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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Important: plagiarism and this website
Everybody knows that stealing property or belongings is wrong. There is no question about that. However, there is another type of theft that does not...
Lindy030-Jun-2005 15:03
If you want to show us your pictures
First and foremost you are going to need to have that picture saved on your computer. Two ways of doing that. 1. You have a digital camera and have s...
koi keeper004-Mar-2004 05:51
Hatching BBS
I have had a few people ask me about how I hatch my shrimp, so I am putting it on here. It nice and cheap, but effective. Alot of this stuff you pro...
MichelleKalgren1915-Dec-2017 06:12
Hudanbrotherhood018-Feb-2025 01:16
What can I add to this tank?
I have a 29 gal tank that is currently housing 1 dwarf gourami, 1 rainbow Platy and about 6 Platy fry. All 6 fry have homes to go to once they are rea...
Mortica 909-Apr-2022 08:58
is my guppy sick?
a fancy guppy in my tank is very active but not eating. this is very strange to me because he is the one in the tank that eats the most. ive looked at...
ztb23827-Oct-2021 16:59
a triops with a betta?
upon doing some research i know that a triop and a betta have compatible water parameters, but after letting one grow up, would putting it in the bett...
ztb23725-Oct-2021 14:06
fish tank sizes
Can some one tell me how many litres and gallons are in the following tanks? 2ft 3ft 4ft 6ft . regards Dan all confused!...
diverdan830-Aug-2019 14:54
right now i have 2 neons in a 15 gallon, one is albino. i have a 3 gallon tank with an ADF and a betta. would it be ok to move the neons to that t...
Sonic20411211-Nov-2018 03:43
New 29gal up, running and very healthy!
I know this will probably go unread for quite some time, because this site is not nearly as active as it once was... but this is the place where I lea...
brandeeno619-Apr-2018 14:12
Time to add the gouramis
I am thinking of adding one male and two female powder blues to my tank. I'm curious if that's too much and how I should do it. My tank is 8 and a...
judz310-Jul-2017 14:08
Tiny White Things On/In Aquarium
Hello, I noticed last night in my fry tank, that I had these white specks on all sides of the aquarium glass.I have about 20 week old fry in the ta...
Barb_Fan2521-Feb-2017 19:44
Need help with my Flower Horn
Please help me with my flower horn, she lays eggs but after that she eats them all. She has no partner yet....
gustavowoltmann221-Oct-2016 21:45
New 55 gallon
I have a new 55 gallon freshwater set up and wanting some ideas... I have 4 tiger barbs in it now and I'm going to add 3 more. I am wanting a redtail...
Bamaboy88417-Sep-2016 23:38
Lowest cost and easiest way to eliminate green hair, bubble, turf and slime algae from your aquarium...
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Lowest cost and easiest way to eliminate green hair, bubble, turf and slime algae from your aquarium (hopefully permanently). This new test version...
santamonica4717-Sep-2016 23:35
Axolotl salamanders
What kind of water conditioners should I use for my salamander pets. Should they be given the same ones used by aquarium fish. Thank you, jagua...
jaguar12345006-May-2016 19:58
Tetra species problem
In December, I adopted two tetras that needed a home on short notice. I was told they were 'glolight tetras', which I took to mean the glowlight te...
andbeonetraveler214-Jul-2015 21:40
Female betta + Columbian tetras in a community tank?
Our 29 g (standard dimensions) community tank has gradually thinned out over the last few years. We let it get down to the 11-year-old 5-in female spo...
andbeonetraveler306-Jul-2015 05:36
river tank substrate and stocking
I'm having dreams of a new hillstream loach tank. I think the tank I have in mind is a 30g breeder. I believe I used a 20 long last time. I've...
aqh88222-Jun-2015 19:55
Need to match airstone bubble pattern: What type of airstone do I need?
I have an art truck you can see at On it are two 4" wide 'aquariums' with plastic fish. One is a self-contained unit with an internal...
ranger6350218-Apr-2015 04:50
Tiger barbs and Danios...??
So, this is a newish 20 gal tank. I started it out after a week by adding 6 danios, 1 of which died of fin rot, and 2 died from unknown causes, whic...
PepeTheKingPrawn630-Mar-2015 04:41
Whos the Culprit!
i have a 55G that is cycled for about 2 months now with silver dollars five tiger barbs{had 8} a red tailed shark, and 6 julli corys used to have sev...
Cichlid Kid413-Mar-2015 09:51
fish feeding
Its been a very long time since I\'ve had any aquariums set up. I have also never really had fish that are quite so large before. So I am wondering is...
adraria110-Mar-2015 14:21
330 gallon tank
I may be getting a huge 330 gallon tank I currently have two large plecos that were given to me. I would like to re home them to this new tank. What i...
adraria310-Mar-2015 06:33
Shrimp pellet fungus?
Sometimes if my cories don't get to their shrimp pellets in time the pellets get some kind of white growth around them. Is this some kind of fungus?...
ImRandy85719-Feb-2015 11:59
Garage Tank??
So I am thinking about putting a 75 gallon tank in the garage. The garage is more like a den or man cave. The walls are insulated with one single wind...
Bamaboy88414-Feb-2015 11:48
Upgrading to 36
I'm upgrading to a new 36 gallon. I'm moving 3 cherry barbs, 2 cory cats, 1 male guppy, and 1 bloodfin tetra. I know I am going to add more bloodfins...
Bamaboy88121-Dec-2014 02:12
Striped Raphael Catfish - to get or not to get
Heya All, I am back after several, several years. My husband decided he had to have a fish tank, so we now have a 250L tank with African cichlids o...
ClownyGirl117-Dec-2014 10:25
New 55 gallon suggestions
I'm in the process of getting a new 55 gallon tank. I know for sure that I am going to get about 6 tiger barbs and 1 red tail shark. What kind of cich...
Bamaboy88102-Dec-2014 19:45
Yes another sick betta
Hey I've got a sick blue Betta Splendor. He has grey coloring on the front of his face (which I'm pretty sure is a fungal infection of so...
nesposeidon303-Nov-2014 20:24
Experienced pea puffer care
I am currently in the middle of setting up and cycling a new 10 gallon tank that I would like to keep a pair or trio of pea puffers in. Unfortunately,...
ztb23218-Aug-2014 03:19
new 50 gallon tall tank
Out of the blue my dad brought home a 50 gallon upright aquarium with a stand. I get paid tomorrow so I would like to go ahead and get it set up with...
ztb23316-Feb-2014 10:55
stressed fish after acclimation
after fish are acclimated to the tank theyre usually pretty stressed. will feeding them right after acclimation help them wind down or will it only ma...
ztb23212-Feb-2014 04:14
one more betta question
my betta has begun building his first bubble nest. how can i clean the gravel in the tank without disturbing his nest?...
ztb23004-Feb-2014 10:41
too many brine shrimp!!!!
i hatched more brine shrimp than i was expecting to. rather than throw away the shrimp they wont eat today i would like to keep them for a few days an...
ztb23002-Feb-2014 22:23
brine shrimp Vs fairy shrimp
i would like to start feeding my betta some live food as an actual treat, as blood worms are part of his daily meals. my concern is how much the brine...
ztb23601-Feb-2014 21:32
what else can i do?
after thoroughly cleaning the tank with the gravel vacuum and a large water change the water in my 2.5 gallon tank is still cloudy. is there anything...
ztb231931-Jan-2014 00:45
guppy has mouth rot
the orange sunset guppy i bought hasnt been interacting with the other fish in the tank and just staying up at the top of the tank as far away from th...
ztb23228-Jan-2014 10:15
is this weird for a betta to do?
my betta seems to be very happy and active in his tank now that hes alone. he always hangs around the front of the tank watching me at my desk. i thou...
ztb231327-Jan-2014 00:00
am i stressing my betta and his tank mates?
i have a 2.5 gallon fish tank with a betta fish, 3 neon tetras and 2 guppies. everyone gets along just fine, the tank is well planted for the neons an...
ztb231221-Jan-2014 07:44
Power outage question
Our power just went out. How long before we can expect a "fishtastrophy." Any tips to help prevent one. We have 55g and 2 29g tanks. Thanks...
Gstrobe188414-Jan-2014 15:46
Stocking a 55G
hi, i was wondering about stocking a 55G community freshwater. i currently have 4 Silver dollars, a male betta, and 7 peppered corys. i was thinking...
Cichlid Kid223-Dec-2013 09:11
That Moment
That moment, when you've spent the morning on the fisthanks and have finally settled down in the library/office ect to get some work done when you hea...
Babelfish514-Dec-2013 01:29
Two Questions - Heater and Water Level
Hello everybody! I recently got back into the fish keeping hobby, it has been many many years. Anyway, I have a Fluval Spec 5 gallon which is amazin...
soclosetome629-Nov-2013 23:25
Clown Pleco?????
I was wondering if i could put a clown pleco in my 10 gallon tank with 3or4 black coolie loaches and some baby eastern mosquitofish?...
aquariumlover10214-Sep-2013 20:16
New 90 gallon, old filter. Should i upgrade?
Hello all, I just upgraded to a 90 gallon from a 40 gallon tank i have had for 10 years. I thought my fluval 405 would have been sufficient, bu...
Yukon Mike210-Sep-2013 02:16
20L stock
Hi I'm new to fish profiles and i have 2 10 gallon aquariums ones a community the others a breeder and i want to upgrade the community to a 20 long an...
aquariumlover10010-Sep-2013 02:05
Para Dome bulbs
Hello anyone, I have a Para Dome Kotobuki Aqua-Rama 950 R Aquarium that I bought while living in Okinawa. I have been trying to buy replacement lights...
rjcoviello508-Aug-2013 00:28
Semi- Aggressive Community Tank
hi, i started up a semi-aggressive community tank about 3 weeks ago. it seems to be cycling properly and the parameters are GH-30, KH-40-80,pH 6.5-7.0...
Cichlid Kid305-Jul-2013 14:00
Aussie wall mounted tank
So, My sister has gotten one of these things, a 7 gallon one, apparently. No...
MrKipper1404-Jun-2013 11:26
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