 | What has gone wrong where is every one??????????????????
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | The Recovery Room | keithgh | 93 | 21-Dec-2022 03:31 | |
 | Ouch ... | The Recovery Room | T'Ark'An'Ni Ak'Kan | 11 | 06-Sep-2021 20:11 | |
 | how to catch fish | General Marine | leachim | 8 | 18-Dec-2017 07:50 | |
 | My new Aquarium Diary
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 | Planted Aquaria | Dr. Bonke | 268 | 11-Dec-2017 08:29 | |
 | Happy 2015 FP.com | The Recovery Room | Mez | 7 | 12-Jul-2015 00:11 | |
 | Female betta + Columbian tetras in a community tank? | General Freshwater | andbeonetraveler | 3 | 06-Jul-2015 05:36 | |
 | New/Not new filter setup | Technical Tinkering | Kellyjhw | 5 | 31-May-2015 06:20 | |
 | Tiger barbs and Danios...?? | General Freshwater | PepeTheKingPrawn | 6 | 30-Mar-2015 04:41 | |
 | crooked / bent zebra daino | The Hospital | SPG | 1 | 17-Feb-2015 22:39 | |
 | Garage Tank?? | General Freshwater | Bamaboy88 | 4 | 14-Feb-2015 11:48 | |
 | Fish Selection - 38 gallon | Getting Started | SPG | 4 | 14-Feb-2015 04:29 | |
 | New 38 gallon - filter help | Getting Started | SPG | 5 | 13-Feb-2015 22:01 | |
 | aquascaping | Aquascaping | fishkeeper225 | 3 | 27-Aug-2014 07:15 | |
 | is this weird for a betta to do? | General Freshwater | ztb23 | 13 | 27-Jan-2014 00:00 | |
 | I'm back with empty hands | The Recovery Room | monkeyboy | 4 | 22-Jan-2014 22:56 | |
 | Outdoor container pond in az | Coldwater, Watergardens, and Ponds | Teri | 4 | 06-Jan-2014 20:35 | |
 | That Moment | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 5 | 14-Dec-2013 01:29 | |
 | Pics of the driftwood in 40gal tall | Photo Booth | Kellyjhw | 8 | 24-Oct-2013 12:31 | |
 | central american cichlids | Cichlid Central | fish042099 | 4 | 27-Sep-2013 21:22 | |
 | 55Gallon particle board stand | Getting Started | Cichlid Kid | 2 | 27-Sep-2013 21:14 | |
 | peacock eel and tiger barbs... | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | barbdarb | 1 | 26-Sep-2013 02:22 | |
 | New 90 gallon, old filter. Should i upgrade? | General Freshwater | Yukon Mike | 2 | 10-Sep-2013 02:16 | |
 | GETTING SICKER BY THE HOUR :( | The Hospital | GuppiesR_US | 4 | 04-Sep-2013 09:37 | |
 | Blue Green Algae War | Planted Aquaria | kj fishy-finn | 19 | 07-Aug-2013 23:13 | |
 | Cichlids or not | Cichlid Central | Mitchee | 5 | 23-Jun-2013 03:45 | |
 | high ammonia | Water Quality | sharkeg | 3 | 04-May-2013 23:12 | |
 | New Oscars! What goes with them? | Cichlid Central | tunamitch2 | 6 | 03-May-2013 22:34 | |
 | Oscars, Black Knife Fish and Parrot Fish | Cyprinid Corner | Dude | 3 | 18-Apr-2013 23:08 | |
 | Pick My 30 Gallon Cichlid Tank | Cichlid Central | djtj1 | 3 | 18-Apr-2013 03:29 | |
 | What'd I miss? | The Recovery Room | Just Mitch | 9 | 17-Apr-2013 21:45 | |
 | Newb with a 10g | Getting Started | Bawbkun | 13 | 08-Apr-2013 06:31 | |
 | Is my ram a female? | Cichlid Central | Dk1988 | 1 | 04-Apr-2013 03:49 | |
 | Well it has certainly been a while | Photo Booth | Tetra Fan | 8 | 21-Mar-2013 00:52 | |
 | Platy who stays near heater | The Hospital | PuckTheWendyDragon | 3 | 05-Feb-2013 21:26 | |
 | 25g 'Mosstarium' tank blog | Planted Aquaria | DaMossMan | 5 | 17-Jan-2013 05:36 | |
 | Medication and my Rainbow Shark | The Hospital | SomeGuyWhoKillsPeople | 3 | 15-Jan-2013 01:04 | |
 | BN Rescue | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 3 | 12-Jan-2013 06:25 | |
 | Pirate Game | The Recovery Room | Mez | 5 | 11-Jan-2013 14:06 | |
 | Angel Fish injury | The Hospital | Teri | 12 | 11-Jan-2013 10:48 | |
 | Stocking 60 gal | General Freshwater | mrsmonty | 4 | 30-Dec-2012 12:09 | |
 | My Clown Loaches | General Freshwater | TYLER W | 7 | 27-Dec-2012 04:22 | |
 | Big Fish not eating. | The Hospital | JRMFTW | 4 | 27-Dec-2012 03:13 | |
 | 75g replant
Pages: 1, 2 | Aquascaping | DaMossMan | 30 | 22-Dec-2012 20:08 | |
 | designing diy sump | Technical Tinkering | jeves | 4 | 14-Dec-2012 07:45 | |
 | Glofish (Zebra Danio) Big stomach, sluggish | The Hospital | wilp | 3 | 20-Nov-2012 12:19 | |
 | Yellow lab fry | Cichlid Central | Charliejaebrown | 1 | 19-Nov-2012 01:22 | |
 | 125 Gallon setup | Photo Booth | Kellyjhw | 10 | 30-Oct-2012 00:17 | |
 | Inherited the old family 30g tank... | General Freshwater | Alcasan | 9 | 25-Oct-2012 22:23 | |
 | kill snail eggs on a plant | Planted Aquaria | steven1982 | 4 | 19-Oct-2012 01:27 | |
 | hidding fish | General Freshwater | Spaniard22 | 4 | 04-Oct-2012 02:04 | |
 | Not sure what kind of fish this is?? | General Freshwater | ~ Nikoleta ~ | 9 | 04-Oct-2012 02:02 | |
 | New tank with water properties | Getting Started | Secondround | 5 | 26-Sep-2012 01:45 | |
 | my peacock bass lip | The Hospital | flipperocks | 1 | 23-Sep-2012 22:17 | |
 | 20 gal. tank update | Photo Booth | MaximilianDub | 9 | 21-Sep-2012 22:20 | |
 | Female guppy sick? | The Hospital | guppies4real | 2 | 14-Sep-2012 03:01 | |
 | What to feed my community? | Getting Started | Charliejaebrown | 9 | 22-Aug-2012 06:51 | |
 | 100 gallon help please? | Getting Started | Charliejaebrown | 4 | 08-Aug-2012 04:55 | |
 | Red bloody spots on fish?! | The Hospital | fishyfishluvs | 2 | 08-Aug-2012 01:58 | |
 | 60 gallon tank | Getting Started | Wraith | 2 | 30-Jul-2012 04:45 | |
 | Just needing a little advice | General Freshwater | LionHeart | 1 | 23-Jul-2012 01:39 | |
 | What Kind of Fish Do I Have? | Getting Started | TorpeAlex | 3 | 20-Jul-2012 21:41 | |
 | Beginner who needs help | General Freshwater | nesposeidon | 8 | 20-Jul-2012 09:08 | |
 | DIY decorations safe for aquarium | Aquascaping | SkittyKat | 4 | 23-May-2012 17:17 | |
 | What percentage of water should be changed? | Water Quality | patman | 3 | 22-May-2012 14:52 | |
 | FishProfiles.com on Facebook? | The Recovery Room | Mez | 4 | 16-May-2012 23:46 | |
 | How fancy RO (RODI?) unit? | Getting Started | Jim Dandy | 10 | 10-May-2012 00:14 | |
 | Predator tetras | Tetra Talk | Kellyjhw | 6 | 09-Apr-2012 09:13 | |
 | Otocinclus Question | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | atryeu | 15 | 09-Apr-2012 08:12 | |
 | Sand vs. pebble/rock | General Freshwater | captonize | 2 | 27-Mar-2012 23:06 | |
 | Bubbling Treasure Chests a Death Trap... | The Hospital | davyboy | 12 | 20-Mar-2012 00:00 | |
 | I have no idea where to put this topic! | The Recovery Room | Kellyjhw | 9 | 28-Feb-2012 17:49 | |
 | anyone here keep glass catfish? | General Freshwater | Rookie_Boy1 | 5 | 27-Feb-2012 22:00 | |
 | ich and high amonia | The Hospital | dupja | 8 | 18-Feb-2012 22:38 | |
 | New 60 gallon tank... | Getting Started | Wraith | 7 | 16-Feb-2012 08:22 | |
 | Cycling a tank using "soup" from old tank | Getting Started | LaurenJ | 3 | 16-Feb-2012 07:11 | |
 | Cichlid Newbie with Newbie Cichlids | Cichlid Central | LaurenJ | 5 | 06-Feb-2012 23:37 | |
 | Please id fresh water tropical fish | General Freshwater | lanceness | 1 | 06-Feb-2012 23:35 | |
 | Merry Christmas | The Recovery Room | Clown_Loach_Kid | 6 | 03-Feb-2012 01:01 | |
 | nitrite problems | Water Quality | mia07 | 3 | 24-Jan-2012 01:02 | |
 | Tankmates for Zebra Danios
Pages: 1, 2 | Cyprinid Corner | atryeu | 25 | 20-Jan-2012 03:25 | |
 | external filter | Technical Tinkering | jeves | 2 | 17-Jan-2012 00:07 | |
 | Amonia and nitrite | Water Quality | Ben_C | 12 | 14-Jan-2012 15:43 | |
 | Update: Melanochromis johannii; Field: origin | Reviewed Profiles | amazondon | 0 | 10-Jan-2012 05:50 | |
 | What is this fish???? | General Freshwater | dirtydutch4x | 11 | 20-Dec-2011 05:52 | |
 | Cause of Cloudy Eye | The Hospital | slumpbusters2000 | 1 | 09-Dec-2011 01:11 | |
 | Feeding corys vegetables | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | CoryAddict | 3 | 26-Nov-2011 00:43 | |
 | Betta acting strange | Labyrinth Lounge | bigmart007 | 1 | 23-Nov-2011 22:10 | |
 | algea eater for a small pond | Coldwater, Watergardens, and Ponds | oz196 | 6 | 23-Nov-2011 06:28 | |
 | Emptying Tank | General Freshwater | kj fishy-finn | 3 | 22-Nov-2011 18:41 | |
 | Massively Multi Fistank Overhaul | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 2 | 22-Nov-2011 18:37 | |
 | New 75 gallon :) | General Freshwater | zeketaz | 12 | 22-Nov-2011 18:29 | |
 | Im a newbie, and well need help.. | General Marine | nickatnite90 | 1 | 16-Nov-2011 22:25 | |
 | Superlion's 20-Gallon Log | Getting Started | superlion | 11 | 09-Nov-2011 15:11 | |
 | sunset platy bullied into trauma | The Hospital | Teri | 3 | 20-Oct-2011 01:26 | |
 | what to keep with diamond tetras... | Tetra Talk | rr89 | 1 | 19-Oct-2011 02:12 | |
 | Lucky Bamboo with Fish? | Getting Started | Pez | 8 | 19-Oct-2011 01:04 | |
 | Recipe swap? | The Recovery Room | superlion | 2 | 16-Oct-2011 23:50 | |
 | heater running cost 90 litre tank. | Getting Started | jeves | 4 | 06-Oct-2011 02:39 | |
 | Update: Bacopa caroliniana; Field: commentsDesc | Reviewed Profiles | amazondon | 0 | 03-Oct-2011 11:08 | |
 | Sick Angel?? | The Hospital | amackattack | 2 | 01-Oct-2011 23:06 | |
 | Some new shots from my store | Photo Booth | mattyboombatty | 14 | 01-Oct-2011 14:45 | |
 | aquarium bacteria | General Freshwater | jeves | 1 | 01-Oct-2011 03:31 | |
 | My Lucky Day! | Getting Started | Action-Jackson | 10 | 22-Sep-2011 18:23 | |
 | My Cichlid Tank | Photo Booth | Tusker | 4 | 15-Sep-2011 14:14 | |
 | Black Sludge/Algae Problem | Planted Aquaria | kj fishy-finn | 4 | 08-Sep-2011 01:31 | |
 | new 75 gal plant tank
Pages: 1, 2 | Aquascaping | DaMossMan | 25 | 30-Aug-2011 21:36 | |
 | Confused and need help Fast | The Hospital | Ben_C | 7 | 24-Aug-2011 12:52 | |
 | Only In Queensland? | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 0 | 18-Aug-2011 03:04 | |
 | Gary's Guppies | Classifieds | superlion | 4 | 18-Aug-2011 00:06 | |
 | Anyone keep bichir? | General Freshwater | Brengun | 1 | 17-Aug-2011 23:54 | |
 | Pufffreely's obligatory hello post | The Recovery Room | pufffreely | 4 | 17-Aug-2011 17:59 | |
 | hi! | The Recovery Room | terranova | 14 | 12-Aug-2011 15:31 | |
 | Undergravel filters? | Technical Tinkering | Potto09 | 4 | 10-Aug-2011 23:13 | |
 | 10g to 60g! | Getting Started | Potto09 | 5 | 09-Aug-2011 03:34 | |
 | Blister looking wound on Zerba Danio? | The Hospital | Potto09 | 2 | 08-Aug-2011 02:50 | |
 | Where we are all from | The Recovery Room | davyboy | 8 | 31-Jul-2011 02:02 | |
 | Purigen | Water Quality | CukeRooster | 3 | 27-Jul-2011 23:12 | |
 | Cardinal Tetra Deaths | The Hospital | Soidfuf | 4 | 26-Jul-2011 00:03 | |
 | Eco complete and tahitian moon sand? | Aquascaping | MWC | 1 | 24-Jul-2011 06:14 | |
 | Killer fish? | General Freshwater | Jbob1031 | 1 | 16-Jul-2011 02:20 | |
 | Update: Paleomonetes sp.; Field: careDesc | Reviewed Profiles | jake7 | 0 | 13-Jul-2011 05:37 | |
 | sick guppies, and solution? | The Hospital | x | 1 | 27-Jun-2011 22:43 | |
 | Compatible tankmates for Bolivian Butterfly Rams? | Cichlid Central | membreya | 3 | 25-Jun-2011 14:17 | |
 | New to Ghost Shrimp | Invertebrates | husky49931 | 2 | 12-Jun-2011 23:33 | |
 | Stocking question | Getting Started | Darknyss | 1 | 08-Jun-2011 23:55 | |
 | Water flow from Eheim 2228 | Technical Tinkering | scott-c | 8 | 08-Jun-2011 08:59 | |
 | Stocking a 5 Gallon | General Freshwater | TubeSock | 4 | 07-Jun-2011 04:03 | |
 | help on new fish for 37 gallon aquarium | Getting Started | yetti2010 | 3 | 18-May-2011 21:36 | |
 | tropical newbie (ish) | Getting Started | mummymonster | 6 | 17-May-2011 02:47 | |
 | Ideas for tank for church lobby
Pages: 1, 2 | Getting Started | superlion | 30 | 12-May-2011 04:27 | |
 | New 55 gallon | General Freshwater | Soidfuf | 9 | 11-May-2011 13:04 | |
 | My new tank is a death-trap, please help | Getting Started | ebineesey | 8 | 20-Apr-2011 03:04 | |
 | Tank Babysitting | General Freshwater | kj fishy-finn | 11 | 10-Apr-2011 07:11 | |
 | Intro/information | General Freshwater | ShadowBass | 6 | 05-Apr-2011 01:48 | |
 | Just had the worst customer service experience ever! | The Recovery Room | Kellyjhw | 3 | 30-Mar-2011 04:20 | |
 | Getting back in the swing of things. | Getting Started | BluePhoenix | 2 | 26-Mar-2011 06:36 | |
 | Frans Stoffels | Planted Aquaria | amazondon | 5 | 21-Mar-2011 23:43 | |
 | 10 gal. Need advice. Been a looooing time. | Getting Started | joannecl | 2 | 21-Mar-2011 23:07 | |
 | membership question | The Recovery Room | amazondon | 3 | 13-Mar-2011 02:10 | |
 | Red Belly on Bleeding Heart Tetra | The Hospital | ajm558 | 3 | 13-Mar-2011 01:52 | |
 | Aquaponics (hydroponics... BUT WITH FISH!) | General Freshwater | brandeeno | 4 | 06-Mar-2011 19:51 | |
 | Stocking a 60 gal. freshwater | General Freshwater | mrsmonty | 6 | 01-Mar-2011 12:40 | |
 | Eh up!!! | The Recovery Room | Hirsty | 4 | 18-Feb-2011 21:30 | |
 | may be living in Guam for a little while | General Freshwater | Lophelia | 9 | 17-Feb-2011 14:55 | |
 | Dwarf Neon Rainbows | Cyprinid Corner | ajm558 | 2 | 08-Feb-2011 03:49 | |
 | Floating Decorations | Aquascaping | davyboy | 4 | 06-Feb-2011 04:32 | |
 | Heater Question | Technical Tinkering | jcmed | 6 | 06-Feb-2011 04:27 | |
 | Debating on starting with actual plants rather than just plastic | Planted Aquaria | davyboy | 4 | 06-Feb-2011 04:14 | |
 | Waiting for the balmy teens!!! | The Recovery Room | FRANK | 2 | 03-Feb-2011 06:38 | |
 | dragon goby upside down but still alive | The Hospital | jcmed | 1 | 02-Feb-2011 23:09 | |
 | Phosphate remover pads and algae? | Technical Tinkering | superlion | 6 | 01-Feb-2011 02:31 | |
 | My 30 Gallon Tank | Photo Booth | davyboy | 2 | 27-Jan-2011 00:26 | |
 | My 5 Gallon Tank | Photo Booth | davyboy | 2 | 27-Jan-2011 00:24 | |
 | Broken hood | Technical Tinkering | davyboy | 3 | 25-Jan-2011 19:01 | |
 | water that smells like acid | Water Quality | acoll188 | 9 | 21-Jan-2011 12:08 | |
 | stress coat | Technical Tinkering | larocha | 4 | 20-Jan-2011 12:02 | |
 | Danio's and Aquarium Salt | Cyprinid Corner | davyboy | 6 | 20-Jan-2011 01:16 | |
 | Betta's and Aquarium Salt | Labyrinth Lounge | davyboy | 2 | 18-Jan-2011 05:05 | |
 | Ideas for starting a 37 Gallon freshwater tank | Getting Started | Jbob1031 | 3 | 16-Jan-2011 10:22 | |
 | dwarf gourami's | The Hospital | acoll188 | 8 | 13-Jan-2011 05:44 | |
 | Stocking a 55 gal....need some advice! | Livebearers Lane | bigluv71 | 1 | 11-Jan-2011 03:00 | |
 | Krib acting funny | The Hospital | zeketaz | 3 | 10-Jan-2011 05:03 | |
 | Tank Filter | General Freshwater | acoll188 | 2 | 08-Jan-2011 14:05 | |
 | New Tank | Getting Started | techjak | 4 | 08-Jan-2011 02:50 | |
 | two dead one acting funny... | The Hospital | cashwellspent | 11 | 07-Jan-2011 23:00 | |
 | Otocinclus health | The Hospital | Jbob1031 | 11 | 07-Jan-2011 09:31 | |
 | Speel Chex | The Recovery Room | FRANK | 6 | 03-Jan-2011 17:02 | |
 | Loud air pump stressing 2 guppies | Getting Started | Guppy3 | 2 | 03-Jan-2011 08:29 | |
 | out of business | The Recovery Room | amazondon | 4 | 30-Dec-2010 15:39 | |
 | First timer | Planted Aquaria | rambo_motim | 6 | 25-Dec-2010 00:24 | |
 | Oddball and catfish fans? Try the asian stinging catfish. | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | rambo_motim | 3 | 24-Dec-2010 15:25 | |
 | Gourami not right, swimming about 45 degrees | The Hospital | batman | 6 | 22-Dec-2010 13:02 | |
 | very sick silver shark - possible very low pH. | The Hospital | macbeth | 3 | 22-Dec-2010 06:48 | |
 | m7y Metriaclima estherae | Photo Booth | mark5019 | 2 | 21-Dec-2010 03:41 | |
 | Hello everyone | The Recovery Room | Cavey | 8 | 18-Dec-2010 16:22 | |
 | Plants that work with sand | Planted Aquaria | mph684 | 5 | 14-Dec-2010 18:24 | |
 | ... | The Recovery Room | Racso | 6 | 01-Dec-2010 22:25 | |
 | Going to be moving and have a Q | General Freshwater | zeketaz | 15 | 01-Dec-2010 02:27 | |
 | biologically established | Getting Started | amazondon | 2 | 29-Nov-2010 20:04 | |
 | What cilchids are recommended for a 1st timer | Cichlid Central | Starfish | 8 | 28-Nov-2010 20:59 | |
 | Pair of Lyretail Mollys go down :(
Pages: 1, 2 | The Hospital | jduv | 20 | 24-Nov-2010 01:43 | |
 | Kribs question | Cichlid Central | zeketaz | 1 | 18-Nov-2010 01:46 | |
 | my 1st Malawi tank... | Cichlid Central | Icelander | 2 | 15-Nov-2010 00:03 | |
 | Possible wasting disease/tb or ????? | The Hospital | hca | 5 | 14-Nov-2010 22:53 | |
 | "Premium Options"? | The Recovery Room | Action-Jackson | 2 | 11-Nov-2010 21:59 | |
 | New 40 gallon tall | Getting Started | Angelover | 6 | 11-Nov-2010 05:06 | |
 | hi | The Recovery Room | brock | 4 | 08-Nov-2010 05:54 | |
 | Large Dorm Tank: | General Freshwater | brandeeno | 13 | 05-Nov-2010 02:00 | |
 | 55 gallon planting ideas | Aquascaping | Hotaru | 6 | 05-Nov-2010 01:51 | |
 | Hello everyone | The Recovery Room | NativeKeeper | 8 | 04-Nov-2010 09:21 | |
 | FreshWater Puffers | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 7 | 25-Oct-2010 16:11 | |
 | Gardneri Killifish | Photo Booth | TopAz | 3 | 24-Oct-2010 01:15 | |
 | 36 inch tall tank | Planted Aquaria | Littlesmit | 3 | 17-Oct-2010 00:34 | |
 | Odessa Barbs | Cyprinid Corner | zeketaz | 9 | 15-Oct-2010 06:09 | |
 | New Driftwood! | Aquascaping | PhoenixFirewall | 10 | 05-Oct-2010 22:44 | |
 | Update: Hypancistrus sp. l-333; Field: diet | Reviewed Profiles | fishheadz | 0 | 02-Oct-2010 00:29 | |
 | Back to Town Water for WC's | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 7 | 01-Oct-2010 23:03 | |
 | Adding plants 'Help' | Planted Aquaria | cashwellspent | 6 | 29-Sep-2010 23:39 | |
 | Tank - grrr or chilled? | The Recovery Room | wish-ga | 4 | 16-Sep-2010 08:32 | |
 | How long do hob filters last | Technical Tinkering | wish-ga | 6 | 13-Sep-2010 23:45 | |
 | checking in - how is everyone doing ? | The Recovery Room | DaMossMan | 6 | 13-Sep-2010 16:58 | |
 | Update: Hypancistrus sp. l-333; Field: comments | Reviewed Profiles | fishheadz | 0 | 06-Sep-2010 08:04 | |
 | Update: Sciaenochromis ahli; Field: origin | Reviewed Profiles | Jason_R_S | 0 | 06-Sep-2010 08:03 | |
 | Want to buy - Sydney Aust, shell dwellers multis | Classifieds | wish-ga | 4 | 28-Aug-2010 22:23 | |
 | Plants for a Low Light Southeast Asian Setup | Planted Aquaria | Discuslover87 | 7 | 26-Aug-2010 02:02 | |
 | Floating poo | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | Kellyjhw | 7 | 25-Aug-2010 18:53 | |
 | Will a buzzing stress out my fish? | Technical Tinkering | Cortrell | 6 | 25-Aug-2010 12:24 | |
 | Old for new | Getting Started | black.cat | 2 | 25-Aug-2010 12:21 | |
 | 25 Gallon Tropical Freshwater | Getting Started | dvmchrissy | 10 | 21-Aug-2010 22:48 | |
 | Returning | The Recovery Room | black.cat | 2 | 18-Aug-2010 04:14 | |
 | New fish !! Crowntail Betta | Labyrinth Lounge | ~ Nikoleta ~ | 8 | 16-Aug-2010 01:21 | |
 | Maybe a tad overstocked | The Hospital | cashwellspent | 9 | 16-Aug-2010 01:11 | |
 | 37 gal long vs. 37 gal tall | Getting Started | FishyNails | 4 | 09-Aug-2010 00:29 | |
 | REDEYE SWORDFISH | The Hospital | Agnes | 3 | 08-Aug-2010 05:41 | |
 | Picture of Leeches | The Hospital | Agnes | 4 | 08-Aug-2010 05:29 | |
 | Congo Tetra Ratios | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 1 | 07-Aug-2010 18:12 | |
 | Full set up FOR SALE W/ guppies. Brisbane, QLD. Take all or part! | Classifieds | | 5 | 01-Aug-2010 01:54 | |
 | Bolbitus | Planted Aquaria | Babelfish | 5 | 25-Jul-2010 22:50 | |
 | 50-pound jellyfish stings 100 people at N.H. beach | The Recovery Room | Kellyjhw | 4 | 23-Jul-2010 01:40 | |
 | Hello everyone!! | The Recovery Room | AMD Fanatic | 4 | 21-Jul-2010 13:37 | |
 | Moving ....should I take fish too ? | General Freshwater | animal9mm | 1 | 20-Jul-2010 22:38 | |
 | 20 gal. tall ideas | General Freshwater | letsgoflyers | 9 | 17-Jul-2010 14:34 | |
 | Plant offspring problem | Planted Aquaria | Troy_Mclure | 8 | 05-Jul-2010 07:01 | |
 | Algae | Water Quality | fishkeeper | 9 | 28-Jun-2010 12:09 | |
 | Electric yellow scale funny | The Hospital | cindyp203 | 3 | 28-Jun-2010 11:41 | |
 | Losing Barbs and don't know why ? | The Hospital | animal9mm | 1 | 28-Jun-2010 00:10 | |
 | Underwater World | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 2 | 26-Jun-2010 03:28 | |
 | Well hello there
Pages: 1, 2 | The Recovery Room | just beginning | 21 | 25-Jun-2010 14:38 | |
 | Aquariums R us..? | The Recovery Room | willy | 2 | 19-Jun-2010 02:22 | |
 | Swords, Aggressive? | Livebearers Lane | Babelfish | 4 | 19-Jun-2010 02:18 | |
 | Babels Tip Of The Day! | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 3 | 18-Jun-2010 18:28 | |
 | My Angel's Tail is Half Gone! | The Hospital | Wick019 | 4 | 18-Jun-2010 06:28 | |
 | good algea munchers? | General Freshwater | 1st_signer | 12 | 17-Jun-2010 03:15 | |
 | Catching Ich | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 8 | 17-Jun-2010 03:10 | |
 | Fish swimming under waterfall | Coldwater, Watergardens, and Ponds | appleshoe | 3 | 13-Jun-2010 03:29 | |
 | Bristlenose babies- a few questions | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | a-cathp | 7 | 13-Jun-2010 01:37 | |
 | Update: Sciaenochromis ahli; Field: origin | Reviewed Profiles | Adam | 0 | 31-May-2010 04:21 | |
 | Update: Apteronotus albifrons; Field: comments | Reviewed Profiles | Tuscuttar | 0 | 31-May-2010 04:19 | |
 | The travels of a 55 gallon. | The Recovery Room | R0B | 3 | 25-May-2010 01:50 | |
 | Case of the disappearing tetra | General Freshwater | dancin_hippo | 6 | 23-May-2010 15:03 | |
 | New tank! | Photo Booth | Shinigami | 8 | 21-May-2010 19:38 | |
 | New/Old member, Gday. | The Recovery Room | orangeLJ | 1 | 19-May-2010 01:43 | |
 | Newbie help | Coldwater, Watergardens, and Ponds | appleshoe | 12 | 18-May-2010 01:49 | |
 | Bad ram? | Cichlid Central | medschool | 2 | 18-May-2010 01:43 | |
 | R/O Water | Water Quality | gauntlet | 9 | 17-May-2010 03:55 | |
 | Update: Crossocheilus siamensis; Field: commonName | Reviewed Profiles | wf1517 | 0 | 05-May-2010 21:36 | |
 | ick | The Hospital | fishkeeper225 | 12 | 29-Apr-2010 08:29 | |
 | master test kit | Water Quality | divertran | 4 | 22-Apr-2010 18:40 | |
 | 80gal with Angels | Photo Booth | itsjustme1966 | 17 | 21-Apr-2010 02:35 | |
 | Corydoras Overstock | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | amandalou | 2 | 16-Apr-2010 03:06 | |
 | Koi's fins look sore at joints | The Hospital | QAsRevenge | 4 | 31-Mar-2010 05:39 | |
 | Possible Upgrade of Filter | Technical Tinkering | Gomer | 5 | 30-Mar-2010 12:26 | |
 | Is my tank too small? | Coldwater, Watergardens, and Ponds | amethyst_rose042407 | 3 | 28-Mar-2010 09:45 | |
 | Dead Black Molly | The Hospital | Ria | 2 | 25-Mar-2010 10:26 | |
 | eheim pro 2 orings
Pages: 1, 2 | Technical Tinkering | Goh | 32 | 19-Mar-2010 06:37 | |
 | Aquatic Edge aquarium | Technical Tinkering | Caviar | 5 | 19-Mar-2010 01:43 | |
 | pH | Water Quality | tlane1 | 7 | 15-Mar-2010 03:21 | |
 | Do you know about CHAT | The Recovery Room | keithgh | 9 | 14-Mar-2010 04:56 | |
 | Krib issues? | Cichlid Central | FishMan10005 | 6 | 12-Mar-2010 00:33 | |
 | layering/stocking help for a new 29gal aquarium | Getting Started | stevie14 | 5 | 10-Mar-2010 19:48 | |
 | Talk Like A Pirate Day 2009 | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 7 | 08-Mar-2010 07:10 | |
 | Packet cake mix
Pages: 1, 2, 3 | The Recovery Room | Callatya | 40 | 08-Mar-2010 06:23 | |
 | Small pond filter and pump in a 75 gal or up | Technical Tinkering | Kellyjhw | 7 | 06-Mar-2010 05:32 | |
 | Lobelia Cardinalis | Planted Aquaria | Kellyjhw | 8 | 02-Mar-2010 05:02 | |
 | How on earth can I get rid of all these snails?
Pages: 1, 2 | General Freshwater | zebra | 21 | 02-Mar-2010 01:39 | |
 | Ideas on how to stock my 55 gal tank. | Getting Started | jakegill12 | 17 | 25-Feb-2010 13:09 | |
 | Starter with a 20 gallon tank. Help please? | Getting Started | Cortrell | 8 | 25-Feb-2010 07:42 | |
 | Food for my Pleco? | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | Cortrell | 15 | 25-Feb-2010 06:29 | |
 | fish in tank? | Getting Started | dudehi | 14 | 22-Feb-2010 03:38 | |
 | Need advice: Community tank with somewhat aggressive betta | Getting Started | thegrayrace | 8 | 09-Feb-2010 04:09 | |
 | Veggies for Fish? | General Freshwater | Fish Guy | 9 | 04-Feb-2010 10:46 | |
 | Ice damage glass? | Getting Started | amazonfishkeeper | 7 | 04-Feb-2010 06:51 | |
 | **Upgrading to Larger (75gal) tank | Getting Started | Bartek101 | 6 | 04-Feb-2010 02:50 | |
 | Floating Driftwood | Aquascaping | amackattack | 9 | 04-Feb-2010 00:11 | |
 | Sterilizing a used canister filter | Technical Tinkering | amackattack | 12 | 02-Feb-2010 21:24 | |
 | A 180 litre (almost) Blank Slate...! | Getting Started | moose | 10 | 02-Feb-2010 21:03 | |
 | New Large Tank Setup | Getting Started | amackattack | 14 | 31-Jan-2010 07:19 | |
 | building a sand box/digging pool for loaches | Aquascaping | devon7 | 16 | 30-Jan-2010 23:51 | |
 | How do you deal with... | General Freshwater | hca | 19 | 24-Jan-2010 19:38 | |
 | New tank, old fish-- Should I move them? | Getting Started | EmDehl | 5 | 24-Jan-2010 00:02 | |
 | YaY More Babies! | Cichlid Central | Babelfish | 5 | 15-Jan-2010 00:33 | |
 | Cut up mbuna? | The Hospital | cichlidl0ver | 5 | 13-Jan-2010 23:18 | |
 | FISHVILLE /Facebook app | The Recovery Room | itsjustme1966 | 4 | 13-Jan-2010 09:09 | |
 | Red line? | The Hospital | cichlidl0ver | 5 | 09-Jan-2010 03:22 | |
 | I've got Ich, and cant seem to get rid of it.... | The Hospital | hca | 12 | 06-Jan-2010 20:05 | |
 | My newly setup 29 gallon.
Pages: 1, 2 | Photo Booth | cichlidl0ver | 20 | 06-Jan-2010 02:12 | |
 | Anybody out there? | The Recovery Room | lowlight | 6 | 06-Jan-2010 00:50 | |
 | question about gravel | Getting Started | dudehi | 5 | 01-Jan-2010 16:14 | |
 | african dwarf frogs | General Freshwater | nboschwilson | 2 | 31-Dec-2009 05:23 | |
 | please help, my mom wants to save fancytail goldfish | The Hospital | helpmyfish | 2 | 27-Dec-2009 06:11 | |
 | new product help | Getting Started | kimberlie | 2 | 23-Dec-2009 04:57 | |
 | Changing out the Filter Pads... | General Freshwater | m_acontreras | 6 | 23-Dec-2009 00:17 | |
 | Back to Nature Slim-line Tank Background | Aquascaping | TW | 7 | 22-Dec-2009 09:32 | |
 | White particles accumulating on tank bed | Getting Started | phammy | 4 | 22-Dec-2009 09:27 | |
 | Coming back from a long time away... to start up a new tank! | Getting Started | stariel | 18 | 15-Dec-2009 22:46 | |
 | My New Tetra (Wolf Fish) - Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus
Pages: 1, 2 | Tetra Talk | Mez | 25 | 14-Dec-2009 22:54 | |
 | Another Stocking Question - How Many Livebearers Can I Have?! | General Freshwater | moose | 9 | 14-Dec-2009 22:53 | |
 | Neon Tetra died | The Hospital | scottg173 | 5 | 14-Dec-2009 22:47 | |
 | Mixed Tetra? | Tetra Talk | lowlight | 1 | 14-Dec-2009 08:35 | |
 | Ammonia to Nitrite Question.... | Getting Started | m_acontreras | 2 | 09-Dec-2009 21:46 | |
 | New 55 gal Tank Stocking
Pages: 1, 2 | Getting Started | Bartek101 | 21 | 01-Dec-2009 02:24 | |
 | I'm in Your Barnes and Nobles Checking up on your Fishtanks | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 8 | 26-Nov-2009 10:35 | |
 | WOW 3 feet of snow! | The Recovery Room | Kellyjhw | 9 | 23-Nov-2009 16:59 | |
 | My 37 gallon Aquarium
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Getting Started | Delenn | 83 | 19-Nov-2009 11:02 | |
 | How do you stock a hex tank? | General Freshwater | hca | 16 | 14-Nov-2009 08:48 | |
 | Im back! | The Recovery Room | Forever-mango | 2 | 13-Nov-2009 00:36 | |
 | Happy Halloween!!! | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 7 | 03-Nov-2009 05:34 | |
 | Albino/Emerald Green Cories. | Bottom Feeder Frenzy | PaulO | 5 | 02-Nov-2009 07:14 | |
 | cleaning wood!?!?!?!?!?!??! | Aquascaping | ku5626 | 6 | 02-Nov-2009 05:47 | |
 | Blue Gourami not swimming | The Hospital | Spartacus | 10 | 31-Oct-2009 01:31 | |
 | water changes | Planted Aquaria | ragu_ed | 4 | 30-Oct-2009 02:54 | |
 | Transporting fish. | General Freshwater | mnventurer | 8 | 28-Oct-2009 16:44 | |
 | Whine about cockroach barrier spray | The Recovery Room | Callatya | 5 | 26-Oct-2009 02:42 | |
 | aquascaping competition? | Aquascaping | PJ | 13 | 25-Oct-2009 17:34 | |
 | I now own a few Mollys | Livebearers Lane | Kellyjhw | 15 | 22-Oct-2009 00:06 | |
 | 5 gallon tank | Getting Started | Spannsa | 9 | 17-Oct-2009 23:50 | |
 | Fish disease question | The Hospital | zeketaz | 12 | 13-Oct-2009 01:45 | |
 | Help, Please New with a fish tank | Getting Started | Fishytwins | 7 | 10-Oct-2009 05:41 | |
 | Dust Storm 2009 | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 13 | 09-Oct-2009 08:03 | |
 | Getting Fish to Eat | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 6 | 07-Oct-2009 10:23 | |
 | What's This Brown Stuff?
Pages: 1, 2 | General Freshwater | Delenn | 23 | 06-Oct-2009 03:45 | |
 | Betta not eating | The Hospital | Spannsa | 9 | 06-Oct-2009 01:43 | |
 | Lost a Black Ruby Barb overnight | The Hospital | Kellyjhw | 4 | 02-Oct-2009 03:29 | |
 | Tank too warm. Over-zealous heater?? | Technical Tinkering | niggit | 4 | 30-Sep-2009 01:32 | |
 | My tetra has?.... | The Hospital | zeketaz | 8 | 29-Sep-2009 02:48 | |
 | Lily ID | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 6 | 27-Sep-2009 06:19 | |
 | New mollies from saltwater tank - Advice? | Livebearers Lane | Ruffian | 4 | 24-Sep-2009 03:34 | |
 | Mixing Cichlids | Cichlid Central | PaulO | 11 | 22-Sep-2009 19:02 | |
 | Fresh water salt with my CAE and Tiger Barbs? | General Freshwater | Andypants | 6 | 20-Sep-2009 21:48 | |
 | New Fish | General Freshwater | Babelfish | 5 | 19-Sep-2009 07:56 | |
 | my male beta | General Freshwater | 1st_signer | 13 | 19-Sep-2009 05:59 | |
 | Update: Trichopsis pumilus; Field: diet | Reviewed Profiles | riri1 | 0 | 16-Sep-2009 09:06 | |
 | FOR SALE | Classifieds | Pirate | 2 | 15-Sep-2009 02:45 | |
 | Would This Combo of Fish Work? | General Freshwater | Delenn | 18 | 12-Sep-2009 05:49 | |
 | Is this overkill? (20 gal) | Getting Started | reostzombie13 | 5 | 10-Sep-2009 05:40 | |
 | Hows my new filter? | Technical Tinkering | CrimsonaX | 5 | 10-Sep-2009 02:49 | |
 | betta food | Labyrinth Lounge | ragu_ed | 3 | 05-Sep-2009 22:02 | |
 | Hybrids and Mutants | General Freshwater | Dr. Bonke | 13 | 05-Sep-2009 06:23 | |
 | FISH PHOTO_ Tattooed fish | The Recovery Room | keithgh | 7 | 05-Sep-2009 03:25 | |
 | My tank may be leaking - minor crisis | Technical Tinkering | CrimsonaX | 5 | 05-Sep-2009 01:16 | |
 | Stocking 10gal | General Freshwater | PaulO | 12 | 05-Sep-2009 01:10 | |
 | Alternative(s) to boiling/baking driftwood | Aquascaping | DonkeyFieldMouse | 6 | 03-Sep-2009 13:02 | |
 | Gathering of the Shrimps and some with "Peas" | Invertebrates | keithgh | 6 | 31-Aug-2009 02:56 | |
 | Bad Black Angel | Cichlid Central | Kellyjhw | 12 | 28-Aug-2009 06:43 | |
 | New Version.. 11.0 | The Recovery Room | FRANK | 8 | 27-Aug-2009 04:24 | |
 | 80 gallon 4-5 feet from wood stove. | Getting Started | steven1982 | 3 | 24-Aug-2009 21:21 | |
 | Wow! Wonderful Weeds! | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 5 | 23-Aug-2009 02:46 | |
 | Pond Questions. | Coldwater, Watergardens, and Ponds | Babelfish | 13 | 22-Aug-2009 23:35 | |
 | Nitrate level high | Water Quality | Spartacus | 7 | 20-Aug-2009 03:33 | |
 | Any body ever scene something like this? | The Hospital | Cichlid Kid | 1 | 18-Aug-2009 06:36 | |
 | Office Tank | Getting Started | forest1424 | 18 | 17-Aug-2009 18:01 | |
 | 250Gal!! | The Recovery Room | stud_man50 | 11 | 17-Aug-2009 09:05 | |
 | Update: Macrognathus aculeatus; Field: Care | Reviewed Profiles | zachf92 | 0 | 16-Aug-2009 05:28 | |
 | My Mysterious Neon Tetra death... | The Hospital | Tuscuttar | 3 | 13-Aug-2009 09:03 | |
 | Do I need CO2? | Planted Aquaria | TurboTurtle | 4 | 12-Aug-2009 12:08 | |
 | I finally got a good test kit, what next?
Pages: 1, 2 | Water Quality | zeketaz | 33 | 09-Aug-2009 21:05 | |
 | Goldfish with cloudy eye.. | The Hospital | Littlecatjoe | 4 | 09-Aug-2009 09:05 | |
 | Going to college- free SW invert tank, bicher tank, tetras and corys, in Washington DC area | Classifieds | A_Christman | 2 | 06-Aug-2009 19:37 | |
 | New Small planted tank....... | General Freshwater | riri1 | 4 | 05-Aug-2009 22:23 | |
 | Dead Bala | The Hospital | zeketaz | 2 | 05-Aug-2009 14:37 | |
 | Common Brown Snails | Invertebrates | ScottF | 8 | 30-Jul-2009 17:45 | |
 | 100 Gallon Filter | Technical Tinkering | gotpaper1981 | 3 | 27-Jul-2009 23:52 | |
 | New to tanks | Getting Started | gotpaper1981 | 8 | 26-Jul-2009 08:49 | |
 | Hey!! | The Recovery Room | Littlecatjoe | 5 | 24-Jul-2009 03:56 | |
 | 20g Stocking Ideas etc. | Getting Started | TurboTurtle | 18 | 22-Jul-2009 01:12 | |
 | Been Three Days With Fish, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate all at 0 | Getting Started | D23623d | 9 | 21-Jul-2009 00:45 | |
 | White film | Water Quality | spankym13 | 8 | 20-Jul-2009 20:15 | |
 | Wanna Know What's Fun?? | Cyprinid Corner | ScottF | 4 | 08-Jul-2009 03:08 | |
 | Betta and peppered cory catfish | Labyrinth Lounge | Hanteggy | 5 | 07-Jul-2009 07:18 | |
 | Anyone Know What This Is? | The Recovery Room | Babelfish | 4 | 03-Jul-2009 00:41 | |
 | I'm so happy there are still Drive-Ins | The Recovery Room | Kellyjhw | 6 | 30-Jun-2009 17:55 | |
 | Dither Fish
Pages: 1, 2 | Cichlid Central | willy | 20 | 30-Jun-2009 08:12 | |
 | My Oscar has a fungus that comes back and I have a 1800 km move in a month | The Hospital | steven1982 | 8 | 27-Jun-2009 22:40 | |
 | Treating Columnaris | The Hospital | ScottF | 4 | 27-Jun-2009 12:22 | |
 | A 40gallon tall (used)
Pages: 1, 2 | Getting Started | Kellyjhw | 30 | 23-Jun-2009 17:52 | |
 | Broken down | The Recovery Room | monkeyboy | 9 | 01-Jun-2009 19:30 | |
 | 3D background intalation | Technical Tinkering | coop | 9 | 31-May-2009 05:45 | |
 | I bought a.....Hamster?? | The Recovery Room | Mez | 6 | 26-May-2009 17:55 | |