| What has gone wrong where is every one?????????????????? Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | The Recovery Room | keithgh | 93 | 21-Dec-2022 03:31 | |
| Ouch ... | The Recovery Room | T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan | 11 | 06-Sep-2021 20:11 | |
| My new Aquarium Diary Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 | Planted Aquaria | Dr. Bonke | 268 | 11-Dec-2017 08:29 | |
| Stopping by | The Recovery Room | fish patty | 4 | 03-Apr-2017 06:11 | |
| Need help with my Flower Horn | General Freshwater | gustavowoltmann | 2 | 21-Oct-2016 21:45 | |
| Heater problems | The Hospital | Bama88 | 4 | 21-Jan-2016 21:39 | |
| looking for ideas | Getting Started | Tabs | 13 | 06-Jan-2016 00:43 | |
| What can I put in a 5 1/2 gallon? | Getting Started | SJinNJ | 3 | 15-Jun-2015 20:34 | |
| I think it's a water problem...? | Water Quality | 3derydr | 6 | 18-Apr-2015 13:39 | |
| Convict Colour Morphs | Cichlid Central | glenn52 | 3 | 10-Apr-2015 06:32 | |
| Whos the Culprit! | General Freshwater | Cichlid Kid | 4 | 13-Mar-2015 09:51 | |
| 330 gallon tank | General Freshwater | adraria | 3 | 10-Mar-2015 06:33 | |
| Fish Shaming | The Recovery Room | superlion | 0 | 23-Feb-2015 21:26 | |
| Fish Selection - 38 gallon | Getting Started | SPG | 4 | 14-Feb-2015 04:29 | |
| Upgrading to 36 | General Freshwater | Bamaboy88 | 1 | 21-Dec-2014 02:12 | |
| Frank\'s home addition | Photo Booth | FRANK | 5 | 16-Nov-2014 14:47 | |
| low cost tank cooler | Technical Tinkering | ztb23 | 7 | 09-Nov-2014 06:21 | |
| Yes another sick betta | General Freshwater | nesposeidon | 3 | 03-Nov-2014 20:24 | |
| how to deal with a population boom? | Cichlid Central | Michelo_69 | 6 | 27-Oct-2014 10:33 | |
| tall aquarium plants | Planted Aquaria | ztb23 | 3 | 04-Oct-2014 05:56 | |
| Identify this plant? | Planted Aquaria | Soidfuf | 2 | 22-Sep-2014 22:00 | |
| Ideas for new 36g Bowfront w/ Bolivian Rams | Getting Started | inlikefish | 5 | 26-Jun-2014 20:50 | |
| Algae problem, lost on what to do next | Planted Aquaria | djrichie | 2 | 16-Jun-2014 13:21 | |
| checking in.. | The Recovery Room | monkeyboy | 2 | 04-May-2014 23:56 | |
| what is my snail doing? | The Hospital | ztb23 | 12 | 03-Apr-2014 06:41 | |
| planting problem | Planted Aquaria | ztb23 | 2 | 30-Mar-2014 00:10 | |
| guppies and algae | Livebearers Lane | ztb23 | 17 | 24-Feb-2014 02:13 | |
| pregnant guppy? | Livebearers Lane | ztb23 | 1 | 20-Feb-2014 10:28 | |
| why did my otos die? | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | ztb23 | 3 | 11-Feb-2014 19:28 | |
| what shrimp can survive in water with copper? | Invertebrates | ztb23 | 4 | 07-Feb-2014 18:32 | |
| Ideas for 37 Gallon Tall | Getting Started | Jfishy | 4 | 02-Feb-2014 19:52 | |
| snail diseases | Invertebrates | ztb23 | 2 | 01-Feb-2014 03:04 | |
| What do you think (experienced freshwater aquarium keepers) | Getting Started | bsilverfox | 4 | 25-Jan-2014 20:15 | |
| Power outage question | General Freshwater | Gstrobe188 | 4 | 14-Jan-2014 15:46 | |
| Congrats | The Recovery Room | Mez | 2 | 14-Dec-2013 17:31 | |
| building a stand for 125g tank | Technical Tinkering | moondog | 4 | 24-Nov-2013 00:36 | |
| Severum breathing fast! | The Hospital | DustinGerard | 2 | 14-Nov-2013 11:30 | |
| Guppies dying, water conditions seem fine | The Hospital | Samon | 5 | 03-Nov-2013 12:29 | |
| GETTING SICKER BY THE HOUR :( | The Hospital | GuppiesR_US | 4 | 04-Sep-2013 09:37 | |
| new algae eater possibilities? | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | barbdarb | 2 | 18-Aug-2013 18:09 | |
| Albino Cory Cat. | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | fairfarren | 1 | 09-Aug-2013 20:20 | |
| betta sluggish and clumpy tail | The Hospital | houston | 2 | 09-Aug-2013 01:51 | |
| Para Dome bulbs | General Freshwater | rjcoviello | 5 | 08-Aug-2013 00:28 | |
| Demasoni cichlids | Cichlid Central | Miami Bamboo Bettas | 1 | 11-Jul-2013 01:59 | |
| Semi- Aggressive Community Tank | General Freshwater | Cichlid Kid | 3 | 05-Jul-2013 14:00 | |
| What is this fish? | General Freshwater | gjh001 | 2 | 01-Jun-2013 02:33 | |
| Pick My 30 Gallon Cichlid Tank | Cichlid Central | djtj1 | 3 | 18-Apr-2013 03:29 | |
| Pirate Game | The Recovery Room | Mez | 5 | 11-Jan-2013 14:06 | |
| Big Fish not eating. | The Hospital | JRMFTW | 4 | 27-Dec-2012 03:13 | |
| Not sure what kind of fish this is?? | General Freshwater | ~ Nikoleta ~ | 9 | 04-Oct-2012 02:02 | |
| Aquarank | The Recovery Room | superlion | 4 | 27-Sep-2012 22:39 | |
| 30 gallon hexagon tank | Getting Started | Charliejaebrown | 2 | 31-Aug-2012 14:04 | |
| top dwelling tetra | Tetra Talk | dupja | 6 | 13-Aug-2012 10:34 | |
| What Kind of Fish Do I Have? | Getting Started | TorpeAlex | 3 | 20-Jul-2012 21:41 | |
| Beginner who needs help | General Freshwater | nesposeidon | 8 | 20-Jul-2012 09:08 | |
| ACA Convention in Indianapolis | The Recovery Room | superlion | 1 | 06-Jul-2012 21:14 | |
| Cichlid suggestions | Cichlid Central | dupja | 4 | 26-Jun-2012 04:36 | |
| fishless cycling | Getting Started | dupja | 1 | 10-Jun-2012 11:33 | |
| Update: Crossocheilus siamensis; Field: sciName | Reviewed Profiles | wf1517 | 0 | 24-May-2012 22:29 | |
| DIY decorations safe for aquarium | Aquascaping | SkittyKat | 4 | 23-May-2012 17:17 | |
| What percentage of water should be changed? | Water Quality | patman | 3 | 22-May-2012 14:52 | |
| Ammonia levels | Getting Started | SkittyKat | 5 | 17-May-2012 03:33 | |
| FishProfiles.com on Facebook? | The Recovery Room | Mez | 4 | 16-May-2012 23:46 | |
| New Upside Down Catfish :) | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | Calilasseia | 2 | 08-May-2012 02:55 | |
| Finally getting to start up a Saltwater Tank!!! | General Marine | dvmchrissy | 4 | 04-May-2012 19:19 | |
| Otocinclus Question | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | atryeu | 15 | 09-Apr-2012 08:12 | |
| Need Help!! | Getting Started | cecil | 1 | 14-Mar-2012 22:12 | |
| anyone here keep glass catfish? | General Freshwater | Rookie_Boy1 | 5 | 27-Feb-2012 22:00 | |
| New 60 gallon tank... | Getting Started | Wraith | 7 | 16-Feb-2012 08:22 | |
| Cycling a tank using "soup" from old tank | Getting Started | LaurenJ | 3 | 16-Feb-2012 07:11 | |
| What is this fish???? | General Freshwater | dirtydutch4x | 11 | 20-Dec-2011 05:52 | |
| Hi Everyone! I am new here | General Freshwater | beexie | 2 | 03-Dec-2011 00:51 | |
| Superlion's 20-Gallon Log | Getting Started | superlion | 11 | 09-Nov-2011 15:11 | |
| Recipe swap? | The Recovery Room | superlion | 2 | 16-Oct-2011 23:50 | |
| Some new shots from my store | Photo Booth | mattyboombatty | 14 | 01-Oct-2011 14:45 | |
| A note on South American puffers | General Freshwater | SilasMortimer | 1 | 25-Sep-2011 12:15 | |
| DIY 2 30G TANKS TO 1 60G TANK | Technical Tinkering | CHOMPPPPP | 4 | 03-Sep-2011 18:17 | |
| Gary's Guppies | Classifieds | superlion | 4 | 18-Aug-2011 00:06 | |
| hi! | The Recovery Room | terranova | 14 | 12-Aug-2011 15:31 | |
| Split fin, possible solution? | The Hospital | Rhanra | 4 | 27-Jul-2011 12:46 | |
| Keeping the tank cool | Water Quality | Jbob1031 | 3 | 13-Jul-2011 14:50 | |
| Ideas for tank for church lobby Pages: 1, 2 | Getting Started | superlion | 30 | 12-May-2011 04:27 | |
| New 50-gal tank upgrade - suggestions | Getting Started | chendry | 4 | 03-May-2011 14:09 | |
| Intro/information | General Freshwater | ShadowBass | 6 | 05-Apr-2011 01:48 | |
| Missing Eyeball!?! Pages: 1, 2 | Tetra Talk | General Hague | 20 | 21-Mar-2011 03:35 | |
| Phosphate remover pads and algae? | Technical Tinkering | superlion | 6 | 01-Feb-2011 02:31 | |
| need to identify my dwarf gouramis | Labyrinth Lounge | acoll188 | 2 | 23-Jan-2011 22:13 | |
| Help me with a college assignment please :) | General Freshwater | Rookie_Boy1 | 3 | 20-Jan-2011 16:02 | |
| Plants that work with sand | Planted Aquaria | mph684 | 5 | 14-Dec-2010 18:24 | |
| QUICK QUESTION | Cichlid Central | fishkeeper225 | 3 | 27-Nov-2010 07:20 | |
| Hello everyone | The Recovery Room | NativeKeeper | 8 | 04-Nov-2010 09:21 | |
| Odessa Barbs | Cyprinid Corner | zeketaz | 9 | 15-Oct-2010 06:09 | |
| Help with lighting for tetras | Tetra Talk | fishtooth | 5 | 10-Oct-2010 17:01 | |
| Picture of Leeches | The Hospital | Agnes | 4 | 08-Aug-2010 05:29 | |
| 20 gal. tall ideas | General Freshwater | letsgoflyers | 9 | 17-Jul-2010 14:34 | |
| Moving a Shrimp Tank | Invertebrates | Megil TelZeke | 3 | 01-Jul-2010 00:29 | |
| Well hello there Pages: 1, 2 | The Recovery Room | just beginning | 21 | 25-Jun-2010 14:38 | |
| Discus ate their eggs... | General Freshwater | m_acontreras | 2 | 15-Jun-2010 21:45 | |
| The travels of a 55 gallon. | The Recovery Room | R0B | 3 | 25-May-2010 01:50 | |
| guppy | Livebearers Lane | fishkeeper225 | 2 | 26-Apr-2010 05:55 | |
| Planning a 75 gallon Pages: 1, 2, 3 | Marine Setup | truestar | 49 | 11-Mar-2010 03:59 | |
| Lobelia Cardinalis | Planted Aquaria | Kellyjhw | 8 | 02-Mar-2010 05:02 | |
| How on earth can I get rid of all these snails? Pages: 1, 2 | General Freshwater | zebra | 21 | 02-Mar-2010 01:39 | |
| Red Phantom and Green Neon Tetras | Tetra Talk | zeketaz | 8 | 08-Jan-2010 15:04 | |
| To all Have a Happy and Safe Christmas | The Recovery Room | keithgh | 8 | 30-Dec-2009 23:11 | |
| my lfs doesnt sell white cloud mountain minnows HELP!!!!!! | Cyprinid Corner | minnowman | 5 | 25-Nov-2009 21:04 | |
| Just how many gallons is it? | Getting Started | Naamphong | 2 | 24-Nov-2009 18:29 | |
| Happy Halloween!!! | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 7 | 03-Nov-2009 05:34 | |
| water changes | Planted Aquaria | ragu_ed | 4 | 30-Oct-2009 02:54 | |
| Aquarium Magazine | The Recovery Room | sauerkraut | 3 | 21-Oct-2009 22:55 | |
| FS - pet quality coppers & dragons + black plakats | Classifieds | Callatya | 11 | 12-Oct-2009 04:03 | |
| What's This Brown Stuff? Pages: 1, 2 | General Freshwater | Delenn | 23 | 06-Oct-2009 03:45 | |
| Would This Combo of Fish Work? | General Freshwater | Delenn | 18 | 12-Sep-2009 05:49 | |
| Stocking 10gal | General Freshwater | PaulO | 12 | 05-Sep-2009 01:10 | |
| Alternative(s) to boiling/baking driftwood | Aquascaping | DonkeyFieldMouse | 6 | 03-Sep-2009 13:02 | |
| Confusing algae problem | General Freshwater | Soidfuf | 7 | 19-Aug-2009 04:47 | |
| Office Tank | Getting Started | forest1424 | 18 | 17-Aug-2009 18:01 | |
| Do I need CO2? | Planted Aquaria | TurboTurtle | 4 | 12-Aug-2009 12:08 | |
| I finally got a good test kit, what next? Pages: 1, 2 | Water Quality | zeketaz | 33 | 09-Aug-2009 21:05 | |
| MTS reproduction | Invertebrates | Kellyjhw | 8 | 09-Aug-2009 06:17 | |
| 100 Gallon Filter | Technical Tinkering | gotpaper1981 | 3 | 27-Jul-2009 23:52 | |
| Greshakei or Mbenjii? | Cichlid Central | Sir Syklyd | 1 | 13-Jul-2009 02:33 | |
| Anyone Know What This Is? | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 4 | 03-Jul-2009 00:41 | |
| A 40gallon tall (used) Pages: 1, 2 | Getting Started | Kellyjhw | 30 | 23-Jun-2009 17:52 | |
| Anyone know anything about crested geckos? | The Recovery Room | superlion | 17 | 18-Jun-2009 21:55 | |
| Floating Tiger Barbs | Cyprinid Corner | Gourami | 4 | 14-Jun-2009 05:28 | |
| RTB Shark - Feeding | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | sterobin | 5 | 08-Jun-2009 09:18 | |
| Help Identify My New Fish! | General Freshwater | moondog | 11 | 08-Jun-2009 00:39 | |
| 6'x2'x2' Cabinet | Technical Tinkering | Gone Fishing | 3 | 02-Jun-2009 08:30 | |
| 3D background intalation | Technical Tinkering | coop | 9 | 31-May-2009 05:45 | |
| EGERIA DENSA Has "strings" hanging on it | Planted Aquaria | dreamweaver | 10 | 30-May-2009 08:11 | |
| Cloudy water with sulphuric smell | Water Quality | | 5 | 28-May-2009 16:38 | |
| VERY SAD,i had to put her in the freezer! | Cichlid Central | HOKESE | 19 | 18-May-2009 12:06 | |
| What Plants Is This ? | Planted Aquaria | donovan | 5 | 11-May-2009 05:49 | |
| Hr 669 | The Recovery Room | HOKESE | 7 | 05-May-2009 15:49 | |
| freshwater tank and fish available for adoption, Portsmouth, NH | Classifieds | AnnieM | 8 | 01-May-2009 20:11 | |
| Sick Goldfish? | The Hospital | Cichlid Kid | 9 | 07-Apr-2009 13:19 | |
| Green Spots | General Freshwater | kj fishy-finn | 8 | 01-Apr-2009 04:45 | |
| Profiles.... | General Freshwater | riri1 | 4 | 23-Feb-2009 09:04 | |
| T.V | General Freshwater | HOKESE | 5 | 09-Feb-2009 04:35 | |