your Wisteria salad does look very appetizing, if it wouldn't be for that one line of poop.

You amaze me, but the poop is seasoning.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 14:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2006 14:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well ya see, I was in the store and yada, yada, yada.....I ended up with two blue rams. I guess it's my turn to try.

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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 01:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
Nice fish Tetra,

I hope you have better luck than LF with them. They seem to be a little easier to sex than LF's.

It also seems that you have been buying a lot of new stuff at random latly. Must be all that
yada, yada, yada.....

More fishing time for me. I am out....

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 01:12Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice tetratech

With all my heart do I wish you way more luck than I had so far. If you fail then it for sure cannot be bad tank conditions as yours is very settled.

And I see you got a pair there


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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 01:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks guys, I caught these myself. We'll see how they do. So far I see no aggression from the bolivian rams that have been in the tank a very long time.

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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 01:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Couple more shots:

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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 02:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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One more:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 02:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice fish. Good luck with them.

Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 02:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Very nice tetratech,

Me wonders now how your opinion on Bolivians will change (in regards of beauty) .

In a related topic, I was wondering what is known about interbreeding between Bolivians and Germans (Rams, I mean).


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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 13:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Me wonders now how your opinion on Bolivians will change (in regards of beauty)

Remember I've had blue rams before, one for as long as 6 to 7 months. Without a doubt the colors are more vibrant overall, although the bolivians have those radiant red trim to the tale and they do color up nicely before breeding. I don't think bolivians and blues will mate.

Oh well, another riccia moocher:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 18:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just eatting a snail or two I am sure. Even if it was eatting the vegies you have plenty of it.

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Post InfoPosted 16-Jun-2006 18:37Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am with Wings. Do you actually see strips of Riccia hanging out of their mouths? Very often, I find that snails love to hang out in the shrubs, like mosses etc. Your Ram may have well found one of them in there and decided that she needs some meat in her diet


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Post InfoPosted 17-Jun-2006 11:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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The tank is still looking great tetratech. Nice blue rams, we just got a nice batch of those in our store.

Hows the SW tank coming along?

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 17-Jun-2006 16:18Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Matty, I'll keep my fingers crossed with the rams.
I'm definitely doing the sw tank. Just got really busy with work, etc. Hoping to have it up within a few weeks.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 17-Jun-2006 16:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm definitely doing the sw tank
Well, I hope that my rather limited input in the upcoming SW thread will not be interpreted as a lack of interest, but I only can say "how pretty" so often.

That's what happened to me with Matty's thread, all I can comment on are the nice pictures (and algae ).

Good luck tetratech,


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Post InfoPosted 18-Jun-2006 12:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, I hope that my rather limited input in the upcoming SW thread will not be interpreted as a lack of interest, but I only can say "how pretty" so often.

Understood LF!

Well Day 3 with the ram pair and all is well. Yes that's LF that's GSA on the glass and you could stop laughing. I've been lazy cleaning it.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Jun-2006 21:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I wasn't laughing

Actually, I was just about to write a response yesterday when out router died .

I am glad to hear that the Rams are still doing fine, and I hope it will stay that way.


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Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2006 13:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well if these rams do O.K. I have a theory, but I'll wait to see how they do.

BTW - USA was robbed the other day against Italy by some psyco ref. Now it will take a miracle to advance

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2006 14:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Now it will take a miracle to advance
It always did

Are you aware that the US has not yet even shot a goal?

Tank related: I cannot wait to hear the theory. If it isn't all too wild then I may try it out.


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Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2006 14:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Are you aware that the US has not yet even shot a goal?

We did score, but the psycho ref took it away. It's hard to compete when soccer is a 5th sport here and elsewhere it's religion. I should really move to S.America where the soccer is great and the fish aren't bad either.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2006 16:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very pretty rams tetra! Great pics too. Hope they do well for ya.

And I second LFs post about commenting on your soon-to-be SW tank. I'll also be adding "oo, that looks great!" comments, along with the occasional remark about how SW folks just cultivate flouresent fungus and blobs etc., not as nice as plant tanks etc. You get the drift...

And by the way:

when soccer is a 5th sport here

Football, baseball, basketball, NASCAR, golf, hockey, Indy car - soccer doesn't get a sniff in the states professionally at least. Popular in schools and such but not at a main level. I know what you mean.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2006 17:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Football, baseball, basketball, NASCAR, golf, hockey, Indy car - soccer doesn't get a sniff in the states professionally at least. Popular in schools and such but not at a main level. I know what you mean.

So are you saying soccer is the 7th sport, right in front of shuffleboard

Anyway things for popping in and the comments. Enjoying the rams so far and I'm thrilled that there is absolutely no aggression with the bolivans (until they breed anyway) I guess your living up to your name. How bout a pic once in a while. Cats got your camera.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2006 17:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Couple of updates:

- Trimmed everything and cut every stem of the aromatica and removed bottoms and replanted tops.
- Added a few more riccia covered stones.
- Changed dw pieces slightly by either cutting some and moving around other ones.

I am really amazed by how little gets stirred up when I remove plants and rocks. As I mentioned I removed every stem of the aromatica and there were some pretty big root systems and very little came out of the eco. I think this is part of the reason I don't have algae issues but it's also a reason why many of my fish are eating the riccia - they're switching to salad since the beef isn't available. And yes I saw the rams sucking it down. There are no snails in my 72g.

Here's a few tank view from today:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 01:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a compare shot from 9 days ago and today after the trim. You could see the changes I spoke of:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 01:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I haven't really fiqured out what makes the rotala and other plants look red. I've pretty much stopped dosing Iron and I've been dosing my po4, but sometimes it doesn't look that red. The last week or so it has though. Maybe there's a longer delay than I thought in getting the red color to show. Here's a good shot of the rotala currently:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 01:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
Well whatever you are doing the Rotala looks much healthier then ever before.

Ok, that was my token effort at staying on topic.

Now for the important stuff !

It's hard to compete when soccer is a 5th sport here and elsewhere it's religion. I should really move to S.America where the soccer is great and the fish aren't bad either.

It sounds like you are that rarity - an American whounderstands and appreciates football ( I hate calling it soccer, it's football, don't you guys insist on calling a game, where the ball is in the hands and thrown far more often then it's kicked, football).

The reason why it's a poor 5th in the US and a religion everywhere else probably says a lot about American attitudes to sport and the American psyche in general.

Americans have a rather strange attitude to sport. There seems to an obsession with winning and statistics. For a start tied games seem to be an abhoration to Americans
There always has to a winner and winning seems to be everything rather then the actual joy of playing and the manner in which a game was played.
High scores seem to be a requirement for US sports too. A lot of Americans don't seem able to get their head around a 1-0 would be the possible exception here.
Never understood why Basketball is so popular there. Any game that has a losing score of 80 or 90 points is a bit ridiculous to me ( a bit like any "sport" where you get points for artistic interpretation is not really a sport in my book). To me it's just a game where you run down one end throw the ball at the net , score or miss , now it's your turn to run to the other end and you throw, score or miss ! It always struck me as a game you didn't so much win as whoever missed the least won. The court is the size of a footbal penalty area yet these athletes have to rest every 10 mins!? Good god it's not like the game is even played at any kind of real pace !
The obsession with statistics is another thing I don't get. We don't bother much with statistics in football, except for someones scoring record. Statistics are meaningless when you try to apply to a sweet defense cutting pass, how can you match a statistic to the movement and ball control of a Platini, a Maradonna, a Cruyff ?
I wonder if these scores and obsessions with stats are a reflection of the fast food society, the quick fix, the low attention span, the need for bigger more powerful things then the other guy?
All of this I think will always keep football way down the pecking order in the US. The game just doesn't fit with the American way. Maybe if the US started winning soccer tournaments that would change. There has to be a reason why a baseball played between a bunch of US cities and a couple of Canadian one is called the World Series ?!
But it's Catch 22 - it'll never gain poularity til you start winning but you'll never win until it's given more attention.

But it's ok the rest of liking having at least one thing we can do better then America

BTW, I should add, in these senstitive times, none of this should be considered American knocking. It's just observation on the differences. I like and respect Americans, at their best they have a bravery and compassion that is unmatched. Shame they can't play football for crap

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 04:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's hard to compete when soccer is a 5th sport here and elsewhere it's religion
It's the same in Australia. Really, only the little kids play soccer here - the big boys play AFL & NRL which are both football games where the ball is in the hand most of the time. From what I gather, our Aussie socceroos have to play for overseas teams for their professional soccer career. Other than for the world cup, soccer can't capture the crowd here. Our team has to be called home every now then to form the socceroos, when they're called to play for Australia. My son played soccer though as a youngster & he still prefers it to NRL.

Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 09:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well tetratech,

I think your tank looks very nicely, even after having received a major trim. I like the addition of the new Riccia, it makes the center part look less artificial and more like naturally grown.

You say you actually cut the driftwood? Just some clipping or big chunks?

On to soccer:

While Bensaf has a few points that I agree with, I have a few opinions on popularity and such myself:

- Bluntly, soccer is not as popular than other sports because it doesn't have any breaks to show commericals. If the Media in a TV obsessed nation would pick it up big time then it could catapult the sport way up that list.

- I agree on most other points though.

- The World Series, as much as I know, has a different meaning to the word "World" as I think to remember that this was some dude's name. But I am sure the Americans among us can clarify.

That's it for now, have to get ready to chear for a team that actually shoots goals


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Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 13:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well thanks for the Rotala comments

I guess I know how to push your buttons to get you back in my thread.
Anyway at the risk of sounding unpatriotic I do agree with most of your comments. My son play's travel soccer and his coaches always applaud the goal scorer but I see very little attention given to the kid that setup the drive and the kid that executed the sweetest of passes to make it happen.

We can get into a whole debate on what's a "sport" and what's an "activity" but we would be way off topic for a long time. They are moving toward a true "World Series" in baseball now. I find it very difficult to watch baseball because of the soft cap that allows teams like the Yankees to pretty much get anyone they want. So it's not an even close to an even playing field.

I do disagree with you on basketball. Although I am not a hugh basketball fan it is quite a workout. Maybe because it's indoors or because you have 5 big guys trying to get free in a very small space so they have to always be moving.

I think you have to give the Americans some credit playing with 9 players against Italy's 10 and earning a tie. By the way the Italians played very dirty throwing elbows, etc.

It's funny cause I've often mentioned to people your comments about the "World" Series and American Football being referred to as Football. Compared to baseball it's football. We really are a cocky bunch.

Thanks for the comments. The riccia is really fun to work with. I was able to split some of my thicker pieces into thinner ones.

Don't forget soccer was popular here in the days of Pele when they were getting 60,000 people in the stadium. I took my kid to a Metrostar game (now Red Bulls )last year and there were maybe 7,000. We got great seats though and the kids went on the field on got to meet Freddie.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 15:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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baseball finally a sport I can talk about. The World Series being named after someone called world is an urban legend. The first Modern world series was 1903. Before that there were varying leagues and one of them had a "Series for the Champion of the United States". The newspapers back then I guess weren't much different than they are today and exaggerated a bit by calling it the World's Series and it stuck.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2006 15:11Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Day 5 with the Rams and they seem to be doing fine. Here's the female on top of her favorite grazing area.

Attached Image:

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 01:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You can't see this from the full tank views, but my main rock area is actually two rocks creating a cave:

Attached Image:

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 01:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey, where did the crushed crab go ?

No seriously, nice pictures and close-ups tetratech. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for your Rams and I only will relax them after 2 weeks have passed (that was how long my first batch a few months back survived).

Say, did you put on your famous snorkle and mask and dive in there to get this close to the rock or do you have a new macro lense?

Rick, thanks for explaing that World Series thing


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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 01:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Say, did you put on your famous snorkle and mask and dive in there to get this close to the rock or do you have a new macro lense

Remember super-macro mode. Anyway the crushed crab has been retired. I didn't love it and I thing it distracted from the riccia foreground.

Your last ram pair lasted 2 weeks?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 01:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well after 60 something pages I thought it would be safe to throw something non planted tank related into the mix

Before we move off soccer - congrats to LF. Great performance by Germany yesterday, they were masterful in the first half, great movement and passing, 3 good goals, they pretty much dismantled Equador.

Well America is fascinating for it's contradictions. It gets an unfair rap. We Europeans tend to be a bit snotty about the 'ol US especially when it comes to culture. While, like all stereotypes, there is a grain of truth in it, it's generally unfair and and snobbish.
Without a doubt the US has produced the finest examples of almost every art form in modern history - along with some of the greatest dross ! The finest movies, literature, music and TV has come from America , hands down as good as European and in some areas far superior to anything produced in Europe. And with it came a pile of rubbish.

Hemingway, Faulkner, Wolfe, Mailer et al produced the most powerful and relevant literature ever known....and then there was Dan Brown.
In music you gave us Rock and Roll, Jazz, The Blues.........Britney Spears , the Backstreet Boys !
John Huston, Scorsese, John Ford , Orson Welles, Spielberg, every darn great movie, and not just the great entertaining ones, the stylized intelligent ones too, all came from the US.Somebody name one European movie that would make an all time top ten list (apart from maybe Lawrence of Arabia - but heck that what about an Irish guy ) and along with it some of the worst movies ever made too !
80% of American TV shows are sludge (but 80% of ALL TV shows are sludge) but when it's good it's pretty much the best - The Sopranos,24, Lost,The West Wing, Seinfeld , Cheers to name a few recent examples.

But it's these contradictions that make the place fascinating. MAybe it's something to do with the huge impact of the Irish on Americas history and heritage. The Irish have their own strange set of contradictions.

All art is a reflection of the human spirit and any society that can consistently produce the finest in so many art forms must be doing something right. But that's often overlooked these days - shamefully.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 05:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Your last ram pair lasted 2 weeks?
No - the pair that I had before the last one did. It was around the time when I started the 125G that I saw an obvious pair in the LFS and I knew I had to have them. I placed them in my 29G, which at that time was around 6 months old. After about 2 weeks we went away for 2 days and when I came back one was dead and the other minutes away from the same fate . There was no sign of illness before we left.

Bensaf, thanks for the congratulations, I sure played very hard . Now it is on to ply against Sweden, we will see if the Germans can keep up this "unusual" offensive drive, it would be nice.

Nice philosophial interlude there, bensaf . Arts as an indicator for a culture is sure important.


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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 10:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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When talking about sports in the US, hockey(even thought it came from Canada) never got brought up. It is so much like soccer in the aspect of scoring. I love how it is a fast game and there are not big breaks ever 3 seconds for who knows what.

On to the tank....
Whats with the crab thing?

Great pictures as normal! I so can't wait until I get a camera!

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 14:08Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes you are right about the Hockey, although hockey is like a 4th sport here.

Don't know what camera your looking for, but my camera is down to like $300 from $499 when I bought it. Canon S2 IS.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 14:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thinking a Canon Rebel right now. I am going to make the wife pick it out. She used to be a photo major. $300 isn't too bad to pay either. I will have to have her look into it.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 14:58Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, my worthless two pence:

I don't enjoy watching soccer all that much. I like the World cup because it's competition, a tournament and that's entertaining in itself.

What Bensaf said earlier about scoring drawing attention is true, and yes that in my mind is the biggest reason it's not huge in the States. That and lack of tackling And the inability (from lack of stats etc.) to make it a large sport to gamble on.

But that also rings true for nearly every major sport in the US. The true fans and true lovers of the sport will always appreciate the little things. There are a million things I love about baseball, things that would come into play regardless of scoring. Same in football - there's blocking techniques, footwork, precision of routes, line play - all things that are an essential part of the game that aren't shown on ESPN, things that take place away from the QB and wide receivers, but that are vital to their success. Fans of hockey appreciate precise passing and stellar goalie play as much as a soccer fan does.

The difference is I think in the US there's more than just sports, there's sport culture, and that's an entirely different animal. It's led by gambling of course, and that's probably one of the top 3 reasons why football has become so big - games take place once a week, 16 times per year. Tons of stats to allow you to make predictions. Then there's ESPN and the many ESPN channels, magazines etc all meant to attract the casual fan to come to a game and spend money. That's where soccer (and hockey, truth be told) fall out of favor with US fans. We as true fans of our favorite sports can appreciate effort and skill, especially if you've ever played these sports. Effort doesn't make the highlight reels. Scoring does.

So in the end it ties back to what Bensaf also said, about a lot of great cultural things coming out of the states and a lot of crud - sport as a commodity, a piece of media to be inflated and sold is one of those cruddy things. It's lead to holdouts, new contract demands etc. by the players, PED use and the overall degradation of the integrity of the games.

On a related note, do soccer players hold out for better contracts? Skip practice? Just curious.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 17:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
O.K. this is the planted tank forum isn't it

Maybe somehow this does relate to planted tanks

Here is my poor attempt at a correlation!
Americans like the big goal, big name, they don't appreciate all the little things that go into getting that goal. Maybe this is why they don't appreciate planted tanks like they do in Asia and elsewhere. They think more of the centerpiece fish than the scape. The fish come first for most in the U.S. not the delicate relationships that all the "players" in a planted tank do. In the states almost all professional tanks installed are Saltwater. The balance are usuallly african cichlids. Reason being Americans are attracted to the big fish, colorful and not the whole environment that is created. From the rocks,to the driftwood, to the foreground, mid and background plants it's all about working together to form something natural and beautiful and eventually to "score" with a beautiful tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 17:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice move on getting this thread back on track, tetratech

And I think your version of why planted tanks are not all that popular in the US (yet) makes a lot of sense. This, coupled with the 5,000 overtime hours at work every month to maintain the number one position and as such a lack of free time to mess with a planted tank, might be the reason.


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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 19:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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.........Britney Spears , the Backstreet Boys !

In the U.S, they and their pop brethren are pretty much a joke to anyone under 13.

Hmph, I wish the "tweens" of America would obsess over better music

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2006 20:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I always though attitudes to planted tanks in the US are a bit similar to their attitude to cars. Bigger, faster, guzzle more fuel, have a bigger engine under the hood etc.

Even the stats obsession creeps in - KH, Ph, No3 numbers etc are always reeled off.

Everyone one wants the flashy over the top red plants.

Growth rates are compared like the 0-60mph rate of an auto.

Asian attitudes are much simpler. Everything is kept to a minimum. Plants are very carefully chosen, ease of use and maintenance is a higher priority then appearance. The lack of flashy plant species is overcome by clever design and use of hardscape. Generally the overall look is greater then the sum of the parts. Fish are secondary and very small species are used.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 04:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I agree Bensaf. I think the West tends to be more interested in the ends than in the steps taken to acheive them.

I think in America, we have forgotten how beautiful subtlety is.

I'll do graffiti,
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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 05:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think in America, we have forgotten how beautiful subtlety is.

Thats why in all my tanks there are live plants and I make it a point to go out as far away from town I can get at least once a week.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 13:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Even the stats obsession creeps in - KH, Ph, No3 numbers etc are always reeled off.

Not Guilty

Everyone one wants the flashy over the top red plants.
Guilty if you count my stellaromatica a la hudson

Growth rates are compared like the 0-60mph rate of an auto.

Not Guility, but I know someone who is

Asian attitudes are much simpler. Everything is kept to a minimum. Plants are very carefully chosen, ease of use and maintenance is a higher priority then appearance. The lack of flashy plant species is overcome by clever design and use of hardscape. Generally the overall look is greater then the sum of the parts. Fish are secondary and very small species are used.
Somewhat Guilty

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 14:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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but I know someone who is
I don't think you mean me though, or do you? Just because I am once in a while inclined to rave about my Star Grass growth doesn't mean that I am obsessed with it .

Anyway, how did we get into this philosophical discussion again?


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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 15:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Anyway, how did we get into this philosophical discussion again?

bensaf started it - as usual

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 16:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi Guys,
Lets keep the "extra stuff" in the Recovery Room where
it belongs...

-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 22-Jun-2006 20:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Lets keep the "extra stuff" in the Recovery Room where
it belongs...

Frank, why?

Does the "extra stuff" take up less space in the recovery room then here?

This thread , log, whatever you want to call it has been going on for 60 some pages, to the benefit and enjoyment of a lot of members.It's basically a running dialogue between a few plant geeks, sometimes we accidently come up with somwthing that may actually be helpful Bound to go off on a tangent from time to time, the nature of the beast.

I would have thought better to keep it within the confines of here , then cluttering up recovery room with new threads.

I like the "stream of conciousness" format these logs have developed into.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2006 04:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi Guys,
There has been an "official" complaint and after reading
several posts that strayed from the stated purpose of the
forum, I thought I'd just nudge things a bit back to center
before we all strayed too far.

Essentially I agree Ben, the chatting back and forth
format between us all has been informative and friendly
and good for us all.

As I said Ben, "just a nudge."

Obviously, your plant eating worries are over for the year.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2006 07:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by katieb

Love the Main Rock/cave, and the ram

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Post InfoPosted 23-Jun-2006 20:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
As I said Ben, "just a nudge."

I hear you. Sad that somebody somewhere has nothing else to worry about but to complain about this. But that too is the nature of the beast I guess.

I 'll try to keep my meanderings to a minimum, but heck I'm Irish - you might as well ask me to try to stop breathing

Never had any real worries about having too eat my plants

Just to keep on topic - tank looking good tetra . Do you think that maybe the spot where the Wallichi is, is looking a little "weak" compared to the rest of the tank ? Maybe something a little stronger but at the same time not too strong to throw the look off balance.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 24-Jun-2006 03:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I don't even want to talk about "complaints" as it would conclude in a rant and that would not be fair either.

So, back to topic and bensaf's recent input:

I agree, the Wallichi group appears to be too fragile compared to all the other full plants. But instead of replacing the group with a stronger plant, how about adding more Wallichi?


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Post InfoPosted 24-Jun-2006 13:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Yeah, you guys have a point about the wallachi. It's hard to put another good plant bunch there because it extends my mound so far to the right that it's really not a mound anymore. I would have to remove some wisteria and add it or something else more to the center of the scape, but that would end my wisteria jungle look.

On a fish note, the rams are still doing fine (Day 12). Interesting discussion in another thread
about german rams vs blue rams. I posted a pic of my rams in that thread since their were some aquarists that seemed knowledgeable and one stated that my rams aren't even blue or german blue rams but a "Normal Ram" whatever that means.
Here's a current pic:

Attached Image:

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2006 20:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I would like to know what Wfish means with his "blue" comment

But I have a question for you: why does the pink on the female belly look to be such a pure red? Did you mess with the camera settings or something?


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2006 21:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But I have a question for you: why does the pink on the female belly look to be such a pure red

I didn't change any settings. If you look at the cardinals they are deep red and the ram is more like a rosy pink red in reality.

BTW - I saw some other rams at the LFS the other day where I got these and they had a golden color over their whole body but they were clearly blue rams with the familiar blue and black markings.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2006 22:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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had a golden color over their whole body but they were clearly blue rams with the familiar blue and black markings
Oh no

What are we going to call these then? Non-German-Golden-Blue-Rams?

BTW, I am glad your Rams are still doing fine,


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2006 23:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What's in a name ? They are all the same fish, German, Blue
whatever they are called. A bit like like some people calling Myriophyllium names like "Frill" and Parrots Feather - doesn't change the fact it's the same plant.

There a Gold variety coming out of Asia now as well as other monstrosities like balloon and "jumbo" Rams. Why, in the name of all that's holy, anybody would want to take such a spectacular fish and mess with it is beyond me. Especially to come out with a variety that has less color or a deformed shape. And people buy these? To me it's like some idiot playing with the genetics of a plant and coming out with a new one - "look, it only has 2 leaves, but they're big ones and instead of being bright green they're a dull grey - wanna buy it ?"

For the spot where the Wallichi is I wasn't thinking of another bunch plant. Something different , more dramatic. I'm thinking maybe a crypt, but something with flat broad leaves. Anubias Coffeefolia type thing. Or one I think would really work visually , and no I'm not losing it, Spatterdock (Nuphar Japonica). Big unbelievably bright green ruffled lily type leaves, but it stays low doesn't head for the surface like lilies. Added bonus - algae resistant I really think that would work a treat !

Another option, if you can find it - Aponogeton Capuroni. Lovely plant, green transluscent ruffled leaves but unlike other Apons it maxes out at about 12' height , stays a nice size.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 04:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Right on, Bensaf

I personally think ballon Rams are truely ugly, like a bloated version of the normal Ram.

About the plant recommendations: I will have to check all these plants out, maybe I like them for my own tank. One question though - the Aponogeton Capuroni, is that one of the type that will periodically melt or become static before it starts to grow again (like most Apons) ?


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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 10:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Balloon rams look like fish that are extremely constipated.
Poor things. I've also seen the long-finned ones as well


I will definitely look into some of those plants. It's been quite some time since I've added any new species, but I don't want my tank looking like a salad bar or a defensive line-up for a free kick

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 13:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In the fish hobby it is every guy trying to make a quick buck.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 13:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just to play devil's advocate about the rams - I wholeheartedly agree about the physical deformities, but sometimes i think the Gold ram variety is quite nice looking. They're not dyed, it's just a color variation. Although I do admit, the point about messing with a good thing is taken - for a bright beautiful little fish like the german ram to exist in the wild is amazing, why mess with it?

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 14:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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About the Gold Ram:

I have to say that I have a hard time with this fish. Although its coloration is not ugly or such, I am only reminded that this is a Ram (of any kind) when I see the fish moving around in the tank in a typical Ram fashion, like defending territories against other Rams, stop and go, and what not. When I just look at the fish briefly I cannot even identify it as a Ram.

Maybe I just have to get used to it first before it appears normal to me. But maybe I don't want to get used to it


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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 15:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Speaking of golden varieties. Did anyone ever see these.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 16:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No, I don't

Looks like your tank though. I would call these Albino Rummies or Match Rummies, if I had to invent a name for them.


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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 16:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looks like your tank though

Actually the pic is from APC, but I did see these in the LFS.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2006 17:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Aponogeton Capuroni, is that one of the type that will periodically melt or become static before it starts to grow again (like most Apons) ?

Another advantage of the Capuroni is that while it will hybernate from time to time it doesn't melt and the bulb doesn't need to be removed , it simply will not produce a new leaf for a few weeks. I'll see if I have any good pics of mine.

Tetra I understand what you are saying about the salad bar which was why I wasn't envisioning another stem plant. I was thinking something broad but low to add a new shape to the tank while at the same time highlighting the big bunch of "flowers" in the center. You remember the winning tank from the AGA contest? I was think along those lines as regards function but for your set up I was think low and broad rather then the tall lily. Spatterdock came to mind not just because the shape is ideal but the incredible bright green of that plant would really pop out of the Wisteria field and then blend in with the explosion of color you have in the middle of your tank. The Anubias Coffeefolia would be a far more subtle , more mysterious version of that idea.

Well you probably saw my comments on the albino rummies on the thread in APC. It's the perfect case in point. Rummies are famed for their color, why oh why anybody thinks we need an albino version is beyond me. Why have that drab cream color when you can have the bright silver with a green irredescense that a normal rummie has? It's not about ethics as such , I just don't see the point.

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Post InfoPosted 29-Jun-2006 04:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Spatterdock came to mind not just because the shape is ideal but the incredible bright green of that plant would really pop out of the Wisteria field and then blend in with the explosion of color you have in the middle of your tank.

Yes that does sound nice

It's not about ethics as such , I just don't see the point.

Yes, I did see your comments and I agree! It's tough to top mother nature!

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Post InfoPosted 29-Jun-2006 13:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
No these are not fish eggs .

I get alot of pearling with the "I can't count the bubble rate" method. All plants pearl most everynite with the exception of the riccia because it's very low and the shading has to be minimal. Last nite (6 days post-WC) I had some insane pearling. I've never seen my wisteria pearl this way before.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 15:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice pearling tetratech,

But are you sure that it is not some hair algae on the Wisteria leaves that pearls? I find that algae in general, and in particular in higher elevations, makes very good bubblers.

I am not implying that this is the case in your specific case, but it could be.

Do you have any idea why it may pearl on that particular day so well? Can it be that on that day you have reached optimum levels of nutrients and CO2 levels?


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Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 15:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But are you sure that it is not some hair algae on the Wisteria leaves that pearls?

Well if it is "hair" algae it's Albino.
Your probably right about the co2 and ferts. Actually I was getting alittle nervous last nite because many of my fish were at the surface. I routinely raise my spraybar slightly out of the water in the evening to create some more o2 exchange.

It wasn't only that one leaf, there were streams of bubbles all over the tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 15:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In case your wondering the Rams seem to be fine after 17 days. Here's a few current pics.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 17:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And the other:

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 17:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Another shot

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 17:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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These guy is very friendly

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Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 17:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well if it is "hair" algae it's Albino

That fish-on-surface part was very interesting. So you must either assume that your CO2 is too high, or your O2 is too low. The latter should not be the case as your plants wouldn't pearl if the water would not be O2 saturated. So, what makes the fish gasp at the surface? Too much intake of CO2 although there is enough O2 in the water?

Rams look nice, pictres are of excellent quality. I am glad to hear/read/see that things are going so much better with them for you then they did for me.


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Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Do you have any readings on your CO2? I tested mine last night and came up with:

Ph: 6.7-8
Kh: 17
CO2: 81ppm

I turned it down a little bit....

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Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2006 12:21Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Many fish were at the surface last nite, not all but many. Although the plants pearl and co2 doesn't displace o2 there is still alot of co2 in the water. So I guess I'm pushing it right now. I do notice when I've acclimated new fish in the evening they went right to the surface if I did it too quickly.

I can't even get an accurate co2 reading because my ph color is as yellow as the chart gets, but assuming my ph is 6 and my kh I know is 2 I'm looking at 60ppm. I'm very leary of the whole kh/ph chart thing.....

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2006 13:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm very leary of the whole kh/ph chart thing
Now, canyou explain why that would be? Of all the measurements and calculations that I love soooo much, this chart seems to be the most reliable, given that you don't add any buffers and such to the water.

Or do you mean the inaccuracy of the test kits that would get you to the right column (ph) and row (KH) ?


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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 11:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well there's a whole discussion about this on APC, but I have a problem with it for a few reasons. First off most people don't know there exact PH. If your using a typical test kit, it's easy to be off by at least .2.

So if you measured your ph at 6.3 and your kh is 2 than you have the 30ppm that is so desired. But in reality if your ph is 6.5 then your running short of 19ppm. Can you say for sure you have the 30ppm by using the chart?

Secondly the measurement of co2 relies on the kh being buffered by carbonates. What if there's something in your tap that is different? This would invalidate the reading as well. I still find it hard to believe that someone with a 6.3 ph and a kh of 2 is running 30ppm and someone with the same ph and a kh of 10 is running 150ppm.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 13:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I hear you on the inaccuracy of test kits and as such a quite broad range of possible CO2 values when crossing two elements (ph and KH).

The one thing I don't question at all is, given accurate measurements (or simply assuming them as fact) of ph and KH, that CO2 concentrations are base on these cross points, that seems to me to be a pure chemistry effect. I mean, hypothetically, a 6.3 ph and a kh of 2 is running 30ppm and a 6.3 ph and a kh of 10 is running 150ppm, that is just a fact. Why would it not be that way?


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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 14:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The one thing I don't question at all is, given accurate measurements (or simply assuming them as fact) of ph and KH, that CO2 concentrations are base on these cross points, that seems to me to be a pure chemistry effect

Is it? Far be it for me to question german science, but I believe the KH reading is inaccurate for several reasons:

1. Too many elements, etc. in the tap and water column that might influence that number and they aren't necessarily carbonates.
2. Why is KH measured in a rounded number like 2 or 3, why isn't it 2.5 or 3.6?

Maybe it's me but when someone tells me there co2 is 120ppm and everythings fine I tend to doubt the number?

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 15:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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In my science class I am in right now we just talked about the words Truth and Fact. We basicly descided that they were not good science words. Our scientific beliefs should be ever changing due to new research and technology. It think it is good for tetra to question such things. Far too often we take things for truth or fact just because we are told they are. If someone tells us its true then why question it. We should question thing so we know the truth or at least have a much better understanding of a subject matter.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 15:54Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by FRANK
Actually, the values could easily be 2.349746... But, how
accurate do we need to be? This is not a lab, and I
believe generalities is close enough. You have gotten a
glimpse of this in another sense, as you planted bunches
of fast growing stem plants and then later, replaced them
with slower growing plants. How many cabomba = one sword,
or vice versa? How many wisteria?
There are numerous examples... How many epsi = one platy
(waste wise)...etc.

As one who has a scientific background, I prefer to carry
things out into decimal places, and the IF/THEN of logic,
but this is a hobby.
IF my KH is 4, AND my pH is 6.6, THEN my CO2 saturation
is 30mg/l. At least that is what "my" chart says. But
someone else may have carried their computations out
a couple of more places, or used digital equipment for
measuring instead of drops of reagents.
Now it could be 28.5 or it could be 32.0 but
for what we are dealing with, I feel it is "close enough
for government work."

We are right to question, that is how we learn, but I'm
not sure how "hung up" we need to get.

Just my $0.02.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 16:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
If someone tells us its true then why question it. We should question thing so we know the truth or at least have a much better understanding of a subject matter.

Wings, excellent relevant point. It wasn't too long ago that many aquarist (myself included) and many still do think that no3,po4 increases algae even in an well planted tank.

Actually, the values could easily be 2.349746... But, how accurate do we need to be?

Well I agree with that depending on the context we are talking about. Look the whole EI thing is "Estimative" but we are not talking ferts we are talking co2. If we go by the chart and you have a measured ph of 6.5 and a kh of 2 then you have 19ppm of co2. Probably good enough for many planted tanks, but if your actual ph is 6.8, just .3 difference than your actual co2 is 9.5ppm or half. That's a big difference.

That's why if you are running high-tech tanks with all the bells and whistles you need to push the co2 based on visuals and not charts.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 17:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am with you on the pushing the CO2. I think we are in simmilar ball parks of where the line of too much CO2 is on our fish. Isn't it amazing how much a small difference in Ph is to your CO2?

If I remember what my boss what telling me. Ph is exponetial. Therefore the closer you are to 7 the less of a swing it really is. At either end the swing gets bigger. I would have to look at my chem books to make sure if this is "true" or not but looking at that and our CO2 things get a little messy. I think I am getting a little over my head with this.

Guess I should do my home work now being I am brain fried with my hobby!

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 19:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I still haven't totally fiqured out the pearling thing, but tonite I have massive pearling on my riccia. I actually didn't think it would happen with my wattage and the depth that the riccia is. The following are several pics of rams over pearling riccia. I don't think it get's much better than that.

Notice the pearling on the wisteria leaf as well.

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Female Blue Ram

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Male Blue Ram

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a nice comparison shot of the blues and bolivians as they move about the tank together. Totally peaceful I guess until fry arrive:

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a few nice closeups:

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Blue Male

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
The bolivians don't have as much color of course:
Yeah Ingo there's some bba on the rock behind the ram

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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but the definitely have more personality:

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 02:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice ram pictures. They look great. The bolivions are not as colorful as the blues but they are still a sharp fish.

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 14:07Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Wings, The bolivans are definitely more interesting. One of mine is going to be two years old soon.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 18:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well I noticed my filter wasn't on this morning and I remembered unplugging it last nite to take a pic so that explains the riccia pearling. This happened a month or so ago and Bensaf explained the add'l oxygen available since the biofilter wasn't consuming it. So if you guys want to force some pearling why don't you give it a try. I would only recommend it on a fully planted tank though and you must proceed at your own risk.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 05-Jul-2006 18:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Great great great pictures, tetratech,

So clear and beautiful in color

Hey - I never said that there are inaccuracies in all kinds of things, like test kits and what not. All I said that the chemical relationship between ph and KH can be assumed a constant, meaning cross points will show proper CO2 values. Now, all the parts that may influence the proper values for the axis (ph and KH) is a completely different story. But I never claimed it was that simple, so no need to bash me for believing in the nature of chemistry


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Post InfoPosted 06-Jul-2006 13:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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But I never claimed it was that simple, so no need to bash me for believing in the nature of chemistry

Me no bash you Little_Fish

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Post InfoPosted 06-Jul-2006 14:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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*Stands back so I can get a good view of tetra and LF swinging their purses at each other*

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Post InfoPosted 07-Jul-2006 04:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey now,

That is a Man-Purse from Europe (but I guess you don't know Seinfeld, so that may not make sense to you).

Anyway tetratech, all is good on the Ram frontier? I wonder if you can credit the UV for this one as well? Would make sense to me, at least.


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Post InfoPosted 08-Jul-2006 12:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
That is a Man-Purse from Europe (but I guess you don't know Seinfeld, so that may not make sense to you).

I prefer "European Carry All" Bensaf you know you have one. That's why your always getting into trouble in Indonesia.

The rams seem fine, this Thursday will be a month, but you never know with blue rams. Yes I do think the UV has something to do with it along with a very good biofilter.
Many fish have a tendency to get infections and as Untitled pointed out that is probably what you fish died of. But the believe the key is not necessarily to get fish that don't have these infections (which is probably pretty hard to do) but to keep it suppressed in the same way we keep algae spores suppressed.

Thing about all animals including us have a tendency to get infections if we are stressed enough. Most of the time these things are suppressed but when we go to far off center the infections come. Come to thing of it, isn't that the way it is with Algae. Isn't Bensaf always saying the algae spores are always there. We just have to keep them suppressed by not given them the conditions they want.

Untitled might have access to a good breed of fish maybe the water is better who knows but I haven't lost a cardinal since I could remember. I still have all 23. Here's a pic of the happy couple:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 08-Jul-2006 14:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes I do think the UV has something to do with it along with a very good biofilter.
I guess if I ever would like to have Rams again then this is something I should try. Although, wouldn't that mean that I have to change my filtration setup (too powerfull in GpH) for the big tank, plus, wouldn't I need one on the QT as well (which has only a HOB)?

Also, not that I question it, but what makes your biofilter very good?

And, nice shot of the rams, you will soon scramble for a breeding tank


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Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 11:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi tetratech

Beautiful tank & fish pictures.
The Bolivians are definitely more interesting.
I'm interested what you mean by this. What do the Bolivians do that is more interesting than the other rams?

Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 13:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn,

The bolivians seem to show more of a "pet" personality always interacting with me at the front of the tank compared to the blue rams.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 14:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Also, not that I question it, but what makes your biofilter very good?

ABout 60 pounds of wisteria, I'd say...

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Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 22:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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ABout 60 pounds of wisteria, I'd say...
Who's counting, but I think it's more like 68 pounds .

Anyway, here's a full shot from tonite. Not my greatest scaping moment, but everything going fine with the tank.
In this pick the stargrass is too low and the rotala and aromatica too tall.

Speaking of wisteria. I'm noticing that the lower levels are leaving the substrate and pushing some of the wisteria up alittle to much. In the left side of the tank some of the wisteria is almost a foot tall when you count all the layers. After 9 months or so I might have to start pulling some out and replanting.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Another plant that is probably at it's fullest since getting it is the Blyxa. It seems to have finally gotten comfortable in the tank. Still green, but it's pretty lush. I might have to make room for a too grow some more.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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On the other hand I've sorta given up on the rotala wallachi. Not that it won't grow but it really doesn't fit so I've sort of let the wisteria outcompete for space and light. I think I'll probably look for a low wide plant that can grow about the jungle of wisteria as Bensaf mentioned. The pearling is just fanastic almost a frenzy of sorts with bubbles everywhere. Here's a pic of the Rotala doing it's thing.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think the tank looks as good as it always did (except maybe during the green water / willow branch phase).

I don't find the Wisteria on the left too tall yet, but I see where you are coming from. In general, I think having one side of the tank ending higher than the other is a good thing.

Sorry to hear that the wallachi doesn't seen to work out, but hey, gives you a nice reason to buy a new species, without increasing the number of species overall.

Glad to hear that the Blyxa is doing fine, the few small stems that I added to my 40G seem to settle nicely as well. I bet you that your removal of the big rock and the trimming back of the main group, resulting in more light, has a lot to do with it.

Nice job as usual, tetratech,


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Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think the tank looks as good as it always did (except maybe during the green water / willow branch phase).

What you didn't like the GW / Willow thing.
Thanks, but I think my tank looks best with a tighter mound arrangement, but everyone sees different things.

Yep, your probably right about the blyxa and the rock/trimming. Keeping enough light on it consistenty is the key to keeping it growing and clean.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 20:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Check out this guy. Right in the co2 stream. You could actually see the stream going around the oto. Does the tubing like familiar? Probably the same stuff you have. It's starting to be a pain-in-the-you-know-what. I came home from work again and the bubbles were coming out of the contact point between the tubing and the diffusor. This is a serious issue that I'll have to fix soon because I know the fluctating co2 will lead to BBA.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 03:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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First the fish thought the diffuser was a toilet bowl, now an Otto that thinks it's a jacuzzi

About the tubing, how about of those plastic tie things, sorry can't remember what they're called, you know the ones you pull tight and they can't be pulled back open. Like the plastic handcuffs the cops use now (why do I know that )

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 03:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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About the tubing, how about of those plastic tie things, sorry can't remember what they're called

That's a really good idea and they come in black too.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 14:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Have you also tried dipping the end of the tube in hot water so it expands and loosens, then push it onto the diffuser as far as possible? Once it cools down the tubing will contract and should form a tight seal.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 15:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Good idea Nowher. I have had the problem of lossing the seal in my tank too.

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 19:46Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Dr. Bonke
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To bring CO2 to my reactor I use a gasoline hose that normally is used for miniature airplanes They are very ... eh ... rubber-ish (? - I really can't come up with the right word right now, it's past midnight and I'm leaving on a 10 day vacation tomorrow at 5 am) and resistant to the acidic breakdown that you get with the "normal" airhoses. I've had it in the tank now for 1½ years and it still is as good as new.
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 23:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I would think that "fusing" a tube to a diffuser is not the best idea as it would render the elements hitched forever. That would be bad if you would try to clean the diffuser in bleach (which I don't do anymore, at least since the last 6 weeks, as Excel is working well).

This is the old problem of wanting it both ways: attached enough so it doesn't come off, but not enough to be stuck on it for good.


Dr - have a nice vacation

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Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 23:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I would think that "fusing" a tube to a diffuser is not the best idea

I agree, but did I miss something, who said that?
To be honest I didn't have any of these problems when I was using Lee's stealth Black tubing. I've probably go back to that. The bubble intensity seemed the same. Maybe it will just need to be changed more often as it will breakdown.

Anyway I temporarily, solved the problem by using a different airline tubing "Topline Silicone Air Line Tubing"
It's a lovely shade of blue as depicted below.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Jul-2006 01:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I would think that "fusing" a tube to a diffuser is not the best idea as it would render the elements hitched forever.
I use the hot water method to expand & then slip the tube on. It doesn't "fuse" just fits tight. While the fit is nice & tight, several times I have needed to remove the tubing & have always managed it (eg when I disconneded my DIY C02 - when I disconnected my air bubbles - when I added my solenoid). Yes, it may take longer (not much) to remove due to it's snug fit, but it's definitely not fused. Never used it to attach to delicate glass - that may be different. Nearly always used this method (not to glass), as the tubing I use is usually hard to get on in the first place, so hot water makes the installation easier. Anyway, just my $0.02

Post InfoPosted 13-Jul-2006 02:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Right on topic, last night when I came home my tubing was off again .

About the hot water: I understand the process, but does that mean that you have to use the hot water each time when you want to re-attach the tubing after you took it off for cleaning etc. ?

Last night I just stuck it back on, I think I will either try tetratech's double sucktion cup attempt or I will change it this weekend (hopefully when the plants are here) and put the gray ADA tubing in place.


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Post InfoPosted 13-Jul-2006 10:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by TankWatcher
So far I have not had to clean my bubble counter, it has never been dirty, but I did have to remove the tubing when I installed the solenoid. It came off, but with enough of a struggle that it would be a nuisance if you had to do it every week. When I clean my C02 reactor, the lid comes off, complete with the tubing attached. I agree that it would be a big hassle, if I couldn't do that, as the tubing does fit very snugly after being heated. If I had to regularly remove tubing from something, you're right that I may think twice about making it such a tight fit.

Point goes to Ingo

Apart from that point, though, it is actually how LFS told me to do it & I know I get a much more secure fit than by just pushing it on.

Post InfoPosted 13-Jul-2006 14:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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About the hot water: I understand the process, but does that mean that you have to use the hot water each time when you want to re-attach the tubing after you took it off for cleaning etc.

I did when I had the CO2 tank set up, but I really never saw the big deal about sticking a glass of water in the microwave for a minute while the tank was draining Not that much work IMO and it did the job.

I guess for a diffuser you can make the argument it's unnecessary, but for conecting tubing to a cannister filter and to a UV, and in situations where you're splitting the tubing a few times I think it's vital to heat up the ends to get as secure a fit as possible. I know I couldn't push the tubes onto fittings dry as far as I could when they were heated.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Jul-2006 15:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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After around 4 1/2 weeks all seems fine with the blue rams.
Here's a current pic. The pearling is after a water change but it makes a nice pic nontheless:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 16-Jul-2006 22:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Just when you think it's under control
Total was the first day in about a week where I had consistent co2 diffusion. In other words the hose didn't come off the glass tip, but this brought a few problems to light. Firstly I noticed some strange behavior with my fish and shrimp. Some of the pencils and the rainbow fish were at the top definitely gasping. The bolivians and the amano shrimp turned almost black. One of my otos doesn't look too good. It also was the first time I saw all my otos and I counted 9, but it maybe 8 after tonite. My conclusion for this that the co2 numbers were gradually decreasing over the week because of the problems with the tubing and now today it was at full tilt and the fish couldn't handle it. As I've mentioned before when I acclimate new fish now I notice they gasp if they are acclimated at nite so this definitely makes sense.

Upon a closer examination of the tank I noticed an increase in BBA and on plant leaves (aromatica) that I never had before. This I believe was also caused by the reduction in co2. So a little problem like a tube coming off a diffusor can create some pretty big issues. It's all about small changes.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 01:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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From an aquascaping standpoint here's the tank tonite. A couple of things:

I removed all the wisteria from the left side of the tank and replanted fresh tops. These is the first time I've done this since setting up the tank more than 9 months ago. The wisteria was so layered it was starting to look kinda ratty. The wisteria just from the left side filled a bucket. I resisted uprooting the wisteria on the right as well. BTW I don't know if this contributed to the BBA problem I saw, but it certainty didn't help and wasn't the best time to have done this in retrospect. I've noticed before there is a fine line between controlling BBA and the consistency of the co2 output.

Since I thinned out the wisteria on the left I decided to give the blyxa some more room to spread it's wings so I have about 7 bunches going on an angle toward the large rock.

Rotala R.
I expanded this group as well wrapping it around the center DW and along the front and side of the left group of stargrass.

Here's a pic from tonite:

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Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 01:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a pic showing the tank tonite (Lower pic) with a pic when grow was fuller creating a nice mound effect. To each their own, but I think the top pic show my tank in it's full glory.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 02:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nothing more to say, other than SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL

Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 02:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Still looking real good.

The change to both the Rotala and the wisteria were good moves.

Thinning the Wisteria has certainly added more depth.

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Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 04:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I agree with the posters before me, looking very nice, and a change is (almost) always good.

I hear you on the darn diffuser thing, last night when I came home the one in my 40G completely fell off again . I find it more of a specific diffuser size issue than a tubing issue, as the blue tube in my 125 never ever came off, but the diffuser is one with 8 coils . The one in the 40G has this glass weight inside that works like a bubble counter, the gas has to push it up to pass by on the side of it. This may cause enough back-pressure to further increase the need for expansion in the tubing, and as such the losening of the hose.

About your tank, yeah - wrapping was a nice idea,and giving the fancy (compared to Wisteria) Blyxa more space to shine is also a good thing. I am certain your main group will grow to resemble the earlier appearance very closely.

Nice tank, my fellow planter


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Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 10:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 13:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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well I certainly appreciate all the accolades

Nothing more to say, other than SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL
Still looking real good.
Nice tank, my fellow planter

..and of course nowher who's a man of few words:

About the diffusor, If you put a suction cup on the tubing above the diffusor and a then give it some slack it doesn't pull from the top as much. That's what I've done and it's been good for a couple of days now.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 15:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You know you're a planted tank nerd when you spend the better part of a week discussing the ramifications of attaching tubing to a diffuser this way or that...

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Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 15:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The older tank shot really shows off the colors you have produced nicely but I truly love the rotala grouping around the drift wood. It is kind of a sub-mound which makes it a little more interesting.

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Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 20:34Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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The older tank shot really shows off the colors you have produced nicely but I truly love the rotala grouping around the drift wood. It is kind of a sub-mound which makes it a little more interesting.

Yes I would agree with that. The top of the aromatica in the older shot really colored up. Might be all I can manage with my wattage.

I find the rotala r one of the easiest plants to trim and work with. It doesn't has a good solid feel to it and it doesn't grow outrageously fast, while the stargrass grows fast and tends to get "messy" very quickly. The aromatica wideleaf is a great plant but you must use your hands to plant it's heavy stems even in the eco.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2006 22:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A couple of foreground shots:

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Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 02:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A closer look of the riccia covered rocks:

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Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 02:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A shot of the Riccia thru the expanded Blyxa group from the left side of the tank. Gives a nice rugged carpet look.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 02:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You're welcome

And it's so nice to see your face at last in the new AV. Funny but you look just like I thought you would !

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Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 04:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Very nice shots Tetra. Riccia sure is a nice plant. It works really well with your tank. You only started with an inch square of the stuff didn't you?

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Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 13:50Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is the other enhancement that I see, when comparing the tank now to earlier:

Not only has the riccia grown, you also gave it more structure, in particular height diversion. Earlier, it was more of a flat row, like a saussage

Funny but you look just like I thought you would !


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Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 14:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Yep. They sold it by the square inch at the LFS. Had enough to thinly cover two small stones. Never bought anymore.

Yeah I really like the riccia. If you use different height rocks the riccia grows about the same above each rock so the different heights develop. The rocks are probably due for a trim. I could definitely see what some people do riccia only tanks. I honestly find it really easy to work with as long as you use hairnets

Glad you guys like the new av. Yeah I though it was a pretty good self portrait.

P.S. In case you guys are interested I did start my Reef Log:
There are some parallels to planted aquaria so you might be able to contribute something

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 14:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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O.K. I had to move things around for the addition of the reef tank. The new tank is going to go in the bedroom where my 12g currently is so that meant I had to find a new home for it. Well I always wanted a "Wet Bar" and now I have one. The 12g is now located in my kitchen that houses a small bar.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 02:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's a closer shot:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 02:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am really blown away from your shots! The last one is the best. It shows off both of your tanks but the veiw of your 72 is extra great. It gives you a better perspective than just the strait on veiw we normaly give each other. Must say that it is quite artistic.

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Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 03:10Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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That last photo is the best shot I've seen of your main tank. I really do wish you showed a bit more light in your tank photo's - I always get the feeling the pics don't do the tank justice.

BTW, what's the monkey staring at

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Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 04:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks for the comments. I had a feeling that last shot was a good one. Wings once you get your camera you'll be taking nice shots as well.

I really do wish you showed a bit more light in your tank photo's - I always get the feeling the pics don't do the tank justice.

Well I'll tell you why my shots are usually on the darkside I can't take shots during the day, because my tank faces the western back of my house and faces a sliding door and window which produce to much glare to get a clean photo. This is also when my tank is running the 192watts. Most of the photos I take are with only 96watts of light, so I could probably get better photos by making sure all the lights are on or forcing more light on top. Also my camera is limited with a top ISO setting of 400. Some of the SLR cameras go much higher in ISO setting allowing better photos with less light.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 04:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So on a different note.... Tetra, you have rams in this tank and shrimp. Do your rams ever go after the shrimp? I am kind of thinking of adding a curvacep to my tank but I don't want to have it make a snack out of my Cherry shrimp. Any thoughts?

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Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 14:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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havent been here in god knows how long but everything looks great in my opinion!!! anywho keep it up but in my opinion i really like the more fuller look to the tank really shows off the height and length of it

keep it going master tank designer...BENSAF BETTER GET A LOG UP HERE SOON TO COMEPETE!!!
Post InfoPosted 20-Jul-2006 19:33Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
So on a different note.... Tetra, you have rams in this tank and shrimp. Do your rams ever go after the shrimp? I am kind of thinking of adding a curvacep to my tank but I don't want to have it make a snack out of my Cherry shrimp. Any thoughts?

My cherry shrimps are all in my 12g with a school of Gold Tetras and kuli loaches so there are no problems there. In my 72g I have only Amano Shrimp and the Rainbows, Bolivians and Blues don't even look at them.

keep it going master tank designer...BENSAF BETTER GET A LOG UP HERE SOON TO COMPETE!!!

Thanks Bratyboy2. Yeah Bensaf

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 04:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ahh I thought you had some Cherry's in this tank but I was wrong. Thanks for the info. Sorry to post random question on your log.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 13:12Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I don't need a log. I let this do the talking

Attached Image:

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 16:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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yeppers looks good!!!! all hale to BENSAF
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 19:31Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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That's one hell of a hotch-potch
Very lush. Don't get me wrong the tank works because of the plant placement and different textures next to it, but any chance of alittle more DW peaking thru.

Bensaf I forget how deep is your tank. I'm surprised your able to grow the plants so full and overlapping each other with your light. Have you increased wattage overall?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 22:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by NowherMan6
Not so much worried about the hodge podge of plants, but the fish...

What do we have: 1 bosmani rainbow , one dwarf neaon rainbow, some r. hengali, rummynose tetras, pearl gourami, cherry barbs a few otos and a partridge in a pear tree...

.. no wait, not a partridge in a pear tree... a krib it appears.

Hey, at least you're a good selector of plants...

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 22:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
The picture is a couple of weeks old. I've tidied up a bit since. There's a lot of wood in there, about 7 decent sized pieces. Most have become overgrown with Ferns and mosses. Showing more of the wood will be a big job. I will be moving by the end of the year so this tank will be a thing of the past In the meantime I don't want to do any major re-organising and will just let it do it's thing.

It's a fairly deep and tall tank. It's a about 22" deep so it does allow a lot of overlapping. Although if I had to do it again I'd push everything back and have a more open forground. I'd also have done the wood and rocks differently so as they stay visible. Envisioning how a tank will look 6 donths down the road and taking that into account is something I'm only starting to learn.

Because of the tank size and the way the plants are arranged I did add another couple of T5 bulbs at the back . This was more for light spread rather then more intensity. With one fixture lots of the tank wasn't getting light. Theres now about 186watts whaich is about 2.8 wpg.

Nowhere, you're right about the fish -it's a mess of a selection. But this tank has been going in various forms for 3 years now and there are a few fish that hung on where their bretheren have since gone to the aquarium in the sky. Should really find a good home for the odd guys out. I'd like to stick with the school of rummies and pencil fish ,there are larges schools in there but they were obviously camera shy, the Gouramies and maybe the Krib and get rid of the rest. It does distract from the overall look.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 22-Jul-2006 04:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Because of the tank size and the way the plants are arranged I did add another couple of T5 bulbs at the back . This was more for light spread rather then more intensity. With one fixture lots of the tank wasn't getting light. Theres now about 186watts whaich is about 2.8 wpg.
Your overall wattage is pretty much what I have (2.7wpg) although your tank is 4" deeper. How are those T5 bulbs in comparison to the same wattage CF?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 24-Jul-2006 04:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
A couple of select shots:

The ricca foreground is in full bloom and will probably need to trimmed soon. Besides looking nice the rainbows, rams and shrimp feed off of it constantly and it really hasn't done much damage to it.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Jul-2006 04:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A closer shot:

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Post InfoPosted 24-Jul-2006 04:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Moving further away, here's a full tank shot: Check out the little piece of wisteria that made it's way under the main rock and appears in the riccia group.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Jul-2006 04:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And a shot even further away of the "Fish Kitchen"

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Post InfoPosted 24-Jul-2006 04:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I really like the pictures of both tanks with you standing back a bit. You really get a different perspective. Very neat.

See all my pictures at Google Web Albums
Post InfoPosted 25-Jul-2006 02:17Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Slickrb. It's interesting to see different perspectives. You pick up alot of things you wouldn't ordinary realize.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 25-Jul-2006 02:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I like your fish-kitchen-tank shot and the one where you cut off the top part of the 72. That one looks almost as it would have the dimensions of a 125 and I can easily imagine what a beautiful layout this would be in such a large tank.

I am almost sure that you are toying with the thought of removing your main group and instead having a typical "less-is-more" Amano style tank, with such a lovely Riccia setup.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 01:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Boy LF, talk about "cold turkey" I was getting worried about you. This place is like a ghost town without your 10.9 posts per day average.

I am almost sure that you are toying with the thought of removing your main group and instead having a typical "less-is-more" Amano style tank, with such a lovely Riccia setup.

You know me so well I would love to do that. Maybe I should skip the reef and do that with my 46g. Only kidding Matty, but I would love to have another tank to try that. Maybe if I get bored with my 12g I'll convert it to a co2 higher-light tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 01:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's not a bad idea, but in order to pull if off I think you'd need to add more substrate and get some taller rocks in there. The 72 is pretty tall for a riccia/ hairgrass/ rocks Amano set-up, I think they work best in longer shallow tanks.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 02:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is why I liked the picture where the top is cut off, it makes the tank more longish and shallow. I agree that the 73 (and the 12) would probably create too much empty space. My 40G would be much better suited for it, so hand over the Riccia rocks


PS: I guess I take the ghost town comment as a compliment , sorry I was so busy at work

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 02:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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40G would be much better suited for it, so hand over the Riccia rocks

Yeah I see what you mean about the long shallow tank. Do you see what riccia is going for these days. I'm rich, I tell ya, rich, rich....

PS: I guess I take the ghost town comment as a compliment , sorry I was so busy at work


My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 02:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm rich, I tell ya, rich, rich....
No - NowherMan6 is Rich, you are Jeff

I guess my absence made you all very confused


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 02:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No no Ingo, that's OK - he can be Rich with the 4gallon nano if he says so. I'll be Jeff with the awesome riccia foreground and new saltwater tank. Woohoo!

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 02:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No no Ingo, that's OK - he can be Rich with the 4gallon nano if he says so. I'll be Jeff with the awesome riccia foreground and new saltwater tank. Woohoo!

ADA aquasoil, I'm rich, I tell you, rich, rich....

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 02:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ahh it seems that the grass or should I say the planted tanks are always greener on the other side!

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2006 14:04Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Well it's been a fun night I came home from work to find a my son complaining of a leak in his ceiling because we've been running the AC 24/7 and then I find my bolivian ram almost black in color sitting on the bottom of the substrate and my male german ram swimming out of control turning end over end.

I've been having trouble lately with my regulator and I think it's damaged or I damaged the low pressure gauge but there was definitely to much co2 in the water. I immediately raised my spray bar out of the water, shut off the co2 and did a 30% water change. Hopefully I caught it in time. I guess eventually something has to happen

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 00:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Glad you caught it in time. Keep us posted on your rams & if they fully recovered.

Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 00:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn, I think I did. Both blue rams are swimming around together like nothing happened and my male Bolivian looks a little better, but I haven't been able to locate the female yet.

About an hour ago the blue ram was swimming aimlessly getting caught up in the plants. I've seen this happen when I tried to acclimate new fish at nite when the co2 was at it's highest. After leaving the bag the fish would immediately go to the surface and when I put them back in the bag they would recover. I guess that confirms I'm running pretty high on the co2.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 01:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Glad to hear that you see to have corrected the issue in time, did you find the female by now?

What exactly is the problem with your regulator, given that I have the same. BTW, I also have the self-made version from, the one that is about $40 more expensive. Although I can tell that the needle valve threading is better and you can adjust the flow more easily, I still had the same issues (and occasionally still do now) where it adjusts itself, down and up.

About the high CO2: I know that you are one of the most careful Acclimators that I know of. Wouldn't you have driven up the CO2 content in the bag to almost tank levels during that phase? Or can it be that the drip method gives the CO2 (in tiny bubble form) enough time to dissolve before it mixes into the bag water (via exposure to air of the small drops that are added)?


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 10:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What exactly is the problem with your regulator, given that I have the same. BTW, I also have the self-made version from, the one that is about $40 more expensive. Although I can tell that the needle valve threading is better and you can adjust the flow more easily, I still had the same issues (and occasionally still do now) where it adjusts itself, down and up.

Two things, one I somewho broke the right (low pressure) gauge. It registers pretty much off the scale to the right and the adjustment does not feel right. Like it's not threading correctly. I think I did the damage when I opened the cylinder valve and forgot to open the adjustment knob. BTW last week I refilled my co2 cylinder for the third time and I think I just refilled it two months ago, so something is amiss.

About the high CO2: I know that you are one of the most careful Acclimators that I know of. Wouldn't you have driven up the CO2 content in the bag to almost tank levels during that phase? Or can it be that the drip method gives the CO2 (in tiny bubble form) enough time to dissolve before it mixes into the bag water (via exposure to air of the small drops that are added)?

I did think the same thing, but I probably lost alot of co2 when I removed the water from the tank to put in the bags. Although I acclimated for about 2 hours, apparantly it wasn't enough. In retrospect, the water is dripping into the bag thru the air and probably dispelling much of it's co2 content.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 13:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So when you set up a drip line you do not have it running right into the water colume in the bucket?

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Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 17:21Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
So when you set up a drip line you do not have it running right into the water colume in the bucket?

I was actually filling a tall bowl of water from the tank and placing it on top of the glass top. From that tall bowl it would drip into the floating bag, but to answer you question it was dripping above the water column in the bag because I wanted to see the rate. When I started doing the drip method I wasn't running my co2 nearly as high and I didn't really think about it. Now when I acclimate I'll have to make sure the tubing is below the WC (water column, not water change so I don't lose the co2.

BTW - I think I dodged a bullet. All my fish are accounted. I really thought one of the rams was a gonna. Recovery from co2 OD is alot different than a disease.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2006 18:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh good,

Glad to hear all are well. Yeah, placing the hose below the water surface may help. So you say you take water out of the tank and place it in a bowl? This way, you may already have lost a lot of CO2 through surface agitation and such.


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Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2006 02:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am with LF. Go strait from the tank to the bag and bucket.

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2006 02:25Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yep, makes since to preserve the co2 some more. As I said when I first started doing drip acclimation I wasn't running co2 like I am now so it didn't matter.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2006 02:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Glad to see everything turned out OK. I had similar experiences with acclimating new fish in the old 46 - I had a sparkling gourami try jumping out of the tank I guess that's the ultimate sign to pull back on the CO2 a bit...

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Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2006 03:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I had a sparkling gourami try jumping out of the tank I guess that's the ultimate sign to pull back on the CO2 a bit...

Yeah I was say a fish doing somersaults or jumping out of a the tank is a good indicator

Anyway some random pics:

This is a shot of the foreground showing the wisteria crawling through openings in the rock and then appearing on the other side. I leave it few seems to make things more interesting.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 02:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A closer shot of the wisteria breaking the beachfront:

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Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 02:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Stargrass is a beautiful plant, but I must admit I'm getting alittle tired of the maintenance (Is there a chnage coming). It simply grows to fast (Gotta be top 10 grower), but at a certain point it looks great, but it only last a day or two before it grows to too (Right Ingo). It's tough to beat for it's contrasting leaf shapes and ability to cascade over other plants and objects:

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Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 02:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well I have to show the rams, since they were almost history. A fish doing somersaults is usually not a good sign, but they both seem fine:

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Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 02:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Here's the male that I thought was a gonna:

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Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 02:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And his main and only squeeze:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 02:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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wow your blue rams are real diferent to mine. mine have shorter stockyer bodys and much more blue. whats that puffy looken plant in the forground...i wants some
Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 08:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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(Right Ingo)
Right - I completely agree with your statement. I debate with myself rather often if I should replace the plant with another one, ripping my roughly 70 to 100 stems out every 2 to 3 weeks, cutting off the rotting bottoms, and replanting all tops in bunches is very high maintenance, not to mention the water pollution caused by the rotting.

Wisteria: creeping to the beach. Looks nice because it looks natural, but it carries a danger. Because it is literally creeping up on you, you have to be careful to catch it in the right moment and trim it back, before it causes shading of the Riccia.

Beachfront shot: Hey - there are more rocks that scream "I want to have some Riccia too"

Surviving Rams:


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Post InfoPosted 29-Jul-2006 12:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Beachfront shot: Hey - there are more rocks that scream "I want to have some Riccia too

No way, some rocks must remain just rocks for constrast.

A couple of full tank shots from tonite. I'm 100% convinced the high co2 I'm running eliminates virtually all plant problems, although I'm running a fine line between fish and co2. When the co2 goes down based on inconsistency the BBA opened a door and came in, with the co2 high and steady the bba just disappears.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 01:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Although I'm happy with the tank and I've said I was done, I'm thinking I might "refresh" things in the near future.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 01:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'm thinking I might "refresh" things in the near future
That's our form of fun and demise , we just cannot keep our hands out of the tanks, and I am the leader of that pack.

As usual, tank looks nice, although I have to say that currently you have a triangle again, with a cut off section all the way to the left.

I don't know if I dare to fire up my CO2 as high as you do, the thin line seems to be very thin, it would make me worried all the time.

How are the rainbows doing?


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Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 13:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That's our form of fun and demise , we just cannot keep our hands out of the tanks, and I am the leader of that pack.

Yes I would agree with that statement

The rainbows are fine. I actually like the two of them they school (semi-private lessons) quite nicely, but Bensaf said they were light waste producers. As you probably know these guys like their food and seem to be pooping alot enough through I'm a Micro-Feeder.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 13:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Have the rainbows gotten you wet during feeding time yet? Mine do about every day!

Lighting: I had no idea you were not running a 4 food ficture on your tank. That is quite interesting to me.

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 14:42Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Lighting: I had no idea you were not running a 4 food ficture on your tank. That is quite interesting to me.

Do you mean 4 tube fixture?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 15:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No I thought you had a 4 foot CL not a 3 footer.

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 20:47Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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yeah tetra, I'm lazy (and at work ) so I don't want to go back and read - what didn't you go for the coralife 48" fixture?

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 20:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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No I thought you had a 4 foot CL not a 3 footer.
I don't have any Clown Loaches

Anyway I think it's funny after 72 pages you guys didn't realize what kind of light I had. r
After doing enough research and using my experience from my old 46G I did not want to have the light that the 48" reflector offered. It would have given me about 3.6wpg. I wanted to be closer to 3.0wpg and the 36" reflector gave me 2.7wpg. BTW I started off with a current usa 36" reflector and one of the ballast broke and replaced it with the Coralife fixture. A much better product. The Current USA fixture I had was so cumbersome with 4 plugs(2 light, 2 fans and an idiotic night light right in the middle where the tank support goes. S

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 21:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You have a 4 foot long Clown Loach?

That's how rumours start.

Although I did never have a different brand of CF lighting, I second the notion that the CoraLife fixtures are very good, and on top reasonably priced. I have 3 and I am constantly wondering if I should get another one for the 20G, but that may give it too much light (3.25wpg), but that is how much I like it.


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Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 22:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by NowherMan6
That's an interesting solution. I'm having a similar problem - I wish they made the 96 watt bulbs in a 48" fixture Tough I guess if you had the 48" fixture you could have gone with 2 bulbs for most of the time, then have a 3hr spurt with all four on, kind of a noontime sort of thing...

EDIT: Just realized I wrote that as if there was a problem with what you have now

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Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 22:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well in a perfect world if I got the 48" maybe my aromatica would be more red, but what can I say, you have to take the good with the bad. I'm not complaining, but maybe now my tank can handle the add'l wattage. Anyway right now my noon time burst is about 6 hours. So I have 96watts from 9:30 to 12:00, 192 watts from 12:00 to 6:00 and then 96 watts from 6:00 to 8:30.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2006 23:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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CL.... opps!

You know what I meant though!

I see your resoning with the light. I am sure if I would have took the time to think about it then it would have sunk in. Though I did nothing of the sort.

If you went with either of the 4 footers then you would have 1.8 or 3.6 thus too much or not enough. Going with the shorter fixture works. In my case I think I am lucky running 3.25 all the time. I probably would have been better off to run t5's.

Anyways... sorry about all the craziness!

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 00:09Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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From a visual point of view I think it does look nicer whe nthe fixture is all the way across and lifted by arms an inch or so, something I can't do. I'm still debating whether I should add the full canopy to the top to give it a more built-in appearance. I used to have this on my 46g which LF hated. I would agree on that tank it look alittle tall, but on the 72g it might look good, although it will be a pain considering all the times I have my hands in the tank, so full canopys and hi-tech planted tanks probably don't mix. I could actually suspend the light from the top, but then the wires will still go down. Coralife sells a suspension cable for their CF light fixtures.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 01:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A Riccia Balloon?

The post-waterchange pearling on my riccia apparently his lifted this group off it's rock. It was obviously overdue for a trim but the o2 bubbles are trying to take it to it's natural place at the surface.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 01:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes I would agree with that statement

Well I was also guilty of that at the weekend. Everything in the tank was growing forward towards the glass so I decided to thin things out and make a few changes, and tetra, will be glad to know, make the driftwood a bit more visible.

Anyhows I went to the aquatic market to pick up a few things. A very strange collection of fish was available some of which I couldn't name at all. But I did see one thing that horrified me - Balloon Red Rainbows

Yep, what at first glance looked like balloon mollies were in fact stumpy balloon Irian Jaya Rainbows. One of the most beautiful freshwater fishes available reduced to a stumpy little freak. ARRRR Expect to see them in the US in the coming months and don't buy them.

Did have some young Indian Glassfish which were very very pretty and tempting , but I already have a hotch potch of fish.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 04:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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tetratech - Not only is your Riccia beautiful , it also has a built in warning system informing you when it is time for a trim. Couldn't get any better

Bensaf - Yeah, I hate it when they do this to fish, I wonder who would buy them and why. On a slightly different topic, have you ever seen or had any of the various Rice Fishies? They seem to be a cute bunch, and small on top of it. What do you know about them?


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Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 13:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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might have been already said but in the left hand corner up front is that hair grass? or the blyxe
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 21:41Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well I was also guilty of that at the weekend. Everything in the tank was growing forward towards the glass so I decided to thin things out and make a few changes, and tetra, will be glad to know, make the driftwood a bit more visible.

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 21:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
The riccia has really taken off lately, literally. I think it's because it's getting more light (more seperation between backgroud and foreground plants. Here's a shot of my female ram getting some veggies:

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 22:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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This stuff crawls:

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 22:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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A picture is worth a thousand words"

That will come in time. Got to let it recover from a severe hacking. I do like it though, got more shape and depth now.

You know you are doomed to have Riccia forever after, whether you want it or not !

I got rid of mine almost a year ago but it still pops up. Even now. After I thinned out the Xmas moss which had got too thick I found pieces of Riccia in the middle stuck to the wood and still living. It's turning bright green again now. Pretty indestructible.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 04:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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You know you are doomed to have Riccia forever after, whether you want it or not !

Your probably right. I actually got lazy once and cut the riccia in the tank, but I quickly netted most of the pieces, but I'm sure there are pieces floating around. When it's healthy, it sure is pretty....

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 12:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Mosses are another good way to "plant" your Riccia, they almost form a symbiosis - The moss serves as the anchor for the growing Riccia. It the Riccia is growing too muc, the moss gets shaded too much and starts to die off, which, in turn, will cause the Riccia on it to float up and as such giving more light to the moss to regrow.

At least that is how it is in theory

On the other hand, my Riccia - Moss mix on the rocks of Rock Valley causes too much dying material underneath and on top of it created a beautiful breeding ground for BGA.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 13:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Mosses are another good way to "plant" your Riccia, they almost form a symbiosis - The moss serves as the anchor for the growing Riccia. It the Riccia is growing too muc, the moss gets shaded too much and starts to die off, which, in turn, will cause the Riccia on it to float up and as such giving more light to the moss to regrow.
Sounds interesting, but is there a fine line between it looking good and looking like a mess.

Anyway, since you guys are so keen on talking about dward cichlids does anyone thing this comparison shot (not the best I know) of my bolivian is simply young versus old. He just doesn't look like he used to and the rams have stopped breeding. The top pic is about a year ago and he was fullier and rounder the bottom one is fairly current.

EDIT: Also his eye in the bottom shot looks much bigger in relation to his body.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 16:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The difference is certainly there - is that bright red spot on his gill normal?

Rams are short lived, most say 2-3 years. I don't know if that applies to bolivians as well. It's possible you may have gotten him when he was a almost a year old, and now he's an old man at 2

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 17:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Most sites are saying 2 to 4 years for Bolivians.

The red is more a flush. He doesn't really have that much red there. I had him in my 46g for quite some time, before this so it's possible I've had him for as much as 18months, plus his age when I purchased. he definitely wasn't full grown when I bought him. I'll have to see if I could find some eariler pics.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 17:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey, he survived green water, willow twigs, and what not - what do you expect?

Seriously, is his body coloration always this dark these days? If I am not mistaken, doesn't that indicate being scared or unhappy? It could, of course, also mean old age though.

Being so young in this hobby eleminates me from having experience with fish dying of old age, so I really cannot help there this much, sorry about that.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 18:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hey, he survived green water, willow twigs, and what not - what do you expect
You forgot brewery, yep he survived that as well.

He's not usually as dark as the pic, but he does get very dark and sits on the bottom when the Co2 is too high. He and the blue rams seem to be most affected. I guess he's just an old man.

I took this pic the other day showing lots of activity. I was able to count all my cardinals and they are all fine. I can't remember the last time I lost one. Again I really think the UV is a big in this regard.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 19:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice Shot,

"Picknick at the Riccia Field"

Interestingly, I observed yesterday that the new male Apisto has a dark gray body coloration when scared, and there were a few times yesterday when this happened during transport and acclimatization.

Are you sure he is not scared of something? Did this start to happen after the Rainbows were added?


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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 19:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
It's possible. The only thing I've noticed lately is that my female blue ram has gotten more aggressive and is starting to bully the male (coloring not as good).

Oh, what a minute......

I think, yep part of his caudal fin tip is missing, someone's picking on him and I think it's the blue ram. Wow Ingo you know your "little" fish.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 20:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well Thanks,

Now, if we only would know why he gets picked at. It may be simply because he is getting old and can't move fast enough out of way anymore.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 20:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Could be or just a littie overcrowded and the danger of mixing rams. Now that the blues have settled in I think they are laying down the law especially the female.

What do you think of putting the two blues in my 12g and and removing the loaches and gold tetras and just leaving the blues with the cherry shrimps. Ideally would like to get rid of my rummys, pencils and black neons, but some have been with me so long, I hate to give them back to a LFS.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 20:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Give it a try, but I wouldn't feel safe mixing rams with cherries, they're just too small. Amanos, fine. Cherries? Could turn out bad.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 20:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Your probably right about the cherries. See I need another tank. I have a 46g but that tank went to the darkside of the moss(still deciding on equipment) and I have a 5g in the garage. I need a "Fish Room"

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 20:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am with NowherMan6 on the shrimp/Ram issue, might be too risky.

Otherwise, I think you have reached (or even surpassed) the point of saturation. Of course we all will go and tell you to get an additional tank , and I am sure that NowherMan6 and I would come all the way to LI to persuade your wife that this is the only "right" way, but you have to let us swim in the pool, and a dinner wouldn't be too bad either


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Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 21:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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but you have to let us swim in the pool

Well if you guys ever take a road trip, I'll be more than happy to accomodate.

I forgot about my son's guppy tank, but that ones overloaded with guppies, two zebra fish that never die and a Bristlenose. That is the one tank in my house that almost never gets a water change (just topoff) and everything is fine. One of the zebras gets a swollen belly and it looks like it's gonna pop and then next thing I know the belly looks normal and it does the same thing a few weeks down the road.

It's a ten gallon with a stanard tubelight.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 21:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ideally would like to get rid of my rummys, pencils and black neons, but some have been with me so long, I hate to give them back to a LFS.

Of such things are fish "hotch potches" born.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 04:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Of such things are fish "hotch potches" born

Well since you didn't put up a pick I'll have to bore you with another one of mine. Sorry I don't have any thing exciting like double or triple purple/green apistos just good old fashioned PLANTED AQUARIA with my plain vanilla bolivian rams.

Anyway some nights the tank just has a little extra something and tonite was one of those nites. Don't know if it is communicated in this pic, but here it goes:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 04:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by TankWatcher
Sorry I don't have any thing exciting like double or triple purple/green apistos just good old fashioned PLANTED AQUARIA
Your blue rams are pretty exciting, especially as you're having such success with them, where they can be so difficult to keep alive. I can't find the courage to even try them.

And, your tank is a beautiful PLANTED AQUARIA.

Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 10:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sorry I don't have any thing exciting like double or triple purple/green apistos just good old fashioned PLANTED AQUARIA with my plain vanilla bolivian rams.
Come on, you have some blue/yellow Rainbows in there, and many other colorful fishies.

You know what I would like to see in your tank that, for me, would bring it to the next level? Motion, or to say it more percise, the impression of motion. I have to think about it some more before I can explain exactly what I mean, I will keep you posted.


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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 10:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Thanks for the comments

You know what I would like to see in your tank that, for me, would bring it to the next level?

Are you thinking in photographic terms (ripple on the water, etc.)?:

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 12:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes, somewhere along these lines, although I haven't even thought about this particular option.

How to describe it? I will try:

When looking at your tank I see a focus group of tall stems surrounded by lower plants. It looks like a "still life" in the pictures.

Fish are not moving, and the only way I can think of displaying fish in motion is if they are in school formation and obviously are on route from one area to another.

Plants can show motion as well, for example thinner leaved sags, apons, crypts (spiralis), vals, and what not when swayed in the current. The capture of these swaying leaves in a picture still gives the impression of motion within the tank.

Last but not least, if you can show the water flowing (for example with your idea of water ripples), that would show motion as well.

I know that some of the contest winning tanks have no motion either, but most try to show that there is action, mostly with fish schooling and water movement.

I hope I explained it somewhat well,


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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 14:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I hope I explained it somewhat well

Yes you did and I will work on it

So hard to please

EDIT: Actually what would probably help with motion is to get a large school of very small tetras. Like 50 or 60 Embers or something small and set them lose.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 14:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Like 50 or 60 Embers or something small and set them lose.

And increase the bioload?!?!? Perish the thought!

Sorry, just having a little fun.

If anything up that school of cardinals I would think. The bioload contribution of the cardinals is pretty small, I think you can stand quite a few more without causing trouble.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 15:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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a large school of very small tetras. Like 50 or 60 Embers or something small
Now you are talking and you understand the beauty of 50 to 60 Espei. At about 1.25 to 1.5 inches, the perfect small schooling fish to show motion.

Remember my older pictures from the time when I had maybe only 40 of them? You could actually see how the school was on the move, forming an Autobahn along the tank.

NowherMan6 is just jealous, not too many schooling fish fit into a 4G


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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 15:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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If anything up that school of cardinals I would think. The bioload contribution of the cardinals is pretty small, I think you can stand quite a few more without causing trouble

Your talking to tetratech not LF Of course I would have to have a major fish sale before I added those.

To be honest I go back and forth with the cards. sometimes at night they seem to school nicely, but most of the time they are kinda hanging around. I thought maybe the rainbows would scare them alittle. I guess when your related to the Pirhana you don't scare easily.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 15:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by NowherMan6
LF's experience with his Espei really made me think about the importance of choosing the right fish for a layout, and choosing the right number. Even though bioload-wise his tank was probably fine with the 70+ espei, behavior wise it took away from them a bit. There wasn't enough space for them to swim together and school back and forth. Now that their numbers are down, he commented in his log that he can see their natural behavior more, forming a school and mvoing around. On the other hand, if those were cardinals it probably wouldn't matter if there were 100 or 12, they would still just hang out and "flit" around, like cardinals do. Just a behavior thing, but something to be aware of when choosing fish.

I guess when your related to the Pirhana you don't scare easily

Was it in this log where I read about their teeth? I read somewhere that cardinals actually have a ton of sharp teeth like their cousins, but they're tiny, almost microscopic. Funny to think of those little neon fish that way, but they are related

NowherMan6 is just jealous, not too many schooling fish fit into a 4G

Ah yes, but how many will fit in the ~65 gallon 48X18 tank I picked up last night...? Alas, that's for a different log...

EDIT: Forgot to post my first reason for replying, LFs comments about capturing movement. Amano seems to have two ways of photographing tanks - one using a 200mm lens stopped down to f/16 or more to capture a lot of depth-of-field. This flatens out the scape, making it seem like there's less depth than there really is. The other way seems to be using wide angle lenses, and this seems to add the most drama. Notice that a lot of shots in the AGA contest seem to be taken from below the level of the bottom of the tank, looking upwards? Maybe give that a try. Just thinkin...

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 16:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ah yes, but how many will fit in the ~65 gallon 48X18 tank I picked up last night...? Alas, that's for a different log...

Nowher hits back hard. Fresh off his success with his nano Nowher goes big. What kind of tank is the 65g

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 16:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by NowherMan6
It's an acrylic from glasscages. I was thinking earlier of doing an open top "Bensaf" type of tank deal, but crunching numbers the price of the tank+shipping wasn't worth it, it was just way too much for me to pay for a tank. This one has black bracing on it like an all-glass, but like I said, it's acrylic - so the possible scratch factor is there, but on the other hand it's very solid, very clean, very clear and the front corners are rounded so there's no messy silicone or anything. Shipping by UPS ground was 30 bucks. Altogether I paid less for this than a new 46 bowfront and the dimensions are great IMO - 48X18X17 (a little over). The footprint of a 75g, just shorter.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 16:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sounds like a great deal. I've seen that website.
You could get scratches out of acrylic, but it's a pain.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 16:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nothing more to say about tetratech's tank right now,

But glad to read that NowherMan6 is back in the "bigger" tank business. Can't wait to write my comments into the corresponding log then, just to mess with his mind - of course .

Congrats on the new tank


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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 18:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I was looking for a pic of my bolivian cause I don't remember how old it is and I came across my 46g. This was one of my first attempts at scaping and there's my bolivan ram (in front of the moss covered DW). The pic is from 3/05. So I've had hime at least a year and a half.

Can anyone say Hygro? Robyn BTW the black top that LF hates is the canopy I was talking about, might get it for my 72g. On this tank it's a bit high, but it does make the tank look built-in and it does make the tank easier to see since the only light you see is in the aquarium.

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 19:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Can you say Angelfish? Every time someone asks, can I put a pair of angels in a 29 gallon tank, post this picture.

As for your ram, he has to be at least 2 then, right? That's getting "up there" in years for a ram...

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 19:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Can you say Angelfish? Every time someone asks, can I put a pair of angels in a 29 gallon tank, post this picture.

I've actually done that a few times and this of course is a 46g. This pic is I believe shows the Angelfish even older and bigger. Look how cramped he looks?

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Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 19:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Anyway some nights the tank just has a little extra something and tonite was one of those nites.

The problem with planted tanks is they they only look the height of their potential about 5% of the time. Especially those with stems.

You trim one group and another looks perfect, by the time the trimmed group is back to looking it's best the other group has now grown too tall It's on those rare moments when all the plants have reached just the right height and fullness at the same time that you get those magic moments. Within a day or two, one or more of the groups has got just a bit too tall and the mgic moment is gone.

Part of the joy and frustrating at the same time

I have to agree with Ingo, I've said it before, it is a bit like a still life and a bit cold. Almost too pretty.

Part of it may be the fish. Well for starters you can rarely see any in your photos. Cards and Neons are attractive but they bore the hell outta me. They just seem to sit there.

Strange looking at the old photos, while obviously your growing and 'scaping skills have increased dramatically, the old tanks did seem to have more life. The hardscape was more prominent, the plants a bit more ragged and natural looking.

Still love the tank. But you know already my tastes run a little different, I tend to overdo things. I focus on very small areas and build around them.

I suspect the photos still aren't doing full justice. I know I've never managed to take a single photo of my own tanks that are a fair representation of what the tank looks and "feels" like in reality.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 05:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I know I've never managed to take a single photo of my own tanks that are a fair representation of what the tank looks and "feels" like in reality
That is so true. And on top of it, I believe on a photo other people cannot see what the person sees who made the picture, who knows the ins and outs of the tank, who has seen the tank from various angles and in 3D. That sometimes leads to confusion as the photographer wonders why others cannot detect the beauty/issue that he/she wants to convey.

Tetratech - I agree, you have to keep that angel shot handy. I occasionally toyed with the idea of angels for one or the other of my tanks, but this shot straightened me out again. Thanks


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Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 10:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Bensaf, LF,

So heard to please!
Let's see "too pretty" "still life" Well sounds like art to me.

I find when the mid-center area of my tank is more overgrown with wistera or stargrass the tank takes on a more layed "messy" natural look, right now it's pretty clean cut but I'm enjoying better riccia growth. Goes back to can't be everything to all plants, fish and critics. Unfortunately as you both pointed out pics don't usually commnicate all the intricates that are present.

I bet there are a few things you didn't notice, for example, if you look from right to left in the pic, starting with the jungle of wisteria notice how the fullness breaks up alittle and then there are a few pieces that find their way to the mid foreground. I bet you didn't notice that in the first look. Another thing the rotala is a mid-ground plant. It is dead center from front to back partially in front of the stargras grouping.

The problem with planted tanks is they they only look the height of their potential about 5% of the time. Especially those with stems.
This is true kinda.
The other day my wife got on my case because she can't believe how much I mess with my tank. I'm lucky I work from home alot (actually not so lucky, because so does th wife ) and I realized she was right. I noticed that when I'm able to cut a stem here and cut a stem there. I could keep the tank in pretty good shape without doing a major trim. I could also catch things before they become a bigger problem, I don't thing LF has that ability and he has a bigger tank. The rotala is a perfect example. I probably trim a stem or two every other day. I also think constant trimming is really good. I believe the plants develop better growth and thus keep the water cleaner and crisper - Tetratech Out

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 13:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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What is this?
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Can anyone say Hygro?

Sorry I am a bit behind but have a peek at my tank.....hygro city!

I completly understand the life in the pictures talk. When I take pictures of my tanks I can never really show off anything that might happens to look nice on the given day I get a camera in my hands. You guys take much better pictures than I do and I am sure that if I were to see your tanks in real life I would be twice as interesting in them.

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 14:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well it's been about 7 weeks since I bought my blues rams. Had a little scare about a week a go with the male blue and too much co2, but both seem fine. After that incident the female has been picking on the male, but now they seem to be following each other around again. Could it be that the male was weakened and the female picked up on that.

Here's a current pic of the male, notice the solid black side spot with new blue dots in it:

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My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 19:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And now the female. Notice the black spot has some blue dots in it. I was told this was the easiest way to tell male from female.

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Post InfoPosted 03-Aug-2006 19:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Robyn BTW the black top that LF hates is the canopy I was talking about
Thanks Tetratech. Just crop the canopy out of the pic & LF will never know it's there.

BTW, I like your "still life" look

My tanks all have a similar canopy (more sloped/rounded though) as they came with the tank & the lights are built into the canopy.

Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 01:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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We must have offended tetratech seriously, have you taken a look at his Avatar?

- Now that is a still live


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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 02:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yep I see the Av.

Unfortunately I think it only serves to prove our point

Well, we all have the wife issues (as no doubt Wings is discovering!). I think that for me it's not so much the amount of time as the timing itself. Coming and the first thing you do is check the the Co2, check for pearling, count the fish etc and THEN say hello to your wife is not a good thing Only thing worse is remembering to say hi to the wife first but then she catches that your eyes are on the tank while you kiss hello

I tend to be like tetra too, I prefer a 10 min tidy on a daily basis rather then one big weekly trim. Although I'm now down to only 4 species of stem plant, all pretty easy to take care of, and this certainly makes things easier. It also keeps the "look" longer.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 04:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Draw this:

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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 04:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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There's a challenge. Nice shot tetratech

Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 05:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ha! I told ya...

Nice shot, although the white balance has taken away some of the reds of the middle plants. Very nice though

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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 13:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well, we all have the wife issues (as no doubt Wings is discovering!). I think that for me it's not so much the amount of time as the timing itself. Coming and the first thing you do is check the the Co2, check for pearling, count the fish etc and THEN say hello to your wife is not a good thing Only thing worse is remembering to say hi to the wife first but then she catches that your eyes are on the tank while you kiss hello

Well you see......I get home and I normaly see my tank before my wife. She is up stairs doing her online homework while my tank is right before my eyes. It is not my fault it got to me first!

Nice shot tetra. I love how you jump up to the challenge of these guys! Was your light on high for the picture or half wattage? It seems a little dark but I think it is because of what Nowher brought up.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 14:07Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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although the white balance has taken away some of the reds of the middle plants
- I think we simply cannot let tetratech have his 15 minutes of fame without finding something to criticize.

But really, now we can see some motion, and some fishies as well, its getting better and better

Your tank background is some self stick foil, right tetratech? What would it take to remove it and to place it back on? Just out of curiosity and not because I think it would be better, but I am wondering how this scape would look with a white or very light blue background. Or even something with a light red tone.


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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 14:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Ha! I told ya...

Yes you were right Nowher, when you said low and below I thought about those Amano shots.

Yes the color got sapped, I'm ont a pro photography, but shot needs more light and a faster shutter.

The background is removable. It's been put on with vasoline, but I don't think I want to go there.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Aug-2006 14:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
A little shocker today, I woke up to a dead Bosemani. I was really shocked. I saw no problems with the fish just the other day. All other fish are fine. This is the first fish I could remember losing since that little gourami many months ago.

EDIT: It seemed like the one that died was the weaker male (color, slighly smaller) Could this have been the cause.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Aug-2006 16:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It seemed like the one that died was the weaker male (color, slighly smaller) Could this have been the cause
In itself, I would say no. When one has more than one fish of one kind then one will always be the weaker one.

A few questions:
- Have the rainbows been fighting with each other often?
- Has the female Ram been fighting with him?

The only other thing I can think of, assuming that it was not an illness, would be that 2 fish of a schooling type simply doesn't work out that well.

Sorry about the loss tetratech,


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Post InfoPosted 07-Aug-2006 16:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The only other thing I can think of, assuming that it was not an illness, would be that 2 fish of a schooling type simply doesn't work out that well.

Well the two fish during certain times were always doing their "diplay dance" for each other. Same way the pencils do it, but with the pencils I have 2 males and 3 females.

I think it's also an issue of too many fish.
stuff happens, if you know what I mean.

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Post InfoPosted 07-Aug-2006 17:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Holy Haircut

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 19:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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indeed... any reason for the buzz cut? Do you have a scape change in mind?

I think it's also an issue of too many fish.

I still can't see how you have "too many" fish. I know there's a correlation between easy to care for tanks and low fish load, but you don't really have that much in there. Cardinals, pencils, two bosemanis, a few otos and 4 rams is nothing for a 72 gallon tank. I just want to know how Amano has his tanks set up for a year or so with 85 espei or hengali, 10-15 otos, tons of shrimp and 10 rosy barbs in a 65 gallon tank and everything is fine in terms of fish health and algae. I know part of it is that he doesn't use a ton of light necessarily so that helps, but he doesnt't exactly always stock lightly when it comes to his schooling fish, and that's doing a normal 50% weekly water change schedule. I'm only using him as an example because I have the book open in front of me, but there are others who do it as well.

I think it may just be that stuff happens, sometimes they just die.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 19:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sorry to here about your Rainbow. I lost one of mine yesterday. I think my Convicts kicked there butt. I am really tworn right now on what to do with that tank.

As for the haircut or should I say buzz cut. It actually looks pretty good still. Much like the picture you posted a while back with the top of yout tank chopped off. It also seems to add a lot of life to your tank being there are quite a few fish in sight now from the picture.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 20:07Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I still can't see how you have "too many" fish

I'm not suggesting that the fish died because of overcrowding but let's just say more "stuff" happens when you have more fish in the tank.

When you see amanos tanks how do you know he's not losing 10 of 80 schooling fish over the course of a year?

Speaking of Amano, check out this shrimp (bad pic) she's loaded with eggs. Sorry I'm not setting up a brackish tank for the fry

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 20:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I will drop off a 20L this weekend and some salt if you give me some baby shrimp!

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 20:44Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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will drop off a 20L this weekend and some salt if you give me some baby shrimp!

BTW - Sorry to hear about your Bosemani as well. Very strange, cause the fish was eating and acting normal the day before.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 20:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Same thing with mine. The only difference between mine and yours is I have a nasty set of cichlids in the tank with mine that happen to have fry.

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 20:56Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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When you see amanos tanks how do you know he's not losing 10 of 80 schooling fish over the course of a year?

It's possible of course, but he's usually good about telling when that sort of thing happens. I know he's killed off livestock plenty of times with too much CO2.

Congrats on the gravid Amano I bet you'd need a lot of experience to properly breed them - raise the adults in FW, transfer them to salt or brackish to rbeed, then slowly bring the young back to FW. Are they all wild caught?

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Post InfoPosted 09-Aug-2006 21:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
I bet you'd need a lot of experience to properly breed them - raise the adults in FW, transfer them to salt or brackish to rbeed, then slowly bring the young back to FW. Are they all wild caught?

Sounds like 3 tanks just to breed some shrimp.
Not sure about the wild-caught thing.

Anyway, here's a center pic of my tank one day after every single stem in the pic was trimmed.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Aug-2006 02:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Stargrass just grows to damn fast, but when it's healthy it's tough to beat:

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Post InfoPosted 10-Aug-2006 02:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by Wingsdlc
It gets quite tricky playing with different growth rate plants. In my tank right now the Sunset Hygro is trying to gro a cross the top of the tank. I like to keep the stuff taller but then one day durning the week it shoots up on me and the tank looks messy.

Were you playing camera tricks with the last full shot picture? (fan on the tank?) I think I see a slight ripple!

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Post InfoPosted 10-Aug-2006 14:06Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's been a while so here's a current pic:

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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 03:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Beautiful as ever.

I'm going to copy you with the riccia - sorry, hope you don't mind. I've got the hair nets ready & waiting for the arrival, by mail, of 15cm square of riccia (a recent ebay find) Can't find the stuff in a LFS or online here. Hoping it's there when I get home from work, so I can combine the planting with tonight's water change.

Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 03:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks Robyn,

Please knock yourself out with the ricca. No two tanks are alike so it will be interesting to see it in yours. If you didn't notice from the first pick you'll notice that the riccia has left my foreground and now is part of my main mound area. I removed alot of wisteria to fit it in.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 03:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Here's an earlier shot (one week) before I left for about 5 days. Notice the rock that the riccia is on is more exposed and the plants have much better color. The first full shot I hadn't dosed in 5 days.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 04:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Here's a closer shot of the riccia covered rock:
LF, notice some BBA on the DW. See I have algae too.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 05:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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An even closer shot. Here you could clearly see pearling (no water change in 9 days) and some of the hairnet that is holding the riccia in place.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 05:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by bensaf
Now that's a tank that's devloping real nice.

The re-arrangement of the rocks and riccia is fantastic.

Suddenly it's a tank with lots of interest (without being fussy or distracting) and life. Brighter pics too !

You know have different levels and depth that was lacking before. Great great job

You can dump the still life avatar now.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 12:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Well thank you Sir!

I had a feeling you would like it. I tried to make it more "random" with some wisteria just growing loosely across the midground and having it mix with the other plants. You might have also noticed the Blyxa coverage has expanded and is slightly more random occupying different levels.

You can dump the still life avatar now.

Oh good, I was getting bored looking at it.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 13:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Now that is just wonderful

Was that the reason you didn't update your log in the last week or two? If so, well done, the surpirse is truely a good one.

I am with Bensaf, depth and the whole nine yards, excellent.

But, I wouldn't be myself if I would not have a work of caution:

You have greatly reduced your wisteria farm, the one plant I claim to be responsible for your extreme stability with regards to algae. Have a keen eye on the developing tank, just to make sure that it stays stable. And, Riccia, IMHO, has one disadvantage, it hides algae very well in its lower regions. I know that you perform regular trimmings, so this may not apply to you.

Besides that, BRAVO


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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 13:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Is it just me or did you add a larger riccia rock to both sides of the mound?

I really like the new look. It creates a slightly more wild look to your tank. A good change from the still life, clean cut scape.

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Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 14:09Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Was that the reason you didn't update your log in the last week or two? If so, well done, the surpirse is truely a good one.

Well I timed the "refresh" a few days before I left so I would enjoy about a weeks of growth when I returned (a week with no ferts anyway)

You have greatly reduced your wisteria farm, the one plant I claim to be responsible for your extreme stability with regards to algae
Yes I did think of that, but I had already taken out every wisteria stem prior to the redo in about 3 phases. The lower stems that were being crushed from 10 months of horziontial growth were looking pretty ratty. There's still alot of wisteria in there and the tank is that much more mature. So I'll keep my fingers crossed. The riccia will definitely be more maintenance than the wisteria that I was able to get away with clipping the tops for 10 months.

Is it just me or did you add a larger riccia rock to both sides of the mound?

If it wasn't clear from the photos there is a large rock deep-midground on both sides of the mound. The rocks were positioned to angle up toward the mound keeping the effect.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 14:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Aw, no more riccia foreground? Well, i guess this new gorgeous set up will have to do...

Really well done. Your tank has a different feel to it that's been hard to pin down. I think it reminds me a lot of a tropical island, with the wisteria acting like big palm trees.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2006 16:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The new look is really nice, but then I always loved the old look too

I saw you say in LF's log that your pH is under 6 in the evening. Do you know what it is in the morning, before C02 turns back on?
